ADACHI Yasuhisa
- Affiliation
- University of Tsukuba
- Official title
- Professor Emeritus
- =$'$&+,O<$68+,6$O*8FUQ8O768.8%$O$&O-3
- Fax
- 0298-853-7198
- Research fields
Rural environmental engineering/Planning - Research keywords
colloid coagulation dispersion floc soil clay humic substance polyelectrolyte 高分子電解質 - Research projects
コロイド凝集の解析に基づく土壌・水環境の工学的新展開 2022 -- (current) 足立 泰久 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) フロッキュレーション解析に基づく環境界面工学の展開 2016 -- 2020 足立 泰久 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) 132,600,000Yen 土壌および水環境におけるコロイド界面現象に関する工学展開 2016 -- 2020 足立 泰久 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) 41,080,000Yen 農業環境におけるコロイド界面現象と流体運動が協同する物質動態とその予測制御 -- (current) / 農業および水環境におけるコロイド界面現象の工学的体系化 2010 -- 2014 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A) 34,840,000Yen 農業環境におけるコロイド界面現象と流体運動が協同する物質動態とその予測制御 2004 -- 2007 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A) 30,550,000Yen 汚染物質キャリアとしてのコロイドの水理学的挙動 2003 -- (current) Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 10,800,000Yen 粘土コロイドの凝集・分散と水理学的輸送特性 2000 -- (current) Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 10,000,000Yen 土壌コロイドの表面化学的性質とその出現のダイナミクス 1999 -- (current) Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 3,100,000Yen - Academic background
-- 1988 東京大学大学院 Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science - Degree
1988 農学博士 The University of Tokyo - Academic societies
2003-04 -- (current) Japanese Society of Soil Physics 2008-04 -- (current) 高分子学会 2005-04 -- (current) 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会 1985-04 -- (current) THE SOCIETY OF CEMICAL ENGINEERS, JAPAN 1985-04 -- (current) The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering -- (current) International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists -- (current) THE SOCIETY OF RHEOLOGY, JAPAN -- (current) Chemical Society of Japan -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY ON WATER ENVIRONMENT -- (current) 日本腐植物質学会 - Articles
- Investigating Sedimentation Behavior of Montmorillonite Flocs between Flat Plates in a 2D System Using Image Analysis
Roknujjaman Md; Yoshida Keisuke; Bin Ghazali Muhamad E...
PROCESSES/12(2), 2024-02 - Experimental and theoretical analysis of pulsatile flow in elastic tubes: Wave propagation and attenuation
Roknujjaman Md.; Kyotoh Harumichi; Yohei Asada; Yasuhi...
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS/35(12), 2023-12 - Settling velocity of algal-bacterial granular sludge studied in the sequence batch reactor
Medina Uli Alba Somala; Yuan Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Teru...
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY REPORTS/24/p.101624, 2023-09 - Cohesive bond strength of marine aggregates and its role in fragmentation
Hayashi Yasuhito; Wada Shigeki; Seto Mayumi; Adachi Y...
FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE/10, 2023-08-25 - The influence of humic substances on environmental behavior of antibiotic resistance genes: A mini-review
Fu Bomin; Yu Chenyang; Sun Jing; Wang Hongtao; Adachi...
JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ADVANCES/8, 2022-11 - Highly efficient carbon assimilation and nitrogen/phosphorus removal facilitated by photosynthetic O2 from algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge under controlled DO/pH operation
Li Zejiao; Wang Jixiang; Liu Jialin; Chen Xingyu; Lei...
WATER RESEARCH/238, 2023-05 - Achieving stably enhanced biological phosphorus removal from aerobic granular sludge system via phosphorus rich liquid extraction during anaerobic period
Wang Jixiang; Li Zejiao; Wang Qian; Lei Zhongfang; Yuan ...
Bioresource Technology/346/p.126439, 2022-04 - Observation of temporal change of the hydrodynamic layer thickness of adsorbed polyelectrolytes on spherical particles by single-particle-tracking method
Feng Lili; Adachi Yasuhisa; Thi Hai Yen Doan
COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS/654, 2022-12 - Shielding behavior of electrokinetic properties of polystyrene latex particle by the adsorption of neutral poly(ethylene oxide)
Saha Santanu; Adachi Yasuhisa
JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE/626/pp.930-938, 2022-11 - The comparison of adsorption kinetics of polystyrene particles with two polyelectrolytes near the isoelectric points
Feng Lili; Duan Lifan; Zhuang Yiran; Sugimoto Takuya; Ada...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects/655/p.130297, 2022-12 - Revealing calcium ion behavior during anaerobic phosphorus release process in aerobic granular sludge system
Wang Jixiang; Li Zejiao; Wang Qian; Chen Xingyu; Lei ...
Bioresource Technology/369, 2023-02 - Comparison of cationic flocculants with different branching structure for the flocculation of negatively charged particles coexisting with humic substances
Lim Voon Huey; Yamashita Yuji; Ogawa Kazuyoshi; Adachi Y...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering/10(5)/p.108478, 2022-10 - Microrheological properties and local structure of iota-carrageenan gels probed by using optical tweezers
Geonzon C. Lester; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Tassieri Manli...
FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS/137, 2022-11 - Adsorption kinetics of polyacrylamide-based polyelectrolyte onto a single silica particle studied using microfluidics and optical tweezers
Geonzon Lester Canque; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Sugimoto T...
JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE/630(A)/pp.846-854, 2022-10 - A review on recovery of extracellular biopolymers from flocculent and granular activated sludges: Cognition, key influencing factors, applications, and challenges.
Chen Xingyu; Lee Yu-Jen; Yuan Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Adachi...
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY/363/p.127854, 2022-09 - The inhibitory effects of synthetic polyacrylic acid and humic substances on the initial stage of colloidal flocculation induced by polycationic flocculant with low charge density
Lim Voon Huey; 山下祐司; 小川 和義; 足立泰久
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects/653/p.129930, 2022-09 - The inhibitory effects of synthetic polyacrylic acid and humic substances on the initial stage of colloidal flocculation induced by polycationic flocculant with low charge density
小川 和義; Lim Voon Huey; 山下祐司; 足立泰久
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects/653/p.129930, 2022-11 - Interaction between silica particles with poly(ethylene oxide) studied using an optical tweezer: insignificant effect of poly(ethylene oxide) on long-range double layer interaction
Geonzon C. Lester; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Sugimoto Takuya; ...
COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE/300(10)/pp.1179-1186, 2022-09 - Effects of Polymer Branching Structure on the Hydrodynamic Adsorbed Layer Thickness Formed on Colloidal Particles
Lim Voon Huey; Brata Muhammad Vito; 足立 泰久
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan/55(3)/pp.148-153, 2022-03 - Achieving stably enhanced biological phosphorus removal from aerobic granular sludge system via phosphorus rich liquid extraction during anaerobic period
Wang Jixiang; Li Zejiang; Wang Qian; Lei Zhongfang; Yuan ...
Bioresource Technology/346/p.126439, 2021-11 - Coagulation and sedimentation of imogolite: effect of pH and salt concentration
Yamashita Yuji; Adachi Yasuhisa
The 11th Interfaces Against Pollution/pp.127-127, 2021-05 - Study on the kinetics of adsorption of poly(ethylene oxide) onto a silica particle using optical tweezers and microfluidics
Geonzon Lester Canque; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Sugimoto Tak...
COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS/642, 2022-06 - Inhibitory mechanisms of humic substances and polyacrylic acid during the initial stage of polycation-induced flocculation
Lim Voon Huey; Yamashita Yuji; Ogawa Kazuyoshi; Adachi Y...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering/9(6)/p.106481, 2021-12 - Adsorption of Binary Mixture of Highly Positively Charged PTMA5M and Partially Negatively Charged PAA onto PSL Particles Studied by Means of Brownian Motion Particle Tracking and Electrophoresis
Thi Hai Yen Doan; Lim Voon Huey; Adachi Yasuhisa; Tien...
LANGMUIR/37(41)/pp.12204-12212, 2021-10 - Inhibitory mechanisms of humic substances and polyacrylic acid during the initial stage of polycation-induced flocculation
Lim Voon Huey; Yamashita Yuji; Ogawa Kazuyoshi; Adachi Y...
- Investigating Sedimentation Behavior of Montmorillonite Flocs between Flat Plates in a 2D System Using Image Analysis
- Books
- Flocculation Dynamics on the Basis of Collision‐Limited Analysis
足立 泰久
Encyclopedia of Biocolloid and Biointerface Science 2V Set, Volume I&II/pp.474-486, 2016-09 - 第1編 基礎編 第1章 材料表面の機能構築 第6節 塩の添加および高分子吸着によって誘発されるコロイドの凝集のダイナミクス
足立 泰久
実用材料の表面機能化 設計テクノロジー/pp.59-69, 2010-06 - 線形系の偏微分方程式(再改訂)
足立 泰久
株式会社イセブ, 2010-08 - 線形系の偏微分方程式 -場を扱う応用数学の基礎と拡散方程式-
イセブ, 2002-01 - 土壌物理学会編 新編 土壌物理学用語事典
養賢堂, 2002-01 - 「土のコロイド現象-土・水環境の物理化学と工学的基礎-」
足立泰久; 岩田進午
学会出版センター, 2003-01 - レオロジーデータハンドブック
丸善株式会社, 2006-01 - New Technology and Applications of Dispersion & Emulsion Systems
(株)テクノシステム, 2006-01 - 粘土鉱物の表面・界面化学的性質
粘土バンドブック(第三版)/技報堂出版株式会社/pp.113-124, 2009-05 - コロイド界面現象の動的基礎(上)
イセブ, 2010-01 - Dynamics of polymers and polyelectrolytes at colloidal interface and subsequent flocculation
足立 泰久
Electrical phenomena at interfaces and biointerfaces:Fundamentals and Applications in Nano-, Bio-, and Environmental Sciences/John Wiley & Sons/pp.299-314, 2012-01
- Flocculation Dynamics on the Basis of Collision‐Limited Analysis
- Conference, etc.
- Comparison of cationic flocculants with different branching structure for the flocculation of negatively charged particles coexisting with humic substances
山下祐司; リム ブーンフイ; 小川和義; 足立 泰久
日本腐植物質学会39回講演会/2023-11-11--2023-11-12 - Polyion complex formation of humic substances with a cationic linear polyelectrolyte flocculant
山下祐司; リム ブーンフイ; 小川和義; 足立 泰久
日本腐植物質学会38回講演会/2022-11-25--2022-11-26 - Settling Behavior of Aerobic Granular Sludge
Somala Medina Uli Alba; Tian Yuan; Zhongfang Lei; Teruhit...
The 1st International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability/2023-03-25--2023-03-26 - 腐植物質共存下での負電荷コロイド粒子凝集におけるポリカチオン凝集剤の電荷密度の効果
小川 和義; Lim Voon Huey; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
第60回高分子と水に関する討論会/2022-12-02--2022-12-02 - Inhibitory effect of humic substances on colloidal flocculation induced by a cationic linear polyelectrolyte
山下祐司; リム ブーンフイ; 足立 泰久
日本腐植物質学会37回講演会/2021-11-26--2021-11-27 - Achieving Stably Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal from Aerobic Granular Sludge System via Phosphorus Rich Liquid Separation During Anaerobic Period
Wang Jixiang; Li Zejiao; Wang Qian; Lei Zhongfang; Yuan ...
The International Workshop on Agricultural Waste Reclamation and Utilization/2021-9-27--2021-9-28 - Coagulation and sedimentation of imogolite: effect of pH and salt concentration
Yamashita Yuji; Adachi Yasuhisa
The 11th Interfaces Against Pollution/2021-05-15--2021-05-17 - Adsorption of poly(ethylene oxide) onto a silica particle in shear flow using microfluidics and optical tweezers
Geonzon Lester; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Adachi Yasuhisa
The 8th Asian Particle Technology Symposium/2021-10-11--2021-10-14 - Application of Biogas Recirculation in Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge: Perspectives and Challenges
Lei Zhongfang; Shimizu Kazuya; Zhang Zhenya; Adachi Yasu...
International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Health (BSAEH-2021, Visual Conference)/2021-4-4--2021-4-8 - 高分子電解質複合体および高分子ミクロゲルによるコロイド粒子の凝集の動力学
小川 和義; イリャソフ レオニド; パノヴァ イリーナ; ヤロスラヴォフ アレキサンダー; 足立泰久
第71回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2020-09-14--2020-09-16 - Feasibility of anaerobic digestion system coupling biogas recirculation with chemical addition for simultaneous biogas upgrading, phosphorus recovery and sludge conditioning
Yuan Tian; Wang Yinxin; Nuramkhaan Marjangul; Wang Xuezh...
4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-3-27--2021-3-28 - Feasibility of Anaerobic Digestion System Coupling Biogas Recirculation with Chemical Addition for Simultaneous Biogas Upgrading, Phosphorus Recovery and Sludge Conditioning
Yuan Tian; Wang Yinxin; Nuramkhaan Marjangul; Wang Xuezh...
The 4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-3-27--2021-3-28 - Application of biogas recirculation in anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge: Perspectives and challenges
Lei Zhongfang; Shimizu Kazuya; Zhang Zhenya; Adachi Yasu...
International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Health (BSAEH-2021)/2021-4-4--2021-4-7 - 凝集をコアに展開する土壌・水環境のエンジニアリングサイエンス
足立 泰久
20-1高分子と水・分離に関する研究会 2020年度界面動電現象研究会/2021-03-05--2021-03-05 - Electrophoretic mobility and turbulent aggregation rate of carboxyl latex particles: experiments and theoretical analysis
Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Adachi Yasuhisa
5th Energy & Environmental Workshop (AEARU-EEW 2014)/2014-10-23--2014-10-23 - Orthokinetic Aggregation of Charged Colloidal Particles in the Presence of Repulsive Double Layer Force: a Trajectory Analysis with Non-Linear Poisson-Boltzmann Solution
Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Adachi Yasuhisa
ECIS2014 - the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society/2014-09-07--2014-09-12 - 帯電コロイド粒子のブラウン凝集速度の荷電への依存性の解析
杉本 卓也; 小林 幹佳; 足立 泰久
平成26年度農業農村工学会大会講演会/2014-08-26--2014-08-28 - カルボキシルラテックスの電気泳動と乱流凝集速度:実験と理論解析
杉本 卓也; 小林 幹佳; 足立 泰久
粉体工学会2014年度 春期研究発表会/2014-05-29--2014-05-30 - 単純剪断流中における帯電コロイド粒子の凝集速度: ポアソン-ボルツマン 方程式レベルの解を用いた軌道解析
杉本 卓也; 小林 幹佳; 足立 泰久
第17回応用力学シンポジウム/2014-05-10--2014-05-11 - The effect of double layer repulsion on the rate of turbulent and Brownian aggregation
Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Adachi Yasuhisa
International Workshop on Advances in Coagulation Science and Technology/2013-09-22--2013-09-27 - Adsorption and its relaxation of various types of polymer and polyelectrolytes on the colloidal surface under overshooting condition
足立 泰久; Yen Doan
第69回高分子討論会/2020-9-16--2020-9-18 - Colloid and Interface in Bio-resources and Environment
足立 泰久
第71回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2020-9-14--2020-9-16 - Effects of pH and calcium concentration on transport of humid acids in a packed bed column
山田 枝梨乃; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
2019年度土壌物理学会大会/2019-10-26--2019-10-26 - Flocculation and dispersion of imogolite-humic acids complex
野宮 高由; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
The 54th annual conference of Japan society on water environment/2020-03-16--2020-03-18 - Study on coagulation of impolite with different pH and sodium concentration
野宮 高由; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
2019年度土壌物理学会大会/2019-10-26--2019-10-26 - more...
- Comparison of cationic flocculants with different branching structure for the flocculation of negatively charged particles coexisting with humic substances
- Intellectural property rights
- 電気浸透流の測定方法
足立 泰久; フェン リリ
- 電気浸透流の測定方法
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-09 Cooperative Education through Research Internships( Life and Earth Sciences) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-03 Cooperative Education through Research Internships( Life and Earth Sciences) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1F University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 2F University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Thesis Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1S University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Environmental Studies Practicum II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Environmental Studies Practicum II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1S University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Environmental Studies Practicum I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Environmental Studies Practicum I University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- Inspire the next decade
Adachi Yasuhisa
*******/2019-01-14--2019-01-14 - Dynamics of polyelectrolyte adsorption and colloidal flocculation upon mixing studied using mono-dispersed polystyrene latex particles
Adachi Yasuhisa
*******/2018-06-14--2018-06-14 - "Coupling effects of charge density of polyelectrolyte chain and shear on the floculation behavior of polystyrene latex particle
日中化学工学シンポジウム/2011-06-22 - Initial Stage Dynamics of Polyelectrolyte Adsorption and Subsequent Colloidal Flocculation
足立 泰久
JSPS(先端研究拠点事業)先進微粒子ハンドリング科学若手研究者育成プログラムセミナー/2010-11-24 - Dynamic behavior of adsorbing polyelectrolytes on the colloidal particle studied via movie analysis of Brownian motion and electrophoresis
足立 泰久
The 6th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution(IAP)/2010-05-18
- Inspire the next decade
- Professional activities
2019-04 -- 2021-03 Japanese Society of Soil Physics 会長 2016-10 -- (current) Japanese Society of Soil Physics 評議員 2015-06 -- (current) Chemical Society of Japan 幹事 2012 -- (current) The International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena(ELKIN) International Advisory Board 2012-06 -- (current) 界面動電現象研究会 副会長 2008 -- (current) THE SOCIETY OF POLYMER SCIENCE, JAPAN 高分子と水・分離に関する研究会役員 2017-01 -- 2019-03 Chemical Society of Japan The 69th Divisional Meeting of DCSC/Organizing Chair -- 2016-12 JAPAN OIL CHEMISTS' SOCIETY オレオナノサイエンス部会副部会長 -- 2014 Colloids and Surfaces.B Editional Board Member of Colloids and Surfaces.B 2010-06 -- 2012-07 ELKIN2012日本委員会 The 10th International Conference on Electrokinetic Phenomena ( ELKIN 2012 )/Chairman more...
(Last updated: 2022-08-30)