- Affiliation
- University of Tsukuba
- Official title
- Professor Emeritus
- /2<2D2<2Tc_E2C2]EDF<F32]24];A
- Research fields
Organic chemistry Functional solid state chemistry - Research keywords
フラーレン 金属内包フラーレン カーボンナノチューブ 化学修飾 機能性物質の創製 - Research projects
Chemistry of Organic Heteroatom Compounds -- (current) / Chemistry of Photooxygenation -- (current) / Chemical Derivatization of Fullerenes and Metallofullerenes -- (current) / 組織化常磁性フラーレンの機能開拓 2012 -- 2014 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 6,890,000Yen π空間に閉じこめられた物質系の創製と機能 2008 -- 2012 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/新学術領域研究 55,120,000Yen 高次π空間の創発と機能開発 2008 -- 2012 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/新学術領域研究 59,670,000Yen 組織化常磁性フラーレンの創製と機能 2008 -- 2011 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A) 47,710,000Yen Missing Metallofullereneの探索 2008 -- 2009 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/特定領域研究 1,700,000Yen 常磁性フラーレン/典型元素間の相乗的協同効果による機能発現 2008 -- 2009 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/特定領域研究 2,200,000Yen フラーレンを鍵分子とするケイ素/炭素複合系の構築と機能 2000 -- 2002 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A) 8,800,000Yen more... - Career history
1974-07 -- 1979-11 筑波大学化学系技官 1979-12 -- 1981-05 米国ブルックヘブン国立研究所博士研究員 1981-06 -- 1987-01 筑波大学化学系講師 1987-02 -- 1996-03 筑波大学化学系助教授 1996-04 -- 2000-12 新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科教授 1999-04 -- 2001-03 岡崎国立共同研究機構分子科学研究所客員教授 2001-01 -- 2004-03 筑波大学先端学際領域研究センター/化学系教授 2004-04 -- 2013-03 筑波大学先端学際領域研究センター/大学院数理物質科学研究科教授 2005-10 -- 2009-10 中国西安交通大学客員教授 2008-09 -- 2012-09 中国南京理工大学客員教授 more... - Academic background
1971-04 -- 1973-03 名古屋工業大学 工学研究科 繊維高分子工学専攻 1974-04 -- 1975-06 東京教育大学 Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 化学 - Degree
1979-10 理学博士 University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
1980 -- (current) American Chemical Society -- 2013 Electrochemical Society -- 2013 The Society of Silicon Chemistry, Japan -- (current) The Fullerene and NanoTtube Research Society 2010 -- (current) The Society of Physical Organic Chemistry, Japan -- 2013 近畿化学工業会 -- 2013 THE JAPANESE PHOTOCEHMISTRY ASSOCIATION -- (current) Chemical Society of Japan -- 2013 THE SOCIETY OF SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - Honors & Awards
2014-03 日本化学会賞 2011-04-11 The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Prizes for Science and Technology (Research Category) 2008-09 Award of The Yong Hae Kim Lectureship in KAIST 2003-04 ITE Research Award 2001-03 The Divisional Award of the Chemical Society of Japan for 2000 2000-11 新潟日報文化賞 - Articles
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Scandium Carbide Endohedral Metallofullerene Sc2C2@C82 and Its Carbene Derivative
Y. Iiduka; T. Wakahara; K. Nakajima; T. Nakahodo; T. Tsu...
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed./46/p.5562-5564, 2007-01 - Isolation and Characterization of a Carbene Derivative of La@C82
Y. Maeda; Y. Matsunaga; T. Wakahara; S. Takahashi; T. Tsuchiy...
J. Am. Chem. Soc/126(22)/p.6858-6859, 2004-01 - Oxidation of Phosphazine by Singlet Oxygen. High-Filed 31PNMR Spectroscopic Studies of 3-Phospha-1,2-dioxa-4,5-diazine and Phospha-1,2-dioxetane
赤阪 健
Journal of American Chemical Society/107/p.5539, 1985-01 - Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Sulfide : A Similarity of Singlet Oxygenation and Coupling Reaction of Cation Radical and Superoxide Ion
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron Letters/26/p.5049, 1985-01 - Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Indanone Phosphazine : Formation of Ketone and Lactone
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron Letters/26/p.843, 1985-01 - Quenching of Singlet Oxygen by 4-(N, N-dimethylhydrazono-ethylidene)-2,6-diphenyl-4H-pyran
赤阪 健
Journal of Organic Chemistry/51/p.4477, 1986-01 - Singlet Oxygen and Triazolinedione Addition to Azines
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron/42/p.5273, 1986-01 - Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with 2-Pyrazoline : Implication for Cation Radical-Superoxide Ion Pair Intermediate
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron/42/p.3807, 1986-01 - Reaction of singlet Oxygen with Thiirane : Iplication for a Spirodioxathiirane Intermediate
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron Letters/27/p.4473, 1986-01 - Charge-transfer Photooxygenation of Sulfiddes in a Cryogenic Oxygen Matrix : IR Spectroscopic Observation of Persulfoxides
赤阪 健
Journal of American Chemical Society/109/p.8085, 1987-01 - Stereospecific Oxygenation of 3-Adamantylidenetricyclo [,4]octane : Singlet Oxygen vs. Electron-transfer Oxygenations
赤阪 健
Journal of American Chemical Society/109/p.1260, 1987-01 - Generation of Singlet Diatomic Sulfur from 9,10-epidithio-9,10-dihydroantracene
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron Letters/28/p.6653, 1987-01 - Reaction of singlet Oxygen with α, β-Unsaturated Aldimines
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron Letters/28/p.6633, 1987-01 - Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Methylenecyclopropanes : Formation of 4-Methylene-1,2-dioxolanes
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron Letters/28/p.217, 1987-01 - Stereochemical Investigation of Photoepoxidation of Dioxetane-forming Olefins in the Presence of Sulfur Dioxide
赤阪 健
Chemistry Letters/p.335, 1987-01 - Reaction of Dimesitylsilylene in a Cryogenic Oxygen Matrix : IR Spectroscopic Observation of a Silylene-Oxygen Adduct
赤阪 健
Journal of American Chemical Society/110/p.6270, 1988-01 - Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Thiirane : Peroxysulfenic Acid as a New Oxidizing Speciesn
赤阪 健
Journal of American Chemical Society/110/p.494, 1988-01 - 3-Azacyclopropanespiro-1,2-dioxetane in Singlet Oxygenation of Methyleneaziridine
赤阪 健
Journal of Organic Chemistry/53/p.1670, 1988-01 - Photochemical formation of Peroxidic Intermediates and Their Structures in a Cryogenic Oxygen Matrix
赤阪 健
日本化学会誌/p.1440, 1989-01 - Singlet Oxygen and Triazolinedione Additions to α, β-Unsaturated Sulfoxides
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron/45/p.6657, 1989-01 - Theoretical Study of a Silylene-Oxygen Adduct. Is a Silanone Oxide Structure (H2SiOO) Kinetically Stable in the Singlet State?
赤阪 健
Chemical Physics Letters/163/p.23, 1989-01 - Formation of 1,2-Dioxolane in the Singlet Oxygenation of a Silicon-silicon α-Bond : Peroxonium Ion Intermediate
赤阪 健
Tetrahedron Letters/30/p.6705, 1989-01 - A 3-Methylene-1,2-Dioxetane as a Possible Chemiluminescent Intermediate in Singlet Oxygenation of Allene
赤阪 健
Bulletein of Chemical Society of Japan/62/p.1367, 1989-01 - Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with α, β-Unsaturated Aldimines : New Formation of 3-Amino-4-methylene-1,2-dioxolanes
赤阪 健
Heterocycles/28/p.445, 1989-01 - Spectroscopic Studies on Charge-transfer Photooxygenation of Disiliranes
赤阪 健
Journal of American Chemical Society/112/p.7804, 1990-01 - more...
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Scandium Carbide Endohedral Metallofullerene Sc2C2@C82 and Its Carbene Derivative
- Books
- Chemical Derivatization of Fullerenes with Organosilicon Compounds
赤阪 健
1994-01 - Structure and Reactivity of Endohedral Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
1995-01 - The Electronics Properties and Reactivities of Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
1995-01 - Unique Reducing Environment Inside Fullerene Cages
赤阪 健
1997-01 - Cage Structures and Metal Positions of Endohedral Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
1997-01 - Chemical Derivatization of Fullerenes with Organosilicon Compounds
赤阪 健
1997-01 - Novel-Fullerene-Based Organosilicon Compouuds
赤阪 健
1997-01 - Isolation and Characterization of La2@C80 Isomers.
赤阪 健
1997-01 - Determination of the Cage Structure of La@C82
赤阪 健
1998-01 - Endohedrally Metal-deped Heterofullerenes
赤阪 健
1998-01 - 「フラーレン化学の最前線 : 金属内包フラーレン」
赤阪 健
2000-01 - 金属内包フラーレン化学の最前線-常磁性から反磁性へ-
若原孝次; 赤阪 健; 小林 郁; 永瀬 茂
化学, 2001-01 - フラーレンの酸化ーその新しい展開
新野康幸; 若原孝次; 赤阪 健
オレオサイエンス, 2001-01 - Endofullerenes: A New Family of Carbon Clusters
T. Akasaka; S. Nagase
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002-01 - 単層カーボンナノチューブの高分散化
前田 優; 若原孝次; 赤阪 健
月刊MATERIALSTAGE, 2005-01 - 金属内包フラーレンの構造解析ー最近の話題と進展
赤阪 健・永瀬 茂
化学, 2005-01 - 金属内包フラーレンSc3C82の構造
赤阪 健・永瀬 茂
固体物理, 2005-01 - 金属内包フラーレンの化学修飾
若原孝次; 赤阪 健; 永瀬 茂
現代化学、東京化学同人, 2006-05 - 金属内包フラーレンの構造
赤阪 健・永瀬 茂
日本結晶学会誌, 2006-01 - 金属内包フラーレンの分子変換
土屋敬広・赤阪 健・永瀬 茂; +赤阪 健
ナノカーボンハンドブック、(株)エヌ・ティー・エス, 2007-01 - 単層カーボンナノチューブの化学修飾と分散化
前田 優; 長谷川 正; 赤阪 健; 永瀬 茂
ナノカーボンハンドブック、(株)エヌ・ティー・エス, 2007-01 - 金属性単層カーボンナノチューブの分離法の開拓
前田 優; 長谷川 正; 赤阪 健; 永瀬 茂
ケミカルエンジニアリング、化学工業社, 2008-05 - 新規フラーレン、カーボンナノチューブ系機能性材料の基礎研究
土屋 敬広; 前田 優; 赤阪 健; 永瀬 茂
触媒, 2009-01 - 金属内包フラーレンの分子変換
赤阪 健; 土屋敬広; 永瀬 茂
Organometallic News, 2009-01 - Construction of Supramolecular System Based on Endohedral Metallofullerenes
Takahiro Tsuchiya; Takeshi Akasaka; Shigeru Nagase
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 2009-02 - more...
- Chemical Derivatization of Fullerenes with Organosilicon Compounds
- Teaching
2012-04 -- 2012-11 Advanced Material Chemistry University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Advanced Experiments in Material Chemistry V University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Advanced Experiments in Material Chemistry IV University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Advanced Experiments in Material Chemistry III University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Advanced Experiments in Material Chemistry II University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Advanced Experiments in Material Chemistry I University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Seminar in Material Chemistry II University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Seminar in Material Chemistry I University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Advanced Exercise Chemistry III University of Tsukuba. 2012-04 -- 2013-03 Advanced Exercise Chemistry II University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- New Vistas in Chemistry of Nanocarbons: Organic Nanomaterials Based on Endohedral Metallofullerenes
Takeshi Akasaka
Forum for Nano-Materials Science 2012/2012-01-14 - New Vistas in Chemistry of Fullerenes: Organic Nanomaterials based on Endohedral Metallofullerenes
Takeshi Akasaka; Shigeru Nagase
43rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress/2011-07-30 - New Vistas in Chemistry of Synthetic Carbon Allotopes: Organic Nanomaterials based on Endohedral Metallofullerenes
Takeshi Akasaka; Shigeru Nagase
The First Symposium on “Carbon Nanoforms” at Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials Institute (INAMOL-UCLM)/2011-06-02 - Creation of Cage-like Carbon π-Electron Molecules with Novel Structures and Properties: New Vistas in Fullerene Endohedrals
赤阪 健
大阪大学産業科学研究所セミナー/2010-06-24 - フラーレンを鍵物質とする高次π空間の創発と機能開拓
赤阪 健
第21回基礎有機化学討論会/2010-09-09 - Organic Nanomaterials based on Endohedral Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
H22年度日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会/2010-11-22 - New Vistas in Fullerene Worlds: Endohedral Metallofullerenes
Takeshi Akasaka
International Symposium: The Chemistry of Synthetic Carbon Allotropes/2010-11-25 - New Vistas in Endohedral Metallofullerenes
Takeshi Akasaka; Shigeru Nagase
Fullerene Silver Anniversary Symposium - FSAS 2010/2010-10-04 - Creation of Cage-like Carbon pi-Electron Molecules with Novel Structures and Properties: New Vistas in Fullerene Endohedrals
T. Akasaka
The commemorative lecture for the accession to Adjunct Professor of Heilongjiang University/2010-02-12 - New Vistas in Fullerene Endohedrals: Functionalization with Compounds from Main Group Elements
T. Akasaka
9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9)/2009-06-30 - In-depth Understanding of pi-Electron Systems: New Vistas in Fullerene Endohedrals
T. Akasaka
13th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-13)/2009-07-19 - In-depth Understanding of pi-Electron Systems: New Vistas in Fullerene Endohedrals
T. Akasaka
Theoretical Organic Chemistry Workshop/2009-08-03 - Emergence of Highly Elaborated pi-Space: Endohedral Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University/2009-03-23 - New Fullerene World Opened by Functionalization with Main Group Element Compounds
赤阪 健
Academy of Jana Dlugosza/2008-11-28 - New Fullerene World Opened by Functionalization with Main Group Element Compounds
赤阪 健
Polish Academy of Sciences/2008-11-27 - New Fullerene World Opened by Functionalization with Main Group Element Compounds
赤阪 健
Wroclaw University of Technology/2008-11-26 - New Fullerene World Opened by Functionalization with Main Group Element Compounds
赤阪 健
University of Lodz/2008-11-24 - New Progress in Nanocarbon Science: Endohedral Metallofullerene
赤阪 健
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology/2008-09-08 - New Progress in Nanocarbon Science: Endohedral Metallofullerene
赤阪 健
The Yong Hae Kim Lectureship, Korean Institute of Science and Technology/2008-09-03 - A New Approach for Nano-Device Applications - More is Different in Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
NIMS Week 2008/2008-07-15 - New Progress in Chemistry of Nanocarbons: Endohedral Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Molecular Materials, University of Castilla - La Mancha/2008-06-13 - New Progress in Chemistry of Nanocarbons: Endohedral Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
Department of Chemistry and Institute for Nanoscience, Autonoma University at Madrid/2008-06-10 - New Progress in Chemistry of Nanocarbons: Endohedral Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
Department of Chemistry, University of Compultense at Madrid/2008-06-09 - New Progress in Chemistry of Nanocarbons: Endohedral Metallofullerenes
赤阪 健
Department of Chemistry, University of California at Davis/2008-07-01 - 高次π空間の創発
赤阪 健
- New Vistas in Chemistry of Nanocarbons: Organic Nanomaterials Based on Endohedral Metallofullerenes
- Professional activities
2011 -- 2014 The Society of Physical Organic Chemistry, Japan 理事 2011 -- 2012 近畿化学工業会 代議員 2011 -- 2011 Chemical Society of Japan 関東支部長
(Last updated: 2024-07-30)