BUSHNELL Cade Conlan

Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Official title
Associate Professor
Research fields
Japanese language education
Japanese linguistics
Foreign language education
Cultural anthropology
Research keywords
Second language acquisition
Multilingualism / polyglotism
Second language socialization
Membership categorization analysis
Anthropology of friendship
Linguistic anthoropology (discursive practices)
2011-12Ph.D. (Japanese Linguistics)Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Hawaii at Manoa
2011-12Advanced Graduate Certificate (AGC) in Second Language StudiesDepartment of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • Story listening and story drawing
    Extensive Reading in Japan/15(1)/pp.9-10, 2022-12
  • Developing Japanese Language Learning Content for the Japan Virtual Campus Platform
    Vanbaelen Ruth; Masaki Ono; Hironori Sekizaki; Cade B...
    The 13th International Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies “Embracing Diversities, Igniting Potentials”/pp.166-170, 2023-11-17
  • A Decade of Japanese Language Courses for English Medium Majors
    Vanbaelen Ruth; Bushnell Cade
    Journal of Japanese Language Teaching/(35)/pp.55-71, 2020-03
  • A Decade of Japanese Language Courses for English Medium Majors
    Vanbaelen Ruth; Bushnell Cade
    Journal of Japanese Language Teaching/(35)/pp.55-71, 2020
  • 会話分析研究に基づく日本語初級教科書開発の試案
    ブッシュネル ケード; 関崎 博紀; 永井絢子; 伊藤 秀明; ヴァンバーレン ルート; 許 明子; 小野 正樹; ...
    第10回 日本語実用言語学国際会議 予稿集/pp.150-153, 2017-07
  • そこ、笑うとこ ― 留学生向けの落語会における観客による笑いの会話分析
    Japanese Journal of Laughter and Humor Research/24/pp.17-32, 2017
  • Talking the talk: The interactional construction of community and identity at conversation analytic data sessions in Japan
    Bushnell Cade
    Human Studies/(35)/p.583-605, 2012
  • 学習者が満足できる漢字教育とは何か:漢字・非漢字系学習者が混在している教室の場合
    筑波大学地域研究研究科平成15年度日本語教育実習報告論文集/(15)/p.65-80, 2004-01
  • Getting let in: The role of learner agency in gaining access to affordances in an intermediate JFL classroom
    Bushnell Cade
    日本語用論学会第10回大会発表論文集/(3)/p.185-192, 2008-01
  • On NS/NNS identities and ‘warrantability’: The interactional co-authorship of an occasioned medium by a first and second language speaker of Japanese
    Bushnell Cade
    Second Language Studies/1(28)/p.1-31, 2009-01
  • Lego my keego!’: An analysis of language play in a beginning Japanese as a foreign language classroom
    Bushnell Cade
    Applied Linguistics/1(30)/p.49-69, 2009-01
  • Interactionally constructing practice, community, shared resources, and identity: An ethnomethodological analysis of interactions at conversation analytic data sessions in Japan
    Bushnell Cade
    Doctoral dissertation/p.416, 2011-01
  • Identifying identity: Identity as an interactional construct, and some relations to second language learning
    Bushnell Cade
    筑波大学地域研究/(32)/p.157-182, 2011-01
  • Navigating friendships in interaction: Introduction
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    Navigating Friendships in Interaction: Discursive and Ethnographic Perspectives/pp.1-8, 2024-01
  • Getting to know you: A microethnograpy of "(not) making friends" in first-time interactions in Japanese
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    Navigating Friendships in Interaction: Discursive and Ethnographic Perspectives/pp.54-78, 2024-01
  • Navigating Friendships in Interaction: Discursive and Ethnographic Perspectives
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    Routledge, 2024-01
  • Micro-bonding moments: Laughter in the joint construction of mutual affiliation in initial-encounter interactions by first and second language speakers of Japanese
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    Bonding through Context: Language and Interactional Alignment in Japanese Situated Discourse/John Benjamins/pp.173-196, 2020
  • Conversation Analysis
    世界思想社, 2018-09
  • Rakugo CALL Program for Japanese Language Learning: Its Development and Possibilities for Implementation
    Yamada Toru; Sakai Takako; Bushnell Cade Conlan
    Technology-Supported Learning In and Out of the Japanese Language Classroom/Multilingual Matters/pp.149-170, 2019-01
  • Melting the ice: 初対面会話における共鳴現象としての笑いの機能
    井出 里咲子; ケード ブッシュネル
    『聞き手行動のコミュニケーション学』/ひつじ書房/pp.241-261, 2018-12
  • She who laughs first: Audience laughter and interactional competence at a rakugo performance for foreign students
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    Interactional Competence in Japanese as an Additional Language/National Foreign Language Resource Center/pp.81-114, 2017
  • Interactionally constructing practice, community, shared resources, and identity: An ethnomethodological analysis of interactions at conversation analytic data sessions in Japan
Conference, etc.
  • Why Stories?: From optimal input to thick context and beyond
    Polyglot Conference Global/2023-10-04--2023-10-08
  • Developing Japanese Language Learning Content for the Japan Virtual Campus Platform
    Vanbaelen Ruth; Masaki Ono; Hironori Sekizaki; Cade B...
    The 13th International Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies “Embracing Diversities, Igniting Potentials”/2023-11-17--2023-11-18
  • JV-Campus:筑波大学のオンライン日本語教材の開発
    関崎 博紀; ブッシュネル ケード; 伊藤 秀明; 岩崎 拓也; 小野 正樹; チョーハン アヌブティ...
  • ストーリーや絵によるインプットの有効性:中級入門の教室活動をみた質的研究
  • A short trip through the Japanese Language
    Vanbaelen Ruth; Cade Bushnell
    Vuelta al mundo en 30 dias, Vol 1, Jueves de Idiomas con OGCRI/2020-09-17--2020-09-17
  • Opening doors: Participating in the flow of the interaction
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    Faculty Colloquium Talk/2019-01-10--2019-01-10
  • A Decade of Japanese Language Classes for English Medium Majors
    Vanbaelen Ruth; Bushnell Cade
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education/2020-01-04--2020-01-07
  • Letting It Pass with a Smile: A Conversation Analytic Examination of Recipient Smiles and Laughter in Multiparty L2 Interaction
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    第10回 日本語実用言語学国際会議/2017-07-08
  • Access denied: Justifying exclusion though invoking the institution
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)/2016-11-27
  • A report on the use of skit-based activities in an elementary Japanese class
    Japanese Language Education Methods (JLEM)/2014-09
  • Gaikokujin ja jarimasen (I’m not a foreigner): An analysis of the interactive construction and contestation of (not) being a foreigner
    Bushnell Cade Conlan
    17th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan/2014-11
  • 笑っている場合?
:留学生に対する落語会における笑いの位 置とその組織化について」
  • Research concerning the influence of mnemonics and the characteristics of kanji on the acquisition of kanji meanings: The case of alphabet-habituated beginning learners of Japanese
    Bushnell Cade
  • Getting let in: The role of learner agency in gaining access to affordances in an intermediate JFL classroom
    Bushnell Cade
  • Playing around: Some functions of language play in a beginning Japanese as a foreign language classroom
    Bushnell Cade
  • The interactional co-authorship of a medium by Japanese L1 and L2 speakers
    Bushnell Cade
  • Okkanai toko na n desu ka’ (Is it a frightening place)?: A microethnography of the sequential and categorial aspects of co-accomplishing learning as participation in L2 Japanese
    Bushnell Cade
  • Categories in action: Towards a systematic analytical methodology for examining categorial formulations in talk-in-interaction
    Bushnell Cade
  • Nanka yoogo toka aru n desu ka?’ (Is there some term for that?): Second language learning as publicly accomplished at ‘data sessions’ in Japan
    Bushnell Cade
  • Identity in practice: The use of terminological resources and identity formation at conversation analytic data sessions in Japan
    Bushnell Cade
  • TsukuBOOK
    BUSHNELL Cade Conlan; 関崎博紀; Chauhan Anubhuti
  • SNACK:Short NAtural Conversations for Kyampus(campus) life
    関崎 博紀; ケード ブッシュネル; チョーハン アヌブティ
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research Program Development 5University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Seminar in Research on Society and Language 2AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research Program Development 3University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Japanese 5 Listening 1B (Intermediate)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Specially Arranged Research Development 1University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Seminar in Research on Society and Language 2BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Intensive Japanese D000BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research Program Development Basic 1University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08形成的評価に基づく日本語学習A筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08Project Seminar 2University of Tsukuba.
I am interested in how people develop an ability to use and maintain languages in addition to their mother tongue. I am using microethnography (which draws on conversation analysis, membership categorization analysis, context analysis, and other qualitative ethnographic methodologies) to examine how people acquire other languages, and I am currently doing research on how polyglots (i.e., people who have acquired four or more languages) learn and maintain their languages. I am also pursuing microethnographic research examining the discursive construction and management of human friendship relationships.

(Last updated: 2024-08-20)