DADABAEV Timur(ダダバエフ テイムール)
- 所属
- 人文社会系
- 職名
- 教授
- 0000-0001-9029-2964
- 性別
- 男性
- 科研費番号
- 10376626
- eメール
- G{x{xyx|/E-"&.+E &<LY<KG&x+$<L[.E-,.$.yxExzE#)
- 研究分野
国際関係論 政治学 - 研究キーワード
国際関係論 中央ユーラシアの国際政治 グローバルサウス研究 脱植民地化 日本の中央アジア外交政策 中央アジアから東南アジア(日本と韓国へ)の移民研究 - 研究課題
国際移民をめぐる地域協力枠組の比較研究:アジア・アフリカ・中東・中南米の事例分析 2021-04 -- 2025-03 明石純一 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B) 15,730,000円 在日ウズベキスタン人移民の日本選択と新来在留外国人としての位置づけに関する研究 2021-04 -- 2026-03 DADABAEV Timur 日本学術振興会/科研費 基盤研究(C) 4,160,000円 対中央アジア政策の日中比較(国際共同研究強化) 2016 -- 2019 DADABAEV Timur 日本学術振興会/国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化) 9,880,000円 対中央アジア政策の日中比較 2015-04 -- 2018-03 DADABAEV Timur 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,680,000円 中央アジアにおけるソ連時代の記憶:過去と現在の照射 2012-04 -- 2017-03 DADABAEV TIMUR 日本学術振興会/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 1,000,000円 中央アジアにおける国際関係の形成とその課題:水・領土問題にみる地域統合の展望 2011 -- 2012 DADABAEV Timur 日本学術振興会/若手研究(B) 4,550,000円 記憶の中のソ連時代:中央アジア地域研究のための映像資料作成の試み 2009 -- 2010 DADABAEV Timur 日本学術振興会/若手研究(B) 4,290,000円 モンゴル・中央アジアにおける社会主義的近代化に関する比較研究 2009 -- 2014 小長谷由紀 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(A) 1,014,000円 中央アジア社会の持続性:ウズベキスタンの近隣コミュニティ(マハッラ)の実態調査 2006 -- 2008 DADABAEV Timur 日本学術振興会/若手研究(B) 3,750,000円 中央アジアにおける民族間対話の仕組み 2005 -- 2007 DADABAEV TIMUR 日本学術振興会/若手研究(B) 1,400,000円 さらに表示... - 職歴
2019-04 -- (現在) 筑波大学人文社会系教授 2024-03 -- 2024-10 オーストラリア国立大学社会科学研究学院客員フェロー 2018-04 -- 2023-03 東京外国語大学グローバル人材育成言語教育プログラム非常勤講師 2019-07 -- 2020-03 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所附属CIRASセンター共同研究員 2018-04 -- 2020-03 コロンビア大学ハリマン研究所客員教員(科学研究プロジェクト:国際共同研究強化) 2016-04 -- 2019-03 北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター客員准教授 2018-01 -- 2018-09 East West Center (米国)ワシントン、アジア研究フェロー 2016-09 -- 2017-12 East Asia Institute(韓国)客員フェロー 2010-03 -- 2010-08 コロンビア大学ハリマン研究所客員研究員(日本学術振興会若手優秀教員派遣プログラム) 2006-09 -- 2019-03 筑波大学人文社会系准教授 さらに表示... - 学歴
1998-04 -- 2001-03 立命館大学 国際関係研究科後期課程 1996-04 -- 1998-03 立命館大学 国際関係研究科前期課程 1995-10 -- 1996-03 大阪外国語大学 外国語学研究科 日本研究コース 1993-02 -- 1995-06 世界外国語大学 英文学学部 1991-09 -- 1995-06 世界経済外交大学 国際関係学部 - 取得学位
2001-03 博士 立命館大学 1998-03 修士 立命館大学 1995-06 学士 世界経済外交大学 1995-06 学士 世界外国語大学 - 所属学協会
2008-09 -- (現在) 日本中央アジア学会 2006-09 -- (現在) Central Eurasian Studies Society - 受賞
2024-10 筑波大学永年勤続表彰 2021-01-12 シルクロード賞(Acta via Serica学会、韓国) シルクロード地域に関する独創的な課題に取り組みと理解に大きく寄与した研究 2018-03-08 筑波大学学長表彰 研究活動において筑波大学への貢献のため 2017-07-21 第32回地域研究奨励賞(大同生命国際文化基金) 中央アジア地域における社会主義後の政治、アイデンティティと社会の変容に関する研究における貢献 2016-02-17 筑波大学BEST FACULTY MEMBER 賞 研究と教育分野 2015-12-7 筑波大学若手教員奨励賞 2009-06-08 ユネスコ創立60周年記念メダル 2003-06-24 第19回佐藤栄作賞最優秀賞 1995-05-30 タシケント国立東洋大学主催論文コンテスト最優秀賞 - 論文
- "A Constructivist Framework for Understanding the Emerging Central Asian Regional Security Complex: Identity, Interests, and Security Dynamics"(with Akram Umarov, accepted, forthcoming)
International Affairs (Oxford University Press), 2025-07 - ウズベク移民と日本社会 - 在日ウズベキスタン人移民の日本選択と新来在留外国人としての位置づけ
日本中央アジア学会報 第 20 号(2024) 20/pp.72-74, 2025-02 - 2024, Water Policy in Central Asia Competition for Use and Neighbourly Solidarity (with Jenniver Sehring), Osteuropa, Volume 74, November 2024, issue 8-10, pp.260-276
Sehring Jenniver; DADABAEV Timur
Osteuropa/74(8-10)/pp.261-276, 2024-11 - Review article of Law, society and corruption lessons from the Central Asian context (book by Rustamjon Urinboyev, Måns Svensson, Oxon, Routledge, 2024)
Central Asian Survey/Epub, 2024-8-20 - 2024, "Beyond the Ukrainian Crisis: Prospects for U.S./Japan Foreign Policy Coordination towards Central Asia", The Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 25:1, 4-11.
The Georgetown Journal of International Affairs/25(1)/pp.4-11, 2024-08-20 - 2024, Dadabaev Timur and Ulugbek Azizov, “'The bones are ours, the flesh is yours': When tradition is a constraint in academic mentorship of a contemporary Uzbekistan”.
DADABAEV Timur; Azizov Ulugbek
ASIAN ETHNICITY/25(3)/pp.521-551, 2024-2-28 - 2024, “Central Asian International Relations in Decolonial Age”
Central Asian Affairs/10(3)/pp.344-348, 2024-1 - 2023, Nudging not nagging: leveraging mentorship and patronage in Sino-Uzbek relations, 2017-2022
DADABAEV Timur; Sonoda Shigeto
Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies/12(1)/pp.110-147, 2023-10 - 2023, Central Asian Water Neighbourhood: A Constructivist Reconceptualisation of Hydropolitics in Central Asia
DADABAEV Timur; Sehring Jenniver; Nigora Djalilova
Water Alternatives: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Water Politics and Development/16(3)/pp.930-948, 2023-10 - 2023, From University Bench to Diplomacy: Uzbekistan's Strategic Maneuvering in the International Scientific Landscape (with Ulugbek Azizov)
Himalayan and Central Asian Studies/27(3)/pp.105-122, 2023-07 - 2023, “Decision-making and the concepts of traditionalism in public administration of Japan: Philosophical and political analysis” (with Bagdaulet Aqyn)
Al-Farabi 83(3):40-49/pp.40-49, 2023-10 - 2023 "A Review of the Japanese Corporate Presence in Central Asia: Two Waves of Japanese Business Entry into the Central Asian Region", Central Asian Affairs (Brill), online first.
Central Asian Affairs (Brill), 2023-02 - 2023, Reforming the Civil Service System of Japan (with Aqyn, Bagdaulet)
Qogam jane Dauir/79(3)/pp.55-64, 2023-09 - 2022, "In search of a new identity for SCO", East Asia Forum (Australian National University)
East Asia Forum (Australian National University), 2022-09-20 - Silence is golden? Silences as strategic narratives in Central Asian states' response to the Ukrainian crisis
DADABAEV Timur; Sonoda Shigeto
International Journal of Asian Studies/20(1)/pp.193-215, 2022-07 - 2022, 中央アジアの苦悩ー国連決議と国民感情の狭間で (園田茂人と共著)
『中央公論』/(6)/pp.100-109, 2022-05 - 2022 (Co-authored with Arslan M. Akyn B.) “Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Civil Service Reforms, Opportunities, and Challenges”. In Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia. Springer, Cham
Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability/pp.1013-1030, 2022-03 - 2022, "Why does Central Asia matter? Reflections on the Great Game, modernity, and prospects for regional sovereignty in Central Asia", All Russias
The Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, New York University, 2022-2 - 2022 "Nationhood through neighborhood? From state sovereignty to regional belonging in Central Asia", Journal of Borderlands Studies (Routledge, Taylor and Francis) (ahead of print)
Journal of Borderlands Studies/Epub, 2022-1 - A Home Away from Home: Migration, Identity and 'Sojourning' in the Life of Uzbekistanis in Japan
Europe Asia Studies/Epub, 2022-01 - 2021, "Japan as no 'other': Decolonizing Alternative for Central Asia?", Central Asia and Caucasus Analyst, Washington: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, October 14, 2021, pp1-7.
Central Asia and Caucasus Analyst, pp1-7./pp.1-7, 2021-10 - 2021, "A guest for a day? An analysis of Uzbek 'language migration' into the Japanese educational and labour markets"
DADABAEV Timur; Sonoda Shigeto; Soipov Jasur
Central Asian Survey/40(3)/pp.438-466, 2021-07 - 2021、「ウズベキスタン:脱大国主義のシルクロードとエネルギー及び輸送インフラ整備戦略」(ニゴラ ドジャリロワと共著)
廣野美和編、一帯一路は何をもたらしたのか:中国問題と投資のジレンマ、勁草書房/pp.279-304, 2021-02 - 2021, Timur Dadabaev (co-authored with N.Djalilova) "Connectivity, Energy and Transportation in Uzbekistan’s strategy vis-à-vis Russia, China, South Korea and Japan", Asia Europe Journal (Springer Nature), 19:1, 105-127, DOI: 10.1007/s10308-020-00589-w
DADABAEV Timur; Djalilova Nigora
Asia Europe Journal/19(1)/pp.105-127, 2021-01 - 2021, Timur Dadabaev, "Manipulating post-Soviet nostalgia: contrasting political narratives and public recollections in Central Asia". International Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 61-81. (Cambridge University Press).
International Journal of Asian Studies (Cambridge University Press)/18(1)/pp.61-81, 2021-01 - さらに表示...
- "A Constructivist Framework for Understanding the Emerging Central Asian Regional Security Complex: Identity, Interests, and Security Dynamics"(with Akram Umarov, accepted, forthcoming)
- 著書
- 『ウズベク移民と日本社会』 (ティムール・ダダバエフ, 園田茂人 編)(ISBN: 9784130561273)
東京大学出版会, 2023-06 - The Grass is Always Greener?: Unpacking Uzbek Migration to Japan, NY: Palgrave Macmillan 2022, ISBN: 978-9811625695 (共編著)
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022-04 - EU Japan Joint Study on Connectivity Cooperation in the Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership Countries and Central Asia (co-authored with Richard Grieveson, Mario Holzner, Satoru Kurosawa, Jacopo Pepe and Kenji Shinohara)
Brussels/Tokyo: Support Facility for the Implementation of the EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) available at, 2021-12 - Decolonizing Central Asian International Relations Beyond Empires, London/NY: Routledge. ISBN 978-1032005195 (単著)
Routledge, 2021-12 - Manipulating post-Soviet nostalgia Contrasting political narratives and public recollections in Central Asia
Dadabaev Timur
DECOLONIZING CENTRAL ASIAN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Beyond Empires/ROUTLEDGE/pp.31-63, 2021-11 - Transcontinental Silk Road Strategies Transcontinental Silk Road Strategies: Comparing China, Japan and South Korea in Uzbekistan, London/NY: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-429-26282-1 (単著)
Routledge, 2019-07 - Chinese, Japanese and Korean In-roads into Central Asia: Comparative Analysis of the Economic Cooperation Road Maps for Uzbekistan, Policy Studies Series 78, Honolulu: East West Center, 80 pp. 2019, ISBN 978-0-86638-285-4 (print) and 978-0-86638-284-7 (electronic) (単著)
Honolulu: East West Center, 2019-05 - Social Capital Construction and Governance in Central Asia: Communities and NGOs in post-Soviet Uzbekistan (Co-edited with Tsujinaka, Yutaka and Murod Ismailov)(NY: Palgrave Macmillan 2017)(共編著)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017-05 - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan: Life and Politics during the Soviet Era (Co-edited with Hisao Komatsu)(NY: Palgrave Macmillan 2017)(共編著)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017-02 - Japan in Central Asia: Strategies, Initiatives, and Neighboring Powers (NY: Palgrave Macmillan 2016)(単著)
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016-01 - Identity and Memory in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Uzbekistan's Post-Soviet Past (London/NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis 2015)(単著)
Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2015-08 - 中央アジアの国際関係(東京大学出版会 2014)(単著)
東京大学出版会, 2014-02 - Central Eurasian Studies: Past, Present and Future (Istanbul: Maltepe University 2011)
Hisao Komatsu; Sahin Karasar; Timur Dadabaev; Guljanat K...
Istanbul: Maltepe University, 2011 - Theoretical Implications of and Methodological Approaches to Studying Social Capital in Uzbekistan
Ismailov Murod; Timur Dadabaev; Tsujinaka Yutaka
Social Capital Construction and Governance in Central Asia/Palgrave Macmillan, New York/pp.1-27, 2017-1 - 記憶の中のソ連―中央アジアの人々の生きた社会主義時代 (筑波大学出版会 2010)(単著)
筑波大学出版会, 2010-12 - 社会主義後のウズベキスタン-変わる国と揺れる人々の心-(アジア経済研究所(アジアを見る眼110)2008)(単著)
アジア経済研究所(アジアを見る眼110)(新書判), 2008-07 - 躍動するアジアの信念と価値観 (明石書店 2007)
猪口孝; 田中明彦; 園田茂人; ティムール・ダダバエフ; +DADABAEV Timur
明石書店、, 2007-07 - マハッラの実像―中央アジア社会の伝統と変容―(東京大学出版会 2006)(単著)
東京大学出版会, 2006-03 - Human Beliefs and Values in Striding Asia (Tokyo: Akashi Shyoten 2006)
Takashi Inoguchi; Akihiko Tanaka; Shigeto Sonoda; Timur ...
Tokyo: Akashi Shyoten, 2006-01 - Values and Life Styles in Urban Asia (Mexico City: SIGLO XXI Editors 2005)
Takashi Inoguchi; Miguel Basanez; Akihiko Tanaka; Timur ...
Mexico City: SIGLO XXI Editors, 2005-03 - アジア都市部の価値観とライフ・スタイル (明石書店 2005)
猪口孝; ミゲル・バサネズ; 田中明彦; ティムール・ダダバエフ; +DADABAEV Timur
明石書店, 2005-01 - Towards Post-Soviet Central Asian Regional Integration: A Scheme for Transitional States (Tokyo: Akashi Shyoten 2004)(単著)
Timur Dadabaev
Tokyo: Akashi Shyoten, 2004-02 - Towards Post-Soviet Central Asian Regional Integration (立命館大学 2001)
2001-03 - Political Factors of Economic Reforms in Japan (立命館大学 1998)
- 『ウズベク移民と日本社会』 (ティムール・ダダバエフ, 園田茂人 編)(ISBN: 9784130561273)
- 会議発表等
- Silence is golden? Silences as strategic narratives in Central Asian states' response to the Ukrainian crisis
MECAS Seminar, University of St Andrews/2023-01-24--2023-01-24 - Decolonizing Central Asian IR
George Washington Central Asia Program Seminar/2023-02-28--2023-02-28 - Silences as strategic narratives in Central Asian states' response to the Ukrainian crisis
Korea Association for Eurasian Studies Annual Conference/2022-11-18--2022-11-18 - Decolonizing international relations in Central Asia
Central Eurasian Studies Society Annual Conference/2022-10-21--2022-10-25 - The Role of Regional Knowledge Production in Decolizing Central Asian International Relations
Uzbekistan Society for the Political Science/2022-06-04 - Reconsidering Central Asian Migration to East Asia
Japan Modern History Seminar, University of Tokyo/2022-04-28 - Pre-publication Seminar:”Japanese Whaling and the People Behind It” by Nadzeya Shutava
Special Lecture and Discussion ‘’Central Eurasian Studies in East Asia and Beyond”/2022-05-23 - Pre-publication Seminar:”Social Innovations in Post-Soviet Countries” by Dr. Bakhrom Radjabov
Special Lecture and Discussion ‘’Central Eurasian Studies in East Asia and Beyond”/2022-04-25 - Roundtable “Migration Issues in Central Asia"
Special Lecture and Discussion ‘’Central Eurasian Studies in East Asia and Beyond”/2022-03-18 - Central Eurasian Views of East Asia: Findings from Asian Student Survey 2018 by Prof. Sonoda Shigeto
Special Lecture and Discussion ‘’Central Eurasian Studies in East Asia and Beyond”/2022-02-21 - How to Make the International Community of Central Asian Studies Coherent? Overcoming the Gap between Western-Centrism and Nationalism by Prof. Uyama Tomohiko
Special Lecture and Discussion ‘’Central Eurasian Studies in East Asia and Beyond”/2022-02-14 - Neo-Eurasianism and Russia’s Vision of the International Order by Prof. Hama Yukiko
Special Lecture and Discussion ‘’Central Eurasian Studies in East Asia and Beyond”/2022-02-07 - Women’s Rights Activism in Kyrgyzstan by Dr. Suynat Sultangalieva
Special Lecture and Discussion ‘’Central Eurasian Studies in East Asia and Beyond”/2022-01-24 - The Grass is Always Greener? Unpacking Uzbek Migration to Japan
pecial Lecture and Discussion ‘’Central Eurasian Studies in East Asia and Beyond”/2022-01-18--2022-01-18 - "Reimagining" as rediscovering: Contrasting religious attachments of Soviet and Post-Soviet generations in Central Asia and beyond
Conference on Challenges of Freedom of Religion and Belief Role of Religion and Challenges of Secularism/2021-11-17--2021-11-18 - Decolonizing Central Asian Studies: Challenges and Tasks
Central Eurasian Studies Society (USA)/2021-10-15--2021-10-15 - Japan as Decolonizing Alternative for Central Asia
Caspian Policy Center East Asia Conference/2021-10-14--2021-10-15 - Post-Taliban Afghanistan and understanding of Afghanistan-Central Asia Relations
Stockholm Seminar of Central Asian Studies/2021-09-01--2021-09-01 - Discursive powers of Russia and China in Central Asia: Implications for EU/Japan Strategic Partnership
Joint International Conference on "Central Asia in the area of conflict between Russia and China"/2021-06-24--2021-06-25 - Decolonizing Central Asian International Relations
Fifth Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies 2021/2021-06-05--2021-06-08 - "Nationhood through Neighborhood! Post-coloniality and Emerging Features of Central Asian IR"
COMPASS Work in Progress Seminar (WiPS)/2021-03-18--2021-03-18 - 脱大国主義のシルクロードとエネルギー及び輸送インフラ整備戦略
『一帯一路は何をもたらしたのか:中国問題と投資のジレンマ』 出版記念ウェビナー/2021-03-03--2021-03-03 - Decolonization and Post-coloniality in Central Asian IR
GCRF-COMPASS and Cambridge Central Asia Forum/2020-11-27--2020-11-27 - Craving for Jobs? Comparative analysis of Central Asian migration to Japan and South Korea
2020 Keimyung International Conference on the Silk Road and Central Asia EXCHANGE AND CONFLICT IN CENTRAL ASIA: FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE PRESENT/2020-11-17--2020-11-24 - Kirill NURZHANOV教授(オーストラリア国立大学)「中国の一帯一路とタジキスタンの関係」
The Sixth Seminar of the Joint Research Project on Belt and Road and Central Asian Sentiments towards its implementation/2020-02-11--2020-02-11 - さらに表示...
- Silence is golden? Silences as strategic narratives in Central Asian states' response to the Ukrainian crisis
- 担当授業科目
2024-04 -- 2024-08 リサーチ・プログラム開発5 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-12 中央ユーラシア研究演習(SPJES)III 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 リサーチ・プログラム開発基礎4 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 リサーチ・プログラム特別開発4 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 プロジェクト演習4B 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 リサーチ・プログラム開発9 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 プロジェクト演習3B 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 リサーチ・プログラム開発10 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 リサーチ・プログラム開発6 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-12 中央アジアの国家と社会 筑波大学 さらに表示... - 授業以外の教育活動
2013-03 -- 2017-03 DAAD・筑波大学・チュービンゲン大学の連携による中央ユーラシアに関するパートナシップ取りまとめ責任者 ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD)・筑波大学 2010-04 -- 2014-03 人文社会科学研究科グロバル30取りまとめ責任者 国際地域研究専攻 - 一般講演
- Decolonizing International Relations in Central Asia
Central Asian Research Review Workshop/2021-11-26--2021-11-26 - "Central Asian Regional Integration and Transboundary Water Cooperation"
Timur Dadabaev
235th GLOPE Workshop:War and Peace in Eurasia、Waseda University, Building 3, Room2,January31./2008-01-31 - "Central Asian Regional Identity: Problems and Challenges",
Timur Dadabaev
IIST Central Eurasian StudiesCommittee Symposium、Session 2: Central Asian Identity, Kasumigaseki Building, Gold StarRoom, February 4./2008-02-04 - "Trans-boundary Water Management in Aral Sea Basin: Realities, Challenges andPerspectives",
Timur Dadabaev
Seminar on Aral Sea Problem, Its Impact on Gene Pool of Population, Flora and Fauna and Measures on its Mitigation, JICA Plaza, Tokyo, June 10./2008-07-10 - "Currents and Challenges of Localism in Central Asia: The Case Studies of Uzbekistan andTajikistan"
Timur Dadabaev
Seminar with the Project on Studies of Asian Living Environment and the Role of Japan, Keio University Fujisawa Campus,Bulding 11, June 28./2008-06-28 - "Values and Perception Change in Central Asia: Case study of Uzbekistan",
Timur Dadabaev
Summer Courses of the Institute of Developing Economies: Course 2, The Present State of Central AsianCountries, July 15, 2008, JETRO Tokyo Headquaters Bulding, F5, ABCD Rooms./2008-07-15 - "Methodological and Conceptual Aspects of an Oral History Project in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan",
Timur Dadabaev
International Workshop "Central Asian History–Vision and Revision", Departmentof South and Central Asian Studies, Stockholm University and Museum of Ethnography,Stockholm, October 1-2./2008-10-02 - "Trauma, Public Memory and Identity in Central Asia"
Timur Dadabaev
International Conference "Nakba Revisited: Memories and Histories from a Comparative Perspective", University of Tokyo,Institute of Oriental Culture, December 12./2008-12-12 - "Power, everyday life experiences and public memory in post-Soviet Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan",
Timur Dadabaev
International Workshop "Oral Histories of Socialist Modernities: Memories andLived Experiences in Central and Inner Asia", Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit, Universityof Cambridge, December 16-17./2008-12-16 - "Migration, Border, and Citizenship in Central Asia", International Conference "Resurgenceof Russia and the Future of Eurasia-Views from the East.",
Timur Dadabaev
First East Asian Conference for SlavicEurasian Studies, February 5-6, Slavic Research Center, University of Hokkaido/2009-02-05 - "Extremist Organizations, Their Structures and Support in Central Asia: Extremist Expansionand Governmental Responses"
Timur Dadabaev
Invited talk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Tokyo, March 6./2009-03-06 - "Memory of the past and post-Soviet Central Asian Societies: Continuity and the change inKyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan"
Timur Dadabaev
Eurasian Studies: Past, Present and Future, Joint InternationalConference organized by the Maltepe University (Turkey), University of Tokyo, and theUniversity of Tsukuba, Maltepe University, Eurasian Studies Center, March 18/2009-03-18 - "Shanghai Cooperation Organization in International Politics of Central Eurasia",
Timur Dadabaev
International Symposium on the SCO and the EU in Comparative Perspective, University of Stockholm, Sweden, May 5./2009-05-05 - "Legacy of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi and Central Asian Research: the Case of CentralAsian Graduate Studies",
Timur Dadabaev
Ceremony to Honor the Memory of PM Keizo Obuchi, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, June 8./2009-07-08 - "Institutionalization of Borders and National Identity in Post-Soviet Central Asia: The Casestudies of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan",
Timur Dadabaev
International Council for Asian Studies Annual Conference 6, Daejon, South Korea, August 6./2009-08-06 - "Migration Studies as Discipline and Central Asian Case Study".
Timur Dadabaev
International Symposiumon International Cooperation on Central Asian Migration, Toyama Univ./ANA Plaza, Sept. 13/2009-09-13 - 2009 "Survey Research in Post-Soviet Central Asia"
Timur Dadabaev
International Conference on "Formation of Civil Society in Uzbekistan: conditions, achievements and prospects", Institute for the Studies of Civil Society (ISCS), Uzbekistan, September 22-23./2009-09-22 - "Water Management and Interstate Relations in Central Asia",
Timur Dadabaev
UNESCO Chair Workshopon International Strategy for Sustainable Groundwater Management: Transboundary Aquifers andIntegrated Watershed Management, University of Tsukuba, October 6./2009-10-06 - "Conceptualizing Central Asian Studies in Japan and Central Asia",
Timur Dadabaev
InternationalConference on "Emerging area studies and research environments in Sweden", STINTFoundation, City Conference Centre, Norra Latin, Stockholm, November 6./2009-11-06 - "Regional Cooperation and Interstate Relations in Central Asia",
Timur Dadabaev
EU Central Asia PolicyWorkshop, Madrid, OPEX, Spain, March 5./2010-03-05 - "Reflections on Experiences of Socialist Era in Soviet Central Asia: Oral Sources andArchival Photo-Documents"
Timur Dadabaev
International Conference on "Ideals, Narrations and Practices of Modernities in Former and Current Socialist Countries", National Museum of Ethn., March 19./2010-03-19 - "Chinese and Japanese Foreign Policies towards Central Asia in Comparative Perspective",
Timur Dadabaev
Int’l Congress of East and Central European Studies, Nora Laden Hall, Stockholm, July 29/2010-07-29 - "What is post-Socialist in Post-Soviet Islam",
Timur Dadabaev
International Conference on Post-Socialism, Tokyo International Forum, October 16 ./2010-10-16 - "Phenomenon of Nostalgia in Central Asia: The cases of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan",
Timur Dadabaev
Cambridge Central Asia Society, University of Cambridge, November 23/2010-11-23 - "Kazakhstan in the Changing International Environment ",
Timur Dadabaev
International Conference onInternational Relations in Central Asia,Kazakh National University, Almaty, December 16-17./2010-12-16 - さらに表示...
- Decolonizing International Relations in Central Asia
- 学内管理運営業績
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(最終更新日: 2024-11-21)