WADA Shigeki

Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Research projects
海洋酸性化が沿岸生態系の炭素隔離能(ブルーカーボン)に及ぼす影響2022 -- (current)和田 茂樹Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)
海洋酸性化に対する海藻藻場生態系のエネルギーフローの応答2019 -- 2022和田 茂樹Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)17,290,000Yen
難分解性溶存態有機物の消失経路-泡による粒子化-2017 -- 2019和田 茂樹Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Challenging Research (Exploratory)6,370,000Yen
沈降粒子生成量に対する海洋酸性化の影響-酸性化は生物ポンプを停滞させるのか?-2013 -- 2015和田 茂樹Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B)4,290,000Yen
Academic background
2003-03 -- 2008-03University of Tsukuba Life and Environmental Sciences
2008-03博士(理学)Tsukuba University
  • Marine Ecology: Temperate to Tropical
    Agostini Sylvain; Harvey Benjamin Paul; Shigeki Wada
    Japanese Marine Life: A Practical Training Guide in Marine Biology, 2020-05
  • Experimental Design in Marine Environmental Sciences
    Sylvain Agostini; Harvey Benjamin Paul; Shigeki Wada
    Japanese Marine Life: A Practical Training Guide in Marine Biology, 2020-05
  • Marine Algae and Plants
    Japanese Marine Life, 2020
  • Elemental Circulation
    Japanese Marine Life, 2020
  • Survey Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences
    Japanese Marine Life, 2020
  • 海藻の炭素フラックス
    和田茂樹; 濱健夫
    藻類ハンドブック, 2012
  • 5章 海洋の生態系
    自然保護学入門 -ひとと自然をつなぐ-, 2018
  • 6章 地球温暖化と海洋の環境変動
    自然保護学入門 -ひとと自然をつなぐ-, 2018
  • 14章 自然保護のためのモニタリング
    武 正憲; 和田茂樹; 佐伯いく代
    自然保護学入門 -ひとと自然をつなぐ-/pp.215-230, 2018-03
Conference, etc.
  • Light irradiation on bacterial-derived dissolved organic matter as a source of low molecular weight organic compound: A laboratory study
    Uning Royston; 大森裕子; 和田茂樹; 谷本浩志
  • Selective aggregation with bubbles on sea surface
    和田 茂樹
    ISBEC 2023/2023-03-09--2023-03-10
  • 未来の海を使って生態系の将来を探る
    和田 茂樹
  • 自然の高 CO2 海域を利用した付着生物群集・生態系の将来予測
    和田 茂樹
  • 二酸化炭素の増えた未来の海で生態系の変化を探る
    和田 茂樹
  • Cohesive strength of marine organic aggregates
    林靖人; Wada Shigeki
    ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting/2021-06-22--2021-06-27
  • Assessment of bacterial decomposition of macroalgal organic matter absed on thermal degradation
    河上菜々子; Wada Shigeki
    ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting/2021-06-22--2021-06-27
  • 極微量人工放射性Uの海洋循環トレーサー利用簡便化に向けた海水中U捕集法の検討
    阿部 美波; 坂口 綾; 瀬古 典明; 保科 宏行; Karin Hain; 和田 茂樹; 山﨑 信哉; 末木 啓介
  • 東京都式根島の海水浴場における混雑度が利用者の混雑感及び満足感に与える影響
    武 正憲; 和田茂樹
  • The dominance of turf-forming diatoms under ocean acidification and their role in community succession
    Harvey Benjamin Paul; Allen Ro; Agostini Sylvain; Hoffman...
    Marine Biotechnology Conference 2019/2019-09-09--2019-09-13
  • Degraded turf algal systems are ‘locked-in’ by ocean acidification
    Ben Harvey; Ro Allen; Agostini Sylvain; Linn J Hoffmann; ...
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021/2021-05-30--2021-06-06
  • Fate of macroalgal organic matter and its effects on in and outside of algal bed
    和田 茂樹; omori yuko; hama takeo
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019/2019--2019
  • Quantification of microbial and photochemical production of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in coastal seawater
    Omori Yuko; Takahashi Toshiki; Tanimoto Hitoshi; Inomata ...
    SOLAS Open Science Conference/2019-04-23
  • Effects of ocean acidification on net community production in coastal ecosystems: In situ assessment in natural CO2 seep
    Kurosawa Shingo; Wada Shigeki; Sylvain Agostini; Harvey ...
    PICES 2018 Annual Meeting/2018-10-28--2018-10-28
  • Photosynthetic activity of early successional phytobenthos at a shallow CO2 seep off Shikine Island, Japan
    Wada Shigeki; Sylvain Agostini; Harvey Ben; 大森裕子; Hall-Spe...
    PICES 2018 Annual Meeting/2018-10-28--2018-10-28
  • Recognition of Diving Operators and Fishermen to Shallow CO2 Seep in Shikine Island, Japan
    氏家 萌美; 武 正憲; 原 光宏; 和田 茂樹
  • 富士箱根伊豆国立公園式根島における浅瀬 CO2シープの観光価値
    武 正憲; 原 光宏; 和田茂樹
  • Dissolution: the Achilles’ heel of gastropods in an acidifying ocean
    Harvey Benjamin Paul; Agostini S.; Wada S.; Inaba K.; Hal...
    PICES 2018 Annual Meeting/2018-10-25--2018-11-04
2023-08 -- 2023-08Extension Course of Laboratory and Field Studies in Marine and Mountain BiologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-09 -- 2023-09Marine Ecology and EnvironmentUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-08 -- 2023-08Extension Course of Laboratory and Field Studies in Marine BiologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08International Special Research on Nature ConservationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02International Special Research on Nature ConservationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-08 -- 2023-08Advanced Field Course in Marine and Mountain BiologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Seminar on Ecology IIISUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-03 -- 2024-03Laboratory and Field Studies in Marine BotanyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Seminar on Ecology VFUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-01 -- 2024-02Fundamental Biology, Laboratory IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2012-11 -- 2012-11下田市下田臨海実験センター一般公開イベント
2012-04 -- 2013-03伊豆海洋自然塾伊豆海洋自然塾ジュニア養成講座
2011-05 -- 2011-05下田市伊豆海洋自然塾スキルアップ講座
2011-09 -- 2011-03北茨城市北茨城復興支援プロジェクト
2011-11 -- 2011-11下田市下田臨海実験センター一般公開イベント

(Last updated: 2023-08-21)