University of Tsukuba
Official title
Executive Director
Research fields
Library and information science/ Humanistic social informatics
Research keywords
Historical Linguistics
Descriptive Linguistics
Experimental Linguistics
Semitic Linguistics
Digital Humanities
Research Metrics
Research projects
著者所属の多様性に着目した学術誌の評価指標の算出方法開発と検証2019 -- 2022Jun IkedaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,420,000Yen
Research Metrics Focusing on Diversity: An Examination2017-12 -- 2018-03Jun IkedaNational Institute of Informatics/国立情報学研究所共同研究
古代西アジアにおける都市の景観と機能2018 -- 2023山田 重郎Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/新学術領域研究(計画研究)
文献学・考古学の協働による紀元前18~8世紀の上メソポタミアの歴史研究2016 -- 2021山田 重郎Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for scientific Reseach(A)
A Study on the Language, History and Religion of the Ancient Western Asia as Reflected in Akkadian Documents2012 -- 2016Jun IkedaMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas3,216,000Yen
エチオピア諸語の記述とドキュメンテーション:ソーシャル・イノベーションにむけて2018 -- 2022乾 秀行Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))
Documentation of minority languages and the dynamism of Ethiopian languages2014-04 -- 2018-03Hideyuki InuiJSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
A Comprehensive Study on the Static and Dynamic Aspects of the Language Change in Ethiopia2010 -- 2013Yoichi TsugeJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)4,589,000Yen
An experimental study of the typology of writing based on Event Related Potentials2012 -- 2014Jun IkedaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research2,340,000Yen
The Modernity and the Studies of Ancient Texts: the Collapse of the Traditions and their Remaking2008-04 -- 2012-03Isaiah (Izaya) TESHIMAInternational Institute for Advanced Studies/国内共同研究
Career history
1996-04 -- 2000-03Kansai Gaidai UniversityDepartment of Foreign LanguagesAssociate Professor
2000-04 -- 2003-03University of TsukubaInstitute of Literature and LinguisticsAssistant Professor
2003-04 -- 2004-03University of TsukubaInstitute of Literature and LinguisticsAssociate Professor
2004-04 -- 2007-03University of TsukubaGraduate School of Humanities and Social SciencesAssociate Professor
2007-04 -- 2009-03University of TsukubaGraduate School of Humanities and Social SciencesAssociate Professor
2009-04 -- 2011-09University of TsukubaGraduate School of Humanities and Social SciencesProfessor
2011-10 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Humanities and Social SciencesProfessor
2018-04 -- 2021-03University of TsukubaExecutive Officer for Tsukuba Conference
2021-04 -- 2023-03University of TsukubaVice President for Planning, Evaluation and Public Relations; University Librarian
2023-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaExecutive Vice President for Global Affairs
Academic background
1979-04 -- 1983-03University of Tsukuba College of Humanities
1983-04 -- 1988-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Literature and Linguistics
1986-10 -- 1996-05Tel Aviv University School of Cultural Science Semitic Linguisitcs
1996Ph.D.universitat tel aviv
1983-03Master of ArtsUniversity of Tsukuba
Academic societies
-- (current)The Society for Old Testament Study in Japan
-- (current)The Japan Society for Jewish Studies
2008 -- (current)The Japan Experimental Linguistics Society (JELS)
Honors & Awards
1996Award for Young Scholars (Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan)
  • A Discussion on the Formation of Writing Systems and its Classifications
    木村規高; 原将吾; 池田 潤
    Journal of General Linguistics/25/pp.1-73, 2022/12/31
  • First open research publishing service in Japan
    森本 行人; 池田 潤
    The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association (in Japanese)/73(1)/pp.21-25, 2023/01/01
  • Notes on Afar Verbal Morphology
    HARA Shogo; Alazar Gebriel; SUZUKI Kota; Ikeda Jun
    Studies in Ethiopian Languages/8/pp.1-19, 2019-12
  • 現代ヘブライ語と標準語
    池田 潤
    日本語学/37(5)/pp.170-181, 2018-05
  • Documentation of the Masqän language (1): A Folktale
    Ikeda Jun
    Studies in Ethiopian Languages/6/pp.77-86, 2017-12
  • ERPs elicited by silent reading of Hebrew letters revisited
    Ikeda Jun
    Research in Experimental Phonetics and Linguistics/9/pp.27-34, 2017-03
  • 1000 Basic Vocabulary of Mesqan
    Ikeda Jun
    Studies in Ethiopian Languages/5/pp.96-129, 2016-12
  • Research Metrics for the Rest of Us
    池田 潤
    Inter Faculty/pp.95-98, 2016-03
  • An Experimental Study of the Typology of Abjad: Based on ERPs Evoked by Silent Reading Tasks in Hebrew
    池田 潤; 桐越 舞; 川邉 貴英
    Research in Experimental Phonetics and Linguistics/6/pp.1-10, 2014-03
  • 学生の国際交流プログラム:筑波大学
    池田 潤
    IDE/(558)/pp.30-33, 2014-02
  • Basic Vocabulary of Mesqan (2)
    池田 潤
    Studies in Ethiopian Languages/2/pp.1-8, 2013-10
  • N170 and P250 Evoked by Silent Reading Tasks in Hebrew
    池田 潤; 桐越 舞; 川邉 貴英
    Research in Experimental Phonetics and Linguistics/7/pp.65-74, 2015-03
  • A Study of the N170 Component Evoked by Letter Recognition
    池田潤; 川邉貴英; 桐越舞; 渡辺和希; 桂&#38639
    Research in Experimental Phonetics and Linguistics/5/pp.1-14, 2013-03
  • 筑波大学における大学院共通科目の再検討
    池田 潤
    大学研究オンライン/1, 2012-05
  • Theses on Ethiopian languages: A bibliographical survey at Addis Ababa University
    池田 潤
    Studies in Ethiopian Languages/1/p.32-47, 2012
  • Review of the Scribes and Scholars of the City of Emar in the Late Bronze Age
    Ikeda Jun
    AKKADICA/132(2)/pp.179-180, 2011-01
  • GIS-driven linguistic geography of Amarna letters from Canaan (2): A case of the infinitive used as a finite verb
    池田 潤
    Journal of General Linguistics/11/p.19-33, 2009-12
  • An Overture for Experimental Graphetics
    池田 潤
    Research in Experimental Phonetics and Linguistics/1/p.25-29, 2009-03
  • Early Japanese and Early Akkadian Writing Systems: A Contrastive Survey of ‘Kunogenesis.’
    Jun Ikeda
    Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Origins of Early Writing Systems (October 5-7, 2007; Peking University, Beijing), 2008-12
  • GIS driven linguistic geography of Amarna letters from Canaan (1): A case of the verbal ending -(n)na
    池田 潤
    Journal of General Linguistics/11/p.139-159, 2008-12
  • A basic research on ERPs elicited by visual stimuli: empirical studies on the typology of writing systems (1)
    池田 潤
    Studies in language and literature. Language/(54)/pp.1-13, 2008-01
  • On the Provenances of Amarna Letters from Canaan
    池田 潤
    Journal of General Linguistics/10/p.93-116, 2007-12
  • GIS and Linguistics
    池田 潤
    Journal of General Linguisitics/9/p.1-10, 2006-12
  • 楔形文字における母音の重ね書きについて
    池田 潤
    Studies in language and literature. Language/(49)/pp.83-94, 2006-01
  • An Acoustic Analysis of Historical Schwa in Israeli Hebrew
    福盛貴弘; 池田潤
    Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan/48(2), 2005-01
  • more...
  • Handbook of Hebrew Grammar [new edition]
    池田 潤
    Hakusuisha, 2023-7
  • Relational Units in Cuneiform Writing: Two Cases of Comparative Graphemics
    Ikeda Jun
    Prince of the Orient: A Memorial Volume for H. I. H. Prince Takahito Mikasa/Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan/pp.259-268, 2019-03
  • The World’s Oldest Writing in Mesopotamia and Japanese Writing System
    Yamada Shigeo; Ikeda Jun
    Ancient West Asian Civilization: Geo-environment and Society in the Pre-Islamic Middle East/Springer/pp.157-163, 2016-09
  • 古代西アジアの言語と文化
    池田潤; 永井正勝
    『西アジア文明学への招待』/pp.176-190, 2014-12
  • アッカド文字と日本文字における訓の発生
    池田 潤
    楔形文字文化の世界/聖公会出版/pp.1-19, 2014-03
  • Modern Linguistics and Hebrew Studies: A Case of "Tenses" of Suffix and Prefix Conjugations
    池田 潤
    IIAS Report no. 1102: Modernity and Interpretations of Ancient Texts: the Collapse and Remaking of Traditions (Project Leader: Isaiah Teshima)/International Institute for Advanced Studies/pp.99-114, 2012-03
  • 『ヘブライ語文法ハンドブック』
    池田 潤
    白水社, 2011-08
  • Was Akkadian spoken in Emar? Diglossia in Emar
    池田 潤
    Language in the Ancient Near East, Vol. 1/Eisenbrauns/pp.841-850, 2010-08
  • 文献言語学序説
    池田 潤
    実験音声学と一般言語学/東京堂出版/pp.325-334, 2006-07
  • Let's Write and Read Cuneiform
    池田 潤
    Hakusuisha, 2006-03
  • ユダヤ教思想における悪
    植村卍; 小岸昭; 池田潤; 赤井敏夫
    晃洋書房, 2004-06
  • 図説 古代オリエント事典 大英博物館版
    池田裕; 山田重郎; 池田潤; 山田恵子; 山田雅道
    東洋書林, 2004-01
  • Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Collection of the Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem : The Emar Tablets
    J. G. Westenholz; J. Ikeda; Sh. Izre'el; M. Sigrist; I. ...
    Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Collection of the Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem : The Emar Tablets/STYX Publications, Groningen STYX Publications, Groningen, 2000-01
  • ヘブライ語のすすめ
    池田 潤
    ミルトス, 1999-04
  • ユダヤ人の歴史
    石田友雄; 阿川尚之; 池田潤; 山田恵子
    徳間書店 徳間書店, 1999-01
  • Scribes in Emar
    池田 潤
    Priests and Officials in the Ancient Near East/Universitätsverlag C. Winter/pp.163-185, 1999-01
  • オリエントの印章
    池田 潤;
    學藝書林 學藝書林, 1998-01
  • A Linguistic Analysis of the Akkadian Texts from Emar: Administrative Texts
    池田 潤
  • ウガリトと旧約聖書
    津村俊夫; 小板橋又久; 池田潤
    教文館 教文館, 1991-01
Conference, etc.
  • F1000Research筑波大学ゲートウェイとiMD 筑波大学の新たな試み
    逸村 裕; 齊藤愛; 森本行人; 新道真代; 池田潤
    6th RMAN-J Annual Conference/2020-09-17--2020-09-18
  • 総合討論
    池田 潤; システム研究機構理事 津田 敏隆 情報; 杉原 薫 総合地球環境学研究所プログラムディレクター; 山田...
  • SDGs時代の人財育成
    池田 潤; 長谷川 知子 日本経済団体連合会; 川名 政幸 セイコーエプソン取締役執行役員; 梶田 恵美子 全日...
    GCNJ IGES 年次シンポジウム/2019-02-28--2019-02-28
  • iMD: A new journal metrics
    池田 潤
    Research Metrics in Humanities and Social Sciences: From Seeds to Needs/2019-02-15--2019-02-15
  • 多様性に着目した学術誌の評価指標:J-STAGEメタデータ活用の試み
    池田 潤
  • iMDを活用した学術誌の評価について
    池田 潤
  • iMDを活用した学術誌の評価について
    池田 潤
  • TSUKUBA indexについて
    池田 潤
    TSUKUBA index Web公開記念シンポジウム/2017-12-01
  • デジタルヒューマニティーズとしての実験言語学
    池田 潤
  • 「趣旨説明」「周辺アッカド語の事例紹介」
    Ikeda Jun
  • Writing in West Asia: How innovative and universal is it?
    Ikeda Jun
  • ヘブライ文字黙読課題による事象関連電位再考
    Ikeda Jun
  • Early Visual and Linguistic Processing of a Deep Orthography: An ERP Study of Hebrew
    池田 潤
    ATTLIS 2016/2016-03-10--2016-03-11
  • 文字における文字類型とERPによる検証
    池田 潤; 桐越 舞; 川邉 貴英
  • Japanese Logosyllabic Writing: A Comparison with Cuneiform Writing
    池田 潤
    Cultures and Societies in the Middle Euphrates and Habur Areas in the Second Millennium BC: Scribal Education and Scribal Tradition/2013-12-05--2013-12-06
  • 子音文字の類型に関する実験研究:ヘブライ文字黙読課題による事象関連電位に関する一考察
    池田 潤; 桐越 舞; 川邉 貴英
  • 閉じる研究と開く研究の接点を目指して:筑波人文情報学研究会の挑戦
    宇陀 則彦; 池田 潤; 永井 正勝; 永崎 研宣
  • 楔形文字の世界:日本の文字と比べてみよう
    池田 潤
  • 西アジア言語研究におけるデジタル・イノベーション
  • 文字類型考察の新展開
  • Ethiosemitic and Akkadian: A Comparative View
    Jun Ikeda
    The 2nd International Workshop on Afroasiatic Languages/2011-09-03
  • 文字類型に関する実験研究:同一視覚刺激を対象とした異なる認知課題による事象関連電位に関する一考察
    池田潤; 平田彬; 渡辺和希; 桐越舞
  • GISを用いたアマルナ語の言語地理学的分析(2):定動詞として用いられる不定詞絶対形
    池田 潤
  • 近代言語学とヘブライ語研究
    池田 潤
  • GISを用いたアマルナ語の言語地理学的分析:概観とケーススタディー
    池田 潤
  • more...
Intellectural property rights
  • iMD
    池田 潤
  • 評価システム、評価方法及びプログラム
    池田 潤
  • TSUKUBA index 1.1
    池田 潤
  • TSUKUBA index 1.0
    池田 潤
2023-04 -- 2023-07Research Laboratory Practice (3A)University of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Research Laboratory Seminar (3B)University of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Research Laboratory Practice (3B)University of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Internship for Humanities and Social Sciences (3)University of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Internship for Humanities and Social Sciences (3)University of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Insights into industries from alumni’s viewpointsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Project Practice (1B)University of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Internship for Humanities and Social Sciences (1)University of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Internship for Humanities and Social Sciences (1)University of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-06Descriptive LinguisticsUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • 筑波大学の現状と課題
    池田 潤
  • Presidents’ Roundtable
    Jaeho Yeom; Rik Torfs; Jukka Kola; Wei Liu; Dongmei Yin; 橋本周司; ...
    East Asia-Nordic/Benelux University Consortium (ENUC) First Conference/2016-05-04--2016-05-04
  • パネルディスカッション「我が国の大学の経営改革に向けて、シンガポール国立大学の戦略的展開に何を学ぶのか」
    上山隆大; Tan Eng Chye; 永里善彦; 山本進一; 池田 潤
  • パネルディスカッション「人文社会系の研究力ってどうはかるの?」
    川人 よし恵; 稲石 奈津子; 池田 潤; 喜久里 要; 森本 行人; 藤井 翔太
  • アッカド文字と日本文字における訓について
    池田 潤
    日本オリエント学会 第308回公開講演会/2014-05-24--2014-05-24
  • 大学の世界展開
    池田 潤
  • 筑波大学における大学院共通科目の再検討
  • Digital Innovations in Humanities
    Jun Ikeda
    Opening Forum of the Euro-Japan Academic Networking for Humanities Project/2011-11-04
  • ユダヤ民族の興亡:ヘブライ人からイスラエル人まで
    池田 潤
  • エマルと聖書
    池田 潤
  • (1) 言語とコミュニケーション, (2) 楔形文字を書いてみよう
  • 楔形文字入門
Professional activities
2018-07 -- (current)一般社団法人筑波会議支援機構理事
1986 -- (current)THE SOCIETY FOR NEAR EASTERN STUDIES IN JAPANExecutive Director
2008 -- (current)The Japan Experimental Linguistics Society (JELS)Executive Director, President
University Management
2017-04 -- 2018-03筑波会議・TGSW推進ユニットユニット長
2016-04 -- 2018-03Office for Institutional StrategiesMember
2015-04 -- (current)Organizing committee of Tsukuba Global Science WeekHead
2014-10 -- (current)Top Global University Project Planning CommitteeHead
2013-04 -- 2021-03President OfficeChief of Staff
2013-04 -- 2017-03Office for Strategies of Research and DevelopmentMember
2013-04 -- 2015-03Office for Strategies of Research and DevelopmentMember
2013-04 -- (current)Tsukuba Sports AssociationMember of the steering committee
2012-04 -- 2018-03Management Committee of the Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesMember
2010-04 -- 2018-03Committee for Preparing Future Professors/ProfessionalsChairman
Other activities
2022-10 -- 2022-10ヒューマニエンス (NHK BS)「"文字" ヒトを虜にした諸刃の剣」 出演

(Last updated: 2024-05-07)