Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
Official title
Research fields
Genetics/Chromosome dynamics
Science in genetics and breeding
Science education
Research keywords
Molecular genetic and cytogenetic studies for conservation and for genetic diversity of underutilized species
Production of transgenic plants and environmental biosafety assessment
Sustainable germplasm enhancement of the genetic resources
Biodiplomacy associated with biodiversity
Research projects
政治的及び地理的に隔離された少数民族独自生存圏での植物遺伝資源及び伝統知の賦存2017 -- 2020渡邉 和男Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)41,860,000Yen
Use of Sweet potato Genetic Resources and Biotechnology1998 -- 2001/企業からの受託研究
遺伝子組換え体樹木の環境影響評価2003 -- (current)/企業からの受託研究
ライフサイエンスにおける資源、IPRと諸規制のアセスメント1999 -- (current)/企業からの受託研究
植物遺伝資源の保全と利用1997 -- (current)/International Joint Research Projects
植物バイオテクノロジーの発展途上国への技術移転1991 -- (current)/International Joint Research Projects
Multidisciplinary approach in Greening Africa Initiative in cooperation with African Development Bank2009-08 -- 2019-07渡邉和男/
Genetic resources conservation and utilization in Mexico2010-07 -- 2018-06渡邉和男/The Other Research Programs190,000,000Yen
IPR issues on genetic resourced and biotechnology -- (current)/
Use of resistance genes to plant Virus -- (current)/
Career history
1988-07 -- 1990-09国際ポテトセンター研究員
1989 -- 1990国際ポテトセンター主任研究員/所長補佐
1989 -- 1996ペルー国、ラモリナ国立農業大学植物分子 遺伝学客員教授
1990 -- 1996-09国際ポテトセンター研究室長(バイオテクノロジーおよび遺伝資源利用)および所長補佐
1991 -- 1996米国コーネル大学招待研究員/客員助教授
1992 -- 1996-09米国コーネル大学植物分子遺伝学/分子育種学助教授
1996 -- 1998米国コーネル大学在外特別助教授
1996 -- 2001-03近畿大学生物理工学部 生物理工学研究所助教授
1998 -- 2001-03近畿大学生物理工学部生物工学科助教授 生物理工学研究所 助教授
1998 -- 2002米国コーネル大学在外特別準教授
Academic background
1983 -- 1985神戸大学 大学院農学研究科修士課程
1979 -- 1983Kobe University Faculty of Agriculture 園芸農学
1985 -- 1988Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Agriculture and Life Science Plant Genetics and Plant Breeding
1988-08Ph.D. (Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics)University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Academic societies
-- (current)国際アグバイオ技術事業団
1996 -- (current)日本植物分子細胞生物学会
-- (current)International Society for Biosafety Research
1987 -- (current)Potato Association of America
Honors & Awards
2015-03-03The 28th Khwarizmi International Award
2011-01-17President Award, University of Tsukuba
2006-10-16The Best Research Award, MOAI, Myanmar
1997Honorany Fellow,International Plant Genetic Resources Institite
1992Fornet Frosty Hill International Agriculture Research Award.
  • 第6章 アジアの小農とタネとの関係①――ミャンマーの国民野菜CHINBAUNG(チンバオ)のタネをめぐる仕組み
    渡邉 和男
    タネとヒト 生物文化多様性の視点から/農山漁村文化協会/pp.122-142, 2022-01
  • 1章-9. 遺伝子工学
    渡邉 和男
    遺伝学の百科事典/丸善出版/pp.50-52, 2022-01
  • Guia de Descriptors: Varietales de Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. Para Protección Legal de su Variacion
    Watanabe Kazuo; Iniguez Jorge Cadena; Arrazate Carlos H....
    Colegio de Postograduado, 2018
  • Bringing stability to world food supplies with Japanese technology and Mexican genetic resources
    Watanabe Kazuo
    Crop Production under Stressful Conditions : Application of Cutting-edge Science and Technology in Developing Countries/Springer/pp.177-193, 2018
  • Crop Production under Stressful Conditions : Application of Cutting-edge Science and Technology in Developing Countries
    Watanabe Kazuo
    Springer Singapore, 2018
  • Guia de Descriptors: Varietales de Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. Para Protección Legal de su Variacion
    J. C. Iniguez C. H. A. Arrazate V. M. C. Salgado Ma de...
    Colegio de Postograduado, Tescoco, 2018
  • 英語で学ぶ環境科学.
    渡邉 和男
  • Potato Molecular Genetics
    Watanabe K. N.
    In J. E. Bradshow and G. Mackey (eds.), Chapter 10, Potato Genetics, CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 1994-01
  • Use of Biotechnology Tools in Plant Protection, Genetic Resources Management and Crop Genetic Improvement in Potatoes with a Special Reference to the Technology Transfer to Developing Countries
    Watanabe; K.; J. P. T. Valkonen; P. Gregory; +渡邉 和男
  • (eds.) Plant Biotechnology Transfer to Developing Countries
    Altman; D. W.; K. N. Watanabe; +渡邉 和男
    R. G. Landes Co., Georgetown, Texas, USA, 1995-01
  • Chapter 11. Potential of Plant Biotechnology Applications in Genetic Resources Management and Utilization of Andean Landrace Crop Genetic Resources
    Watanabe; K.; C. Arbizu; +渡邉 和男
    In: Watanabe, K. and E. Pehu 1997. (eds.) Plant Biotechnology and Plant Genetic resources for Sustainability and Productivity. R. G. Landes Co., Georgetown, Texas, USA, 1997-01
  • Chapter 10.Use of Biotechnology Tools in Potato Genetic Resources Management and Breeding
    Watanabe; K.; A. M. Golmirzaie; P. Gregory; +渡邉 和男
    In: Watanabe, K. and E. Pehu 1997. (eds.) Plant Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources for Sustainability and Productivity. R. G. Landes Co., Georgetown, Texas, USA, 1997-01
  • Chapter 1. Plant Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources: A Global Perspective
    Watanabe; K. And K. V. Raman; +渡邉 和男
    In: Watanabe, K. and E. Pehu 1997. (eds.) Plant Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources for Sustainability and Productivity. R. G. Landes Co., Georgetown, Texas, USA, 1997-01
  • Plant Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources for Sustainability and Productivity
    Watanabe; K.; E. Pehu; +渡邉 和男
    (eds.) Plant Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources for Sustainability and Productivity. R. G. Landes Co., Georgetown, Texas, USA, 1997-01
  • Potato Mini-White Paper
    Watanabe K. N.
    Potatoes in Japan (Ed). Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan Society for Root and Tuber Crops. Version 1.4., 1998-03
  • Issues Associated with Intellectual Property Right on Agro-Biotechnology in Japan
    Watanabe K. N.; A. Komamine; Y. Nishizawa
    In: Erbisch, F.H. and K. M. Maredia (Eds.) Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology. Michigan State Unversity, East Lansing and C. A. B. International, Wallingford UK, 1998-05
  • 英語で学ぶ生物学
    渡邉純子・渡邉和男; +渡邉 和男
    コロナ社, 1999-02
  • 有用植物の遺伝資源
    渡邉和男・岩永 勝; +渡邉 和男
    山田康之・佐野浩編 組換え体作物の光と影. 学会出版センタ−, 1999-09
  • 植物遺伝資源と植物バイオテクノロジーによる環境保全.
    南澤 究・藤田耕之輔・岡崎正視(編著)植物と土壌微生物による環境修復 博友社, 2000-01
  • Contribution of Plant Genetic Resources for Plant Breeding
    Raman; K. V. And K. N. Watanabe; +渡邉 和男
    In: Watanabe, K. N. and A. Komamine (Ed./author) 2000. Plant Sciences, Food, Environment and the 21st Century . Challenge of Plant and Agricultural Sciences to the Crisis of Biosphere on the Earth in the 21st Century. Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, USA, 2000-01
  • Challenge of Plant and Agricultural Sciences to the Crisis of Biosphere on the Earth in the 21st Century
    Watanabe; K. N.; A. Komamine (Ed.; author); +渡邉 和男
    Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, USA, 2000-01
  • 第1節 食糧及び産業に関する植物遺伝資源
    新名惇彦・吉田和哉 (編)植物代謝工学ハンドブック. NTS株式会社, 2002-06
  • 遺伝子組換え作物の科学
    渡邉和男・渡邉純子; +渡邉 和男
    村上明・森光康次郎(編著)“食と健康—情報のウラを読む“ 丸善, 2002-11
  • ジャガイモ総論
    日向康吉・西尾剛(編)植物育種学各論. 文永堂出版株式会社, 2003-01
  • Issues on Intellectual Property Rights Associated with Agro-Biotechnology in Japan. In: Erbisch, F.H. and K.M. Maredia (Eds.)
    Watanabe; K. N.; A. Komamine; +渡邉 和男
    Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology. 2nd edition. Michigan State Unversity, East Lansing and C.A. B. International, Wallingford UK, 2004-01
  • more...
Conference, etc.
  • Prediction of potential plantation areas of des9 transgenic Eucalyptus by simulation model based on the confined field trial dat
    中鉢 友彰; 森田 和樹; 林 奈々美; 宍戸 敦子; 菊池 彰; 渡邉 和男; 小口 太一
    第39回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会 (堺) 大会/2022-09-11--2022-09-13
  • Field evaluation of drought tolerance of AtGolS2 transgenic poplar
    鹿倉 悠平; 大谷 美沙都; 出村 拓; 菊池 彰; 渡邉 和男; 小口 太一
    第39回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会 (堺) 大会/2022-09-11--2022-09-13
  • Status of the CBD, CPB and NP ahead of part II of COP15-CP/MOP10-NP/MOP4 Digital Sequence Information(DSI)or Genetic Sequence Data(GSD) ?
    Watanabe Kazuo
    Pre-COP-MOP Workshop for National Focal Points and African Youth on Issues Emerging under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)/2022-01-19--2022-01-21
  • 遺伝資源のこれからの課題:探索収集基盤でのアクセスと今後の対応
    渡邉 和男
    2021年 第8回 アジア植物遺伝資源 (PGRAsia) シンポジウム/2021-11-17--2021-11-17
  • Advanced biotechnology sheds light on genetic diversity of underutilized crops traditionally grown in Southeast Asia
    Watanabe Kazuo
    Open On-line Conference on Thai-Japan Research Collaboration on Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology: Series I How can we amalgamate the biotechnology and plant genetic resources for R&D and delivery to the societies?/2021-11-08
  • Japan-Mexico Multidisciplinary Partnerships Based on Academia, Public Sector, Civ
    Watanabe Kazuo
    THe 5th Japan-Mexico rector Summit/2021-10-07--2021-10-07
  • Review on Three Decades Collaboration between Vietnam and University of Tsukuba with International Collaboration and Enforcement of Partnerships towards Life Science Industry
    Watanabe Kazuo
    Vietnam-Japan Bilateral Workshop on Bioinformatics and Bioresources/2021-08-24--2021-08-31
  • 「メキシコを中心とした生物遺伝資源へのアクセスと利用」
    渡邉 和男
    SATREPS ABS 講習会/2021-06-09
  • Background to gain consensus on regulatory framework and statement for genome editing plants in Japan
    Watanabe Kazuo
    On line meeting by GMAC Review Meeting, Government of Malaysia/2021-09-01--2021-09-01
  • Facts on Imports and Domestic Product Development under Policy
    Watanabe Kazuo
    APEC Worksop on Harnessing 25 Years of Agricultural Biotech Experiences: Policy Approaches to Promote the Adoption, Commercialization, and Trade of Innovative Agricultural Technologies/2021-07-21--2021-07-23
  • Field evaluation of drought tolerance of AtGolS2 transgenic poplar
    鹿倉悠平; 大谷美沙都; 出村拓; 菊池彰; 渡邉 和男; 小口 太一
  • Statistical regression model for prediction of cold damage on Eucalyptus Leaves on field from meteorological observed data
    中鉢友彰; 林奈々美; 宍戸敦子; 菊池彰; 渡邉 和男; 小口 太一
  • Networking and research collaborations on biotechnology and genetic resources between Indonesian academic & research sector and University of Tsukuba
    Watanabe Kazuo
    Japan-Indonesia Bioinformatics workshop hosted by NIG/2020-10-19--2020-10-30
  • Importing Success Story; Trade Benefits and An academic organization view and experience over the challenges on the regulatory processes in R&D and academic-private sector collaboration on agricultural biotechnology
    Watanabe Kazuo
    APEC HLPDAB Workshop: The Benefits, Sustainability, and Promise of Precision Agricultural Biotechnology/2020-08-17--2020-08-19
  • Development of Laos Khao Kai Noi rice landrace (Oryza sativa L.) core collection as a model for rice genetic resources management in the Laos National Genebank
    Vilayheuang K.; Borrayo E.; Kawase M.; Watanabe K. N.
    1st International Conference on Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (ICGRB) - Information System and Exchanges of Genetic Resources for Effective Crop Improvement/2018-08-20--2018-08-21
  • ゲノム編集技術のカルタヘナ法上の整理および取り扱い方針について
    津田 麻衣; 渡邉和男; 大澤良
  • GC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling of the Indigenous and Under-Utilized Zingiber barbatum from Myanmar
    Watanabe Kazuo; M Shukurova; Y Asikin; YN Chen; M Kusano
  • Profiling of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Autochthonous Curcuma amada Roxburgh
    Watanabe Kazuo; Chen YN; Asikin Y; Shukurova M; Kusano M...
  • Risk Management on Student Exchange and Campus Life
    Watanabe Kazuo
    The Fourth Mexico-Japan Rector Summit. COLMEX/2019-09-07--2019-09-11
  • Technology and Genetic Resources Adoption to Foster Production in Plants and Animals in Japan. Sharing the Experience and Perspectives with Partners
    Watanabe Kazuo
    The 3rd Vietnam–Japan Symposium on Cooperation and Investment in High-Tech Agriculture/2019-07-18
  • Plant Genetic Resources Expedition under the 21stCentury Paradigm
    渡邉 和男
  • Development and evaluation of salt-tolerant transgenic Eucalyptus trees using harboring RNA binding protein gene derived from common ice plant
    小口 太一; Tran Thi Ngoc-Ha; 松永 悦子; 河岡 明義; 山田 晃世; 小関 良宏; 渡邊 ...
  • Planning and Cooperation Workshop on Perspectives on Agricultural Biotechnology in Myanmar
    Watanabe Kazuo; Kawase Makoto
    Agricultural Biotech Review Workshop/2018-09-11
  • Joint research report workshop on genetic resources expedition, collection and evaluation in Myanmar
    Watanabe Kazuo; Kawase Makoto
    Joint research report workshop/2018-09-10
  • 21世紀パラダイムでの海外フィールド研究と遺伝資源アクセス
    渡邉 和男
  • more...
  • ジャガイモのポティウイルスY抵抗性に関するRyadg遺伝子の有無を識別するためのプライマーセット、Ryadg遺伝子の有無を識別する方法、Ryadg遺伝子のSCARマーカーとして使用可能なポリメラーゼ連鎖反応生成物。連鎖したSCARマーカー 共同発明者。所有権は文部省-学術振興会に譲渡。
    渡邉 和男
2024-10 -- 2025-02Bioindustrial Sciences Seminar IBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Japan Leader Empowerment DebateUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Global Human Security InternshipUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Global Human Security InternshipUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Advanced International Bioindustrial ScienceUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-11 -- 2024-12Introduction to Plant PhysiologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Bioindustrial ResourcesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Japan Leader Empowerment Program Internship IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Global Human Security DebateUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Research in Bioindustrial Sciences IBUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Transgenic Plants: ELSI, PEST and Biodiplomacy
    Watanabe Kazuo
    Invited Lectures at Universities/2013-03-19
  • 大学等での遺伝資源の取り扱いとABSの課題点
    渡邉 和男
    Invited Lectures at Universities/2013-02-28
  • 2n Pollen Frequency and Ps Gene Frequency In Cultivated Groups And Closely related Wild Species
    Watanabe; K.; S.J.Peloquin; +渡邉 和男
    NCR-84 Potato Genetics Technical Committee/1986-12-09
  • Seedling Response Of nineteen Dwarf Near-Isogenic Lines Of Rice To Different Growing Conditions
    Watanabe; K.; O.Kamijima; +渡邉 和男
    ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting/1987-11-29
  • Estimation Of ps Gene Frequency In Group Andigena ; Occurrence And Frequency Of Tetraploids From 2x X 2x Crosses
    Watanabe; K.; S.J.Peloquin; +渡邉 和男
    NCR-84 Potato Genetics Technical Committee/1987-12-08
  • Occurrence And Frequency Of 2n Pollen In Tuber-Bearing Species From Mexico And Central America
    Watanabe; K. And S. J. Peloquin; +渡邉 和男
    NCR-84 Potato Genetics Technical Committee/1987-12-07
  • Tecnica De RFLPs y Applicacion A Fitomejoramiento
    Watanabe; K.; +渡邉 和男
    IX Congresso Latinoamerica De Genetica/1989-10-01
  • Generation Of New Diploid Potato Population And Simultaneous Selection Of Agronomic Characters, 2n Gametes And Resistances
    Watanabe; K.; +渡邉 和男
    Third Triannual Meetings Of Asian Potato Association/1991-06-15
  • Genetic Engineering Applied To Potato For Bacterial Disease Resistance.
    Watanabe; K.; J.H. Dodds; F. Buitron; A. Panta; R. Salinas...
    Third Triannual Meetings Of Asian Potato Association/1991-06-15
  • Transfer Of Quantitatively Inherited Traits By FDR 2n Pollen In Potatoes
    Watanabe; K.; +渡邉 和男
    Intern. Symp. Angiosperm Pollen And Ovules/1991-06-23
  • Potato Breeding At International Potato Center.
    Watanabe; K.; +渡邉 和男
    2nd. Meet. Japan. Soc. Potato Res./1991-07-17
  • Potato Germplasm enhancement with a wide range of Solanum genetic resources
    Watanabe; K.; +渡邉 和男
    Symposium on Chromosome Manipulation in Plants/1992-11-06
  • Manipulacion cromosomica y uso de germoplasma en Solanum tuberiferas en CIP.I.
    Watanabe; K.; M. Orrillo; A. Golmirzaie; +渡邉 和男
    Seminario-Taller sobre complementacion de metodos biotecnologicos y conventionales para el mejoramiento genetico de cultivos alimenticios. Organizacion de Las Naciones Unidas para La Agricultura y La Alimentacion. INIA (FAO)/1993-05-24
  • Potato molecular maps: significance and development toward potato breeding
    Watanabe; K.; M.W. Bonierbale; C. Yencho; J. van den Berg; ...
    The Third Int.Symp. Molec. Biol. Potato/1993-07-25
  • "Chromosome manipulation and germplasm enhancement with tuber-bearing Solanum species."
    Watanabe; K.; +渡邉 和男
    15 th International Botanical Congress/1993-08-29
  • "Genome and Chromosome Manipulation in Potatoes".
    Watanabe; K.; +渡邉 和男
    Invited speaker at the 84th meeting and 35th Symposium of Japanese Society of Plant Breeding Jpn J. Breed. 43 Suppl. (2): 390-391/1993-10-04
  • Use of DNA probes in plant protection, genetic resources management and crop genetic improvement -An interdisciplinary approach with potatoes-.
    Watanabe; K.; J. P. T. Valkonen; +渡邉 和男
    ISAAA Symposium on Challenge of biotechnology for global environments and sustainability/1993-12-01
  • Use of molecular markers in introgression of wild potato germplasm
    Watanabe; K.; M. Orrillo; M. Ghislain; and A. Golmirzaie; +...
    Fourth Triannual Meeting of Asian Potato Association/1994-07-04
  • Potato germplasm enhancement by conventional and biotechnology assisted approaches using a wide range of Solanum species.
    Watanabe; K. N.; A. M. Golmirzaie; +渡邉 和男
  • Production of sexual hybrids between tuber-bearing and non tuber bearing potatoes using S. phureja for rescue pollination.
    Watanabe; K. N. J. P. T. Valkonen; M. Orrillo; and J. Pel...
    European Association of Potato Research 13 ther Trennenial Conference/1996-07-14
  • Use of molecular markers for resistance breeding in potato. III. Relationships between virus resistance nd agronomic traits with molecular markers in S. Acaule introgression lines.
    Watanabe; K.N.; Y. Tsujikawa; J. A. Watanabe; J. P. T. Val...
    The 92nd Meeting of Jpn. Soc. Breed. Breed. Sc. 47 Supple (2): 121./1997-10-18
  • Transmission of quantitative resistance traits in 4x x 2x crosses
    WATANABE; Kazuo N.; WATANABE; Junko A.; +渡邉 和男
    The 69th Jpn Soc. Genet. Annual Meeting/1997-11-03
  • Potato genetic engineering for the 21st century: An overview on achivements and pitfalls. Cytochrome P450 and Plant Genetic Engineering.
    Watanabe; K. And J .A. Watanabe; +渡邉 和男
    BRAIN Seminar/1997-10-30
  • 遺伝子組み換え作物について
    渡邊和男; +渡邉 和男
  • 食料資源と組み換え作物
    渡邊和男; +渡邉 和男
    学術振興会第160委員会、 ”地球環境変動に対応する植物バイオテクノロジー委員会”第5回ワーキンググループ研究会/1998-02-21
  • more...
Professional activities
1994-04 -- (current)国際アグバイオ技術事業団理事
2001 -- 2010日本植物分子細胞生物学会評議員
2007-09 -- 2012-03経済産業省産業構造審議会小委員会委員
2011-02 -- 2016-02農林水産省独立行政法人評価委員会委員
2008-04 -- 2015-03茨城県国際交流協会評議員
University Management
2020-04 -- 2025-03ABS推進室室員
2022-04 -- 2025-03環境安全管理室室員
2015-04 -- (current)国際戦略室室員
2014-04 -- 2016-03遺伝子実験センターセンター長
2008-04 -- 2015-03留学生センター長
2009-04 -- 2014-03国際戦略室室員国際戦略に関わる提言及び実施
2008-04 -- 2015-03日本語・日本事情科目編成部会部会長
2002-04 -- 2018-03バイオセーフティー委員会委員
2002-04 -- 2025-03遺伝子組換え実験安全委員会委員
2008-04 -- 2015-03教養教育機構 構成員日本語・日本事情科目についての助言

(Last updated: 2024-12-17)