- Affiliation
- Institute of Business Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000-0003-2437-777X
- Research fields
Social systems engineering/ Safety system Control engineering/System engineering - Research keywords
Financial engineering Optimization Financial risk managiment - Research projects
Construction of risk management system to support renewable energy P2P transactions 2020-04 -- 2025-03 Yuji YAMADA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 44,720,000Yen Risk management system for losses caused by trading electricity in whole sales market using weather derivatives 2019-07 -- 2024-03 YAMADA Yuji Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,500,000Yen Constructions of forecast based strategies and real-time experiment systems for electricity trading market 2016-04 -- 2020-03 YAMADA Yuji Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 28,730,000Yen Construction of management systems for energy portfolios and market risks 2013-04 -- 2016-03 YAMADA Yuji Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 12,740,000Yen Dynamic hedging of multi-objective basket options and its application to portfolio diversification and management 2010-04 -- 2013-03 YAMADA Yuji Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,290,000Yen Pricing and Hedging of Illiquid Asset Derivatives 2007-04 -- 2010-03 YAMADA Yuji Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,420,000Yen 多期間設定における多次元ポートフォリオのバリューアットリスク最適化 2003-04 -- 2005-03 YAMADA Yuji Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B) 3,700,000Yen 日次電力先物価格の推計手法に関する研究 2019-10 -- 2020-03 Yuji YAMADA //企業からの受託研究 1,210,000Yen 電力フォワードカーブ構築手法の開発 2019-10 -- 2020-03 Yuji YAMADA //企業からの受託研究 1,210,000Yen 市場リスク管理の高度化研究(その2) 2014-06 -- 2015-03 YAMADA Yuji /企業からの受託研究 3,240,000Yen more... - Career history
2018-04 -- 2021-03 University of TsukubaFaculty of Business SciencesDean 2013-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Business SciencesProfessor 2007-04 -- 2013-03 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Business SciencesAssociate Professor 2002-01 -- 2007-03 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Business SciencesAssociate Professor 2000-05 -- 2001-12 California Institute of Technology, USAPostdoctoral Scholar 1998-04 -- 2000-04 Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellowship - Academic background
1995-04 -- 1998-03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Systems Science - Degree
1998-03 Ph.D. in Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology - Licenses and qualifications
2012-09 日本国特許:動作方法,予測誤差補填装置,気象発電計画装置,およびプログラム 2018-08 日本国特許:電力取引支援装置,電力取引支援方法およびプログラム - Academic societies
1994 -- (current) The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 2000 -- (current) The Japanese Association of Financial Econometrices and Engineering 2005-04 -- (current) Nippon Finance Association 2006-04 -- (current) THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2006 -- (current) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1995 -- 2001 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2005 -- 2011 TRANSDISCIPLINARY FEDERATION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Honors & Awards
2024-02-14 2023 Best Faculty Member 令和5年度大学教員業績評価においてSS評価教員として認定された 2014-02-12 2013 Best Faculty Member 平成25年度大学教員業績評価においてSS評価教員として認定された 2012 2011 JAFEE Best Paper Award 1998 SICE Best Paper Award 1996 SICE Young Author's Award - Articles
- Efficient Risk Management for Distributed Clean Energy: Principal Component based Weather Derivatives
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
ICFEE2024 conference proceedings of E3S Web of Conferences (Open Access proceedings in Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences)/pp.1-10, 2024-4 - Efficient Risk Management for Distributed Clean Energy: Principal Component based Weather Derivatives
Takuji Matsumoto; Yuji Yamada
Proceedings of 2024 14th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy (ICFEE 2024), E3S Web of Conferences, 2024-3-15 - スウィングクオントオプションの価格付けとヘッジ
山田 雄二; 松本 拓史
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 2023年度夏季大会/pp.1-12, 2023-08-17 - Principal Component Quanto Derivatives for Enhanced Solar Power Hedging
松本 拓史; 山田 雄二
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 2023年度冬季大会/pp.1-12, 2024-02-17 - Multivariate Weather Derivatives for Wind Power Risk Management: Standardization Scheme and Trading Strategy
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
Environmental Science and Engineering/16(7)/pp.269-280, 2023-12 - Construction of Mixed Derivatives Strategy for Wind Power Producers
Yamada Yuji; Matsumoto Takuji
Energies/16(9)/pp.1-26, 2023-04 - The evolution of capital structure and debt governance: Evidence from private equity-backed companies in Japan
Iioka Yasutake; Yamada Yuji
PACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNAL/79(102017)/pp.1-20, 2023-06 - Improving the Efficiency of Hedge Trading Using Higher-Order Standardized Weather Derivatives for Wind Power
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
ENERGIES/16(7)/pp.1-23, 2023-03 - Pricing Multi-Asset Bermudan Commodity Options with Stochastic Volatility Using Neural Networks
Hoshisashi Kentaro; Yamada Yuji
Journal of Risk and Financial Management/16(3)/pp.1-24, 2023-03 - Standardized Multivariate Weather Derivatives for Hedging Risk in Wind Power Generation Businesses
山田 雄二
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 2022年度夏季大会予稿集/pp.1-12, 2022-08-19 - Continuous Hedging Strategy for Power Market Using Financial Instruments on Electricity Price and Weather
Yamada Yuji; Matsumoto Takuji
Extended Abstracts of the 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022/pp.171-174, 2022-09-12 - Effectiveness and Feasibility of Market Makers for P2P Electricity Trading
Shinji Kuno; Kenji Tanaka; Yuji Yamada
ENERGIES/15(12), 2022-06 - Customization of Non-Parametric Hedging Models using Standardized Weather Derivatives: Ensuring Robustness by Cyclic Cubic Splines
Takuji Matsumoto; Yuji Yamada
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 2021年度夏季大会予稿集/pp.1-12, 2021-08 - Construction of Forecast Model for Power Demand and PV Power Generation Using Tensor Product Spline Function
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science/812/pp.1-8, 2021-04 - Mitigation of the Inefficiency in Imbalance Settlement Designs using Day-Ahead Prices
Matsumoto Takuji; Bunn Derek W; Yamada Yuji
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS/37(5)/pp.3333-3345, 2021-12 - Pricing electricity day-ahead cap futures with multifactor skew-t densities
Matsumoto Takuji; Bunn Derek; Yamada Yuji
QUANTITATIVE FINANCE/Epub, 2021-12 - Going for Derivatives or Forwards? Minimizing Cashflow Fluctuations of Electricity Transactions on Power Markets
Yamada Yuji; Matsumoto Takuji
ENERGIES/14(21), 2021-11 - Feasibility Conditions for Demonstrative Peer-to-Peer Energy Market
Kontani Reo; Tanaka Kenji; Yamada Yuji
ENERGIES/14(21), 2021-11 - Comprehensive and Comparative Analysis of GAM-Based PV Power Forecasting Models Using Multidimensional Tensor Product Splines against Machine Learning Techniques
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
ENERGIES/14(21), 2021-11 - Customized yet Standardized Temperature Derivatives: A Non-Parametric Approach with Suitable Basis Selection for Ensuring Robustness
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
ENERGIES/14(11), 2021-06 - Simultaneous hedging strategy for price and volume risks in electricity businesses using energy and weather derivatives
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
ENERGY ECONOMICS/95, 2021-03 - 再生可能エネルギー電力取引のための気象予測誤差デリバティブ
山田 雄二; 松本 拓史
オペレーションズリサーチ/65(1)/pp.12-19, 2020-01 - Hedging strategies for solar power businesses in electricity market using weather derivatives
山田 雄二
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering/pp.1-5, 2019-11 - PREDICTION METHOD FOR SOLAR POWER BUSINESS BASED ON FORECASTED GENERAL WEATHER CONDITIONS AND PERIODIC TRENDS BY WEATHER
松本 拓史; 山田 雄二
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan/62/pp.1-22, 2019 - 傾向スコア・マッチング法を用いた買収による生産性改善効果の検証
村上 暢子; 山田 雄二
JAFEE Journal/17/pp.67-75, 2019 - more...
- Efficient Risk Management for Distributed Clean Energy: Principal Component based Weather Derivatives
- Books
- Forecasting and Risk Management Techniques for Electricity Markets
Yamada Yuji
MDPI, 2022-09 - Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 19th International Symposium, KSS 2018, Tokyo, Japan, November 25–27, 2018, Proceedings
Chen Jian; Yamada Yuji; Ryoke Mina; Tang Xijin
Springer, 2018-11 - 「ファイナンスとデータ解析」
山田 雄二; 今井 潤一; 中妻 照雄
朝倉書店, 2015-03 - 「リスクマネジメント」
山田 雄二; 今井 潤一; 中妻 照雄
朝倉書店, 2014-04 - 「実証ファイナンスとクオンツ運用」
山田 雄二; 津田博史; 中妻照雄
朝倉書店, 2013-03 - エネルギー事業リスクとデリバティブ
山田 雄二
経済時系列分析ハンドブック/朝倉書店/pp.629-647, 2012-10 - Global Optimization for Robust Control Synthesis Based on the Matrix Product Eigenvalue Problem
山田 雄二
1998-03 - Numerical Optimization for Constantly Scaled H-infinity Control Problem via Output Feedback
山田 雄二
1995-03 - ビジネス数理への誘い
猿渡康文; 徐ファ; 鈴木久敏; 椿広計; 牧本直樹; 山田雄二; 吉澤正; 領家美奈
朝倉書店, 2003-10 - アメリカンオプション, 最適制御, 動的計画法, 自由境界問題
今野浩・刈屋武昭・木島正明編集; +山田 雄二
金融工学事典/朝倉書店, 2004-09 - 第19章デリバティブ
加藤英明監訳; +山田 雄二
金融経済学ハンドブック/丸善株式会社/p.1209-1294, 2006-01 - 計算で学ぶファイナンス: MATLABによる実装
山田雄二; 牧本直樹
朝倉書店, 2008-01 - 非流動性資産の価格付けとリアルオプション(ジャフィー・ジャーナル:金融工学と市場計量分析)
津田博史; 中妻照雄; 山田雄二
朝倉書店, 2008-01 - 第13章オプションの価格付け: 実分布とリスク中立分布
木島正明監訳; +山田 雄二
金融工学ハンドブック/朝倉書店, 2009-06 - ベイズ統計学とファイナンス(ジャフィー・ジャーナル:金融工学と市場計量分析)
津田博史; 山田雄二; 中妻照雄
朝倉書店, 2009-01 - 定量的信用リスク評価とその応用(ジャフィー・ジャーナル:金融工学と市場計量分析)
津田博史; 山田雄二; 中妻照雄
朝倉書店, 2010-01 - バリュエーション(ジャフィー・ジャーナル:金融工学と市場計量分析)
津田博史; 山田雄二; 中妻照雄
朝倉書店, 2011-01 - 市場構造分析と新たな資産運用手法(ジャフィー・ジャーナル:金融工学と市場計量分析)
津田博史; 山田雄二; 中妻照雄
朝倉書店, 2012-01
- Forecasting and Risk Management Techniques for Electricity Markets
- Conference, etc.
- Valuation and in-depth analysis of multifactor swing quanto options for mitigating electricity price-volume risk
Yamada Yuji
2023 KAFE-SKKU International Conference on Finance and Economics/2023-10-26--2023-10-26 - Efficient Risk Management for Distributed Clean Energy: Principal Component based Weather Derivatives
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
Proceedings of the 2024 14th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy (ICFEE 2024)/2024-3-15--2024-3-17 - Mitigating Cash Flow Volatility for Wind Power Producers Using Mixed Derivatives
Yamada Yuji
2024 APAF(Asia-Pacific Association Finance) International Conference/2024-07-10--2024-07-10 - Valuation and in-depth analysis of multifactor swing quanto options for mitigating electricity price-volume risk
Yuji Yamada; Takuji Matsumoto
2023 KAFE-SKKU International Conference on Finance and Economics/2023-10-25--2023-10-27 - Optimal design and formulation of financial frameworks for the efficient and sustainable trading of renewable energy resources
Yamada Yuji
2023 Asia-Pacific Financial Engineering Conference/2023-07-12--2023-07-12 - Efficient Risk Management for Distributed Clean Energy: Principal Component based Weather Derivatives
Takuji Matsumoto; Yuji Yamada
2024 14th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy (ICFEE 2024)/2024-3-15--2024-3-17 - スウィングクオントオプションの価格付けとヘッジ
山田 雄二; 松本 拓史
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 2023年度夏季大会/2023-08-17--2023-08-17 - Principal Component Quanto Derivatives for Enhanced Solar Power Hedging
松本 拓史; 山田 雄二
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 2023年度冬季大会/2024-02-17--2024-02-18 - Construction of interpretable GAM-based PV forecasts that outperform the prediction accuracy of machine learning methods
Takuji Matsumoto; Yuji Yamada
The 7th International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems (NEFES 2022)/2022-10-25--2022-10-28 - Comprehensive and Comparative Analysis of GAM-based Solar Power Forecasting Models versus Four Machine Learning Methods
Takuji Matsumoto; Yuji Yamada
INFORMS Annual Meeting/2022-10-16--2022-10-19 - Standardized Multivariate Weather Derivatives for Hedging Risk in Wind Power Generation Businesses
松本 拓史; 山田 雄二
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 2022年度夏季大会/2022-08-19--2022-08-20 - 再生可能エネルギー取引のためのデリバティブ
山田 雄二
第9回金融シンポジウム/2022-12-12 - Multivariate Weather Derivatives for Wind Power Risk Management: Standardization Scheme and Trading Strategy
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER2022)/2022-09-12--2022-09-16 - Continuous Hedging Strategy for Power Market Using Financial Instruments on Electricity Price and Weather
Yamada Yuji; Matsumoto Takuji
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022/2022-09-12--2022-09-16 - Solar power forecasting method based on smooth trend estimation in three directions of time, date, and solar radiation
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
41st International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF 2021)/2021-06-27--2021-06-30 - Customized Nonparametric Hedging Model for Electric Utilities: Suitable Basis Selection to Ensure Robustness
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2021)/2021-8-22--2021-8-27 - Pricing Electricity Day-Ahead Cap Futures Using Multifactor GAMLSS Density Forecasts
Takuji Matsumoto; Derek W. Bunn; Yuji Yamada
INFORMS Annual Meeting/2021-10-24--2021-10-27 - Model Predictive Control For Paris Trading Portfolios Using Empirical Distributions
Yamada Yuji; Primbs James A.
INFORMS Annual Meeting/2021-10-24--2021-10-27 - Construction of Forecast Model for Power Demand and PV Power Generation Using Tensor Product Spline Function
Matsumoto Takuji; Yamada Yuji
2021 The 3rd International Conference on Clean Energy and Electrical Systems (CEES 2021)/2021-04-2--2021-04-4 - Customization of Non-Parametric Hedging Models using Standardized Weather Derivatives: Ensuring Robustness by Cyclic Cubic Splines
松本 拓史; 山田 雄二
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 2021年度夏季大会/2021-08-22--2021-08-22 - Prediction-based Pricing of Forwards in Electricity Markets
Yamada Yuji
DAO Seminar - Department of Analytics & Operations, National University of Singapore, Singapore/2019-3-26--2019-3-26 - Model Predictive Control for Optimal Pairs Trading Portfolio with Gross Exposure and Transaction Cost Constraints
Yamada Yuji
CDS seminar, Control and Dynamical Systems, Caltech, USA/2019-8-26--2019-8-26 - ノンパラメトリック回帰を用いた卸電力市場ヘッジモデル
山田 雄二
OR学会・研究部会「エネルギーミックスの諸問題とOR」第14回研究会/2019-7-12--2019-7-12 - 電力先渡・気温デリバティブポートフォリオによるヘッジモデル
山田 雄二
ワークショップ『電力市場取引リスクマネジメントの理論と実務』/2019-3-16--2019-3-16 - 電力市場のモデリング・予測とヘッジ
山田 雄二
第1回『ビジネスイノベーション支援型データ・システムズサイエンス(DSS)研究拠点ワークショップ』/2019-2-16--2019-2-16 - more...
- Valuation and in-depth analysis of multifactor swing quanto options for mitigating electricity price-volume risk
- Intellectural property rights
- 電力市場取引に係る約定量・取引価格予測支援
Yamada Yuji - 動作方法,予測誤差補填装置,気象発電計画装置,およびプログラム
Yamada Yuji
- 電力市場取引に係る約定量・取引価格予測支援
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research on Systems Management - Spring I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Reading in Systems Management II-I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Advanced Research Seminar in Systems Management II-III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Systems Management -Fall I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Reading in Systems Management II-II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research on Systems Management - Fall I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Advanced Seminar in Systems Management II-III University of Tsukuba. 2024-11 -- 2025-02 Research on Systems Management I-III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Advanced Seminar in Systems Management II-II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research on Systems Management - Fall II University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2008-10 -- 2014-03 中央大学兼任講師 学外 2008-04 -- 2023-03 シグマベイスキャピタル非常勤講師 学外 - Talks
- デリバティブと電力ビジネス ~太陽光発電を例に~
山田 雄二
東京大学IoE研究会/2021-05-21--2021-05-21 - 「デリバティブの価格付けとヘッジの基礎」 ― 数値シミュレーションを交えて実践的に解説
ストック・リサーチ経営研究セミナー/2010-07-01 - 「名著に学ぶデリバティブの基礎」 ― 必須の基礎知識と、「使える」名著をわかりやすく解説
ストック・リサーチ経営研究セミナー/2011-02-01 - Optimal Hedging for Multivariate Derivatives Based on Additive Models
Yuji Yamada
2011 American Control Conference/2011-06-29 - Idiosyncratic共変動パズル:市場ユニバースにおける歪みや尖りとリスクプレミアムの関係分析
山田; 吉野; 斉藤; +山田 雄二
2011年JAFEE冬季大会/2012-03-12 - Construction of Optimal Portfolio with Cointegrated Stocks
Yuji Yamada
Symposium on Developments in Control Theory towards Glocal Control/2012-01-06 - I-共変動:市場ユニバースにおける新たなリスク指標
横浜国立大学・南山大学共同ファイナンス・ワークショップ/2011-12-01 - Idiosyncratic 共変動の資産収益率への影響分析
2011年JAFEE夏季大会/2011-10-14 - J-REITにおける保有不動産の用途特化・多様化とバリュエーション
中島; 山田; +山田 雄二
2011 日本ファイナンス学会第19回大会/2011-05-14 - Hedging of Multivariate Options with Additive Model
Yuji Yamada
2011 日本ファイナンス学会第19回大会/2011-05-15 - Portfolio optimization using spreads of pairs of stocks
山田 雄二; James A. Primbs
第27回 応用経済時系列研究会・研究報告会/2010-06-19 - J-REITの価格形成における要因分析
中島 篤; 山田 雄二
2010年JAFEE夏季大会/2010-07-31 - Pricing Knock-Out Options Using Homotopy Analysis Method Under Levy Processes
佐久間 貴之; 山田 雄二
2010年JAFEE夏季大会/2010-07-30 - Robust Hedging of Multivariate Derivatives Using Additive Models
Yuji Yamada
KIER-TMU International Workshop on Financial Engineering 2010/2010-08-02 - 新エネルギー発電とデリバティブ
山田 雄二
社団法人日本鉄鋼協会 計測・制御・システム工学部会 第5回フォーラム「エネルギー・環境問題とシステム技術の最新動向」/2010-08-18 - ハイブリッド・ファンダメンタル・モデルによる電力価格の予測(その3)
山田 雄二; 牧本 直樹; 榎本 重朗; 久保 博司; 谷川 亮一
第21回電気学会電力エネルギー部門大会/2010-09-03 - ハイブリッド・ファンダメンタル・モデルによる電力価格の予測(その2)
久保 博司; 谷川 亮一; 榎本 重朗; 山田 雄二; 牧本 直樹
第21回電気学会電力エネルギー部門大会/2010-09-03 - ハイブリッド・ファンダメンタル・モデルによる電力価格の予測(その1)
榎本 重朗; 山田 雄二; 牧本 直樹; 久保 博司; 谷川 亮一
第21回電気学会電力エネルギー部門大会/2010-09-03 - Optimal Hedging of Basket Options Using Separate Options on Individual Assets
山田 雄二
2010年JAFEE冬季大会/2010-12-05 - Hedging Multivariate Illiquid Asset Derivatives Based on the Additive Models
Yuji Yamada
Quantitative Methods in Finance 2010 Conference/2010-12-17 - 平滑化スプライン最適化による最適ヘッジ問題
山田 雄二
OR学会研究部会「計算と最適化の新展開」第2回研究会/2009-07-25 - Optimal Hedging of Illiquid Asset Derivatives Using Additive Models
山田 雄二
INFORMS Annual Meeting/2009-10-01 - Portfolio optimization of cointegrated pairs of stocks
山田 雄二
Columbia=JAFEE International Conference/2010-03-01 - A Quantitative Approach to Pairs Trading
Yuji Yamada
2009 American Control Conference Workshop: On Stock Market Trading and Portfolio Optimization/2009-06-09 - チャンスとリスクのマネージメント-気象リスクと天候デリバティブ-
山田 雄二
大阪電気通信大学工学研究科情報工学専攻特別講演/2009-06-23 - more...
- デリバティブと電力ビジネス ~太陽光発電を例に~
- Professional activities
2024-04 -- 2024-09 2024 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE) Technical Program Committee 2023-08 -- (current) The Japanese Association of Financial Econometrices and Engineering President 2022-10 -- 2023-03 International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Associate Editor (TAE) for the 22nd IFAC World Congress 2023 2023-04 -- 2023-09 2023 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE) Technical Program Committee 2022-04 -- 2022-09 2022 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE) Technical Program Committee 2020-10 -- (current) Journal Energies Editorial Board (Section Board for Energy Economics and Policy) 2017-12 -- 2018-03 The Japanese Association of Financial Econometrices and Engineering 2017年度JAFEE冬季大会実行委員 2015-04 -- (current) International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) IFAC Technical Committee on Economic, Business, and Financial Systems 2017-05 -- 2017-09 The Japanese Association of Financial Econometrices and Engineering 2017年度JAFEE夏季大会実行委員 2016-10 -- 2017-02 The Japanese Association of Financial Econometrices and Engineering 2016年度JAFEE冬季大会実行委員 more... - University Management
2022-04 -- 2023-03 ビジネス科学研究群経営学学位プログラム 博士教育担当 2021-04 -- 2024-03 筑波大学研究推進会議 研究推進会議委員(ビジネスサイエンス系) 2018-04 -- 2021-03 Faculty of Business Sciences Dean 2015-04 -- 2017-03 ビジネス科学研究科経営システム科学専攻専攻長 ビジネス科学研究科経営システム科学専攻の教育・研究・運営の取りまとめ - Message
(Last updated: 2024-11-20)