- Affiliation
- University of Tsukuba
- Official title
- Professor Emeritus
- C621|(|H102'&+|(|I#2@OK2I102(2}|I| I'-
- Research fields
Politics - Research keywords
Civil society civil society organization interest group organized interest social capital NGO non-profit organization public policy comparataive politics modern Japanese politics more... - Research projects
日本とアジアにおけるローカルガバナンス(国家・市民社会関係)の比較実証研究 2016 -- 2020 辻中 豊 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) 43,550,000Yen 「多元的共生に関する国際比較」の研究 2003 -- (current) /国内共同研究 Comparative Statistical Analysis on Foreign Lobby, Lobbying, Interest Group 1988 -- (current) /International Joint Research Projects Comparative Analysis on Global Environment Policy Networks among Japan, US, Germany, Korea and China 1997 -- (current) /International Joint Research Projects 多元的共生社会に関する国際比較の研究 2003 -- (current) /(選択しない) Three-Level Structure of Civil Society and Governance: A Comprehensive Comparative Study of Japan, Korea, the United State of America, Germany, and China 2005 -- (current) /(選択しない) 政治構造変動と圧力団体、政策ネットワーク、市民社会の変容に関する比較実証研究 2010 -- 2014 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(S) 79,300,000Yen 日韓米独中における3レベルの市民社会構造とガバナンスに関する総合的比較実証研究 2005 -- 2009 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/特別推進研究 253,125,500Yen 日本・韓国の公共政策・政策過程に関する体系的比較研究 2004 -- (current) Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 14,200,000Yen 現代中国を中心とした利益団体および市民社会組織の比較実証的研究 2003 -- (current) Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A) 31,250,000Yen more... - Career history
2013-04 -- 2018-03 University of TsukubaExecutive Advisor to the President 2011-04 -- 2013-03 University of TsukubaheadquarterVice President 1981-04 -- 1984-03 北九州大学法学部 政治学科専任講師 1984-04 -- 1986-10 北九州大学法学部助教授 1986-10 -- 1998-10 筑波大学社会科学系政治学専攻助教授 1989 -- 1991 コーネル大学客員研究員 1998-04 -- 2008-03 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Doctoral Program in Modern Culture and Public PolicyProfessor 2001 -- 2004 筑波大学社会学類長.評議会委員 2003-04 -- 2008-03 筑波大学比較市民・国家・文化特別プロジェクト長 2004-04 -- 2008-03 筑波大学評議会委員 more... - Academic background
-- 1976 Osaka University Faculty of Laws Law -- 1981 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Law Public Law - Degree
1996 Doctor Kyoto University 1978 Master Osaka University - Academic societies
-- (current) Association for Asian Studies -- (current) American Political Science Association -- (current) JAPAN NPO RESEARCH ASSOCIATION -- (current) PUBLIC POLICY STUDIES ASSOCIATION, JAPAN 1999 -- (current) JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR COMPARATIVE POLITICS - Honors & Awards
2010-03-08 Best Faculty member 2009 2010-03-08 Japan NPO Research Association Award 1995 沖永賞(共同受賞) 1990 アメリカ学会協会賞(奨学金)(American Council of Learned Societies Award) 1989 フルブライト協会賞(奨学金)(Fulbright Award) - Articles
- Meta-Cognition of Efficacy and Social Media Usage among Japanese Civil Society Organizations
Sagara Tomoya; Kaigo Muneo; Tsujinaka Yutaka
Information/11(2), 2020-02 - Does Social Media Usage Make Civil Society Organizations Influential?
Kaigo Muneo; Sagara Tomoya; Tsujinaka Yutaka
CeDEM Asia 2018 Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government/pp.41-56, 2018-07 - Does Social Media Usage Make Civil Society Organizations Influential?
Kaigo Muneo; Sagara Tomoya; Tsujinaka Yutaka
CeDEM Asia 2018 Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government/pp.41-56, 2018-07 - "The Corporatist System and Social Organizations in China."
Kazuko Kojima; Jae-Young Choe; Takafumi Ohtomo; Yutaka Tsuji...
Management and Organization Review/8(3)/p.609-628, 2012-11 - The Yasukuni Roundtable and the role of Non-Statutory Advisory Councils
辻中 豊
Jurist/p.848, 1985-01 - 「現代日本政治のコーポラティズム化」
辻中 豊
『政治過程』所収, 1986-01 - The Corporatization of Contemporary Japanese Politics
辻中 豊
Potitical Process, 1986-01 - 「労働界の再編と86年体制の意味」
『レバイアサン』/(創刊), 1987-01 - 「『福祉社会』の模索と日本の福祉団体の現在」
辻中 豊
日本政治学会年報, 1989-01 - Exploration of "The Welfare Society" and Japanese Welfare Associations Now
辻中 豊
Annual of the Japanese Political Science Associate, 1989-01 - 「『日本型』利益政治構造の成立」
辻中 豊
『現代世界と国民国家の将来』所収, 1990-01 - The Formation of "Japanese" Type of Interest Inter mediation structure
辻中 豊
Contemporary World and the Future of Nation State, 1990-01 - Japanese Internal Security Policy
辻中 豊
Leviathan/p.8, 1991-01 - "Issue Publics in the U. S., German, and Japanese Labor Policy Domains"(共著)
辻中 豊
Research in Politics and Society/(4)/p.255-298, 1992-01 - Domestic Politlcal Structure and Foreign Lobby: A US-JaPan Comparison
辻中 豊
Leviatha/(14)/p.7-27, 1994-01 - "Rengo: The Final Participant in Japan's Osmotic Corporatism: A nework Interpretation of its Strength,"
辻中 豊
Tsukuba Review of Law and Political Science/17/p.59-112, 1994-01 - "Japanese Interest Groups in Transition: A Historical and Cross National Comparative Analysis,"
辻中 豊
Tsukuba Review of Law and Political Science/17/p.11-57, 1994-01 - "High Level Consultation in Japan: The Sanrokon, or the Round Table Conference on Industry and Labor in Japan, 1970-thePresent: A Case Study of an Effective Tripartite Consultative Mechanism in an Advanced Industrialized Society in the Non-Western Region."
辻中 豊
Tsukuba Review of Law and Political Science/19/p.1-59, 1995-01 - "A Comparison between Japanese and Korean Labor Plitics: Japan in the mid-1960s and Koreaaround 1990,"
辻中 豊
Tsukuba Review of Law and Political Science/18/p.83-107, 1995-01 - Japan's Interest Group System: Its Change, Prospect and Tasks in Considering the Adequate Retationship with Political Parties
辻中 豊
Tsukuba Review of Law and Political Science/20/p.83-114, 1996-01 - 「活動空間別にみた利益団体の存立・行動様式」
辻中豊; 森裕城
『選挙』/51(4)/p.4-15, 1998-04 - 「利益団体ネットワーク構造と政権変動」
辻中 豊
『レヴァイアサン』/(臨時増刊号)/p.16-37, 1998-01 - "Japan's Mature Civil Society and NPOs, NGOs and Civic Activity Associations,"
辻中 豊
NIRA Research Report/(980114)/p.87-115, 1998-01 - "Japan's Mature Civil Society and NPOs, NGOs and Civic Activity Associations"
辻中 豊
NIRA Policy Research/11(9)/p.16-23, 1998-01 - "The age of NPOs and NGOs and Emergence of the Global Network Potitical Process"
辻中 豊
NIRA Policy Research/12(3)/p.38-44, 1999-01 - more...
- Meta-Cognition of Efficacy and Social Media Usage among Japanese Civil Society Organizations
- Books
- Social Organizatios and Local governance in China in Perspective
Tsujinaka Yutaka
Social Scienbces Acaemic Press (China), 2016-06 - Social Capital Construction and Governance in Central Asia: Communities and NGOs in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Tsujinaka Yutaka
Social Capital Construction and Governance in Central Asia: Communities and NGOs in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan/Palgrave Macmillan/pp.157-177, 2017-05 - Social Capital Construction and Governance in Central Asia: Communities and NGOs in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Tsujinaka Yutaka
Social Capital Construction and Governance in Central Asia: Communities and NGOs in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan/Palgrave Macmillan/pp.1-28, 2017-05 - Social Capital Construction and Governance in Central Asia: Communities and NGOs in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Tsujinaka Yutaka
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017-05 - Local governance network in Japan: Municipalities, Neighbourhood Assocaitions, and Non-profits in Perspective
辻中 豊
University of Tsukuba, 2016-03 - Constructing Co-governance Between Government and Civil Societt: An Institutional Approach to Collaboration
Tsujinaka Yutaka
Governance in South, Southeast, and East Asia: Trends, Issues and Challenges/Springer/pp.175-189, 2015-06 - Civil Society in Asia:In Search of Democracy and Development
Tsujinaka Yutaka
ASHGATE, 2015-07 - Civil Sociey and Interest Groups in Contemporay China: China in Comparison
辻中 豊
Bokutaku-sha, 2014-06 - Interconnections: Exploring Relationships through Networks and Hyperlinks
辻中 豊
Center for International, Comparative, and Advanced Japanese Studies, University of Tsukuba., 2013-03 - Civil Soceiy and Interest Groups in Contemporay Korea: Revisit, based on JIGS second surveys in Korea and Japan
辻中 豊
Center for Comparative Advanced Japanese Studies, 2012-02 - Cross-national Survey on Civil Society Organizations and Interest Groups in China, 2nd C-JIGS2 People-Run Non-enterprise Unit Survey Codebook
辻中 豊
University of Tskuba, 2013-02 - Cross-national Survey on Civil Society Organizations and Interest Groups in China, 2nd C-JIGS2 Foundation Survey Codebook
辻中 豊
University of Tskuba, 2013-02 - Cross-national Survey on Civil Society Organizations and Interest Groups in China, 2nd C-JIGS2 Codebook
辻中 豊
University of Tskuba, 2013-2 - Report on Civil Society Organization Survey 2011-2012 (Preliminary)
辻中 豊
2013-03 - National Survey on Peak Organization in Japan, 4th Codebook
辻中 豊
Univeristy of Tsukuba, 2013-03 - Introduction to Political Science: Structure, Actor and Context of Public Decision Making
辻中 豊
Insititute of University of Air Education, 2012-03 - アメリカのデモクラシー その栄光と苦悩
山川雄巳; 新藤久美子; 紀平英作; 古矢旬; 福田茂夫; 阿部斉; 辻中豊; 村松岐夫; 三宅一郎; 田中成明; 佐藤幸治; 藤倉皓一...
有斐閣, 1982-06 - 現代世界の民主主義理論
曽根泰教; 黒川修司; 辻中豊; 石田徹; 小林良明彰; 多賀秀敏; 日置弘一郎; 白鳥令
新評論, 1984-07 - 現代コーポラティズム Ⅰ
P.シュミッター; G.レームブルッフ編; +辻中 豊
木鐸社, 1984-01 - 『危機の政治学』 「ベントリー政治過程論の成立・挫折・転回」所収
辻中 豊
昭和堂, 1985-01 - 現代コーポラティズム Ⅱ 先進諸国の比較分析
P.シュミッター; G.レームブルッフ編; +辻中 豊
木鐸社, 1986-03 - 『日本型政策決定の変容』 第9章 労働団体
中野実; 岩井奉信; 大山耕輔; 篠田徹; 的場博敏; 谷聖美; 黒川修司; 高橋秀行; 辻中豊; 曽根泰教
東洋経済新報社, 1986-06 - 講座 政治学Ⅲ 『政治過程』 第7章 現代日本政治のコーポラティズム化
内田満; 犬童一男; 田中善一郎; 今村都南雄; 宇都宮深志; 内山秀夫; 辻中豊; 山川雄巳
1986-09 - Pressure Groups in the Post War Japan
辻中 豊
1986-01 - 『戦後日本の圧力団体』
村松岐夫; 伊藤光利; 辻中豊
東洋経済新報社, 1986-01 - more...
- Social Organizatios and Local governance in China in Perspective
- Conference, etc.
- "Which Civil Society Organizations in Which Countries are Enjoying Policy-Making Processes and Why: Comparing 7 Countries (Japan, South Korea, Germany, China, Turkey, Russia, and the Philippines) in JIGS Survey."
Yutaka Tsujinaka; Jae-Young Choe; Takafumi Ohtomo; Hir...
Paper presented at the 20th International Political Science Association World Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, July 9-13, 2006/2006-07 - "Civil Society Groups and Policy-Making in Contemporary Japan."
Yutaka Tsujinaka; Robert J. Pekkanen; Takafumi Ohtomo
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Chicago, IL, USA/2005-03 - Social Capital and Citizen Satisfaction in Associational Perspective: Analyzing Governance in Japan
Tsujinaka Yutaka
24th World Congress of Political Science/2016-07-22--2016-07-27 - Network Governance and Intragroup Cohesion:Explaining Public Policy Satisfaction in Japan
Tsujinaka Yutaka
1th Annual International Conference in Conflict and Integration/2017-05-19--2017-05-19 - 「比較による日本の市民社会の実像」
大阪府高等学校社会科(地歴・公民)研究会主催講演会/2007-07-09 - 自治会等全国調査について
辻中 豊
- "Which Civil Society Organizations in Which Countries are Enjoying Policy-Making Processes and Why: Comparing 7 Countries (Japan, South Korea, Germany, China, Turkey, Russia, and the Philippines) in JIGS Survey."
- Teaching
2018-10 -- 2018-12 Seminar on Political Science I University of Tsukuba. 2018-10 -- 2018-12 Seminar on Political Science II University of Tsukuba. 2018-04 -- 2018-07 Seminar on Political Science I University of Tsukuba. 2018-04 -- 2018-07 Seminar on Political Science II University of Tsukuba. 2017-10 -- 2017-12 Comparative Study on Japanese Politics IIB University of Tsukuba. 2017-10 -- 2017-12 Seminar in Comparative Study on Japanese Politics IIB University of Tsukuba. 2017-10 -- 2017-12 Seminar on Civi Society Governance University of Tsukuba. 2017-04 -- 2017-06 Special Seminar on Civi Society Governance I University of Tsukuba. 2017-04 -- 2017-07 Seminar in Comparative Study on Japanese Politics IIA University of Tsukuba. 2017-04 -- 2017-06 Global Japan Politics (Civil Society) 3A University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- 国際比較の中の日本と韓国の市民社会―13カ国調査のなかでの両国の市民社会と政治
辻中 豊
第2回社会的企業に関する日韓フォーラム/2010-01-28 - Why did Hatoyama DPJ win and LDP lose at 2009 election? An interpretation from civil society and interest group perspective
辻中 豊
Kore University, BK21 ERGAPAH Lecture/2010-02-26 - Civil Society in A Comparative Perspective :Japan in the JIGS 10-country survey
辻中 豊
2008-11-12 - Civil Society in An International Perspective :Japan in the JIGS 10-country survey
辻中 豊
Symposium Civil Society in Germany and Japan: Concepts and Practices/2008-10-10 - Exploring the Realities of Japanese Civil Society and Politics: A Comparative Perspective
辻中 豊
Conference on Politics and Civil soceity in India and Japan/2008-02-20 - コミュニティと危機管理:2006-7自治会全国調査からの分析
辻中 豊
自治体危機管理学会/2008-07-13 - 国際比較による日本の市民社会の実像-11カ国調査の経験から
辻中 豊
非営利組織評価研究会/2008-05-01 - 基調講演
辻中 豊
公共政策フォーラム2004 in 岩手/2004-11-01 - "Which Civil Society Organizations in Whichi Counties are Enjoying Policy-Making Processes and Why: Comparing 7 Countries (Japan, South Korea, Germany, Chinea, Turkey, Russia, and the PhilippinesI in JIGS Survey
Yutaka Tsujinaka; Jae-Young Choe; Takafumi Ohtomo; Hiroak...
The 20th International Political Science Association World Congress/2006-07-01 - "Civil Society Groups and Policy-Making in Contemporary Japan"
Yutaka Tsujinaka; Rober Pekkanen; Takafumi Ohtomo
The Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies/2005-03-01 - "Chinese Civil society Organisations from the comparative perspective"
Yutaka Tsujinaka
The International Conference on Civil Society Development in Transitional China/2005-10-28
- 国際比較の中の日本と韓国の市民社会―13カ国調査のなかでの両国の市民社会と政治
- Professional activities
2017-01 -- 2017-04 Tsukuba City Tsukuba City Athletic Park business Review Committee/one of the three members 2016-05 -- 2018-03 Nanzan University 社会倫理研究所 社会倫理研究奨励賞選定委員会委員長 2017-04 -- 2019-03 Tsuchiura city Chair Person of Tsuchiura City Information Disclosure and personal Information Protection Council/Chair 2017-04 -- 2020-03 Moriya City Chair Person of Political Ethics Review Committess 2014-10 -- 2016-10 Japanese Political Science Association Chair Person of Board of Directors 2017-04 -- 2019-03 Tsukuba City アイラブつくばまちづくり推進委員会 座長 1996 -- 2000 PUBLIC POLICY STUDIES ASSOCIATION, JAPAN 理事 2002 -- 2008 PUBLIC POLICY STUDIES ASSOCIATION, JAPAN 理事 1998 -- 2002 Japanese Political Science Association Director -- (current) Japanese Political Science Association Director more... - University Management
2016-04 -- 2017-03 研究戦略室会議 委員 2017-04 -- 2019-03 研究推進会議 委員 2016-04 -- 2019-03 Vietnam Japan Univeristy, VJU, Master Program for Public Policy C0-Director 2013-04 -- 2018-03 学長特別補佐 2017-04 -- 2019-03 国際日本研究専攻 専攻長 2014-04 -- 2018-03 The Institute for Comparative Research in Human and Social Sciences (ICR) Director 2003-04 -- 2008-03 筑波大学 比較市民・国家・文化特別プロジェクト長 2001-04 -- 2004-03 筑波大学 社会学類長 2001-04 -- 2004-03 筑波大学 評議会委員 2006-04 -- 2007-07 筑波大学 学長特別補佐 more...
(Last updated: 2017-12-23)