- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000-0003-1258-5491
- Sex
- Male
- Birth date
- 1965-10
- 40293261
- ;&8&3:2&HWS.*)Q98:0:'&Q&(Q/5
- Office
- Asanuma Lab.
- Phone
- 029-853-6704
- Research fields
Hydraulic engineering Environmental dynamic analysis Meteorology/Physical oceanography/Hydrology - Research keywords
Flood mitigation measures at Tone River Water-related disasters and flood mitigation measures Hydrometeorology Surface Hydrology Satellite hydrology Land-Atmosphere interaction Boundary Layer Meteorology - Research projects
Global validation system of GCOM-W soil moisture measurements. 2019-04 -- 2022-03 Jun ASANUMA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)/ 25,117,791Yen 衛星土壌水分プロダクト検証・評価システムの再構築 2017-07 -- 2019-03 Jun ASANUMA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)/第1回地球観測研究公募 18,280,000Yen Data Assimilation Trials with Large Scale Observation Data 2014-04 -- 2018-03 ASANUMA Jun Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 13,130,000Yen AMSR2プロダクツのモンゴル草原における地上観測とモデル出力を用いたマルチスケール検証実験 2014-04 -- 2017-03 Jun ASANUMA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)/地球変動観測ミッション第5回研究公募 34,680,000Yen Intercomparison of Landsurface Process Modelling at Asian Dryland 2010-05 -- 2012-08 Jun ASANUMA Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research/ Interdisciplinary Study on Environmental Transfer of Radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident 2012-08 -- 2017-03 ONDA Yuichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) Understanding the migration process of radionuclides associated with water and sediment movement 2012-08 -- 2017-03 ONDA Yuichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) Intercomparison of Landsurface process models in arid and semi-arid climate 2010 -- 2013-03 ASANUMA Jun Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 10,400,000Yen Time-scale analyses of heat/water vapor/carbon dioxide transport in the lower atmosphere 2005 -- 2008-03 ASANUMA Jun Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 3,850,000Yen 乱流変動値を用いた地表面における熱・水・物質交換量の算定手法に関する研究 2001 -- 2003-03 ASANUMA Jun Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) 2,300,000Yen more... - Career history
1991 -- 1997 Nippon Koei Co. Ltd. 1992 -- 1995 Cornell UniversityDept. Civil and Environmental Eng.リサーチアシスタント 1997 -- 1998 Nagaoka University of Tech.Civil and Env. Eng.Assiatant 1998 -- 2000 Nagaoka University of Tech.Civil & Env. Eng.Lecturer 2000-04 -- 2004-03 University of TsukubaFaculty of GeoscienceLecturer 2004-04 -- 2005-03 University of TsukubaTerrenstrial Env. Research Ctr/School of Life and Environmental SciencesLecturer 2005-04 -- 2007-03 University of TsukubaTerrenstrial Env. Research Ctr/School of Life and Environmental SciencesAssoc. Prof. 2007-04 -- 2010-09 University of TsukubaSchool of Life and Environmental Science/Terrestrial Env. Res. CtrAssoc. Professor 2010-10 -- (current) School of Life and Environmental Science/Terrenstrial Env. Research CtrProfessor, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba 2013-04 -- (current) University of Tsukuba,School of Life and Environmental Science/Center for Research in Isotope and Environmental DynamicsProfessor - Academic background
-- 1989 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering 土木工学科 1989-03 -- 1991-03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering -- 1996 Cornell University School of Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering - Degree
Ph.D コーネル大学(アメリカ合衆国) 工学修士 The University of Tokyo - Academic societies
2017-12 -- (current) IEEE -- (current) JAPAN GEOSCIENCE UNION 1989 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS 1991 -- (current) THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES 1998 -- (current) THE SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY OF JAPAN 1992 -- (current) American Geophysical Union 1995 -- (current) American Meteorological Society 1991 -- (current) METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 1996 -- (current) THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF HYDOROLOGICAL SCIENCES - Honors & Awards
2019-09 水文・水資源学会 論文賞 2010-09 水文・水資源学会 学術出版賞(筑波大学水文科学研究室として) 1998 水文水資源学会論文奨励賞 - Articles
- Regularized Dual-Channel Algorithm for the Retrieval of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth From SMAP Measurements
Julian Chaubell; Simon Yueh; R. Scott Dunbar; Andreas Co...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing/15/pp.102-114, 2021-10 - Validation of Soil Moisture Data Products from the NASA SMAP Mission
Andreas Colliander; Reichle Rolf; Crow Wade; Cosh Michae...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing/15/pp.364-392, 2021-10 - Energy partitioning and its imbalance over a prairie site in central Tibetan plateau during GAPEIOP, 1998
Kim J; Choi T; Lee H; Hong J; Kim J; Asanuma Jun
Eos Trans. AGU/81(22)/p.5, 2000-10 - On measuring and modeling surface energy partitioning in a Tibetan prairie during GAME-IOP 1998
Kim J; Kim H; Hong S-Y; Choi T; Asanuma Jun
대기/11(3)/pp.290-294, 2001-10 - Composition and Chemistry-D09303-Year-round measurements of net ecosystem CO2 flux over a montane larch forest in Mongolia-
Li Sheng-Gong; 浅沼 順; Kotani Ayumi; Eugster Werner; Davaa ...
Journal of Geophysical Research-Part D-Atmospheres/110(9), 2005-10 - NDVI RESPONSES TO THE FOREST CANOPY AND FLOOR IN EASTERN SIBERIA
Suzuki Rikie; Kobayashi Hideki; Delbart Nicolas; Hiyama ...
Proceedings of the KSRS Conference/pp.325-328, 2007-10 - Downscaling of the global warming projections to Turkey
Kimura Fujio; Kitoh Akio; Sumi Akimasa; Asanuma Jun; Yata...
The final report of ICCAP/10, 2007-03 - The thawing-freezing processes and soil moisture distribution of the steppe in Central Mongolian Plateau.
Liu ShuAi; Yu GuiRui; Asanuma Jun; Sugita M; Zhang LeiMing
Acta Pedologica Sinica/46(1)/pp.46-51, 2009-10 - Evaluation of MODIS-derived evapotranspiration at the flux tower sites in East Asia
Jeong Seung-Taek; Jang Keun-Chang; Kang Sin-Kyu; Kim Joo...
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/11(4)/pp.174-184, 2009-09 - Effects of exclosure on aboveground biomass, vegetation constitution, and midday gross primary productivity in semi-arid Mongolian steppe
Tadaaki URANO; Mitsuru HIROTA; Byambakhuu ISHGALDAN; Shen...
農業気象/66(4)/pp.227-236, 2010-10 - An evaluation of community land model (CLM) 3.5-CN at grassland
Y-H Lee; H-J Lim; K Ichii; 浅沼 順; Y Guirui
한국기상학회 학술대회 논문집/(3)/pp.10-11, 2012-05 - Reproducibility of hydrological process by LSM in semi-arid grassland on seasonal frost
Miyazaki Shin; Yorozu Kazuaki; Asanuma Jun; Kondo Masayu...
The Association of Japanese Geographers/p.100133, 2013-10 - Long term observation of soil moisture by the in situ stations and AMSR/AMSR2 a 1.1 º by 1.1 º study area on the Mongolian Plateau since 2001
Kaihotsu Ichirow; Asanuma Jun; Aida Kentaro; Fujii Hidey...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts/2015/p.H51I-1510, 2015-12 - Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
Jackson Thomas J; Colliander Andreas; Bindlish Rajat; Cha...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts/2015/p.H14F-02, 2015-12 - Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
Colliander Andreas; Jackson Thomas J; Bindlish Rajat; Cha...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts/2016/p.B33J-04, 2016-12 - Improved SMAP dual-channel algorithm for the retrieval of soil moisture
Chaubell Mario Julian; Yueh Simon H; Dunbar R Scott; Coll...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing/58(6)/pp.3894-3905, 2020-01 - Validation of Soil Moisture Data Products from the NASA SMAP Mission
Andreas Colliander; Rolf Reichle; Wade Crow; Michael Cos...
TechRxiv, 2021-06 - Validation of AMSR2 L2 Soil Moisture Products of JAXA on the Mongolian Plateau for seven years from 2012 to 2018
開發 一郎; 会田 健太郎; 浅沼 順; 可知 美佐⼦
Proceeding of Annual Conference/32/p.148, 2019 - Receiving the Article Award
松島 大; 浅沼 順; 開發 一郎
JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES/33(1)/pp.9-10, 2020 - Transpiration and evaporation of grassland using land surface modelling
Ma Wenchao; Wei Zhongwang; Wang Pei; Asanuma Jun
HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES/34(17)/pp.3656-3668, 2020-08 - Seasonal Dependence of SMAP Radiometer-based Soil Moisture Performance as Observed Over Core Validation Sites
Andreas Colliander 学外; Jackson Thomas; Chan Steven; O'Nei...
IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium/pp.5320-5323, 2019-07 - Evaluation of the AMSR2 L2 soil moisture product of JAXA on the Mongolian Plateau over seven years (2012-2018)
Kaihotsu Ichirow; Asanuma Jun; Aida Kentaro; Oyunbaata...
SN APPLIED SCIENCES/1(11), 2019-11 - Uncertainty of Reference Pixel Soil Moisture Averages Sampled at SMAP Core Validation Sites
Chen Fan; Crow Wade T.; Cosh Michael H.; Colliander A...
JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY/20(8)/pp.1553-1569, 2019-08 - A database of water and heat observations over grassland in the north-east of Japan
Ma Wenchao; Asanuma Jun; Xu Jianqing; Onda Yuichi
EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA/10(4)/pp.2295-2309, 2018-12 - Analysis of Time Series of the Ambient Dose Rates
Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan -International Edition/3/p.n/a, 2017 - more...
- Regularized Dual-Channel Algorithm for the Retrieval of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth From SMAP Measurements
- Books
- 令和元年台風19号豪雨災害 調査団報告書
浅沼 順; 土木学会令和元年台風19号豪雨災害調査団
令和元年台風19号豪雨災害 調査団報告書, 2020-08 - 提言「22世紀の国づくり」
公益社団法人 土木学会, 2019-05 - 第22章 激甚災害とその予測
山中 勤; 上野健一; 浅沼 順; 恩田裕一
改訂版 地球環境学/古今書院/pp.91-95, 2019-03 - 大気境界層乱流の周波数解析
浅沼 順
2004 - 「地球環境統計解析法」
浅沼 順
2005 - 地球環境学 〜地球環境を調査・分析・診断するための30章〜
松岡 憲知; 田中 博; 杉田 倫明; 村山 祐司; 手塚 章; 恩田 裕一(編); +浅沼 順
古今書院, 2007-01 - Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
Kundzewicz; Z.W.; L.J. Mata; N.W. Arnell; P. Doll; P. Kaba...
Cambridge University Press, 2007-01 - Climate Change and Water. Technical Paper VI of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Bates; B.C.; Z.W. Kundzewicz; S. Wu; J.P. Palutikof; Eds.; +...
2008-01 - 川の百科事典
高橋裕(編); +浅沼 順
丸善, 2009-01 - 水文科学
田中 正; 杉田倫明; 山中 勤; 浅沼 順; 飯田真一; 濱田洋平; 辻村真貴; 田瀬則雄
共立出版, 2009-01
- 令和元年台風19号豪雨災害 調査団報告書
- Conference, etc.
- Reconstruction of the satellite soil moisture validation/evaluation system
Asanuma Jun; Aida Kentaro
Joint PI Meeting of Global Environment Observation Mission, FY2017/2017-01-22--2017-01-26 - Validation of SMAP surface soil moisture products with core validation sites
R. Bindlish; T. Jackson; M. Cosh; T. Koike; X. Fujji R. ...
IGARSS 2017/2017-08-20 - Development and Validation of The SMAP Enhanced Passive Soil Moisture Product
S. Chan; R. Bindlish; Asanuma Jun
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium/2017-07-23--2017-07-28 - AMSR2 Soil Moisture Product Validation
R. Bindlish; T. Jackson; M. Cosh; T. Koike; X. Fujji; R. ...
IGARSS 2017/2017-07-23--2017-07-28 - Hydrometeorological regimes at Mongolian Grassland: from Observations
浅沼 順; Kentaro Aida; Yuriko Koike; Ichirow Kaihotsu; Gombo Dav...
The International Science Conference on MAHASRI/2016-03-02--2016-03-04 - JUC supports to the MDRM program: Messages from Japanese Universities
Asanuma Jun
SEMINAR ON DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT & OPEN DAY FOR MDRM 2016/2016-08-02--2016-08-02 - ‘Hydro4m’ Hydro-Meteorological study with Multi-satellite sensors and Multidimensional approaches at Mongolian Grassland
浅沼 順; Kentaro Aida
SMAP Cal/Val Workshop #8/2015-09-01--2015-09-03 - Land-atmosphere interaction at Semi-arid Grassland in Mongolia.
浅沼 順
International Workshop on Semi-arid Land Surface-Atmosphere Interaction/2007-08-01 - Identifying Precipitation Sources in Northern Mongolia using Back Trajectory Analysis
小池百合子; 浅沼 順; Davaa G
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014/2014-5-1--2014-5-1 - Toward upscaling ground-based measurements for validating the AMSR2 soil moisture products
浅沼 順; 会田 健太郎
Joint PI Meeting of Global Environment Observation Mission 2014/2015-01-12--2015-01-16 - A summary of Asian Dryland Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP)
Asanuma Jun; others
7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle/2014-07-14--2014-07-17 - A summary of Asian Dryland Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP)
Asanuma Jun; others
MAIRS Open Science Conference/2014-04-07--2014-04-10 - An Integrated Flux database for Asia
M. Ueyama; Asanuma Jun; 他
3rd Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society (HESSS)/2013-08 - 北東アジア乾燥域における衛星 GRACE による陸水貯留量変化の検証
小林 健史; 浅沼 順
JPGU meeting, 2013/2013-05 - モンゴル北部における水蒸気のバックトラジェクトリー解析
小池百合子; 浅沼 順
日本気象学会2013年度春季大会/2013-06 - モンゴル北部における降水量の年々変動と水蒸気起源
小池 百合子; 浅沼 順
水文・水資源学会2013年度研究発表会/2013-09 - モンゴル北部における水蒸気のバックトラジェクトリー解析
小池百合子; +浅沼 順
2011年水文・水資源学会総会・研究発表会/2011-08-30 - 現地観測とモデル研究の融合
浅沼 順
複数の地球観測衛星データを利用した分野横断型研究に関するワークショップ/2013-12-16--2013-12-16 - Back-trajectory Analyses of Water Vapor in Northern Mongolia
小池 百合子; 浅沼 順
AGU Fall meeting, 2012/2012-12-03--2012-12-07 - Connecting the dots with reanalysis and sattelite data sets in the Northeastern Asia
浅沼 順; 小池百合子
2013 International Workshop on Terrestrial Change in Mongolia,/2013-12-20--2013-12-20 - 北東アジア乾燥域における衛星GRACEによる陸水貯留量変化
小林健史; 浅沼 順
水文・水資源学会2013年度研究発表会/2013-09 - A test bed of land surface water/energy/ecosystem models in dry climate – results from Asian Dryland Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP)-
Asanuma Jun
3rd Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society (HESSS)/2013-08 - Impact of Soil Parameters on Reproducibility of Hydrological Processes by Land Surface Model
N. Saigusa; 浅沼 順
3rd Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society (HESSS)/2013-08 - Application of an Integrated Flux Database for Asia: Empirical Upscaling and Model Evaluation
浅沼 順
3rd Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society (HESSS)/2013-08
- Reconstruction of the satellite soil moisture validation/evaluation system
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Advanced Studies in Hydrological Sciences I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Advanced Studies in Hydrological Sciences I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Lecture in Hydrological Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lecture in Hydrological Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Study on Geoenvironmental Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Study on Geoenvironmental Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Advanced Studies in Hydrological Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Advanced Studies in Hydrological Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-05 -- 2024-07 Hydrology in the Lower Atmosphere University of Tsukuba. 2024-05 -- 2024-08 Geoenvironmental Sciences 1 University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2019-07 -- 2019-08 マレーシア日本国際工科院災害リスク管理修士課程本邦研修 マレーシア日本国際工科院 2018-05 -- 2018-09 マレーシア日本国際工科院災害リスク管理修士課程本邦研修 マレーシア日本国際工科院 2017-04 -- 2017-09 MJIIT-MDRM Japan Attachment Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT-UTM) - Talks
- Seasonal Dependence of SMAP Radiometer-based Soil Moisture Performance as Observed Over Core Validation Sites
Andreas Colliander 学外; Jackson Thomas; Chan Steven; O'Nei...
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium/2019-07-28--2019-08-02 - Virtual Water -the world’s hidden impact
浅沼 順
UBS証券エコレクチャー/2013-09-19--2013-09-19 - Land-atmosphere interaction at Semi-arid Grassland in Mongolia.
Asanuma; +浅沼 順
International Workshop on Semi-arid Land Surface-Atmosphere Interaction/2007-08-01 - モンゴル地域の水循環について
浅沼 順・佐藤友徳・岩崎博之・遠藤 伸彦・李 勝功・小谷亜由美・辻村真貴・陸 旻皎
NPO法人モンゴルエコフォーラム記念講演会「第4回モンゴルの環境は今」/2007-04-01 - 広域スケールの大気-陸域間の相互作用と気候変動
浅沼順・福井秀典; +浅沼 順
モンゴル半乾燥域における陸面プロセスの観測とモデル研究,気象学会春季大会専門部会/2009-04-01 - 世界の水問題と食糧事情
浅沼 順
日本食生活学会第42回大会/2011-05-21 - Application of Community Land Model to Semi-arid Mongolian Grassland,
Asanuma; J.; Hidenori Fukui; and Yamato Yamaura; +浅沼 順
2nd MAIRS International Workshop on Asian Dryland Study/2009-07-01 - Observation and modeling of surface hydrological budget over Mongolian steppe
J. Asanuma; Y. Koike
Asia Drought Workshop 2011/2011-01-20 - Hydro-Meteorology in Relation to Climate Change in Mongolian Grassland Ecosystem: Recent progress from Japan-Mongolia Cooperative Resaerch
J. Asanuma
Impacts of climate change and livestock grazing on grassland carbon budget and biodiversity in East Asia/2011-05-02 - Asian Monsoon Years (2007-2012):Back-trajectory Analyses of Water Vapor in Northern Mongolia
Yuriko Koike; Jun Asanuma
Saigusa N.; S.-G. Li; H. Kwon; K. Takagi; J. Hong; R. Id...
10th AsiaFlux Workshop/2011-11-09 - Lessons learned from CarboEastAsia MIP:Current status of terrestrial carbon cycle modeling in Asia
Ichii K; Lee Y.H.; Ju W.; Wang S.; Kondo M.; Ito A.; Sasa...
10th AsiaFlux Workshop/2011-11-09 - An evaluation of Community Land Model (CLM) 3.5-CN at grassland
Lee Y.H.; Lim H.J.; Ichii K.; Asanuma J.; Yu G.R.
K. Takagi; R. Hirata; M. Ueyama; K. Ono; R. Ide; A. Ogaw...
10th AsiaFlux Workshop/2011-11-09 - A new gap-filling strategy for evapotranspiration
Minseok Kang; Joon Kim; Hyojung Kwon; Jun Asanuma; Minoru...
10th AsiaFlux Workshop/2011-11-09 - Estimating the carbon loss under the influence of typhoons at a subtropical mountain forest
Ding; S.; Juang; J.Chang; S.; Hsia; Y.; Asanuma; J.; +浅沼 順
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010/2011-11-13 - バックトラジェクトリー解析を用いたモンゴル旱魃発生要因の推定
小池 百合子; 浅沼順
日本気象学会2011年度春季大会/2011-05-18 - モンゴル半乾燥草原水熱収支の年々変動
浅沼順・小池百合子; +浅沼 順
- Seasonal Dependence of SMAP Radiometer-based Soil Moisture Performance as Observed Over Core Validation Sites
- Professional activities
2019-10 -- 2020-09 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) 水工学委員会令和元年台風19号豪雨災害調査団 関東地区副団長 2018-04 -- 2019-05 社団法人土木学会 22世紀の国づくりプロジェクト 2015-12 -- (current) Japan University Consortium, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology Committee on Disaster Risk Management 2015-11 -- (current) MJIIT Member, Board of Study 2016-11 -- 2018-02 Japan International Cooperation Agency マレーシア日本国際工科院(MJIIT)次期二国間事業検討委員会 2016-12 -- 2016-12 国際協力機構(JICA) マレーシア日本国際工科院整備【円借款附帯プロジェクト】運営 指導調査(中間レビュー) 2016-08 -- 2016-08 Japan International Cooperation Agency マレーシア日本国際工科院整備【円借款附帯プロジェクト】運営 指導調査 2015-04 -- 2018-09 今後の宇宙開発体制のあり方に関するタスクフオース(TF)会合 幹事 2017-06 -- 2023-03 土木学会 水工学委員会 委員 2011-06 -- 2023-03 JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS 水工学委員会 幹事 more... - University Management
2019-04 -- 2020-03 海外大学教育プログラムユニット(マレーシア日本国際工科院 防災プログラム運営委員会) プログラムリーダー 2017-04 -- 2019-03 生命環境科学研究科運営委員会 委員 2017-04 -- 2019-03 生命環境科学系運営委員会 委員 2017-04 -- 2019-03 地球環境科学専攻 専攻長 2016-04 -- 2017-03 地球学類運営委員会 委員 2016-05 -- 2021-03 生命環境科学系将来計画委員会 委員 2013-04 -- (current) アイソトープ環境動態センター運営委員会 運営委員 2012-04 -- 2013-03 地球学類カリキュラム委員会 委員長 2012-04 -- 2014-03 第一学群運営委員会 委員 2012-04 -- 2013-03 全学学群教育課程委員会 委員 more...
(Last updated: 2025-02-06)