- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Research fields
Wood science - Research keywords
Ageing Wood Reed Bamboo Composite material Musical instrument Vibrating reed Japanese lacquer - Research projects
葦アレルギーの実態解明とアレルギー抑止のための化学処理技術の開発 2022-04 -- 2025-03 OBATAYA Eiichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,900,000Yen Development of material for woodwind instruments with the combination of chemical modification and resin impregnation 2019-04 -- 2022-03 OBATAYA Eiichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,290,000Yen 圧縮木材の衝撃緩衝性 2016-12 -- 2017-12 OBATAYA Eiichi 公益財団法人LIXIL住生活財団/2016年度 調査研究助成 1,280,000Yen Characterization of reed used for traditional court music and development of substitute by the cultivation of reed 2016-04 -- 2019-03 OBATAYA Eiichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,810,000Yen Development of a new wooden honeycomb material using corrugated veneer 2011 -- 2014-03 OBATAYA Eiichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 5,200,000Yen - Career history
1990-04 -- 1991-03 神戸市立西代中学校助教諭 1996-01 -- 1998-12 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD) 1999-04 -- 2001-12 筑波大学農林工学系講師 2002-01 -- 2003-09 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員 2003-10 -- 2005-04 秋田県立大学木材高度加工研究所流動研究員 2005-05 -- (current) 筑波大学生命環境科学研究科助教授(現・准教授) - Degree
1996-03 博士(農学) Kyoto University - Licenses and qualifications
1993-03-31 小学校教諭専修免許状 1993-03-31 中学校教諭専修免許状 - Honors & Awards
2017-06 IUFRO Division 5 Conference 2017 Poster Award (2nd place) Changes in vibrational properties and color of Sitka spruce wood due to accelerated ageing 2017-06 IUFRO Division 5 Conference 2017 Poster Award (1st place) Extremely large mechanical loss tangent of compressed wood in the radial direction 2017-10 Wood Design Award 2017 木材の形状記憶能を活かした簡便で緻密な浮彫加工 2017-10 Wood Design Award 2017 圧縮木材の圧縮弾性を応用した柔らかく傷が残りにくい床材 - Articles
- Phenol formaldehyde resin impregnation of spruce wood to improve the dimensional stability and acoustic performance of harp soundboards
OKADA Eiichi; OBATAYA Eiichi; YOKOTA Shin-ichiro; OKUM...
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products/83(1), 2025-01 - Acetylation of reed (Arundo donax) to prevent the contact dermatitis of woodwind musicians
ARAI Yoshikazu; OBATAYA Eiichi; NAKAGAWA-IZUMI Akiko; ...
Wood Science and Technology/59(1), 2025-01 - Design and construction of modern FRP Japanese bows by an inverse modelling approach of the elastica theory.
Mariani Giacomo; OBATAYA EIICHI; Kosaka Mahiro; Matsuo M...
Composite Structures/294, 2022-08 - Study of the Effects of Cu/Cu-Zn Alloy Components Adjacent to Wood in Historic Architecture: Surface Performance Changes by ArtificialWood Degradation
Zhou Yishan; Matsui Toshiya; Obataya Eiichi; Li Li
Coatings/12(3), 2022-03 - 木の話(第3回)「弾き込むと楽器の音が良くなる」は本当か
小幡谷 英一
サラサーテ/105/pp.29-31, 2022-04 - Assessment of Structural Differences between Water-Extracted and Non-Extracted Hydro-Thermally Treated Spruce Wood by NIR Spectroscopy
Popescu Carmen-Mihaela; Zeniya Nanami; Endo Kaoru; Gen...
FORESTS/12(12), 2021-12 - 木の話(第2回)木材の「枯らし」について考える
小幡谷 英一
サラサーテ/104/pp.69-71, 2022-01 - 木の話(第1回)「古くなるほど音は良くなる」は本当か
小幡谷 英一
サラサーテ/103/pp.69-71, 2021-11 - 楽器に使われる様々な木材
小幡谷 英一
木材情報/(365)/pp.15-18, 2021-10 - Modifications in spruce wood structure following hydro-thermal treatment evaluated by NIR spectroscopy.
Popescu Carmen-Mihaela; Zeniya Nanami; Endo Kaoru; Genkaw...
Pro Ligno/15(4)/pp.48-54, 2019-12 - Effects of seasoning on the vibrational properties of wood for the soundboards of string instruments.
OBATAYA EIICHI; Zeniya Nanami; Endo-Ujiie Kaoru
Journal of Acoustical Society of America (JASA)/147(2)/pp.998-1005, 2020-02 - 蘆舌用葦材の物性II ~葦の振動特性~
小幡谷 英一
雅楽だより, 2020-01 - Application of Time-Temperature-Humidity Superposition for the Prediction of Wood Properties During Long-Term Ageing
小幡谷 英一
Journal of The Adhesion Society of Japan/55(12)/pp.427-432, 2019-12 - Significant and reversible dimensional changes in hydrothermally compressed cedar wood and its potential as humidity‑sensitive actuator.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products/77/pp.1021-1028, 2019-09 - Physical Properties of a Reed (Phragmites australis) Used for the Vibrating Reed of Japanese Oboe (Hichiriki) II.:Vibrational properties of the reed selected by musicians
Obataya Eiichi; Nakanishi Ryo
Mokuzai Gakkaishi/65(3)/pp.131-137, 2019 - 蘆舌用葦材の物性I ~葦の組織構造と伐採時の選別基準について~
小幡谷 英一
雅楽だより, 2019-10 - Effects of water-soluble extractives on the moisture sorption properties of spruce wood hygrothermally treated at 120°C and different humidity levels.
OBATAYA EIICHI; Zeniya Nanami; Endo-Ujiie Kaoru
Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2019-07 - Mechanism study foro whitening phenomenon of wood adjacent to copper/Cu-Zn alloy components in the case of wooden cultural properties:changes of physical properties in model experiment
周 怡杉; 松井 敏也; 小幡谷 英一
The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property Abstracts/pp.150-151, 2019-06 - Effects of water‑soluble extractives on the vibrational properties and color of hygrothermally treated spruce wood
Wood Science and Technology/53/pp.151-164, 2019-01 - Changes in vibrational properties and color of spruce wood by hygrothermally accelerated ageing at 95–140°C and different relative humidity levels.
SN Applied Sciences/1(7), 2018-10 - Application of time–temperature–humidity superposition to the mass loss of wood through hygrothermally accelerated ageing at 95–140°C and different relative humidity levels.
SN Applied Sciences/1(3), 2018-10 - Shape fixation of compressed wood by steaming: a mechanism of shape fixation by rearrangement of crystalline cellulose.
Shuoye Chen; OBATAYA EIICHI; Matsuo-Ueda Miyuki
Wood Science and Technology/52(5)/pp.1229-1241, 2018-06 - Vibration Characteristic of Cabinet Components Made of Compressed Elastic Japanese Cedar
高木 拓哉; 阿部 眞理; 白石 照美; 小幡谷 英一; 足立 幸司
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD/65/pp.422-423, 2018-06 - Development of a Plain Weave Seat Surface Made by Compressed Elastic Japanese Cedar
沢田 信哉; 高木 拓哉; 阿部 眞理; 白石 照美; 小幡谷 英一; 足立 幸司
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD/65/pp.424-425, 2018-06 - Shape recovery and anomalous swelling of steam‑compressed wood by swimming ring‑like expansion of cell lumina.
Wood Science and Technology/52(4)/pp.1009-1023, 2018-05 - more...
- Phenol formaldehyde resin impregnation of spruce wood to improve the dimensional stability and acoustic performance of harp soundboards
- Books
- 2023年度ロームミュージックファンデーション研究助成 「国産木材を用いたマリンバ音板材の開発(23-3001)」最終報告書
小幡谷 英一
2024-04 - クラリネット管体材料の現在、過去、未来
小幡谷 英一
The Clarinet/アルソ出版/pp.44-48, 2023-03 - クラリネットリード用葦(Arundo donax L.)材の物性
小幡谷 英一
1996-03 - 木のびっくり話
小幡谷 英一
講談社, 2005-01
- 2023年度ロームミュージックファンデーション研究助成 「国産木材を用いたマリンバ音板材の開発(23-3001)」最終報告書
- Conference, etc.
- Materials for marimba bars by composite of common wood and fiber reinforced plastics
渡辺百音; 小幡谷 英一; 奥村浩史; 横田真一郎
74th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society/2024-03-13--2024-03-15 - Prevention of reed allergy by the low temperature vapor phase acetylation of reeds for woodwind instruments.
新井良和; 小幡谷 英一; 沖山奈緒子; 本田英輝; 須田優璃
74th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society/2024-03-13--2024-03-15 - Physical properties of cellulose nanofiber - polysaccharide composites.
栗林宏; 小幡谷 英一; 奥村浩史
74th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society/2024-03-13--2024-03-15 - Changes in dimensional stability and vibrational properties of wood for the soundboard of harp by phenol impregnation.
岡田大輝; 小幡谷 英一; 奥村浩史; 横田真一郎; 青山真
74th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society/2024-03-13--2024-03-15 - 木管楽器リードの低温気相アセチル化による葦アレルギーの低減
新井良和; 小幡谷 英一; 本田英輝; 須田優璃
第73回日本木材学会大会/2023-03-14--2023-03-16 - セルロースナノファイバーグルコマンナン複合体の力学特性
栗林宏; 小幡谷 英一; 奥村浩史; 山﨑隆嗣
第73回日本木材学会大会/2023-03-14--2023-03-16 - ハープ響板木材のフェノール含浸による改質
岡田大輝; 小幡谷 英一; 奥村浩史; 横田真一郎; 青山真
第73回日本木材学会大会/2023-03-14--2023-03-16 - Degradation at low temperature, ageing and moderate thermal treatment.
Ecole thématique PLURIBOIS/2019-06-03--2019-06-07 - Mechanism study foro whitening phenomenon of wood adjacent to copper/Cu-Zn alloy components in the case of wooden cultural properties:changes of physical properties in model experiment
周 怡杉; 松井 敏也; 小幡谷 英一
The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property/2019-06-01--2019-06-02 - Effects of ageing, seasoning and hygrothermal treatment on the acoustic properties of spruce wood.
Annual meeting of ALADFI/2018-12-07--2018-12-09 - 熱処理木材の物性
小幡谷 英一
第68回日本木材学会大会/2018-03-14--2018-03-16 - Vibrational Properties of Compressed Wood and Possibility of Using Compressed Wood as a Material for Repairing Cracks in Wooden Musical Instruments
4th Anuual Conference COST FP1302 WoodMusICK/2017-10-5--2017-10-7 - Criteria for Selecting Reed (Phragmites Australis) of Japanese Traditional Oboe (Hichiriki) and Recent Attempt for the Plantation of Reed in a Managed Field
4th Anuual Conference COST FP1302 WoodMusICK/2017-10-5--2017-10-7 - Changes in vibrational properties and color of due to heating at different relative humidities.
4th Anuual Conference COST FP1302 WoodMusICK/2017-10-5--2017-10-7 - The ageing of wood
小幡谷 英一
WoodMusICK Conference/2014-09-30--2014-10-01 - Effects of ageing and varnishes on the mechanical and acoustic properties of wood
小幡谷 英一
WoodSciCraft 2014/2014-09-08--2014-09-12 - Recoverable effects of heat treatment
小幡谷 英一
Cost Action FP0904 Conference “Recent Advances in the Field of TH and THM Wood Treatment”/2014-05-19--2014-05-21
- Materials for marimba bars by composite of common wood and fiber reinforced plastics
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF(Spring) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF(Spring) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Fundamental Environmental Engineering Laboratory University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IF University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Fundamental Environmental Engineering Laboratory University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IS University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Wood processing University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Mechanics of Structures and Materials University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIS University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- 大学で学ぶということ
大学で学ぶということ/2018-01-29--2018-01-29 - Recent progress in wood science around natural and artificial aging
E.Obataya; +小幡谷 英一
Colloque National Aussois, Mecamat 2013/2013-01-25--2013-01-25 - Effects of ageing and heating on the mechanical properties of wood
E.Obataya; +小幡谷 英一
COST Action IE0601 Meeting/2007-11-08--2007-11-08 - 楽器用塗料としての漆
日本音響学会音楽音響研究会/2007-08-26 - Characteristics of aged wood and Japanese traditional technique for wood protection
E.Obataya; +小幡谷 英一
Journee d'Etude Conserver aujourd'hui: les vieillissements du bois/2007-02-02--2007-02-02
- 大学で学ぶということ
- University Management
2018-04 -- 2020-03 生物資源学類広報委員 生物資源学類の広報活動 2018-04 -- 2020-03 国際地縁専攻サブネットワーク委員 国際地縁専攻サブネットワークの管理・運営 - Other activities
2017-10 -- (current) Editorial Member of Journal of Wood Material Science and Engineering
(Last updated: 2025-01-14)