- Affiliation
- University of Tsukuba
- Official title
- Professor Emeritus
- /
- Research keywords
Algebra - Research projects
A classification of reductive prehomogeneous vector spaces 2001-04 -- 2006-03 / number theory, algebraic geometry -- (current) / 概均質ベクトル空間の分類理論の研究 2010 -- 2012 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 2,600,000Yen 簡約可能概均質ベクトル空間の分類とその応用 2006 -- 2009 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 4,150,000Yen 概均質ベクトル空間から弱球等質空間への発展 2001 -- (current) Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 11,100,000Yen - Academic background
-- 1970 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science 数学 -- 1973 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Mathematics 数学 - Degree
理学修士 The University of Tokyo 理学博士 Nagoya University - Academic societies
-- (current) American Mathematical Society -- (current) 日本数学会 - Articles
- A calssification of irreducible prehomogeneous vector spaces and their relative invariants(with M-sato)
佐藤幹夫; 木村達雄
Nagoya Math. J/65/p.1-155, 1977-03 - On Some Series of Regular Irreducible Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces
木村達雄; 室 政和
Proc. Japan Academy/55/p.384-389, 1979 - Microlocal Analysis of Prehomogeneous Vector spaces(with others)
佐藤幹夫; 柏原正樹; 木村達雄; 大島利雄
Invent. Math./62/p.117-179, 1980 - Remark on some combinatorial construction of relative invariants
Tsukuba J.Math./5(1)/p.101-115, 1981-06 - On the construction of some relative invariants for GL(n) (n=6,7,8) by the decomposition of the Young diagrams
Springer Lecture Note/867/p.38-54, 1981 - The b-functions and holonomy diagrams of irreducible regular prehomogeneous vector spaces
Nagoya Math. J./85/p.1-80, 1982 - On the microlocal structure of a regular prehomogeneous vector spaces associated with Spin(10)×GL(3)
木村達雄; 尾関育三
Proceedings of the Japan Academy/58(06)/p.239-242, 1982 - On the Stickelberger ideal and relative class number
木村達雄; 堀江邦明
Proceedings of the Japan Academy/58(04)/p.170-171, 1982 - A classification of Prehomogeneous Vector space of simple algebraic groups with scalar multiplications
Journal of Algebra/83(1)/p.72-100, 1983-07 - The orbital decomposition of some prehomogeneous vector spaces
木村達雄; 笠井伸一
Advanced studies in pure math./6/p.437-480, 1983 - A classification of the representation of reductive algebraic groups which admit only a finite number of orbits(with Ohters)
木村達雄; 笠井伸一; 保倉理美
Amer. J. Math./108/p.643-692, 1986 - A classification theory of prehomogeneous vector spaces
Advance studies in pure math./14/p.223-256, 1986 - On the Stickelbelger ideal and the relative class number
木村達雄; 堀江邦明
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc./302(2)/p.727-739, 1987 - A classification of 2-simple prehomogeneous vector space of typr Ⅰ
木村達雄; 笠井伸一; 犬塚昌明; 保倉理美
Journal of Algebra/114/p.369-400, 1988-05 - Some P. V. -Equivalences and a classification of 2-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces of type II
木村達雄; 笠井伸一; 田口正信; 犬塚昌明
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc./308(2)/p.433-494, 1988-08 - Complex powers on p-adic fields and resolution of singularities
Algebraic Analysis/1, 1988 - Universal transitivity of simple and 2-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces
木村達雄; 笠井伸一; 細川尋史
Extrait des Annales de L'institut Fouruer/XXXVII(2), 1988 - On the poles of p-adic complex powers and the b-functions of prehomogeneours vector spaces
木村達雄; 佐藤文広; Xiao-wei Zhu
Amer. J. of Math./112/p.423-437, 1990 - On adelic zeta functions of Prehomogeneous vector spaces with a finitely many adelic open orbits (with Kogiso)
木村達雄; 小木曽岳義
Advanced studies in pure math./21/p.21-31, 1992-12 - Arithmetic calculus of Fourier transforms by Igusa local zeta functions
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc./346(1)/p.297-306, 1994 - A Classification of Simple Weakly Spherical Homogeneous Spaces, I
笠井伸一; 木村達雄; 大谷信一
Journal of Algebra/182(1)/p.235-255, 1996-05 - A Classification of 3-simple Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of Non-trivial Type
木村達雄; 上田浩正; 吉垣 武
Japanese Journal of Mathematics/22(1)/p.159, 1996 - Fundamental theorem of prehomogeneous vector spaces of characteristiec P
木村達雄; 小木曽岳義; 藤永真紀子
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc./56/p.331-341, 1997 - Nonregular 2-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces of type Ⅰ and their relative invariants
小木曽岳義; 宮部 剛; 小林みゆき; 木村達雄
Journal of Algebra/251/p.27-69, 2002 - Relative invariants of some 2-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces
小木曽岳義; 宮部 剛; 小林みゆき; 木村達雄
Mathematics of Computation/72/p.No.242, 865-889, 2003 - more...
- A calssification of irreducible prehomogeneous vector spaces and their relative invariants(with M-sato)
- Books
- 代数解析学の基礎
柏原正樹; 河合隆裕; 木村達雄
紀伊国屋書店, 1980-04 - 円分体の代数的類数公式
上智大学数学講究録NO.22 上智大学数学講究録NO.22 上智大学数学教室, 1985-09 - Foundation of Algebraic Analsysis
柏原正樹; 河合隆裕; 木村達雄
Princeton Univ. Press, 1986 - 概均質ベクトル空間
岩波書店, 1998-12 - Introduction to Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces
Translation of Mathematical Monograph Translation of Mathematical Monograph, 2003 - 現代数学の広がり2
木村達雄; 高橋陽一郎; 村瀬元彦; 木上 淳; 坂内英一
岩波書店, 2005-05 - 明解・線形代数
木村達雄; 竹内光弘; 宮本雅彦; 森田 純
日本評論社, 2005-10 - 佐藤幹夫の数学
木村達雄 編; +木村 達雄
日本評論社, 2007-08 - 代数の魅力
木村達雄; 竹内光弘; 宮本雅彦; 森田純
数学書房, 2009-09
- 代数解析学の基礎
- Teaching
2013-09 -- 2013-09 Linear Algebra II University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Research in Algebra V University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Research in Algebra IV University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Research in AlgebraⅢ University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Research in Algebra II University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Research in Algebra I University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Seminar on Algebra University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Seminar on Special Research on Mathematics III University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Special Research on Mathematics III University of Tsukuba. 2011-04 -- 2012-03 Special Research on Mathematics II University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- On recent development of M.Sato's classification of some reductive prehomogeneous vector spaces
Seminar of Algebra/2010-02-08 - 笠井ー黒澤による分類の研究の補足
「簡約可能概均質ベクトル空間の分類とその応用」研究集会/2009-11-21 - 簡約可能概均質ベクトル空間の分類の現状
- On recent development of M.Sato's classification of some reductive prehomogeneous vector spaces
(Last updated: 2024-07-30)