- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000-0001-8848-9733
- Sex
- Male
- Birth date
- 1962-11
- 80221779
- I" %vwv:IE*} $&yvC+*,",wvCvxC!'P
- Phone
- 0558-22-6607
- Fax
- 0558-22-0346
- Research fields
Cell biology Morphology/Structure Animal physiology/Animal behavior Biodiversity/Systematics - Research keywords
cell Biology reproductive Biology marine Biology cilia and flagella ciliary motility cytoskeleton dynein sperm/ spermatozoa fertilization evolution - Research projects
先端バイオイメージング支援プラットフォーム 2022-04 -- 2028-03 日本学術振興会/学術変革領域研究(学術研究支援基盤形成) 先端バイオイメージング支援プラットフォーム 2016-04 -- 2022-03 /学術変革領域研究(学術研究支援基盤形成) Understanding the cellular mechanics of coral bleaching 2021-06 -- 2024-05 Human Frontier Science Program/ クシクラゲ櫛板の分子構造の解明と運動性フォトニック結晶開発に向けた基盤研究 2020-07 -- 2024-03 INABA Kazuo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) 25,610,000Yen Light-mediated regulation of flagellar and ciliary motility by a novel photoreceptor protein 2017-04 -- 2020-03 INABA Kazuo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) 33,930,000Yen Light-induced regulation of flagellar and ciliary motility by a novel photoreceptor protein 2015 -- 2016 INABA Kazuo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research 3,900,000Yen 多機能運動装置ハプトネマが示す新規微小管系屈曲運動のメカニズム 2015 -- 2016 INABA Kazuo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 10,270,000Yen 繊毛外腕ダイニンによるカルシウム依存的屈曲制御と生体調節 2015 -- 2016 INABA Kazuo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 9,230,000Yen Regulatory mechanism of ciliary functions by calaxin 2013 -- 2015 INABA Kazuo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 16,510,000Yen Diversification of ciliary structure and its mechanism during evolution of body plan 2010 -- 2012 INABA Kazuo Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 16,770,000Yen more... - Career history
1990-04 -- 1998-03 University of Tokyo理学部/大学院理学系研究科assistant professor 1998-04 -- 2004-03 Tohoku University理学部/ 理学研究科/ 生命科学研究科associate professor 2004-04 -- (current) University of Tsukuba生命環境系/ 下田臨海実験センターprofessor - Academic background
1981-04 -- 1985-03 Shizuoka University Faculty of Science Department of Biology 1985-04 -- 1987-03 University of Tokyo Gaduate School of Science 相関理化学専攻修士課程 1987-04 -- 1990-03 東京大学 大学院理学系研究科 相関理化学専攻博士課程 - Degree
1990-03 Doctor of Science University of Tokyo - Licenses and qualifications
1993-04 第一種放射線取扱主任者 2005-02 特別管理産業廃棄物管理責任者 - Academic societies
-- (current) THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN -- (current) THE BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN -- (current) The Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry -- (current) The Molecular Biology Society of Japan -- (current) Japan Society of Andrology - Honors & Awards
2023-09 日本動物学会賞 1998-10 Prize for young scientist, Zoological Society of Japan 1998-07 Yoshida Prize 2004-05 インテリジェントコスモス学術振興財団奨励賞 - Articles
- Drastic genome reduction driven by parasitic lifestyle: Two complete genomes of endosymbiotic bacteria possibly hosted by a dinoflagellate.
Nakayama Takuro; Harada Ryo; Yabuki Akinori; Nomura M...
bioRχiv, 2025-01 - X-ray diffraction recording from a small amount of fibrous protein materials oriented by a micro shear-flow cell
Iwamoto Hiroyuki; Oiwa Kazuhiro; Shiba Kogiku; Inaba ...
Biophysics and physicobiology/21(2), 2024-04-01 - Convergent reductive evolution of cyanobacteria in symbiosis with Dinophysiales dinoflagellates.
Nakayama Takuro; Nomura Mami; Yabuki Akinori; Shiba K...
Scientific Reports/14(1)/pp.12774-12774, 2024-06 - Distinct regulation of two flagella by calcium during chemotaxis of male gametes in the brown alga Mutimo cylindricus (Cutleriaceae, Tilopteridales)
Kinoshita-Terauchi Nana; Shiba Kogiku; Umezawa Taiki; ...
JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY/60(2)/pp.409-417, 2024-04-01 - The Role of Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase in the Regulation of Flagellar Motility in Ascidian Sperm
Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo
BIOMOLECULES/13(11), 2023-11 - Convergent reductive evolution of cyanobacteria in symbiosis with Dinophysiales dinoflagellates.
Nakayama Takuro; Nomura Mami; Yabuki Akinori; Kogiku ...
bioRχiv, 2024-01 - Positive selection on ADAM10 builds species recognition in the synchronous spawning coral Acropora
Morita Masaya; Kitanobo Seiya; Ohki Shun; Shiba Kogik...
FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/11, 2023-04-20 - Calaxin is required for asymmetric bend initiation and propagation in sperm flagella
Shiba Kogiku; Baba Shjoji; Fujiwara Eiji; Inaba Kazuo
Front Cell Dev Biol./11, 2023-03 - キンメダイ種苗生産のための冷蔵精子保存液の開発
長谷川 雅俊; 稲葉 一男; 永倉 靖大; 野田 浩之; 川合 範明
NSUGAF, 2023-05 - Spawning-Induced pH Increase Activates Sperm Attraction and Fertilization Abilities in Eggs of the Ascidian, Phallusia philippinensis and Ciona intestinalis
Sensui Noburu; Itoh Yosinori; Okura Nobuhiko; Shiba K...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES/24(3), 2023-02 - Fertilization modes and the evolution of sperm characteristics in marine fishes: Paired comparisons of externally and internally fertilizing species
Ito Takeshi; Morita Masaya; Okuno Seiya; Inaba Kazuo; ...
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION/12(12)/p.e9562, 2022-12-01 - 繊毛から眺める海の生き物
稲葉 一男
Ebucheb, 2022-08 - Two distinct compartments of a ctenophore comb plate provide structural and functional integrity for the motility of giant multicilia
Jokura Kei; Sato Yu; Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo
CURRENT BIOLOGY/32(23)/p.5144, 2022-12-05 - Morphological differences in tardigrade spermatozoa induce variation in gamete motility.
Sugiura Kenta; Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo; Matsumoto Midori
BMC Zoology/7(1), 2022-01 - The Roles of Two CNG Channels in the Regulation of Ascidian Sperm Chemotaxis
Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES/23(3), 2022-01-31 - Axonemal Growth and Alignment During Paraspermatogenesis in the Marine Gastropod Strombus luhuanus
Shibata Daisuke; Morita Masaya; Sato Yu; Shiba Kogiku; Ki...
FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/10, 2022-04-01 - Mass spectrometry of short peptides reveals common features of metazoan peptidergic neurons
Hayakawa Eisuke; Guzman Christine; Horiguchi Osamu; Ka...
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION/6(10)/pp.1438-+, 2022-08-08 - JAMBIO and Its Coastal Organism Joint Surveys: Network of Marine Stations Explores Japanese Coastal Biota
Nakano Hiroaki; Isowa Yukinobu; Inaba Kazuo
Zoological science/39(1)/pp.1-6, 2022-02 - A New Species of Acoela Possessing a Middorsal Appendage with a Possible Sensory Function
Asai Masashi; Miyazawa Hideyuki; Yanase Ryuji; Inaba Kaz...
Zoological science/39(1)/pp.147-156, 2022-02 - Sperm dysfunction and ciliopathy
Inaba Kazuo; Mizuno Katsutoshi
Reproductive medicine and biology/15(2)/pp.77-94, 2016-04 - A dynein-associated photoreceptor protein prevents ciliary acclimation to blue light
Kutomi Osamu; Yamamoto Ryosuke; Hirose Keiko; Mizuno Kat...
Science advances/7(9), 2021-02 - Region-specific Loss of Two-headed Ciliary Dyneins in Ascidian Endostyle
Konno Alu; Inaba Kazuo
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/37(6)/pp.512-518, 2020-12 - Structural diversity and distribution of cilia in the apical sense organ of the ctenophore Bolinopsis mikado
Jokura Kei; Inaba Kazuo
CYTOSKELETON/77(10)/pp.442-455, 2020-10 - Flagellar motility during sperm chemotaxis and phototaxis in fucalean algae
Kinoshita-Terauchi Nana; Bellgrove Alecia; Shiba Kogik...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY/Epub, 2020-06 - Decreased motility of flagellated microalgae long-term acclimated to CO2-induced acidified waters
Wang Yitao; Fan Xiao; Gao Guang; Beardall John; Inaba...
NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE/10(6)/pp.561-567, 2020-06 - more...
- Drastic genome reduction driven by parasitic lifestyle: Two complete genomes of endosymbiotic bacteria possibly hosted by a dinoflagellate.
- Books
- Contribution of Marine Animals in Physiology, Endocrinology, and Ethology
稲葉 一男
Japanese Marine Life, 2020-5-20 - Gametes and Fertilization
稲葉 一男
Japanese Marine Life, 2020-5-20 - Marine Organisms and Life Science
稲葉 一男
Japanese Marine Life, 2020-5-20 - Marine Plankton
稲葉 一男
Japanese Marine Life, 2020-5-20 - Introduction to Marine Biology
稲葉 一男
Japanese Marine Life, 2020-5-20 - Japanese Marine Life: A Practical Training Guide in Marine Biology
稲葉 一男
2020-5-20 - 毛 生命と進化の立役者(光文社新書)
稲葉 一男
光文社, 2021-11-18 - 繊毛の多様化と動物進化
稲葉 一男
月刊「細胞」, 2024-4-20 - マリンバイオ共同推進機構
稲葉 一男
日本水産学会誌, 2021-11-15 - Regulatory Mechanism of Axonemal Dynein
Inaba Kazuo
HANDBOOK OF DYNEIN, 2ND EDITION/Jenny Stanford Publ Pte Ltd/pp.375-410, 2019 - Biochemical purification of axonemal and cytoplasmic dyneins
Inaba Kazuo
Dyneins - Dynein Mechanics, Dysfunction, and Disease (2nd Edition), 2017-11 - definitions, data collection and data analysis
Inaba Kazuo
Global Ocean Science Report (UNESCO), 2017-07 - Research capacity and infrastructure
Inaba Kazuo
Global Ocean Science Report (UNESCO), 2017-07 - 鞭毛繊毛運動の分子機構
稲葉一男・毛利秀雄; +稲葉 一男
蛋白質・核酸・酵素, 1989-01 - 精子のプロテアソーム
Cell Science, 1992-01 - Interactions among the heterogenous components of dynein.
Inaba; K.; Mohri; H.; +稲葉 一男
Comparative Spermatology 20 Years After (B. Baccetti, ed.), 1992-01 - Dynamic conformational changes of dynein molecule.
Mohri; H.; Inaba; K.; +稲葉 一男
Comparative Spermatology 20 Years After (B. Baccetti, ed.), 1992-01 - Activation and chemotactic behavior of ascidian spermatozoa.
Yoshida; M.; Inaba; K.; and Morisawa; M.; +稲葉 一男
Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 1992-01 - Isolation of proteasome as a candidate for ATP-dependent regulator of sperm motility.
Inaba; K.; Akazome; Y.; Morisawa; M.; +稲葉 一男
Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 1992-01 - Identification of a protein complex in the sea urchin egg jelly fraction that cross-reacts with anti-proteasome antibody.
Inaba; K.; Morisawa; M.; +稲葉 一男
In J. Reprod. Dev., 1993-01 - Characterization and purification of a sperm-activating and -attracting substance from ascidian egg.
Morisawa; M.; Yoshida; M.; Inaba; K.; +稲葉 一男
In J. Reprod. Dev., 1993-01 - Morphological changes of wrasse sperm axoneme after their motility initiation observed with use of atomic force microscopy.
Shimizu; H.; Majima; M.; Takai; H.; Inaba; K.; Tomie; T.; +稲葉 一男
SPIE "Scanning Probe Microscopies III (M. Vaez-Iravani, ed.), 1995-01 - 精子鞭毛運動におけるプロテアーゼの役割
比較生理生化学, 1995-01 - プロテアソームによる精子鞭毛運動の制御
生物物理, 1996-01 - 朝倉図解生物科学講座「図説発生生物学」(浅島誠編)
森沢正昭; 稲葉一男
朝倉書店, 1996-01 - more...
- Contribution of Marine Animals in Physiology, Endocrinology, and Ethology
- Conference, etc.
- JAMBIO Coastal Organisms Joint Surveys: A network of marine stations and researchers exploring the Japanese coastal biota
NAKANO Hiroaki; KOHTSUKA Hisanori; INABA Kazuo
The 2nd World Congress of Marine Stations (WCMS2024)/2024-11-27--2024-11-29 - Ciliary diversification during eukaryotic evolution
COS Symposium 2024: 'Life in Context - Organismal sensing and adaptation in the natural environment'/2024-07-22--2024-07-23 - Spawning-induced pH increase activates sperm attraction and fertilization abilities in ascidian eggs
Gordon Research Conference: Fertilization and the Activation of Development/2023-11-09 - Photo-avoiding reaction and cell motility of the apusomonad Podomonas kaiyoae
SMBE Satellite Meeting on Mechanisms of Cellular Evolution and Second Annual Symposium of the NSF Biological Integration Institute of Mechanisms of Cellular Evolution/2023-11-08 - 運動中のクシクラゲ櫛板の有効打・回復打におけるX線回折像の違い
稲葉 一男
生体運動研究合同班会議2024/2024-01-05 - 運動中のクシクラゲ櫛板の有効打・回復打におけるX線回折像の違い
稲葉 一男
生体運動研究合同班会議2024/2024-01-05 - 運動中のクシクラゲ櫛板の有効打・回復打におけるX線回折像の違い
稲葉 一男
生体運動研究合同班会議2024/2024-01-05 - マガキガイ異型精子の遊泳方向と顆粒体放出
稲葉 一男
生体運動研究合同班会議2024/2024-01-05 - カブトクラゲ櫛板を構成するODF3様タンパク質の局在と機能
稲葉 一男
生体運動研究合同班会議2024/2024-01-05 - 繊毛打中のクシクラゲ櫛板の軸糸からのミリ秒時間分解X線回折像記録/Millisecond time-resolved recordings of X-ray diffraction patterns from axonemes in beating comb plates of ctenophore
第61回日本生物物理学会年会/2022-11-14 - 高速の繊毛非対称波の起源について
稲葉 一男
第13回繊毛研究会/2023-10-23 - クシクラゲの櫛板隔小板を構成する新規タンパク質成分の同定
稲葉 一男
日本動物学会第94回山形大会2023/2023-09-07 - マガキガイ異型精子における顆粒体放出と遊泳方向の関連性
稲葉 一男
日本動物学会第94回山形大会2023/2023-09-07 - Diversification of ciliary structures and function during eukaryotic evolution
SMBE Satellite Meeting on Mechanisms of Cellular Evolution and Second Annual Symposium of the NSF Biological Integration Institute of Mechanisms of Cellular Evolution/2023-11-08 - Structural and functional diversification of cilia in evolutionary adaptation to aquatic environments
Michael Sars Symposium 2023: Cells, organisms and their environment/2023-06-30 - 3D 遊泳トラッキングシステムによるホヤ精子走化性の解析
柴 小菊; 稲葉一男
日本動物学会第93回早稲田大会2022/2022-09-08--2022-09-10 - Exploring symbiotic cyanobacteria using size-fractionated environmental DNA samples.
宮本知世; 矢吹彬憲; 野村真未; 柴小菊; 稲葉一男; 稲垣 祐司; 中山卓郎
日本共生生物学会第7回大会/2023-11-18--2023-11-19 - Calaxin-mediated regulation of ciliary motility
稲葉 一男
CSH - Asia: Cilia & Centrosome/2023-02-28--2023-03-01 - クシクラゲ櫛板の繊毛打に伴う軸糸構造変化を高速 X 線回折測定で見る
2023年生体運動研究合同班会議/2023-01-06 - クシクラゲ櫛板内で軸糸集合体が波打つための分子基盤
2023年生体運動研究合同班会議/2023-01-06 - ピエゾ駆動対物レンズを用いたホヤ精子鞭毛運動の 3 次元的解析
稲葉一男; 柴小菊
第12回繊毛研究会/2022-10-30--2022-11-01 - 真核生物鞭毛・繊毛軸糸構造の X 線回折トモグラフィー:クシクラゲ櫛板の利用
岩本 裕之,城倉 圭,大岩 和弘,稲葉 一男
第60回日本生物物理学会年会/2022-09-28 - ピエゾ駆動対物レンズを用いたホヤ精子遊泳の 3 次元的解析
柴 小菊,稲葉 一男
第60回日本生物物理学会年会/2022-09-28 - カブトクラゲの実験動物化に向けた継代飼育系の確立
柴田 大輔,大畑 雅江,小髙 友実,中村 千華,加納 穂澄,北之坊 仁美,小坂 実央,柴 小菊,稲葉 一男
日本動物学会第93回早稲田大会2022/2022-09-08 - クシクラゲ櫛板のX 線回折像から繊毛軸糸の3 次元構造を復元する
稲葉 一男
日本動物学会第93回早稲田大会2022/2022-09-08 - more...
- JAMBIO Coastal Organisms Joint Surveys: A network of marine stations and researchers exploring the Japanese coastal biota
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-10 Marine Life and Environment University of Tsukuba. 2025-03 -- 2025-03 Marine Molecular Biology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Methodology on Molecular and Cellular Biology IIS University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Thesis Research in Molecular and Cellular Biology S University of Tsukuba. 2024-09 -- 2024-09 Marine Course in Reproductive Biology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar on Molecular and Cellular Biology IIS University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar on Molecular and Cellular Biology IF University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar on Molecular and Cellular Biology IS University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Thesis Research in Molecular and Cellular Biology F University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Marine Biology II University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2017-11 -- 2017-11 イタリア科学祭 イタリアCNR 2017-08 -- 2017-08 高校生公開講座 筑波大学下田臨海実験センター -- (current) 高校生公開講座 -- (current) 高校生公開講座 2012 -- 2013 琉球大学熱帯圏生物研究センター (招聘教授) 学外 2012 -- 2012 非常勤講師 (山口大学理工学研究科) 学外 2012 -- 2012 特別講義 講師 (山梨県立巨摩高校) 学外 2008-07 -- 2008-07 集中講義 非常勤講師(広島大学理学部) 学外 2005 -- 2009 サイエンスパートナーシッププログラム講師(下田高校) 学外 2005 -- 2005 静岡県農業系高校教員研修会講師 学外 more... - Talks
- 日本のマリンステーション連携―JAMBIOの設立と活動
稲葉 一男
5th JAMBIO International Symposium/2023-03-11 - Effect of ocean acidification on the larval recruitment of temperate corals
Agostini Sylvain; Inaba Kazuo; D’Anna Giovanni; Stefano ...
日本サンゴ礁学会第22回大会/2019-11-08--2019-11-11 - Molecular Signaling for the Activation of Sperm Flagella Motility in Ciona intestinalis
Kazuo Inaba; Mamoru Nomura; Akiko Hozumi; Lihong Zhu; Mia...
5th International Tunicate Meeting/2009-06-01 - ホヤにおけるポストゲノム科学
北海道大学水産科学研究院COE特別セミナー/2007-10-01 - 精子鞭毛運動の分子制御機構
日本アンドロロジー学会第27回学術大会 会長企画特別講演/2008-07-01 - Studies on the structure and function of cilia and flagella
Kazuo Inaba
Invited seminar, Sars Center for Molecular Marine Biology/2009-08-01 - Molecular signaling for the regulation of sperm motility
Kazuo Inaba
PepCon2008/2008-04-01 - Molecular signaling for chemoattarctant-induced sperm activation in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis
Kazuo Inaba; Lihong Zhu
The 9th AEARU Workshop on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology/2008-03-01 - 海産動物を用いた鞭毛繊毛の構造機能に関する研究
生理学研究所連携研究招聘セミナー/2008-03-01 - Proteomic profiles of ascidian development: From unfertilized egg to tadpole larva
Mamoru Nomura; Ayako Nakajima; Kazuo Inaba
4th International Tunicate Meeting/2007-06-01 - Education for Graduate Students in Molecular Marine Biology based on Advanced Research in Marine Station
Kazuo Inaba
International Symposium on Marine Education (The Marine Science and Technology Museum)/2007-10-01 - Molecular construction of sperm: studies on Ciona sperm and a comparative approach to fish sperm
Kazuo Inaba
The 1st International Workshop on the Biology of Fish sperm/2007-08-01 - Marine Stations in Japan- Past and Present-
Kazuo Inaba
OBC6 Marine Biology/2007-12-01 - Molecular Mechanism of the Regulation of Sperm Motility in the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis
Kazuo Inaba
OBC6 Marine Biology/2007-12-01 - Protein analysis of spermatozoa – Comparative and proteomic
Kazuo Inaba
Special seminar on Fish Spermatology (Czech Academy of Science)/2007-03-01 - ホヤを用いた鞭毛繊毛の構築と制御に関する研究
徳島大学分子酵素学研究センター特別セミナー/2007-01-01 - 新たな宇宙実験モデル生物系としてのホヤ
宇宙環境下における生殖・継世代研究の展開に関する研究集会/2006-12-01 - Functional proteomics for exploring molecular structure and cellular regulation of the axonemes
Kazuo Inaba
International Symposium on Bio-nanosystems/2006-09-01 - Flagellar axonemes: the motile machinery of sperm for the movement in micro-environmental field
Kazuo Inaba
5th World Congress of Biomechanics/2006-07-01 - Molecular Mechanism of Sperm Activation in the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis
Kazuo Inaba
The 52nd NIBB Conference-Reproductive Strategies/2006-01-01 - Molecular construction and regulation of flagellar outer arm dynein in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis
Kazuo Inaba
International workshop Dynein 2005/2005-10-01 - Proteomic approach for sperm activation in Ciona intestinalis
Kazuo Inaba
3rd International Tunicate Meeting/2005-07-01 - ホヤ精子の分子構築-機能未知タンパク質の研究を中心に-」
バイオ分子センサー計画共同研究交流会/2005-09-01 - ゲノム情報を利用した精子の分子構築の解析ープロテオミクスと抗体を用いたアプローチー
ホヤ研究集会/2004-11-01 - Genomic and proteomic approaches to the molecular mechanism of sperm activation induced by egg-derived substance in Ciona intestinalis.
Kazuo Inaba
The Fourth International Symposium on the Molecular and Cell Biology of Egg- and Embryo-Coats/2004-11-01 - more...
- 日本のマリンステーション連携―JAMBIOの設立と活動
- Professional activities
2020 -- 2022 日本動物学会 会長 2007 -- (current) THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 理事 2008 -- (current) Japan Society of Andrology 理事 2002 -- (current) The Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry 評議員 1996 -- 1998 The Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry 評議員 2017-04 -- (current) Zoological Letters Editorial board/Associate Editor -- 2018-03 Zoological Science Editorial board/Associate Editor 2006-04 -- 2018-03 Invertebrate Reproduction and Development Editorial board/board member -- 2018-03 Zygote Editorial office/Editor-in-Chief 2005-04 -- (current) Biology of the Cell Editorial Board/ Associate Editor more... - University Management
2005 -- 2018 下田臨海実験センター長 センター管理・運営の統括 2005 -- (current) 下田臨海実験センター運営委員会 田臨海実験センターの重要事項の審議 2006 -- 2008 生命環境科学研究科戦略室員 概算要求担当 2009 -- 2009 生命環境科学研究科企画戦略室員 概算要求担当 2008 -- 2009 生命環境科学研究科人事委員会総会委員 人事に関する審議 2006 -- 2009 生命環境科学研究科教員会議運営委員会員 研究科運営に関する審議 2007 -- 2009 博士論文予備審査委員会委員 博士論文の審査 - Message
・I am studying eukaryotic cilia and flagella mainly using marine organisms. My research interests spread from the structure and function of cilia and flagella to 1) spermatology, 2) reproduction, 3) cell differentiation, 4)morphogenesis, 5)marine ecology and environments and 6) evolution and diversity. ・Cilia are tools that connect dots into lines in Biology.・It is most important for scientists to have "science mind": the mind for having pure questions, the mind for seeking, the mind for exciting, the mind for making sure till fully satisfied.
(Last updated: 2024-09-29)