Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Official title
Research fields
Sociology of education
History of Europe and America
Research keywords
Comparative International Education
Sociology in Education
History Education
Internatioal Conflict and Education
Research projects
Educational Use of War Heritage: Historical Symbols and Memorial Sites2023-04 -- 2026-03SHIBATA, MasakoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)4,290,000Yen
History Education and Human Rights Education along the Theme of the Holocaust2020-04 -- 2023-03SHIBATA, MasakoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)4,160,000Yen
Transition of Holocaust Education in Germany's Neighbouring Countries: Britain, France and Sweden2016-04 -- 2019-03SHIBATA, MasakoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)4,030,000Yen
Policy for History Education on World War II: Japan, Germany and Britain2013-04 -- 2016-03SHIBATA, MasakoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)3,510,000Yen
Educational Programmes in Museums on the History of World War II: International Comparison2010-04 -- 2013-03SHIBATA, MasakoJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)7,540,000Yen
Post-WWII History Education in Germany and Britain: Textbook Research2007-04 -- 2010-03SHIBATA, MasakoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research3,100,000Yen
Comparative Historical Study of Educational Culture (Materials and Events) for Elucidation of Educational Culture as Deep Structure2008-04 -- 2010-03SOEDA, HaruoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)720,000Yen
Career history
2022-04 -- (current)University of Tsukuba-Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences-Professor
2013-08 -- 2022-03University of Tsukuba-Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences-Associate Professor
2005-04 -- 2013-08University of Tsukuba-Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences-Assistant Professor
Academic background
1996-10 -- 2001-06Institute of Education, University of London
2001-06Ph.D. in EducationInstitute of Education, University of London
Licenses and qualifications
1984-03-31Teacher’s Certificate for Upper Secondary School
1984-03-31Teacher’s Certificate for Lower Secondary School
1984-03-31Teacher’s Certificate for Primary School
1984-03-31Teacher’s Certificate for Kindergarten
Academic societies
1998-07 -- (current)Comparative Education Society in Europe
2001-06 -- (current)Japan Comparative Education Society
2021-04 -- (current)Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies
2022-06 -- (current)The Japan Association of International Relations
Honors & Awards
2002-07-01The CESE Women’s Network Prize
1998-10-01The Overseas Research Students Award
1997-11-01The Holmes Prize
  • Remembering the Holocaust and Learning from Its History: An Analysis of Representations of the Holocaust in Europe
    SHIBATA Masako
    Impacts of Museums on Global Communication/IGI Global/pp.193-212, 2024-10
  • History Education in Japan: An Account for Domestic Policy Controversies over the Past War
    Shibata Masako
    Handbook of Education Policy Studies - School/University, Curriculum and Assessment, Volume 2/Springer/pp.185-200, 2020-06
  • ブリティッシュ・カウンシル
    柴田 政子
    比較教育学事典/Toshindo/pp.341-341, 2012-06
  • 占領教育改革
    柴田 政子
    比較教育学事典/Toshindo/pp.253-253, 2012-06
  • Re-thinking the Context of International Politics in Comparative Education: An Analysis of Japanese Educational Policy in Search for a Modern Self
    Shibata Masako
    New Thinking in Comparative Education: Honouring Robert Cowen/Sense Publishers/pp.163-176, 2010-08
  • Comparative Education in Two Asian Contexts: A juxtaposition and some questions
    Shibata Masako; Wang Chengxu; Don Jiahong
    International Handbook of Comparative Education/Springer/pp.1209-1223, 2009-08
  • Demystifying the Devine State and Rewriting Cultural Identity in the U.S. Occupation in Japan
    Shibata Masako; Ohkura Kentaro
    American Post-Conflict Educational Reform: From the Spanish-American War to Iraq/Palgrave Macmillan/pp.129-145, 2009-01
  • History Textbook in Germany: Comparative analysis with the case of Japan
    柴田 政子
    University of Tsukuba, 2008-03
  • アジアにおける日本の『歴史問題』-戦後構想と国際政治文脈を比較の視点から
    柴田 政子
    東アジアの歴史政策-日中韓 対話と歴史認識/明石書店/pp.210-229, 2008-01
  • Japan and Germany under the U.S. Occupation: A comparative analysis of the post-war education reform
    Shibata Masako
    Lexington Books, 2005-09
  • Education, National Identity and Religion in Japan in an Age of Globalisation
    Shibata Masako
    World Yearbook of Education 2005: Globalisation and nationalism in education/Routledge Falmer/pp.89-113, 2005-02
  • Educational Borrowing in Japan in the Meiji and Post-War Eras
    Shibata Masako
    Educational Borrowing: Historical perspectives/Symposium Books/pp.145-165, 2004-12
  • ドイツの幼児教育
    柴田 政子
    世界の幼児教育を考える/北樹出版/pp.104-106, 2003-05
  • Destruction and Reconstruction: a comparative analysis of education reform in Japan and Germany under the US military occupation after World War Two
    Shibata Masako
    Can the Japanese Change Their Education System Can the Japanese Change Their Education System?/Symposium Books/pp.43-71, 2003-01
  • ドイツの学校
    柴田 政子
    現代の学校経営を考える/北樹出版/pp.98-100, 2002-11
  • The Education Reform in Japan and Germany under the American Military Occupation after World War Two: A comparative study
    Shibata Masako
    Institute of Education, University of London, 2001-06
  • A Comparative Analysis of the Universalisation of Primary Education in Japan, Malaysia and Singapore with Special Reference to the State
    Shibata Masako
    Institute of Education, University of London (MA Dissertation), 1997-09
Conference, etc.
  • "The Politics of History Education in Japan: Dealing with World War II"
    SHIBATA Masako
    Lecture at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, the University of Belgrade/2024-05-22--2024-05-22
  • Institutional Frameworks of the Representation of History: Political and Social Forces in Remembering War
    SHIBATA Masako
    The 29th Conference of Comparative Education Society in Europe/2024-07-08--2024-07-11
  • The Educational Use of Oral History: What can we learn from Holocaust education?
    Shibata Masako
    The 13th Biennial Conference of Comparative Education Society of Asia/2023-11-24--2023-11-26
  • The US Occupation in Okinawa: Education Reform and Indigenous Values
    Shibata Masako
    The 44th International Standing Conference for the History of Education (Online)/2023-07-24--2023-07-24
  • History Education and Human Rights Education on the Theme of the Holocaust: Use of individual memories for educational purposes
    柴田 政子
    Japan Comparative Education Society: The 58th Annual Conference/2022-06-24--2022-06-26
  • 社会科歴史学習におけるオーラル・ヒストリー活用 ―「証言」活用の展望と課題―
    柴田 政子
    第70回全国社会科教育学会全国研究大会(オンライン&オンデマンド開催 )/2021-10-23--2021-11-07
  • The United States' Cultural Mission in Okinawa (1945-1972): Identity formation through educational reconstruction
    Shibata Masako
    The 12th Biennial Conference of Comparative Education Society of Asia (online)/2021-09-25--2021-09-26
  • Re-contextualisation of Memory in History Education: Practices in Holocaust education
    柴田 政子
    The 70th Conference of Japan Association for the Social Studies/2020-11-27--2020-11-29
  • Fostering Values of Human Rights through Holocaust Education: Its teaching methods
    Shibata Masako
    The 3rd WCCES (World Council of Comparative Education Societies) Symposium (online)/2020-11-25--2020-11-27
  • 「ホロコースト教育のペダゴジー ―追体験を通した歴史教育の試み―」
    柴田 政子
  • ホロコースト教育のための教材開発―イギリス・ロンドン大学の事例-
    柴田 政子
  • Domination and Emancipation of the Okinawa Islands: The legacy of Japan’s modernisation and World War II
    Shibata Masako
    The 39th International Standing Conference for the History of Education/2017-07-19
  • 第二次世界大戦とホロコーストの記憶:歴史教育にみる継続性と変化
    柴田 政子
  • Teaching Holocaust History in Europe: A transnational perspective
    Shibata Masako
    The 27th Conference of Comparative Education Society in Europe/2016-06-01--2016-06-01
  • ヨーロッパにおける歴史教育の継続性と変化-ホロコーストの「傍観者」-
    柴田 政子
  • ホロコースト教育の変遷:変化する社会のなかで
    柴田 政子
  • 第二次世界大戦に関する歴史教育:ドイツとイギリスの比較検討
    柴田 政子
  • History of Education and International Understanding in East Asia
    Shibata Masako
  • 東アジアにおける歴史教育と日本:植民地と戦争の歴史を中心に
    柴田 政子
  • Perceptions about Japan in History Education in East Asia
    Shibata Masako
    Perceptions about Japan in History Education in East Asia: Cases of Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taiwan/2013-02-20--2013-02-20
  • 第二次世界大戦関連の博物館における歴史教育-ヨーロッパの事例-
    柴田 政子
  • 第二次世界大戦関連の博物館・資料館における歴史教育:国際比較の視点から
    柴田 政子
  • 博物館における歴史教育:展示と過去の再構築
    柴田 政子
  • ドイツとイギリスの後期中等教育における第二次世界大戦の扱いについて
    柴田 政子
  • ドイツにおける戦後歴史教育:バイエルン州の取り組みについて
    柴田 政子
  • more...
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research Program Development 5University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research Program Development 3University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Specially Arranged Research Development 1University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research Program Development Basic 1University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12International Studies IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Project Seminar 2University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Project Seminar 2University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research Program Development Basic 4University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Specially Arranged Research Program Development 4University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Specially Arranged Research Program Development 2University of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2021-08 -- 2021-08高大連携事業「全国高校『探究』キャンプONLINE2021」筑波大学 人文社会系
2020-08 -- 2020-08高大連携事業「全国高校『探究』キャンプONLINE2020」筑波大学人文社会系
2019-10 -- 2019-10高大連携事業大学模擬授業「国際紛争と教育: 第二次世界大戦の『記憶』の継承」茨城県立緑岡高等学校
2016-07 -- 2016-07高大連携事業大学模擬授業「歴史教育にみる変化と継続性: 国際紛争との関係から考察」千葉県立佐原高等学校
2016-03 -- 2016-03高大連携事業大学講話「歴史教育の国際比較 -記憶の変化から学ぶこと-」都立桜修館中等教育学校
2012-05 -- 2012-05公開講座「異文化の視点から見る日本(クールジャパン)」筑波大学人文社会科学研究科
  • State Formation and Education:Japan’s experience
    Shibata Masako
    Kazakh Economic University Training Program "International Economics: Japanese experience and its use in doctoral dissertations"/2014-05-22--2014-05-22
  • 東アジアの歴史教育と国際理解
    Shibata Masako
    瀋陽航空航天大学・国際日本研究専攻共同シンポジウム 「日中の社会・文化における相互理解のために」/2014-02-12--2014-02-12
  • 寄り道回り道も悪くない:多様な生き方のある社会
    柴田 政子
  • 異文化の視点から見る日本(クールジャパン):日本の教育から世界が学べること
    柴田 政子
  • グローバリゼーション時代における教育
    柴田 政子
  • 戦後米軍占領下における教育改革の日独比較
    柴田 政子
  • Destruction and Reconstruction: A comparative analysis of the education reform in Japan and Germany under the US Military Occupation after World War Two
    柴田 政子
    Joint Seminar of the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies at St. Antony’s College and the Department of Educational Studies of the Oxford University/2002-01-25--2002-01-25
Professional activities
2002-07 -- 2004-07THE JAPAN-UK EDUCATION FORUM紀要編集委員会委員
2008-04 -- 2009-03History of Education学術雑誌査読委員会/委員
2005-10 -- (current)Research in Comparative and International Education, International Advisory Committee 委員
University Management
2022-04 -- 2024-03高水平入試実施委員会(海外連携推進委員会兼任)(国際日本研究学位プログラム)委員
2022-04 -- 2024-03系長特別補佐(人文社会系)特別補佐
2022-04 -- 2024-03運営委員会(人文社会系)委員
2022-04 -- 2024-03人事委員会(人文社会系)委員
2022-04 -- 2024-03大学教員業績評価委員会(人文社会系)委員
2022-04 -- 2024-03グローバル人材育成プログラム(GHRD)運営委員会(国際総合学類)委員
2022-04 -- 2024-03運営委員会(人文社会科学研究群/科)委員
2022-04 -- 2024-03国際日本研究学位プログラム副プログラムリーダー
2018-04 -- 2024-03社会科学学位プログラム(国際日本研究学位プログラム)サブリーダー
2012-07 -- 2024-03運営委員会(国際日本研究学位プログラム)委員
Other activities
2021-09 -- 2022-02The European Research Commission Project “Democracy under Threat: How Education can Save it” (DEMED): Country Expert
2019-04 -- 2020-03平成31(2019)年度科学研究費 基盤研究(C)審査第三部会第09010小委員会IV 委員
2018-04 -- 2019-03平成30(2018)年度科学研究費 基盤研究(C) 審査第三部会第09010小委員会IV委員
2017-04 -- 2018-03平成29(2017)年度科学研究費 基盤研究(C)第1段審査(書面審査)委員
2016-04 -- 2017-03平成28(2016)年度科学研究費 基盤研究(C) 第1段審査(書面審査)委員 

(Last updated: 2024-12-05)