Researcher's full information

  • Blended Learning: Bringing Remote Teams and Cross-Cultural Education into the Classroom
    Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Benton Caroline; Herrig Harald; Ab...
    Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Conference (EDiNEB)/p.249-258, 2011-01
  • A study of the effects of commitment, empowerment, embeddedness on knowledge management in Japan
    Benton Caroline; Magnier-Watanabe Remy
    Knowledge Management Conference in Organizations (KMO 2011), 2011-01
  • The role of a strong corporate mission for knowledge management
    マニエー渡邊レミー; 妹尾大; +MAGNIER-WATANABE Remy
    Journal of Information and Knowledge Management/10(2)/p.109-122, 2011-01
  • Blended learning in MBA education: A cross-cultural experiment
    Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Benton Caroline; Herrig Harald; Ab...
    Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning/26(3)/p.253-263, 2011-01
  • Getting ready for kaizen: Organizational and knowledge management enablers
    VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems/41(4)/pp.428-448, 2011-01
  • A hybrid style of e-learning in MBA education across borders
    Benton Caroline; Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Herrig Harald; Ab...
    International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development/2(3)/pp.112-126, 2011-01
  • A model for FDI in mature economies: The case of Japan
    Lemaire Jean-Paul; Magnier-Watanabe Remy
    Annual Conference of the French-Speaking Association of International Management (ATLAS-AFMI 2012), 2012-01
  • Building a research model for mobile wallet consumer adoption: The case of mobile Suica in Japan
    Amoroso Donald Louis Magnier-Watanabe Remy
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research/7(1)/pp.94-110, 2012-01
  • Enablers of Knowledge Management across Borders: A Structural Approach
    International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management/10(4)/pp.1-21, 2013-01
  • Assessing Technology Differences in Electronic and Mobile Payment Systems among Developed and Developing Countries
    Mathew M.; Balakrishnan N.; MAGNIER-WATANABE Remy
    International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management/11(2)/pp.1-16, 2014-02
  • A Hybrid Style of e-Learning in MBA Education Across Borders
    Caroline Benton; Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Herrig Harrold; A...
    International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development/2(3)/p.112-126, 2011-01
  • A study of knowledge management enablers across countries
    Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Benton Caroline; Senoo Dai
  • Shaping knowledge management: organization and national culture
    Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Senoo Dai
    JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT/14(2)/pp.214-227, 2010-01
  • Social network productivity in the use of SNS
    Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Yoshida Michiko; Watanabe Tomoaki
    JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT/14(6)/pp.910-927, 2010-01
  • Diagnosis for organizational knowledge creation: an ontological shift SECI model
    Wu Yue; Senoo Dai; Magnier-Watanabe Remy
    JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT/14(6)/pp.791-810, 2010-01