Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
Official title
Research fields
Solid earth and planetary physics
Research keywords
Earthquake Source Physics
Rupture Evolution of Great Earthquakes
Research projects
ポテンシーテンソルインバージョンに基づく震源過程の多様性の解明2022-04 -- 2025-03八木勇治日本学術振興会//科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金)基盤研究(c)(一般)4,160,000Yen
Career history
2018-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Life and Environmental SciencesProfessor
2011-10 -- 2018-03University of TsukubaFaculty of Life and Environmental SciencesAssociate Professor
2007-04 -- 2011-09University of TsukubaGraduate School of Life and Environmental SciencesAssociate Professor
2005-04 -- 2007-03University of TsukubaGraduate School of Life and Environmental SciencesAssociate Professor
2002-04 -- 2005-03Building Research InstituteInternational Institute of Seismology and Earthquake EngineeringResearch Scientist
2002-03Doctor of PhilosophyThe University of Tokyo
Academic societies
2002 -- (current)American Geophysical Union
Honors & Awards
2015Best Faculty Member, University of Tsukuba
2009-05-17Young Scientist Award (The Seismological Society of Japan)
2004-11The Earth, Planets and Space Young Researcher Award
  • 改訂版 地球進化学 (地球学シリー ズ2)
    藤野滋弘; 上松 佐知子; 池端 慶; 黒澤正紀; 丸岡照幸; 八木勇治
    古今書院, 2020-02
Conference, etc.
  • 2021年サウスサンドウィッチ諸島地震における複雑な震源過程
    山口 諒; 八木 勇治; 奥脇 亮
  • 高自由度な震源過程モデルによって明らかになった階層的な破壊成長
    八木 勇治; 奥脇 亮
  • 2023年ロイヤリティ諸島南東部地震で発生した逆破壊伝播
    村上 明叶; 八木 勇治; 奥脇 亮
  • データ駆動型の震源過程解析手法:ポテンシー密度テンソルインバージョン
    八木 勇治; 清水 宏亮; 山下 真司; 奥脇 亮; 縣 亮一郎; 深畑 幸俊; 縣 亮一郎
  • 深層学習・最近傍法・ETASモデル等を用いた地震活動モニタリング手法の開発
    八木 勇治; 余 君宇; 溜渕 功史; 松川 滉明; 笠原 天人
  • Rupture Process of The MW7.9 2018 Alaska Earthquake Revealed by Flexible Finite-Fault Inversion of Teleseismic Data
    Yamashita Shinji; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Shimizu Kousuke
    AGU Fall Meeting 2019
  • Proving Fault Geometry with Finite-Fault Inversion of Teleseismic Data
    Shimizu Kousuke; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo
    AGU Fall Meeting 2019
  • Slip evolution across geometric barrier during the 2018 Palu Indonesia earthquake
    Okuwaki Ryo; Yagi Yuji
    2019 SCEC Annual Meeting
  • Development of a method of visualization of abrupt changes in slip-rate and rupture velocity toward better understanding of high-frequency radiation on a fault
    鮎貝 崇広; 八木勇治; 奥脇 亮; 茅野 奎太; 清水 宏亮
    JpGU Meeting 2019
  • Issues in earthquake-source-inversion analysis, evaluated through singular value decomposition
    茅野 奎太; 八木勇治; 奥脇 亮; 清水 宏亮
    JpGU Meeting 2019
  • Automatic Approach to Low-Frequency Earthquakes Detection in Southwest Japan Based on Deep Learning Technique
    余君宇; Yagi Yuji; 松澤孝紀; Okuwaki Ryo
    JpGU Meeting 2019
  • Source-rupture process of the intraplate earthquake; its diversity related to the fault geometry and damaged fault zone
    Okuwaki Ryo; Yagi Yuji
    JpGU Meeting 2019/2019-05-26--2019-05-30
  • Demonstration of improved seismic source inversion method of tele-seismic body wave
    Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo
    The 2017 AGU Fall Meeting/2017-12-11--2017-12-15
  • Flexible kinematic earthquake rupture inversion of tele-seismic waveforms: Application to the 2013 Balochistan, Pakistan earthquake
    Shimizu Kyusuke; Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Kasahara Amato
    The 2017 AGU Fall Meeting/2017-12-11--2017-12-15
  • Potency backprojection
    Okuwaki Ryo; Kasahara Amato; Yagi Yuji
    The 2017 AGU Fall Meeting/2017-12-11--2017-12-15
  • A Bayesian hierarchical model for a seismic source inversion
    Kasahara Amato; Yagi Yuji
  • Demonstration of improved seismic source inversion method of tele-seismic body wave
    Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo
  • Rupture evolution during the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel Chile earthquake in relation to swarms
    Okuwaki Ryo; Yagi Yuji
  • Rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in relation with the thermal structure around Aso volcano
    Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo; Enescu Bogdan; Kasahara Amato; Mi...
    The 2016 AGU Fall Meeting/2016-12-12--2016-12-16
  • Rupture process during the 2015 Illapel Chile earthquake: Zigzag-along-dip rupture episodes
    Okuwaki Ryo; Yagi Yuji; Aránguiz Rafael; González-Carrasc...
    The 2016 AGU Fall Meeting/2016-12-12--2016-12-16
  • Integrated seismic source models: Spatiotemporal slip-rate and high-frequency radiation distributions of large earthquakes
    Yagi Yuji; Okuwaki Ryo
    The 2015 AGU Fall Meeting/2015-12-14--2015-12-18
  • Use of ABIC and Invention of Inversion Methods
    Fukahata Yukitoshi; Yagi Yuji
    The 2014 AGU Fall Meeting/2014-12-15--2014-12-19
  • Seismic Source Inversion and Back Projection
    Yagi Yuji
    2013 SCEC Annual Meeting/2013-9-8--2013-09-11
  • Hybrid Back-Projection:Theory and Future Direction of Seismic Array Analysis
    Yuji Yagi
    Workshop on Arrays in Global Seismology/2013-05-15--2013-05-16
  • Theoretical background of back-projection imaging and its relation to time-reversal and inverse solutions
    Fukahata Yukitoshi; Yagi Yuji; Rivera L.
    EGU General Assembly/2013-04-07--2013-04-12
  • more...
2023-04 -- 2023-08Paper Preparation筑波大学
2023-04 -- 2023-07Advanced Studies in Geodynamics IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research Seminar AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Earth Evolution Science 2University of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Advanced Seminar in Earth Evolution Sciences IIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Practical Seminar in Earth Evolution Sciences IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Practical Seminar in Earth Evolution Sciences IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Internship in Earth Evolution Sciences IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Internship in Earth Evolution Sciences IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2024-05 -- (current)SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPANDirector
2009-04 -- (current)Geospatial Information Authority of JapanCoordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction
2015-07 -- (current)Scientific Reports: Editorial Board Member
2017-04 -- (current)JAPAN GEOSCIENCE UNIONProgress in Earth and Planetary Science 編集委員
2022-04 -- (current)SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN渡航旅費助成金審査委員会/委員
2014-05 -- (current)SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPANDelegate
2018-09 -- (current)JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS原子力土木委員会 津波評価小委員会
2009-04 -- (current)建築研究所建築研究所国際地震工学センター カリキュラム委員会 委員
University Management
2024-04 -- (current)地球学類長
2022-04 -- 2024-03地球科学域長
2022-04 -- 2024-03地球科学学位プログラムリーダー
2020-04 -- (current)地球進化科学専攻長
Other activities
2022-04 -- 2022-07災害の軽減に貢献するための地震火山観測研究計画(第2次)に関する 外部評価委員会 委員

(Last updated: 2024-06-03)