NIHEI Masayuki
- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- Sex
- Male
- Birth date
- 1974-12
- 00359572
- ;3.-*.HWS89&++Q(-*2Q98:0:'&Q&(Q/5^
- Office
- 総合研究棟B棟606室
- Phone
- 029-853-4238
- Fax
- 029-853-4238
- Research fields
Inorganic chemistry Functional solid state chemistry - Research keywords
Metal complex nano particle electron transfer Electrochemistry Magnetism photochemistry - Research projects
単原子・イオンの精密空間配置と超高密度単原子触媒の開発 2024 -- 2026 Nihei Masayuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,500,000Yen 有機ケージ分子包接型金属酸化物粒子の合成と革新的エネルギー材料の開発 2020 -- 2021 二瓶雅之 財団法人 岩谷直治記念財団/岩谷科学技術研究助成金 金属イオン内包孤立分子ナノ空間の精密化学修飾による物質・機能創出 2022 -- (current) 二瓶 雅之 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) ヘテロ金属多核錯体のレドックスエントロピー制御と革新的熱電変換システムの創出 2020 -- 2022 二瓶 雅之 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,500,000Yen 有機ナノケージ分子をもちいた未知の金属酸化物の創出 2018 -- 2020 二瓶 雅之 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 17,550,000Yen 非対称電子移動ユニットの集積による異方性電子機能の創出 2016 -- 2020 二瓶 雅之 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 61,620,000Yen 有機ケージナノ空間の精密制御による超微小金属酸化物粒子の創製と革新的機能開拓 2014-09 -- 2019-03 Masayuki Nihei JST/JST PRESTO 指向性情報・エネルギー伝達システムの構築 2014 -- 2016 二瓶 雅之 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 17,160,000Yen 錯体化学的手法によるフォトクロミック分子の厳密直交化と多重分子メモリー素子の開発 2012 -- 2013 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/挑戦的萌芽研究 2,080,000Yen Switching of physical properties in external stimuli-responsive coordination space 2008-04 -- 2009-03 二瓶雅之 徳山科学技術振興財団/その他 2,000,000Yen more... - Career history
2002 -- 2005 Univesity of TsukubaDepartment of ChemistryResearch Associate 2005 -- 2010 University of TsukubaDepartment of Chemistryassistant professor 2010-05 -- 2019-10 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Pure and Applied SciencesAssociate professor 2019-11 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesProfessor - Academic background
-- 1997 Keio University Faculty of Science and Engineering 化学科 -- 2002 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science Chemistry - Degree
2002-03 Doctor of Science The University of Tokyo 1999-03 Master of Science The University of Tokyo - Licenses and qualifications
2004-01-28 普通第一種圧力容器取扱作業主任者 2004-02-09 有機溶剤作業主任者 - Academic societies
1997-05 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY 2009 -- (current) The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) 2001-12 -- (current) Chemical Society of Japan - Honors & Awards
2019-3 平成30年度報奨金表彰 筑波大学の研究活動に大きく貢献したことによる表彰 2018-3-8 平成29年度報奨金表彰 筑波大学の研究活動に大きく貢献したことによる表彰 2016-11-10 平成28年度報奨金表彰 筑波大学の研究活動に大きく貢献したことによる表彰 2015-11-20 平成27年度報奨金表彰 2013-6-20 筑波大学 学長表彰 若手研究者の顕彰に係る表彰 2013-4-16 文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞 多重外場応答性金属多核錯体の創出と機能発現に関する研究 2011-09-18 錯体化学会 研究奨励賞 2007-05 日本化学会第87春季年会 優秀講演賞 - Articles
- Reversible structural change of [Co2Fe2] complexes between diamagnetic hydrogen-bonded 1D chains and paramagnetic complexes within a layered structure of amphiphilic anions
Mihara Nozomi; Iitsuka Soyoka; Shiga Takuya; Nihei Ma...
DALTON TRANSACTIONS/53(16)/pp.7190-7196, 2024-04-23 - Formation and Growth of Atomic Scale Seeds of Au Nanoparticle in the Nanospace of an Organic Cage Molecule
Mihara Nozomi; Machida Ayaka; Takeda Yuko; Shiga Taku...
CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL/Epub, 2023-09-24 - Supramolecular Control of Magnetism and Morphology of Hybrid Diblock Copolypeptide Amphiphile/Cyanide-Bridged Molecular Square Complexes
Tanimura Yuya; Miyamoto Kaito; Shiga Takuya; Nihei Ma...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C/Epub, 2023-08-14 - Electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction catalysed by a dinuclear cobalt complex with doubly N-confused hexaphyrin
Takada Risa; Nakazono Takashi; Nishimura Taiyo; Shiga ...
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS/7(15)/pp.3603-3608, 2023-05 - Structural Conversion of Supramolecular Assembly in Solution by Thermally Induced Intramolecular Electron Transfer of [Co2Fe2] Complex
Mihara Nozomi; Shimamura Tomonari; Takayama Ryo; Shiga...
CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL/29(46), 2023-05 - Incorporation and Deposition of Spin Crossover Materials into and onto Electrospun Nanofibers
Kilic Maximilian Seydi; Brehme Jules; Pawlak Justus; T...
POLYMERS/15(10)/pp.2365-2365, 2023-05 - Cyanide-bridged assemblies with tricyanometalates
Shiga Takuya; Mihara Nozomi; Nihei Masayuki
COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS/472/p.214963, 2022 - Tetranuclear [Cu3Ln] complexes derived from a tetraketone-type ligand
Shiga Takuya; Miyamoto Haruka; Okamoto Yukiko; Oshio ...
DALTON TRANSACTIONS/52(13)/pp.3947-3953, 2023-03-28 - Synthesis of Metal/Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in the Nanospace of Cage Molecules
三原 のぞみ; 二瓶雅之
Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry/80/pp.79-82, 2022-12 - Syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties of a series of Mn-M-Mn trinuclear complexes with different spin configurations
Shiga Takuya; Ito Honami; Mihara Nozomi; Nihei Masayuki
DALTON TRANSACTIONS/51(2)/pp.562-569, 2022-01 - A ring of grids: a giant spin-crossover cluster
Shiga Takuya; Tachibana Minami; Sagayama Hajime; Kumai...
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS/57(79)/pp.10162-10165, 2021-10 - Synthesis of a Ru(II) Complex with a Naphthoquinone-Annelated Imidazole Ligand Exhibiting Proton-Responsive Redox and Luminescent Behavior
Shiga Takuya; Tachibana Minanmi; Oshio Hiroki; Nihei Mas...
Inorganics/9(4), 2021-04 - Molecular Prussian Blue Analogues: From Bulk to Molecules and Low-dimensional Aggregates
Nihei Masayuki
Chemistry Letters/49(10)/pp.1206-1215, 2020 - Intramolecular Electron Transfers in a Series of [Co2Fe2] Tetranuclear Complexes
Nihei Masayuki; Karin Shiroyanagi; Marina Kato; Ryo Taka...
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY/58(18)/pp.11912-11919, 2019-6 - Solid State Hydrogen Bond Alterations in a [Co2Fe2] Complex with Bifunctional Hydrogen Bonding Donors
Nihei Masayuki; Yanai Yuta; Natke Dominik; Takayama Ryo; ...
CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL/25(31)/pp.7449-7452, 2019-03 - Ferrihydrite Particle Encapsulated within a Molecular Organic Cage
Nihei Masayuki; Ida Hiromichi; Nibe Takayuki; Moeljadi...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/140(50)/pp.17753-17759, 2018-12 - Dimensionally Controlled Assembly of an External Stimuli-Responsive [Co2 Fe2 ] Complex into Supramolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Networks
Sekine Yoshihiro; Nihei Masayuki; Oshio Hiroki
Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)/23(22)/pp.5193-5197, 2017-01 - A Hydrogen-Bonded Cyanide-Bridged [Co2Fe2] Square Complex Exhibiting a Three-Step Spin Transition
Nihei Masayuki; Yanai Yuta; Hsu I. -Jui; Sekine Yoshihir...
ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/56(2)/pp.591-594, 2017-01 - A Multi-Redox Responsive Cyanometalate-Based Metallogel
Mitsumoto Kiyotaka; Cameron Jamie M.; Wei Rong-Jia; Nishi...
CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL/23(7)/pp.1502-1506, 2017-01 - Ambient-Temperature Spin-State Switching Achieved by Protonation of the Amino Group in [Fe(H(2)Bpz(2))(2)(bipy-NH2)]
Luo Yang-Hui; Nihei Masayuki; Wen Gao-Ju; Sun Bai-Wang; O...
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY/55(16)/pp.8147-8152, 2016-08 - DFT and TD-DFT studies of electronic structures and one-electron excitation states of a cyanide-bridged molecular square complex
Kitagawa Yasutaka; Asaoka Mizuki; Miyagi Koji; Matsui Toru; M...
Inorg. Chem. Front./2/pp.771-779, 2015-07 - Abrupt Phase Transition Based on Electron-transfer-coupled Spin Transition in a Cyanide-bridged [Co2Fe2] Tetranuclear Complex
Sekine Yoshihiro; Nihei Masayuki; Oshio Hiroki
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/43(7)/pp.1029-1030, 2014-07 - Cyanide-bridged decanuclear cobalt-iron cage
SHIGA Takuya; TETSUKA Tamaki; SAKAI Kanae; SEKINE Yoshihiro; ...
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY/53(12)/pp.5899-5901, 2014-06 - Investigation of light-induced electron-transfer-coupled spin transition in a cyanide-bridged [Co2Fe2] complex by X-ray diffraction and absorption measurements
SEKINE Yoshihiro; NIHEI Masayuki; KUMAI Reiji; NAKAO Hironor...
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS, 2014-06 - Investigation of light-induced electron-transfer-coupled spin transition in a cyanide-bridged [Co2Fe2] complex by X-ray diffraction and absorption measurements
Sekine Yoshihiro; Nihei Masayuki; Kumai Reiji; Nakao Hironor...
Inorg. Chem. Front./1/pp.540-543, 2014-06 - more...
- Reversible structural change of [Co2Fe2] complexes between diamagnetic hydrogen-bonded 1D chains and paramagnetic complexes within a layered structure of amphiphilic anions
- Books
- 分子内電子移動を伴う多段階相転移
二瓶 雅之
第二次先端ウォッチング調査:融合領域の創成「単結晶金属錯体の構造と電子状態の転移ダイナミクス」/日本化学会/pp.36-39, 2018-3 - 多重双安定性物質のスピン化学
Nihei Masayuki
CSJカレントレビュー16「スピン化学が拓く分子磁性の新展開―設計から機能化まで」/化学同人, 2014-8 - 金属多核錯体の電子状態制御に基づく多重安定性・多重応答性の発現
Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry, 2012-05 - 支部発話題欄「バルクから分子を切り出す -金属イオンの配列制御と分子機能の発現-」
化学と工業, 2011-03 - Molecular wires
二瓶雅之; 大塩寛紀
月刊化学/月刊化学/p.68-69, 2010-05 - 注目の論文「電気で七色に変わる結晶!」
月刊「化学」, 2009-05 - 支部発話題欄「単分子磁石」
二瓶 雅之
化学と工業/pp.878-879, 2007-9 - チャンピオンレコードをもつ金属錯体最前線
山下正廣; 北川進 他; +二瓶 雅之
化学同人, 2006-06 - 第五版実験化学講座 金属錯体・遷移金属クラスター
福田 豊 他; +二瓶 雅之
丸善株式会社, 2004-07
- 分子内電子移動を伴う多段階相転移
- Conference, etc.
- Ultrasmall Nano Particle Encapsulated within an Organic Cage
Nihei Masayuki
The 13th Japan-China Joint Symposium on Metal Cluster Compounds/2024-3-6--2024-3-9 - Structural conversion of supramolecular assembly by intramolecular electron transfer of [Co2Fe2] complex
Nihei Masayuki
The 9th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry/2024-2-19--2024-2-22 - Multistep conversion of spin-crossover behaviour of a Fe(II) mononuclear complex by desorption of lattice solvents
Shiga Takuya; Suzuki Taisei; Nihei Masayuki
1st International Conference on Spin Transition/2023-12-02--2023-12-05 - 一次元らせんMnペロブスカイト結晶の合成と光・磁気特性
山田 知英; 木下 雄介; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之; 石井 あゆみ
応用物理学会春季学術講演会/2024-03-22--2024-03-25 - 嵩高い配位子とヒドリドで保護された[Fe55][Fe6]イオン対の結晶構造決定と電子構造解析
田中 奏多; 大石 峻也; 川本 晃希; 高畑 遼; 志賀 拓也; 山添 誠司; Zihan Zha...
日本化学会第104春季年会(2024)/2024-03-18--2024-03-21 - 剛直なトリプチセン多座配位子を用いたコバルト酸化物クラスターの合成
伊藤 圭亮; 福井 智也; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之; 福島 孝典
日本化学会第103春季年会(2023)/2023-03-22--2023-03-25 - Synthesis and coordination behavior of a cubic porphyrin cage with coordination sites at each vertex
吉武 輝; 三原 のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之
The 104th CSJ ANNUAL Meeting (2024)/2024-03-18--2024-03-21 - Experimental observation of quantum confinement effect of zinc oxide nanoparticle encapsulated in an organic cage molecule
三原 のぞみ; 相良 圭吾; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之
The 73rd Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry/2023-09-21--2023-09-23 - Syntheses and Properties of Fe(II) Complexes with Alkyl Sulfonate Ions as Counter Anions
小田嶋 欧; 志賀 拓也; 三原 のぞみ; 二瓶 雅之
The 73rd Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry/2023-09-21--2023-09-23 - Response to hydration/dehydration of a [Co2Fe2] complex embedded in a hydrophilic layer formed by amphiphilic anions
飯塚そよか; 三原 のぞみ; 志賀拓也; 二瓶雅之
The 73rd Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry/2023-09-21--2023-09-23 - Multi-nuclear cluster as a functional unit of bulk materials
Nihei Masayuki
The 4th International Symposium of Ionic Coordination Compounds/2022-12-11 - Ultrasmall Nano Particle Encapsulated within an Organic Cage
Nihei Masayuki
8th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry/2022-8-10 - 光誘起スピン転移挙動における結晶溶媒の影響
鈴木大成; 志賀 拓也; 三原のぞみ; 二瓶雅之
錯体化学会第72回討論会/2022-09-26--2022-09-28 - 新規Cu-Gd多核錯体における磁性と分子構造の相関
岡本有輝子; 宮本晴佳; 志賀 拓也; 三原のぞみ; 二瓶雅之
錯体化学会第72回討論会/2022-09-26--2022-09-28 - Syntheses and coordination behavior of organic cage molecules
伊藤大輝; 三原のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶雅之
The 72rd Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry/2022-09-26--2022-09-28 - Cooperative binding of lanthanum ions in a nanospace of a tetrahedral organic cage molecule with four coordination sites
伊藤 大輝; 三原のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶雅之
The 103rd CSJ ANNUAL Meeting (2023)/2023-03-22--2023-03-25 - Seed-Mediated Synthesis of Au Nanoparticles in the Nanospace of an Organic Cage Molecule
Mihara Nozomi; Machida Ayaka; Shiga Takuya; Ishii Ayumi; ...
錯体化学会第72回討論会/2022-09-26--2022-09-28 - Study on synthesis and magnetic entropy of 3d-4f multinuclear complexes with Gd ions
伊藤 帆奈美; 志賀 拓也; 三原 のぞみ; 二瓶 雅之
日本化学会第102春季年会(2022)/2022-03-23--2022-03-26 - Synthesis and Optical Properties of Ultrasmall Zinc Oxide Particle Encapsulated within an Organic Nano-Cage Molecule
相良 圭吾; 三原 のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之
日本化学会第102春季年会(2022)/2022-03-23--2022-03-26 - Multi-conversion of Fe(II) spin-crossover behavior induced by a three-step desorption of lattice solvents
鈴木 大成; 志賀 拓也; 三原 のぞみ; 二瓶 雅之
日本化学会第102春季年会(2022)/2022-03-23--2022-03-26 - Structural Change of Fe-Co Square Complex Assembly Induced by Spin Transition in Solution
島村 知成; 高山 怜; 三原 のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之
日本化学会第102春季年会(2022)/2022-03-23--2022-03-26 - Spin transition behavior of a tetranuclear Fe-Co square by chemical and mechanical stimuli
飯塚 そよか; 三原 のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之
日本化学会第102春季年会(2022)/2022-03-23--2022-03-26 - Syntheses and metal complexation of new tetrahedral organic cages with six-coordination sites
伊藤 大輝; 三原 のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之
日本化学会第102春季年会(2022)/2022-03-23--2022-03-26 - Controlled Assembly of Tetranuclear Fe-Co Square Complex in Solution
島村 知成; 高山 怜; 三原 のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之
錯体化学会第71回討論会/2021-09-16--2021-09-19 - Size-controlled Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles using an Organic Cage Molecule
町田 彩香; 三原 のぞみ; 志賀 拓也; 二瓶 雅之
錯体化学会第71回討論会/2021-09-16--2021-09-19 - more...
- Ultrasmall Nano Particle Encapsulated within an Organic Cage
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Inorganic Chemistry VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Inorganic Chemistry VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Inorganic Chemistry IVB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Nano Chemistry IIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Nano Chemistry IIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry IB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Nano Chemistry IA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Nano Chemistry IB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry IIIB University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2019-10 -- 2019-10 高崎高校SSH事業 科学リテラシー講座 群馬県立高崎高校 2018-08 -- 2018-08 筑波大学説明会模擬授業 筑波大学 - Professional activities
2023-04 -- (current) Chemical Society of Japan 錯体化学有機金属化学ディビジョン 幹事 2022-10 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY 企画委員会 委員 2021-10 -- 2022-10 錯体化学会 研究公正倫理推進委員会 委員 2017-09 -- 2020-09 Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry 錯体化学討論会運営委員 2019-09 -- 2021-09 錯体化学会 理事 2017-05 -- 2017-09 錯体化学討論会シンポジウム 開催責任者 2016-08 -- 2017-08 日本化学会 化学グランプリ小委員会委員 - University Management
2024-04 -- (current) 化学類長 2022-04 -- 2024-03 数理物質科学研究群化学学位プログラムリーダー 2022-04 -- 2024-03 化学域長 2020-04 -- 2022-03 アイソトープ環境動態研究センター 運営委員 2020-04 -- 2022-03 化学学位プログラム 学務委員 2018-04 -- (current) 総合研究棟B棟ドラフト委員会 委員長 2018-04 -- 2020-04 研究基盤総合センター 工作部門運営委員会 運営委員 2018-04 -- 2020-04 研究基盤総合センター 分析部門運営委員会 運営委員 2016-08 -- 2017-08 化学グランプリ二次選考実行委員会 副委員長
(Last updated: 2024-08-20)