ARIMA Sumika
- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- +6G>B6XxfXkcXkcXhuXhu6IXhwXhwXxfXkcXkcH@aIHJ@J76a68a?E
- Research fields
Control engineering/System engineering - Research keywords
Production systems engineering Operations management Social Innovation - Research projects
遠隔保守情報を統合活用した高速印刷機械の異常予測と保全計画最適化 2018-09 -- 2019-08 有馬澄佳 文部科学省 科学技術振興機構(JST)/研究成果最適展開支援プログラム (A-STEP) 機能検証フェーズ試験研究タイプ第1回 3,000,000Yen ワークライフバランスに貢献するサイバー・フィジカル製造業 2019-01 -- 2021-03 相山康道 経済産業省 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構/戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP)第2期/ビッグデータ・AIを活用したサイバー空間基盤技術 71,040,000Yen 地域協働情報プラットフォームの構築と評価、資源余剰の最適割付けと社会合理的分配 2018 -- 2020 有馬 澄佳 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,370,000Yen 半導体・液晶製造の良品スループット向上とコスト低減の両立を目指してQ-time制約の遵守と装置の生産性向上とを同時に実現する実時間最適オペレーション管理手法の研究 2011-12 -- 2012-07 有馬澄佳 JST/その他 1,700,000Yen QCDRモデルに基づいて革新的な総合設備効率の向上と生産期間の短縮を実現する工場・設備の運用管理システム 2012-10 -- 2013-09 有馬澄佳 JST 復興支援プログラム(A-STEP)/その他 8,000,000Yen QCDモデルに基づくマルチチャンバ装置および生産ラインの運用・設計方法 2009 -- 2011 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B) 6,724,439Yen 共創ビジョンに基づく半導体産業のビジネスモデル進化と、知財・人材の組織的流動化 2013 -- 2014 有馬 澄佳 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B) 4,160,000Yen - Career history
2003-04 -- 2005-03 Mizuho Information & Research Institute, Inc.(Fuji Research Institute Corporation) Manufacturing SolutionITE Leader (CIM design/SI Solution) - Academic background
1998-04 -- 2000-03 University of Aizu Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Department of Computer Systems 2000-04 -- 2003-03 University of Aizu Graduate school of Computer Scicence and Engineering Graduate Department of Computer Systems - Degree
2003-03 Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering University of Aizu - Licenses and qualifications
2003-05-23 基本情報処理技術者 2003-05-30 ORACLE MASTER GOLD 2003-05-30 UML技術者認定試験(ブロンズ) - Academic societies
2020-04 -- (current) THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING 2021-04 -- (current) Information Processing Society of Japan 2019 -- (current) The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 2008 -- (current) JAPAN INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2003 -- (current) THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2009 -- (current) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Honors & Awards
2022-08 Kioxia Research Award 2021(System) Dr. Arima was honored for her work "Integrated Scheduling for Multi-Factory/Supply Chains based on Product-mix Demand Forecasting and Multi-criteria Optimization", which is the one of 13 adopeted in the system category. 2020-10 Best Presentation Award 2019-11 Best Student Award 2017-11 Best Student Award 2017-02 優秀賞 2015-11 Best student award Paper and Presentation - Articles
Lin Jia; MAO Chending; Arima Sumika
Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2023/2023/pp.1-6, 2023-06-23 - Mixed-type Defect Pattern Classifications
Maeda Takumi; Takada Daisuke; Arima Sumika
Proceedings of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023/2023/pp.1-2, 2023-11-02 - Interaction Modelling of High Dimensional Production Data
Hoshino Sara; Watanabe Kyo; Arima Sumika
Procedia Computer Science/225/pp.4055-4064, 2023-12 - DUE DATE ASSIGNMENT OF MULTI-PRODUCT IN MAKE-TO-ORDER SUPPLY CHAINS
Arima Sumika; Takahashi Haruki; Shishido Ibuki
Arima Sumika; Tahara Yusaku; Nagai Kosuke
The Journal ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS - Series: APPLIED MATHEMATICS, MECHANICS, and ENGINEERING/66(SI)/pp.105-112, 2023-11 - Data-driven Modeling for Production Dynamics
Arima Sumika; Y. SASAKI; MORIE S.; KATAOKA Y.; MAO C.; LIN...
Proceesings of IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2022/pp.1-4, 2022-12-12 - Self-tuning Optimization to Compatible the Delivery and Low Energy Consumption
Arima Sumika; MAO C.; LIN J.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2022/pp.1-4, 2022-12 - MULTI-CRITERIA OPTIMIZATION OF N-STEP HYBRID FLOW-SHOP SCHEDULING - MAKE-TO-ORDER CASES WITH BATCH PROCESS -
Arima Sumika; JIA Lin; Ohno Tomoki; MAO Chending; MORIE ...
Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Flexible Automation/(ISFA2022)/pp.1-8, 2022-07 - Sparse reluctant interaction modelling with Convex Hull Approximation - For accurate modelling of highly correlated variables based on diverse nearly optimal solutions -
Arima Sumika; BU Huizhen; NAGATA Takuya; ONODERA Kakeru
The Journal of the Japan Industrial Management Association/pp.1-10, 2022-07 - Interaction Modelings for Industrial Data - for final quality estimation and proess integration
Arima Sumika; Limin Qin; Nagata Takuya; Handa Kotaro; Wat...
Proceeding of AEC/APC symposium Asia 2021/pp.1-4, 2021-11 - スマホアプリ市場におけるヘビーユーザーのアプリ所持パターンと次期インストール数の関係
有馬 澄佳; 半田滉太朗
日本経営工学会秋季大会2020要綱集/pp.1-4, 2020-10 - スマートフォンアプリの起動順序に着目したユーザーセグメント分析
大野智暉; 有馬 澄佳
日本経営工学会秋季大会2020要綱集/pp.1-4, 2020-10 - 従属需要の予測手法の構築と検証
有馬 澄佳; 小川陽平
日本経営工学会秋季大会2020要綱集/pp.1-4, 2020-10 - スマートフォンアプリの起動順序に着目したユーザーセグメント分析
有馬 澄佳; 大野智暉
日本経営工学会秋季大会2020要綱集/pp.1-4, 2020-10 - Optimization of Multi-objective Function of n-step Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling
J. LIN; Tomoki ONO; Sho MORIE; Qingxin ZHU; Yu SASAKI; Su...
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2020 (ISSM2020)/pp.1-4, 2020-12 - Cooperative Scheduling for Multi-Type Resource-Sharing System of Product-mix Production- Application to a Post-Replenishment Production of Automobile Parts-
有馬 澄佳
日本経営工学会論文誌/72(1)/pp.75-87, 2021-04 - Variable selection for correlated high-dimensional data with infrequent categorical variables: based on Sparse Sample Regression and anomaly detection technology
Kotsuka Yuhei; Arima Sumika
Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies/pp.109-125, 2021-06 - Interaction effects of environment and defect features to human cognition and skills in visual inspections
Arima Sumika; Zhao Zhuo; Nishi Yusuke
Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies/189/pp.431-448, 2020-06 - Automatic multi-class classification of tiny and faint printing defects based on semantic segmentation
Arima Sumika; Tsuji Takumi
Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies/189/pp.101-113, 2020-06 - Integrated 2D quality VM modeling Upscaling and evaluations of High-dimension Low-samples
BU H.; Arima Sumika
Proceedings of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2019/pp.1-4, 2019-11 - Performance Evaluations of VM models of Multi-dimensional quality: Open data applications
Tanaka Motoharu; Arima Sumika; NISHIZAWA K.; OHNO T.; OGA...
Proceedings of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2019/pp.1-4, 2019-11 - Feature Extractions from a High-dimension Low-samples Data for Multi-dimension Virtual Metrology
Tanaka Motoharu; Arima Sumika; NISHIZAWA K.; OHNO T.; OGA...
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2019/pp.1-4, 2019-09 - Feature Extractions from a High-dimension Low-samples Data for Multi-dimension Virtual Metrology
Tanaka Motoharu; Arima Sumika; NISHIZAWA K.; OHNO T.; OGA...
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2019/pp.1-4, 2019-09 - Applications of Hybrid flowshop schedulings under dynamic constraints of queue time and capacities
Tanaka Motoharu; Arima Sumika; NISHIZAWA K.; OHNO T.; OGA...
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2019/pp.1-4, 2019-09 - Development and Evaluation of Chat-bot Systems :The applications of the citizen service procedure
Arima Sumika; Murakami Ryo; Kotsuka Yuhei
Proceedings of IIAI 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(AAI2019)/pp.1-6, 2019-06 - more...
- Books
- Multimodal Data Analysis for Superposition Defect Classification: Case Study of Semiconductor Defect Patterns.
有馬 澄佳; Takumi Maeda; Daisuke Takada; Sota Kimpara; Hi...
Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies/Springer/pp.1-14, 2023-09 - Performance Analysis ofSemiconductor Manufacturing Systems
有馬 澄佳
2003-03 - Distributive and cooperative scheduling considering multi-attribute product-mix, feedback process, and the dynamic utility control in resource sharing
Arima Sumika; Sato Yuta; Saitou Tomoya; Perez Randall; Is...
ISSM 2006 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS- 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING/SEMICONDUCTOR PORTAL INC/pp.249-252, 2006-01 - Analysis of balance management at the leading edge - Competition and collaboration for semiconductor industry
Iino Masayuki; Matsumoto Yojiro; Arima Sumika
ISSM 2007: 2007 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS/IEEE/pp.308-311, 2007-01 - Novel dispatching rule of phase-mix and product-mix for cost-free productivity improvement
Saito Tomoya; Satou Yuta; Arima Sumika
- Multimodal Data Analysis for Superposition Defect Classification: Case Study of Semiconductor Defect Patterns.
- Conference, etc.
Lin Jia; MAO Chending; Arima Sumika
International Symposium on Scheduling 2023/2023-06-23--2023-06-25 - Mixed-type Defect Pattern Classifications
Maeda Takumi; Takada Daisuke; Arima Sumika
Takahashi Haruki; Shishido Ibuki; Arima Sumika
International Conference of Production Research/2023-07-23--2023-07-28 - MULTI-FACTORY SCHEDULING FOR A CORPORATED SUPPLY CHAIN
Tahara Yusaku; Nagai Kosuke; Arima Sumika
International Conference of Production Research/2023-07-23--2023-07-28 - Data-driven Modeling for Production Dynamics
Arima Sumika; MAO C.; LIN J.
IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2022/2022-12-12--2022-12-13 - Self-tuning Optimization to Compatible the Delivery and Low Energy Consumption
Arima Sumika; MAO C.; LIN J.
IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2022/2022-12-12--2022-12-13 - MULTI-CRITERIA OPTIMIZATION OF N-STEP HYBRID FLOW-SHOP SCHEDULING - MAKE-TO-ORDER CASES WITH BATCH PROCESS -
Arima Sumika; JIA Lin; Ohno Tomoki; MAO Chending; MORIE ...
International Symposium on Flexible Automation 2022/2022-07-03--2022-07-07 - Interaction Modelings for Industrial Data - for final quality estimation and proess integration
Arima Sumika; Limin Qin; Nagata Takuya; Handa Kotaro; Wat...
AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2021/2021-11-04--2021-11-04 - スマートフォンアプリの起動順序に着目したユーザーセグメント分析
大野智暉; 有馬 澄佳
日本経営工学会秋季大会2020/2020-10-24 - 従属需要の予測手法の構築と検証
小川陽平; 有馬 澄佳
日本経営工学会秋季大会2020/2020-10-24--2020-10-24 - スマホアプリ市場におけるヘビーユーザーのアプリ所持パターンと次期インストール数の関係
有馬 澄佳; 半田滉太朗
日本経営工学会秋季大会2020/2020-10-24 - スマートフォンアプリの起動順序に着目したユーザーセグメント分析
有馬 澄佳; 大野智暉
日本経営工学会秋季大会/2020-10-24 - 微小欠点の高精度検出手法の構築と検証
大沼悠人; 有馬 澄佳
日本経営工学会秋季大会/2020-10-24 - Integrated 2D quality VM modeling Upscaling and evaluations of High-dimension Low-samples
BU H.; Arima Sumika
AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2019/2019-11-13--2019-11-13 - Performance Evaluations of VM models of Multi-dimensional quality: Open data applications
Tanaka Motoharu; Arima Sumika; NISHIZAWA K.; OHNO T.; OGA...
AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2019/2019-11-13--2019-11-13 - Feature Extractions from a High-dimension Low-samples Data for Multi-dimension Virtual Metrology
Tanaka Motoharu; Arima Sumika; NISHIZAWA K.; OHNO T.; OGA...
The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2019 (Joint symposium e-MDC and ISSM2019)/2019-09-06--2019-09-06 - Applications of Hybrid flowshop schedulings under dynamic constraints of queue time and capacities
Motomiya Hiroyuki; Arima Sumika
International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM)/2019-09-06--2019-09-06 - Development and Evaluation of Chat-bot Systems :The applications of the citizen service procedure
Arima Sumika; Murakami Ryo; Kotsuka Yuhei
IIAI 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(AAI2019)/2019-06-07--2019-06-12 - Development of a Hybrid flowshop Scheduling System Considering with Due-date and Incontrollable Processing Time for MTO Production
Shinoda Kenta; Onodera Kakeru; Arima Sumika
7th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI)/2018-07-08--2018-07-13 - Dynamic Capacity Allocation and Scheduling for Multi-type Resource Sharing Systems
有馬 澄佳
13th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA2018)/2018-08-22--2018-08-26 - Applications of Sparse Modelling and Principle Component Analysis for the Virtual metrology of comprehensive multi-dimensional quality
有馬 澄佳; Takuya NAGATA; H. Bu; Satsuki Shimada
International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES) 2019/2019-02-19--2019-02-21 - Optimization of Multi-type Resource Allocation for MTO-MTS mixed production
Motomiya Hiroyuki; Arima Sumika
International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM)/2018-12-10--2018-12-11 - Real-time Allocation of Multi-Type Production Resource with Due Date grouping for MTO Manufacturing
Arima Sumika; TANAKA Motoharu
The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2018 (ISSM2018)/2018-12-10--2018-12-11 - Forecasting Call Center Arrivals using a Hybrid Model composed by Multiple Regression and LSTM
有馬 澄佳; 秋山裕; 張ウトン; 佐藤宏哉
The 13th International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications in engineering, technology and management (ISORA 2018)/2018-08-22--2018-08-26 - Common sensing and Analyses to visualize a Production Process with Parallely Utilized Resource –Job-shop and Flow-shop cases
Tanaka Motoharu; Nagata Takuya; Nishi Yusuke; Arima Sumika
IIAI 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI2018)/2018-07-08--2018-07-12 - more...
- Intellectural property rights
- 筑波大学
有馬 澄佳; 渡邉響 - 筑波大学
有馬 澄佳; 伊東寛紀; 渡邉響; 高田大右; 前田拓海; 星野紗来 - 欠陥検出分類システム及び欠陥判定トレーニングシステム
有馬 澄佳; 辻拓幹; 大沼悠人; 西雄介 - 欠陥検出分類システム及び欠陥判定トレーニングシステム
有馬 澄佳; 辻拓幹; 大沼悠斗; 西雄介 - 「最適指標生成装置、最適指標生成方法、最適指標生成プログラム及び最適指標生成サーバ」
Arima Sumika - 最適指標生成装置、最適指標生成方法、最適指標生成プログラム及び最適指標生成サーバ
有馬澄佳 山崎雄大 - 多品種生産システム及びその設計・運用方法、その設計・運用プログラム及びそのプログラムを記録した記録媒体
齋藤 和之; 有馬 澄佳 - 最適指標生成装置
畠澄佳; 山崎雄大; +有馬 澄佳
- 筑波大学
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Facilitation Training Pre-Program in Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Facilitation Training Pre-Program in Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Facilitation Training Program in Service Engineering University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Facilitation Training Program in Service Engineering University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Basic Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Workshop in Policy and Planning Sciences I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Workshop in Policy and Planning Sciences I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences I University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- 半導体製造における装置/プロセスの監視・予測・処置の/ための機械学習とデータマイニング手法の応用
有馬 澄佳
第150回精密工学会プラナリゼーションCMPとその応用技術専門委員会研究会/2016-06-20--2016-06-20 - 基調講演「IoT活用と現場改善 -Ibarak-i4へ」
有馬 澄佳
第3回IoT・ロボット研究会/2017-07-27 - 半導体産業のバリュー・チェインの改革:DFMに基づく経営‐技術戦略のアライン
SEMICON Japan STSサテライトセッション DFMワークショップ/2011-12-09 - AEC/APCとDFMの戦略
(株) 東芝 セミコンダクター社 佐藤 隆 NECエレクトロニクス㈱ 本間 三智夫 筑波大学 有馬 ...
SEMICON Japan 2008 DFMプロダクトマネジメントワークショップ/2008-12-05 - AEC/APCとサステイナブルな生産性向上
13:00 AEC; APCとサステイナブルな生産性向上 筑波大学 有馬 澄佳 14:10 真価を発揮したEE...
SEMI Forum Japan(SFJ) 2008 VANSセミナー/2008-06-20 - Strategy for DFM from/to AEC/APC(AEC/APCとDFM戦略)
有馬 澄佳
SEMICON Japan 2007 DFMプロダクトマネジメントワークショップ/2007-12-07 - VLSI組立て工場における設備人員計画システム
情報通信学会/2000-01-19 - 生産システム解析のための並行性と競合を考慮したペトリネットツール
○有馬澄佳; 齋藤和之; +有馬 澄佳
計測自動制御学会 東北支部第183回研究集会/1999-07-23 - 事象発生時間間隔の分布を考慮した生産システム解析のためのペトリネットツール
○有馬澄佳; 川鍋昌紀; 齋藤和之; +有馬 澄佳
電気関係学会東北支部連合大会/2000-08-24 - Application of Resource Planning System for VLSI Assembly Facility
Kazuyuki SAITO; Sumika ARIMA; Toshio KOYAMA; and Haruo Y...
1999 IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing/1999-10-11 - Petri Net Simulator of Manufacturing Systems Considering Multiple Machines, Operators, and Maintenance for a Product-Mix
Sumika ARIMA; Kazuyuki SAITO
9th IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing/2000-09-27 - 多品種生産システムにおけるサービス形態の検討
日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 春季研究発表会/2003-03-01 - A Simulation Study on Periodical Priority Dispatching of WIP for Product-Mix Fabrication
Kazuyuki SAITO; Sumika ARIMA
13th Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference/2002-08-25 - A Novel Dispatch Algorithm Reducing Adjustment Rate in Processing a Product-Mix; Comparison of FCFS, SPT, and New Algorithm
Kazuyuki SAITO; Sumika ARIMA
12th IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing/2003-09-30 - Distributive and Cooperative Scheduling Considering Multi-Attribute Product-Mix, Feedback Process, and the Dynamic Utility Control in Resource Sharing
Sumika ARIMA
15th International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing/2006-09-27 - 生産の最適化へ:EES・APCとDFM/MFDの連携
オープニングリマーク:東北大学 門田和也; (株) 東芝 佐藤隆 富士通(株) 宮崎則彦 基調講演:NECエレク...
SEMICON Japan 2006 DFMプロダクトマネジメントワークショップ/2006-12-08
- 半導体製造における装置/プロセスの監視・予測・処置の/ための機械学習とデータマイニング手法の応用
- Professional activities
2012-04 -- (current) IEEE International symposium on Semicondutor Manufaturing Program committee member 2018-04 -- (current) International Journal of Production Research Reviewer 2019-04 -- (current) JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Sub-Committee 科研費審査委員 2017-04 -- (current) 茨城県IoT推進ラボ IoT推進専門家派遣 客員 2010-04 -- (current) IEEJ 査読員 2010-04 -- (current) KES International 査読員 2006-10 -- (current) AEC/APC Symposium Asia Japan Program Committee / Vice Chair 2012-07 -- (current) IEEE TSM/査読員 2010-04 -- (current) 電子情報技術産業協会 DFMプロダクトマネジメント小委員会 2006-06 -- (current) 電子情報技術産業協会 DFMプロダクトマネジメント小委員会 - University Management
2022-04 -- (current) 論文委員会 委員 2022-04 -- (current) 障害学生連絡窓口教員 2022-04 -- (current) 1年クラス担任 2021-04 -- 2022-03 学園祭委員会 委員 2021-04 -- 2022-03 学生担当教員 委員 2021-04 -- 2022-03 卒業論文梗概集編集委員会 委員 2020-04 -- 2021-03 全学外国語センター学類代表 2020-04 -- 2021-03 理工学群 寺子屋塾実行委員会 委員 2020-04 -- 2021-03 学類学生担当教員 2020-04 -- 2021-04 卒業論文梗概集編集委員会 委員長 more...
(Last updated: 2024-09-11)