KATO Hisao

University of Tsukuba
Official title
Professor Emeritus
Research fields
Research keywords
Topological dynamics
Research projects
位相空間論と連続体論を用いたカオス力学系の幾何構造の研究2016 -- 2018加藤久男日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)//
位相空間論および幾何学的トポロジーを用いた位相力学系の研究2013 -- 2015加藤久男日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)/
幾何学的トポロジーを用いたカオス力学系理論の研究2010 -- 2012加藤久男Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C)
可分距離空間とその上の連続写像の力学的・幾何学的構造の研究2007 -- 2009加藤久男Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C)
位相力学系におけるカオス写像と複雑な不変集合の連続体論的研究2004 -- 2006加藤久男Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C)
位相力学系における不変集合の連続体論的研究2001 -- 2003加藤久男Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C)
有限次元空間の研究1999 -- 2000加藤久男Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/特別研究員奨励費
Career history
1982-04 -- 1985-09筑波大学助手
1985-10 -- 1988-03広島大学講師
1988-04 -- 1994-03広島大学助教授
1994-04 -- 1995-12筑波大学助教授
1996-01 -- 2019-03筑波大学教授
Academic background
-- 1977-03東京教育大学 Faculty of Science 数学
-- 1982-03筑波大学大学院数学研究科 理学(博士) 数学
1982-03理学博士University of Tsukuba
Academic societies
-- (current)日本数学会
  • Fiber Shape Theory
    加藤 久男
Conference, etc.
  • Topological entropy and topological structures of 1-dimensional continua
    加藤 久男
  • Topological entropy and topological structures of -like indecomposable continua
    Kato Hisao
    7th Visegrad Conference on Dynamical Systems/2017-06-26--2017-06-30
  • Topological entropy and topological structures of -like continua
    加藤 久男
  • Topological structures of generalized inverse limits
    Kato Hisao
  • On dimension of generalized inverse limits
    Kato Hisao
  • On inverse limits with set-valued functions
    Kato Hisao
    31st Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications/2016-8-1--2016-8-7
  • Dimension of inverse limits with set-valued functions
    Kato Hisao
    The 12th Prague Topological Symposium/2016-7-21--2016-7-27
  • Positive topological entropy and indecomposability
    加藤 久男
    International Conference on Set-Theoretic Topology and its Applications/2015-8
  • On dynamical properties of maps with 0-dimensional set of periodic points
    Kato Hisao
    The conference of General Topology at Shantou University/2015-11
  • Chaos and indecomposability
    加藤 久男
  • Topological entropy and indecomposability of continua
    加藤 久男
    1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications/2015-11
  • 位相力学系における分解定理
    加藤 久男
    「集合論的及び幾何学的トポロジーの現状とその展望」 数理解析研究所研究集会/2014-10
  • Dynamical properties of maps with zero-dimensional sets of periodic points
    Kato Hisao
    30th Summer Conference on Topology and its applications/2015-6-23--2015-6-26
  • Dynamical properties of maps and periodic points
    Kato Hisao
    12th Annual Workshop on Topology and Dynamical Systems/2015-5-25--2015-5-29
  • Chaos and indecomposability of continua
    Kato Hisao
    12th Annual Workshop on Topology and Dynamical Systems/2015-5-25--2015-5-29
  • Eventual colorings of maps and Wallman compactifications
    Kato Hisao
  • Isometrical extensions of bounded isometries of separable metric spaces in the function spaces
    加藤 久男
  • Compactifications of a space and periodic points of maps
    加藤 久男
  • Zero-dimensional covers of dynamcal systems
    加藤 久男
  • Eventual colorings of maps of separable metric spaces
    加藤 久男
    International Conference on Topology and the Related Fields/2012-9-24
  • Dynamical properties of homeomorphisms and zero-dimensional covers
    加藤 久男
  • Colorings and eventual colorings
    加藤 久男
  • 距離の構成による色々な次元
    加藤 久男
  • Characterizations of topological dimension by use of normal Sequences of finite open covers and Pontrjagin-Shnirelmann' theorem
    Kato Hisao
2019-10 -- 2020-02Seminar on Special Research on Mathematics IIIBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2019-04 -- 2019-08Special Research on Mathematics IIIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2019-04 -- 2019-08Seminar on Special Research on Mathematics IIIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2019-10 -- 2020-02Special Research on Mathematics IIIBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2019-10 -- 2020-02Special Research on Mathematics IBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2019-04 -- 2019-08Special Research on Mathematics IIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2019-10 -- 2020-02Special Research on Mathematics IIBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2019-04 -- 2019-08Special Research on Mathematics IAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2018-10 -- 2019-02Special Research on Mathematics IBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2018-10 -- 2019-02Special Research on Mathematics IIBUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2013-06 -- 2013-06教員免許状更新講習筑波大学
Professional activities
-- (current)日本数学会トポロジー研究連絡拡大会議委員

(Last updated: 2019-01-29)