- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- =1$.$*$:$N,=80,O$O*0FUQ8O768.8%$O$&O-3
- Research fields
Wood science - Research keywords
Wood Chemistry - Research projects
加溶媒分解法による改質リグニンの効率的製造技術の開発/地域のリグニン資源が先導するバイオマス利用システムの技術革新 2018-04 -- 2019-03 山田竜彦(国立研究開発法人 森林研究・整備機構 森林総合研究所) 国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 生物系特定産業技術研究支援センター/戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(次世代農林水産業創造技術) 1,600,000Yen プラント生産物の品質管理技術の開発/地域のリグニン資源が先導するバイオマス利用システムの技術革新 2015-04 -- 2018-03 山田竜彦(国立研究開発法人 森林研究・整備機構 森林総合研究所) 国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 生物系特定産業技術研究支援センター/戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(次世代農林水産業創造技術) 6,000,000Yen 国産針葉樹の直接酵素糖化処理に向けたイオン液体前処理法の開発 2014 -- 2015 中川 明子 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/挑戦的萌芽研究 3,380,000Yen 土壌汚染物質のリグニンへの取り込み機構に関する研究 2002 -- 2003 黒田健一 /日本学術振興会/基盤研究C 3,500,000Yen Chemical Change of Lignin in Biodegradation Process -- (current) / Study on Chemical Structure of Lignin by Analytical Pyrolysis -- (current) / - Academic background
-- 1993 University of Tsukuba 第二学群農林学類 -- 1998 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Agriculture 農林工学 - Degree
博士(農学) - Academic societies
1993 -- (current) THE JAPAN WOOD RESEARCH SOCIETY 2003 -- (current) THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1994 -- (current) Japan Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry 2010 -- (current) Japanese Humic Substances Society 2011 -- (current) JAPAN WOOD PRESERVING ASSOCIATION - Honors & Awards
1998 紙パルプ技術協会賞 - Articles
- Acetylation of reed (Arundo donax) to prevent the contact dermatitis of woodwind musicians
ARAI Yoshikazu; OBATAYA Eiichi; NAKAGAWA-IZUMI Akiko; ...
Wood Science and Technology/59(1), 2025-01 - Lapachol from Indonesian teak (Tectona grandis) wood waste as a natural additive for alkaline cooking
Sari Esty Octiana; Utami Syelvia Putri; Akiko NAKAGAWA...
WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/58(2)/pp.627-647, 2024-03 - Effect of 2-Methylanthraquinone on Soda Cooking of Bamboo
Luo Ke; Matsushita Yasuyuki; Jin Guangfan; Nakagawa-Iz...
MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI/69(1)/pp.49-55, 2023-04-01 - Deoxylapachol in Tectona grandis wood as a catalyst for delignification and carbohydrate protection during the kraft cooking of eucalyptus wood
Anita Yulia; Sari Esty Octiana; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko; ...
CELLULOSE/30(5)/pp.3363-3375, 2023-03 - Isolation of cellulose and lignin from Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus pellita wood by prehydrolysis soda cooking with 2-methylanthraquinone as a green additive
Utami Syelvia Putri; Sari Esty Octiana; Chem Mouylin; ...
WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/57(1)/pp.253-273, 2023-01 - Lignin degradation in wood-feeding insects
Geib Scott M.; Filley Timothy R.; Hatcher Patrick G.; Hoo...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/105/pp.12932-12937, 2008-02 - Effects of NaOH-Na2SO3-thiourea-urea Treatment on Enzymatic Saccharification of Poplar(Populus simonii var.)Branch
Jin Guangfan; Zhou Xiaoying; Shen Conghao; Zhang Keyu...
MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI/68(3)/pp.132-138, 2022-07 - Development of dissolving pulp from Phyllostachys pubescens stem by prehydrolysis soda cooking with 2-methylanthraquinone
Chem Mouylin; Tanifuji Keishi; Utami Syelvia Putri; Putra...
INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS/178, 2022-04 - Image Analysis of Heat-Affected Zone of Laser-Cut Heat-Resistant Paper using Otsu Thresholding Technique
Shalida Mohd Rosnan; Kong Peifu; Toshiharu Enomae; Nakaga...
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)/13(4)/pp.41-48, 2022-04 - Preparation of an eco-friendly antibacterial agent for food packaging containing Houttuynia cordata Thunb. extract
Peifu Kong; Junichi Peter Abe; Akiko Nakagawa-izumi; Miki...
RSC Advance/12(25)/pp.16141-16152, 2022-05 - Mutagenicity of Tectona grandis Wood Extracts and Their Ability to Improve Carbohydrate Yield for Kraft Cooking Eucalyptus Wood
Anita Yulia; Utami Syelvia Putri; Ohi Hiroshi; Evelyn Ev...
Molecules/26(23)/p.7171, 2021-11 - Kraft Cooking with Teak Wood Extract and Determining Residual 2-Methylanthraquinone in Eucalyptus Pulp
Anita Yulia; Putra Agusta Samodra; Tanifuji Keishi; NAKAG...
紙パ技協誌/75(2)/pp.153-163, 2021-02 - Effects of Soluble Anthraquinone Application on Prehydrolysis Soda Cooking of Acacia crassicarpa Wood
Utami Syelvia Putri; Tanifuji Keishi; Putra Agusta Samod...
紙パ技協誌/75(4)/pp.373-379, 2021-04 - Chlorine-free Bleaching of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp Using a Mixture of Peroxymonosulfuric Acid and a Trace of Chlorine Dioxide
Xu Yinchao; Huang Rong; Salaghi Ayyoub; Jin Guangfan; ...
木材学会誌/67(4)/pp.217-222, 2021 - Effects of NaOH-thiourea Treatment on Enzymatic Saccharification of Corn (Zea mays subsp. mays) Stover
Jin Guangfan; Zhai Rui; Zhou Xiaoying; Zhu Chunfeng; ...
木材学会誌/67(1)/pp.60-67, 2021 - Effects of residual lignin and cellulose swelling on the rate of enzymatic saccharification of softwood and hardwood acid sulfite pulps
Tanifuji Keishi; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko; Ohi Hiroshi
JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE/66(1), 2020-09 - Preparation of High Wet-Strength Paper from Rice Straw Pulp by Treatment with ZnCl2 Aqueous Solution
Xu Yinchao; Jin Guangfan; Zhai Rui; Zhu Chunfeng; Wan...
MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI/66(1)/pp.46-52, 2020 - Chemical Characteristics of Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) Fiber Fractions Produced by a Laboratory Thermomechanical Refiner
Jin Guangfan; Do Vu Thang; Wu Yunmeng; Lin Kuan-hsuan...
MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI/66(1)/pp.16-22, 2020 - Strength Improvement of Wheat Straw Chemi-mechanical Pulp by the NaOH-urea Pretreatment
Jin Guangfan; Zhai Rui; Zhu Chunfeng; Xu Yinchao; Wan...
MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI/65(4)/pp.243-248, 2019 - Effects of Alkali-urea Pretreatment on Properties of Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) Mechanical Pulp
Jin Guangfan; Zhai Rui; Kou Shunli; Wu Anbo; Nakagawa...
Mokuzai Gakkaishi/65(1)/pp.19-24, 2019 - Effects of water‑soluble extractives on the vibrational properties and color of hygrothermally treated spruce wood
Wood Science and Technology/53/pp.151-164, 2019-01 - Production of High Wet Strength Paper Using a NaOH-thiourea-urea Aqueous Solution
Jin Guangfan; Zhai Rui; Kou Shunli; Wang Huili; Nakag...
MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI/64(5)/pp.213-219, 2018-11 - Biorefinery of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch by Nitric Acid Prehydrolysis Soda Cooking : Production of Furfural and Dissolving Pulp
アグスタ サモドラ プトラ; 中川 明子; 梶山 幹夫; 大井 洋
JAPAN TAPPI JOURNAL/72(6)/pp.650-657, 2018 - Recycled ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate pretreatment for enhancing enzymatic saccharification of softwood without cellulose regeneration
Hamidah Umi; Arakawa Takuya; H'ng Yin Ying; Nakagawa-izum...
JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE/64(2)/pp.149-156, 2018-04 - Change in lignin structure, but not in lignin content, in transgenic poplar overexpressing the rice master regulator of secondary cell wall biosynthesis
Nuoendagula; Tsuji Yukiko; Takata Naoki; Sakamoto Shin...
Physiologia plantarum/163(2)/pp.170-182, 2017-12 - more...
- Acetylation of reed (Arundo donax) to prevent the contact dermatitis of woodwind musicians
- Books
- 熱分解ガスクロマトグラフィーおよび熱分解ガスクロマトグラフィー/質量分析法
植物細胞壁実験法/弘前大学出版会/pp.159-162, 2016-02 - Structural Analysis of Aromatic Rings in Residual Lignin from Hardwood Kraft Pulp by Analytical Pyrolysis
Hasumi Ai; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko; Ohi Hiroshi; Doi Shuichi
- 熱分解ガスクロマトグラフィーおよび熱分解ガスクロマトグラフィー/質量分析法
- Conference, etc.
- Lapachol from an Indonesian Teak (Tectona grandis) Wood Waste as a Natural Bio-additive for Alkaline Pulping
Sari Esty Octiana; Utami Syelvia Putri; NAKAGAWA-IZUMI ...
21st International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry (ISWFPC 2023)/2023-07-04--2023-07-07 - Behavior of Xylan during Biorefinery by Prehydrolysis Soda Cooking
CHEM Mouylin; 谷藤渓詩; Syelvia Putri Utami; Agusta Samodra P...
第88回紙パルプ研究発表会/2021-06-23--2021-06-24 - 竹のソーダ・2-メチルアントラキノン添加蒸解
駱可; 金収; CHEM Mouylin; Yulia Anita; 中川 明子
第88回紙パルプ研究発表会/2021-06-23--2021-06-24 - Preparation and Characterization of Unbleached Bamboo Pulp Treated by Zinc Chloride
第89回紙パルプ研究発表会/2022-06-23--2022-06-24 - Residual Content 2-Methylanthraquinone in Eucalyptus Pulp Obtained from Kraft Cooking with a Natural Anthraquinone
Anita Yulia; Putra Agusta Samdra; Tanifuji Keishi; NAKAGA...
2020 Pan Pacific Conference on Pulp and Paper Technology/2020-10-08--2020-10-09 - Effects of Soluble Anthraquinone Application on Prehydrolysis Soda and Kraft Cooking for Acacia crassicarpa Biorefinary
2020 Pan Pacific Conference on Pulp and Paper Technology/2020-10-08--2020-10-09 - Chemical characteristics of bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) thermomechanical pulp fractions
JIN Guangfan; DO Vu Thang; XU Yinchao; NAKAGAWA-IZUMI Akiko
1st International Lignin Symposium/2019-09-13--2019-09-15 - Effect of ionic liquid pretreatment on enzymatic saccharification of water hyacinth
The 20th International symposium on Wood, Fiber, and Pulping Chemistry/2019-09-09--2019-09-11 - 分析的熱分解法による改質リグニン中に含まれるフラン系ポリマーの定量的評価
京極 未憂; 中川 明子; Nge Thithi; 高田 依里; 山田 竜彦
第69回日本木材学会大会/2019-03-14--2019-03-16 - Structural Elucidation of Condensed Tannin from the Bark Waste of Acacia Plantaion Wood
Yangfan Lou; Yiwen Xu; Hiroshi Ohi; NAKAGAWA-IZUMI Akiko
5th International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology/2018-11-12--2018-11-14 - 分析的熱分解法による酸加溶媒分解スギリグニンの組成分析
京極 未憂; 中川 明子; Nge Thi Thi; 髙田 依里; 山田 竜彦
第63回リグニン討論会/2018-11-01--2018-11-02 - ホテイアオイの酵素糖化におけるイオン液体前処理の影響
Umi hamidah; 中川 明子
第85回紙パルプ研究発表会/2018-06-20--2018-06-21 - パルプ用植林木Acacia crassicarpa樹皮抽出物がヤマトシロアリにおよぼす影響
中川 明子; Maya Ismayati; 大井 洋
第34回日本木材保存協会年次大会/2018-05-22--2018-05-23 - 酸加溶媒分解スギリグニン中の糖由来変性物の加水分解処理
京極 未憂; 中川 明子; Nge Thithi; 高田 依里; 山田 竜彦
第68回日本木材学会大会/2018-03-14--2018-03-16 - 酸加溶媒分解スギリグニン中の糖由来変性物の解析
京極 未憂; 中川 明子; Nge Thi Thi; 髙田 依里; 山田 竜彦
第62回リグニン討論会/2017-10-26--2017-10-27 - Changes in vibrational properties and color of due to heating at different relative humidities.
4th Anuual Conference COST FP1302 WoodMusICK/2017-10-5--2017-10-7 - Pretreatment of Japanese Softwood for Enzymatic Saccharification Using Ionic Liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate [Emim]Ac
Hamidah Umi; H'ng Yin Ying; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko; Masanor...
第84回紙パルプ研究発表会/2017-06-21--2017-06-22 - 褐色腐朽菌Fibroporia radiculosaに由来するヤマトシロアリ摂食忌避物質の検討
中川 明子; Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin; 松山茂
第33回日本木材保存協会年次大会/2017-05-23--2017-05-24 - 酸加溶媒分解スギリグニンに含まれる糖由来変成物の検討
中川 明子; 京極 未憂; H’ng Yinying; Nge Thithi; 高田 依里; 山田 竜彦
第67回日本木材学会大会/2017-03-17--2017-03-19 - 分析的熱分解法による酸加溶媒分解スギリグニンの構造解析
中川 明子; H’ng Yin Ying; 京極 未憂; Nge Thi Thi; 髙田 依里; 山田 竜彦
第61回リグニン討論会/2016-10-27--2016-10-28 - チーク材抽出物および2-メチルアントラキノンがヤマトシロアリに及ぼす影響
マヤ イスマヤティ; 中川 明子; 大井洋
第32回日本木材保存協会年次大会/2016-05-24--2016-05-25 - 黒液粉末のアルカリPEG処理におけるリグニンの挙動解析
尹 國珍; 髙橋 史帆; ネー ティティ; 中川 明子; 大井 洋; 山田 竜彦
第66回日本木材学会大会/2016-03-27--2016-03-29 - メチル化熱分解法による酸加溶媒分解パルプ中の残留リグ ニンの構造解析
中川 明子; H’ng Yinying; 尹 國珍; Nge Thithi; 高田 依里; 山田 竜彦
第66回日本木材学会大会/2016-03-27--2016-03-29 - Termite responses of Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe) to 2-methylanthraquinone (MAQ) from teakwood Tectona grandis extracts
Maya Ismayati; 中川明子; 大井 洋
第66回日本木材学会大会/2016-03-27--2016-03-29 - Effect of activated carbon on impurities removal of recycled [Emim]Ac (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate) for enzymatic saccharification
Hamidah Umi; YinYing H’ng; NAKAGAWA-IZUMI Akiko; Masanori Ki...
第60回リグニン討論会/2015-11-05--2015-11-06 - more...
- Lapachol from an Indonesian Teak (Tectona grandis) Wood Waste as a Natural Bio-additive for Alkaline Pulping
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-11 Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory University of Tsukuba. 2024-09 -- 2024-09 Engineering of Woody Biomass University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF(Spring) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Advanced Chemistry of Bio-Materials University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Applied Biomaterial Science and Technology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF(Spring) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-11 Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Fundamental Environmental Engineering Laboratory University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IF University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Fundamental Environmental Engineering Laboratory University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2023-12 -- (current) 茨城県 茨城県盛土規制法に係る規制区域等検討に向けた有識者会議委員 2018-09 -- (current) 茨城県 茨城県森林審議会委員 2004-04 -- (current) THE JAPAN WOOD RESEARCH SOCIETY 機関幹事 - University Management
2024-04 -- 2025-03 理工情報生命学術院 理工情報生命学術院長特別補佐 2023-04 -- 2024-03 理工情報生命学術院 理工情報生命学術院長特別補佐 2021-04 -- 2022-03 生命地球科学研究群 生命地球科学研究群長特別補佐 2020-04 -- 2021-03 生命地球科学研究群 生命地球科学研究群長特別補佐 2020-04 -- (current) ハラスメント相談窓口 ハラスメント相談員(筑波キャンパス) 2017-04 -- 2020-03 ハラスメント防止対策委員会筑波キャンパス部会 委員
(Last updated: 2024-08-22)