Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
Official title
Semiconductor Materials Design Laboratory
Research fields
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Crystal engineering
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Research keywords
Widegap semiconductor
Quantum Beam Technology
Solar Cell
Optical Semiconductor Devices
Research projects
Development of solar-powered supercapacitor devices using tailored composite shared electrode2023-11 -- 2026-03SAKURAI TakeakiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows2,000,000Yen
液相フラックス制御スパッタリング法を利用した可視光応答水分解光電気化学セルの開発2023 -- 2025櫻井 岳暁Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)19,240,000Yen
磁性を活用した革新的熱電材料・デバイスの開発2021-04 -- 2026-03森孝雄JST 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(未来社会創造事業)/
(軽量基板上化合物薄膜太陽電池の高効率化技術開発)電気的光学的欠陥解析による軽量CIS系太陽電池開発支援2020-10 -- 2025-01櫻井岳暁新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構/出資金による受託研究(産業技術総合研究所からの再委託)/太陽光発電主力電源化推進技術開発 /太陽光発電の新市場創造技術開発 /フィルム型超軽量モジュール太陽電池の開発 (重量制約のある屋根向け)
可視光応答水分解光触媒の欠陥物性評価ならびに少数キャリアフロー制御技術開発2019 -- 2021櫻井 岳暁Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)17,940,000Yen
Zスキーム型BiVO4光触媒における不純物添加効果の物理機構解明2017 -- 2018櫻井 岳暁Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/科研費特別研究員奨励費
光・磁気局所解析法による有機半導体粒界物性評価ならびに粒界エンジニアリング2016 -- 2018櫻井 岳暁Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
CIS太陽電池高性能化技術の研究開発(結晶欠陥の検出と同定、欠陥密度低減化技術開発支援)2015 -- 2019Takeaki SakuraiNEDO/出資金による受託研究
光・磁気局所解析法による有機半導体粒界物性評価ならびに粒界エンジニアリング2016 -- 2018櫻井岳暁日本学術振興会/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
ペロブスカイトを用いた高効率有機―無機ハイブリッド太陽電池の創成と機構解明2013 -- 2014早瀬 修二JSTさきがけ/出資金による受託研究
Career history
2021-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesProfessor
2015-04 -- 2016-03Princeton UniversityDepartment of Electrical EngineeringVisiting Fellow
2015-04 -- 2016-03Princeton UniversityDepartment of Electrical EngineeringVisiting Fellow
2014-04 -- 2021-03University of TsukubaFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesAssociate Professor
2001-12 -- 2004-03University of TsukubaInstitute of Applied PhysicsResearch Associate
2004-04 -- 2005-09University of TsukubaInstitute of Applied PhysicsResearch Associate
2005-10 -- 2014-03University of TsukubaInstitute of Applied PhysicsAssistant Professor
2011-10 -- 2015-03JST PRESTOresearcher
Academic background
1992 -- 1996Osaka University Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry
1996 -- 2001Osaka University Graduate School of Science Department of Chemistry
Ph.DOsaka University
Academic societies
-- (current)European Materials Research Society
-- (current)The Japan Society of Applied Physics
-- (current)Materials Research Society
Honors & Awards
2017-11-18Presentation Award
2014-05-21Soukatsu Award (JST PRESTO program "Photoenergy conversion systems and materials for the next generation solar cells")
2012-11Nominee for Best Poster Award (2012 MRS Fall Meeting, USA)
2009-11Best Paper Award (PVSEC-19、Korea)
2008-05Best Poster Award (E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, France)
  • アドミッタンススペクトロスコピー法を用いた化合物薄膜太陽電池の欠陥準位検出
    櫻井 岳暁
    次世代の太陽電池・太陽光発電-その発電効率向上,用途と市場の可能性-/技術情報協会, 2018-04
  • 第4章第4節 放射光を利用した有機薄膜太陽電池の物性評価
    櫻井 岳暁
    太陽光と光電変換機能ー異分野融合から生まれる次世代太陽電池ー/CMC出版/pp.238-245, 2016-01
  • 第6章6.1.5節CIGSにおけるバンドギャップ内欠陥準位
    櫻井 岳暁
    太陽電池技術ハンドブック 第1編, 2013-07
  • Cutting-edge Research in Organic Thin-film Solar Cells
    CMC出版, 2012-07
  • CIGS太陽電池の最先端技術 第5章3節 電気的手法によるCIGS太陽電池の欠陥評価
    櫻井岳暁; 秋本克洋
    CMC出版, 2010-09
  • 有機薄膜太陽電池の高効率化と耐久性向上 第6章3節 有機/無機界面の物性評価
    櫻井岳暁; 秋本克洋
    サイエンス&テクノロジー, 2009-01
  • 化合物薄膜太陽電池の最新技術 第3章3節 CIGS太陽電池の電子物性評価
    櫻井岳暁; 秋本克洋
    CMC出版, 2007-06
Conference, etc.
  • Modification of band alignment of Zn1-xSnxO alloy buffer/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 for high-efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell
    Cheuk Kai Gary Kwok Genchi Inohana Yuta Sato; ISLAM Mu...
    2023年 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2024-09-16
  • Evaluation of Electron-Phonon Coupling Strength and Average Phonon Energies in MoS2 Thin Film
    Umidakhon Rayimjonova Daisuki Kawai ; Hasunuma Ryu; ISL...
    2024 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2024)/2023-09-01
  • Controlling Onset Voltage in Mo:BiVO4/TiO2 Photoanode for Improved PEC Water Splitting Performance
    Lingga Ghufira Oktariza Yuta Sato; ISLAM Muhammad Monir...
    2024 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2024)/2023-09-01
  • Optimizing Onset Potential in Mo:BiVO4/TiO2 Heterojunctions through Oxygen Partial Pressure Modulation for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
    Oktariza Lingga Ghufira; Sato Yuta; Ozawa Kenichi; ISL...
  • Light illumination stability improvement for Sn-Pb mixed perovskite solar cells through surface modification
    He Yulu; Kayesh Md. Emrul; ISLAM Muhammad Monirul; Was...
    2023年 第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2023-09-19--2023-09-23
  • Effective Self-Assembled Monolayer as Hole Selective Layer of Inverted All-inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells to Boost Efficiency of 8.95%
    Cao Siliang; He Yulu; ISLAM Muhammad Monirul; Sakurai ...
    2023年 第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2023-09-19--2023-09-23
  • Effects of Variable Zirconium Doping via Co-sputtering Into BiVO4 Thin Film Under Visible Light Illumination
    Ide Daryl Tatsuhiro; Shukur Gofurov Lingga Ghufira Okta...
    2023年 第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2023-09-19--2023-09-23
  • Electrical properties of single-crystal p-Cu2O/n-Ga2O3 heterojunction diodes
    Jia Yun; Traore Aboulaye; Sora Sato; Islam Muhammad M...
    The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023/2023-09-19--2023-09-23
  • Traps in p-Cu2O/n-Ga2O3 heterojunction diodes studied by deep level transient spectroscopy
    Jia Yun; Traore Aboulaye; Islam Muhammad Monirul; Saku...
    71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024/2024-03-22--2024-03-25
  • β-(AlGa)2O3/Ga2O3 heterostructure by dynamic capacitance dispersion technique
    Fenfen Fenda Florena; Traore Aboulaye; Okumura Hirinor...
    71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024/2024-03-22--2024-03-25
  • Electrical properties of β-(Al 0.17 Ga 0.83 ) 2 O 3 MESFET
    Morita Ryo; Traore Aboulaye; Okumura Hirinori; Fenfen ...
    71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024/2024-03-22--2024-03-25
  • Investigation of Defect Suppression of High Performance perovskite solar cells via SCAPS simulation
    Cao Siliang; Islam Muhammad Monirul; Chen Shaoqiang; S...
    The 33th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33)/2022-11-13--2022-11-17
  • Analysis of PL Peak Shift after Au evaporation in perovskite solar cells
    He Yulu; Islam Muhammad Monirul; Tangara Hamidou; Isla...
    The 33th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33)/2022-11-13--2022-11-17
  • How band tail recombination and quasi-fermi level splitting influence the open circuit voltage loss in CIGS solar cells
    Hamidou Tangara Yulu He ; Islam Muhammad Monirul; Ishiz...
    The 33th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33)/2022-11-13--2022-11-17
  • Fabrication of monoclinic-scheelite and tetragonal-zircon BiVO4 Photocathode by single target RF Sputtering Method
    Namiki Uezono Jiaqi Liu Shukur Gofurov Lingga Ghufira ...
    The 33th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33)/2022-11-13--2022-11-17
  • Effect of Sulfurization for BiVO4 thin film grown by RF Sputtering deposition
    Shukur Gofurov Namiki Uezono Jiaqi Liu Lingga Ghufira ...
    International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33)/2022-11-13--2022-11-17
  • Oxygen Partial Pressure Dependence Effect to Mo-doped BiVO4 Thin-Film Photoanode Performance Sputtered by Single Target Radio Frequency
    Lingga Ghufira Oktariza Namiki Uezono Yuta Sato Shukur...
  • Quantifying the influence of band tail recombination and quasi-fermi level splitting on the open-circuit voltage loss in CIGS solar cells
    Hamidou Tangara Yulu He Guo Junjie; Islam Muhammad Mon...
  • Improvement of Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting by Bridging Strategy of P-N Heterojunction Using Co-catalyst
    Lingga Ghufira Oktariza Namiki Uezono Jiaqi Liu Shukur...
  • Mg2Sn Epitaxial Thin Film for Thermoelectric Application
    The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 2023: 152nd Annual Meeting/2023-03-19--2023-03-23
  • Transient Photocapacitance Spectroscopy of ​ Deep-levels in (001) β-Ga2O3​
    Florena Fenfen Fenda; Traore Aboulaye; Sakurai Takeaki
    The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023/2023-03-15--2023-03-18
  • スパッタリング法による正方晶ジルコン型BiVO4光電極 の作製
    上園 波輝 カキ リュウ シュクル ゴフロブ; Islam Muhammad Monirul; 池田 茂; Tak...
  • Electronic structure of the Bi4V2O11 (001) surface by ARPES
    Liu Jiaqi Kenichi Ozawa Kazuya Tajima Namiki Uezono ; I...
  • Impact of quasi-fermi level splitting and sub-bandgap absorptivity on the VOC loss in CIGS solar cells
    Hamidou Tangara Yulu He ; Islam Muhammad Monirul; Ishizuk...
  • Built-in Electric Field Causes Phase Segregation Reduces Efficiency and Stability of Triple Cation Perovskite Solar Cells
    He Yulu; Islam Muhammad Monirul; Hamidou Tangara Ashrafu...
  • more...
Intellectural property rights
  • 有機半導体分子の配向制御方法及び有機薄膜太陽電池
    櫻井岳暁; 深澤良介; 秋本克洋; 斉藤和裕
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research in MI VAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Joint Seminar IIIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in IMI VBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Semiconductors for optoelectronics and quantum applications IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Joint Seminar VAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in MI IVAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Joint Seminar IIIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in MI IIIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Joint Seminar VBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Open Seminar IAUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • 有機薄膜太陽電池における界面制御と評価技術
  • 有機薄膜太陽電池の電子状態・構造評価
    KAST 有機薄膜太陽電池セミナー/2012-03-08
  • 有機薄膜太陽電池における電極界面の制御・評価法
  • CIGS系太陽電池の電気特性・欠陥準位評価
  • CIGS系太陽電池の電気特性評価
Professional activities
-- (current)35th International PhotoVoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-35)member of local organizing committee
2018-10 -- 2022-1133rd International PhotoVoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33)現地実行委員会委員
2020-07 -- 2021-0648th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists ConferenceArea 2 co-chair
2019-07 -- 2020-0647th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists ConferenceArea 2 Sub-area 2.3 co-chair
2018-07 -- 2019-0646th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists ConferenceArea 2 co-chair
2017-07 -- 2018-0645th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (WCPEC-6)Area 2 co-chair
2017-11 -- 2018-05Japanese Journal of Applied PhysicsGuest Editor
2017-03 -- 2017-1127th International PhotoVoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-27)Member of Programing Committee
2016-06 -- 2017-0644th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists ConferenceArea 2 co-chair
2016-05 -- 2016-11Thin Solid FilmsGuest Editor
University Management
2023-04 -- (current)Office of Global InitiativesDirector
2021-04 -- 2023-03Student Support Center, Office of International Exchange SupportDirector
2020-04 -- 2021-03教学デザイン室室員
2018-07 -- 2021-03Bachelor's Program of Interdisciplinary Engineering広報委員長

(Last updated: 2024-08-27)