Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Research fields
Plant molecular biology/Plant physiology
Science in genetics and breeding
Food science
Research keywords
Transgenic tree
Abiotic stress response
Plant biomass
Environmental risk assessment of GMO
Food safety assessment on GMO
GMO analysis
Research projects
遺伝子組換え接木由来食品の安全性評価についての論点整理2021-06 -- 2022-03小口太一厚生労働省/遺伝子組換え接木調査事業
遺伝子組換えオンシジウム(ラン)の第一種使用に向けた生物多様性影響評価と商業化の可能性調査2020-06 -- 2022-02小口太一台湾国立大学/奨学寄付金(研究助成)5,544,000Yen
導入遺伝子が存在しない宿主ゲノム遺伝子発現改変植物由来食品の安全性評価点の解明2019-04 -- 2021-03小口太一内閣府食品安全委員会/食品健康影響評価技術研究6,000,000Yen
木質バイオマスの資源価値向上を目指した植物デザインの検討2018-04 -- 2020-03小口太一中辻創智社/研究助成500,000Yen
組換えトマト穂木/非組換えトマト台木の接合による接ぎ木トマトの作成2018-04 -- 2019-03小口太一厚生労働省/遺伝子組換え植物の安全性確保に係る研究事業
バイオテクノロジーを用いて得られた食品のリスク管理及び国民受容に関する研究2015-04 -- 2018-03小口太一厚生労働省/厚労科研(食品の安全確保推進研究事業)
木質バイオマス増産に向けた遺伝子組換えポプラの隔離ほ場評価2015-05 -- 2018-03渡邉和男理化学研究所/奨学寄付金(研究助成)
環境ストレス耐性遺伝子組換え体のリスク評価、管理とリスクコミュニケーション体系化2011 -- 2013渡邉和男Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A)4,250,000Yen
環境ストレス耐性遺伝子組換え体のリスク評価、管理とリスクコミュニケーション体系化2009 -- 2012渡邉和男Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A)2,100,000Yen
耐塩性ユーカリの特定網室での栽培試験2012-04 -- (current)松永悦子-藤井裕二筑波大学遺伝子実験センター/形質転換デザイン研究拠点
Career history
2004-04 -- 2006-03National Food Research InstitutePostdoctoral fellow
2006-04 -- 2008-10NARONational Food Research InstitutePostdoctoral fellow
2008-11 -- 2010-03National Institute of Agribiological SciencesPostdoctoral fellow
2010-04 -- 2011-09University of TsukubaGraduate School of Life and Environmental SciencesAssistant Professor
2011-10 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Environmental SciencesAssistant Professor
Academic background
1993-04 -- 1997-03Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Agriculture Applied Biological Science
1997-04 -- 1999-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Biosystem バイオシステム学専攻
1999-04 -- 2004-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Bioresearch 生物学専攻
2004-03Ph.D.University of Tsukuba
1999-03修士(学術)University of Tsukuba
Licenses and qualifications
Academic societies
Honors & Awards
  • ERAプロジェクト調査報告書 集約版第3巻
    林 健一; 小口 太一
  • ERAプロジェクト調査報告書 集約版第2巻
    林 健一; 小口太一
  • Environmental risk assessment report
    林 健一; 小口 太一
    国際生命科学研究機構バイオテクノロジー研究部会, 2014-11
  • Environmental risk assessment report
    小口 太一
    国際生命科学研究機構バイオテクノロジー研究部会, 2014-11
  • Studies on circadian oscillation of expression of clock-controlled gene AtC401, an Arabidopsis homolog of PnC401 which related to photoperiodic induction of flowering
    Oguchi Taichi
Conference, etc.
  • AtSnRK2.8, a subclass II SnRK2 of Arabidopsis is involved in regulating stomatal behavior in poplars
    小口 太一
  • Prediction of potential plantation areas of des9 transgenic Eucalyptus by simulation model based on the confined field trial dat
    中鉢 友彰; 森田 和樹; 林 奈々美; 宍戸 敦子; 菊池 彰; 渡邉 和男; 小口 太一
    第39回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会 (堺) 大会/2022-09-11--2022-09-13
  • Field evaluation of drought tolerance of AtGolS2 transgenic poplar
    鹿倉 悠平; 大谷 美沙都; 出村 拓; 菊池 彰; 渡邉 和男; 小口 太一
    第39回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会 (堺) 大会/2022-09-11--2022-09-13
  • Applications of Biotechnological Tools on plantation trees
    Oguchi Taichi
    Asia-Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology and Bioresources (APCoAB) Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)/2021-10-14--2021-10-14
  • Development of alternative saccharification transgenic poplar using modified laccase gene
    吉川樹; 飯村洋介; 伊藤幸博; 園木知典; 小口 太一
  • Field evaluation of drought tolerance of AtGolS2 transgenic poplar
    鹿倉悠平; 大谷美沙都; 出村拓; 菊池彰; 渡邉 和男; 小口 太一
  • Statistical regression model for prediction of cold damage on Eucalyptus Leaves on field from meteorological observed data
    中鉢友彰; 林奈々美; 宍戸敦子; 菊池彰; 渡邉 和男; 小口 太一
  • Development and evaluation of salt-tolerant transgenic Eucalyptus trees using harboring RNA binding protein gene derived from common ice plant
    小口 太一; Tran Thi Ngoc-Ha; 松永 悦子; 河岡 明義; 山田 晃世; 小関 良宏; 渡邊 ...
  • Optimization of novel Eucalyptus regeneration method from seedlings germinated in liquid suspension culture
    Kumaoka Minako; Tran Ngoc-Ha Thi; Watanabe Kazuo N.; Oguc...
    The 8th AG-BIO/PREDO Graduate Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology and The 5th KU-UT Graduate Conference on Agriculture, Food, Engineering and Environment/2018-12-06--2018-12-07
  • Intergenotypic comparison of adventitious root formation in cutting of Eucalyptus camaldulensis by hydroponic culture
    Kameyama Takato; Machino Hiroaki; Watanahe Kazuo N.; Oguc...
    The 8th AG-BIO/PREDO Graduate Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology and The 5th KU-UT Graduate Conference on Agriculture, Food, Engineering and Environment/2018-12-06--2018-12-07
  • Genotypic comparative analysis of the early phase of adventitious root formation in Eucalyptus
    亀山 貴都; 町野 弘明; 渡邉和男; 小口 太一
    The 60th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists held in Nagoya/2019-03-13--2019-03-15
  • Transcriptionally enhanced bacterial codA expression by HSP terminator led to improve of glycine betaine production and salinity stress tolerance in transgenic Eucalyptus camaldulensis
    Tran Thi Ngoc-Ha; Oguchi Taichi; Etsuko Matsunaga; Akiyos...
    The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology/2018-08-26--2018-08-28
  • Development of shoot regeneration from Eucalyptus seedlings germinated in liquid suspension culture
    熊岡未奈子; Tran Thi Ngoc-Ha; 耳田直純; 渡邉和男; 小口 太一
    The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology/2018-08-26--2018-08-28
  • Update of Modern Biotechnology: Genome Editing on Crops
    Oguchi Taichi
    Workshop on Plant biotechnology Application to Agriculture and Environment: A Side Event on The Fourth Myanmar-Japan Symposium/2017-12-09--2017-12-09
  • Field trial evaluation of cold tolerance and environmental risk of transgenic Eucalyptus globulus harboring Δ9 desaturase gene
    Hayashi Nanami; Oguchi Taichi; Morita Kazuki; Shishido A...
    Workshop on Plant Biotechnology Application to Agriculture and Environment : A Side Event on The Fourth Myanmar-Japan Symposium/2017-12-09--2017-12-09
  • Development of novel Eucalyptus transformation method using seedlings germinated in liquid suspension culture
    Kumaoka Minako; Mimida Naozumi; Watanabe Kazuo; Oguchi T...
    Workshop on Plant Biotechnology Application to Agriculture and Environment : A Side Event on The Fourth Myanmar-Japan Symposium/2017-12-09--2017-12-09
  • Adventitious root formation in Eucalyptus cuttings by hydroponic culture
    Machino Hiroaki; Watanabe Kazuo; Oguchi Taichi
    Workshop on Plant Biotechnology Application to Agriculture and Environment : A Side Event on The Fourth Myanmar-Japan Symposium/2017-12-09--2017-12-09
  • Lab work management on modern biotechnology
    Oguchi Taichi
    Workshop: Current Topics in Plant Biotechnology/2017-03-21--2017-03-21
  • Subcellular localization analysis of salt tolerant genes derived from halophytes in transgenic Eucalyptus camaludulensis
    Ha Tran Thi Ngoc; Oguchi Taichi; Mimida Naozumi; Watanabe...
    7th AG-BIO/PREDO Graduate Conference on Agriculutural Biotechnology and KU-UT Joint Seminar IV/2016-12-08--2016-12-09
  • Demonstration of relationship between modification of fatty acid composition and cold tolerance phenotype of transgenic Eucalyptus globulus in confined field trial
    Hayashi Nanami; Oguchi Taichi; Morita Kazuki; Shishido A...
    7th AG-BIO/PREDO Graduate Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology and KU-UT Joint Seminar IV/2016-12-08--2016-12-09
  • Detection examples
    Oguchi Taichi
    Biotechnology research management on safety & ownership of research and application/2016-10-14--2016-10-15
  • LMO-FFP detection: why it is required? & general methodology
    Oguchi Taichi
    Biotechnology research management on safety & ownership of research and application/2015-10-14--2015-10-15
  • Workers view on biosafety: how to work with transgenic organisms in laboratory as contained used
    Oguchi Taichi
    Biotechnology research management on safety & ownership of research and application/2015-10-14--2015-10-15
  • Institutional Management of Transgenic Plant Experiments in University of Tsukuba
    Oguchi Taichi
    Ho Chi Minh City Biotechnology Center Seminar/2015-08-25--2015-08-25
  • ユーカリにおける組織特異的プロモーターの検討
    耳田 直純; 小口; 菊池; 渡邉
  • more...
Intellectural property rights
  • 植物に含まれるリグニン量を低減する方法
    園木和典; 飯村洋介; 梶尾真也; 伊藤幸博; 小口太一
2023-11 -- 2023-12Introduction to Plant PhysiologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Genetic DiversityUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Bioindustrial Sciences Seminar IIIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Seminar in Biosystem Sciences IISUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research in Biosystem Sciences IFUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research in Biosystem Sciences IIFUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Special Research in Bioindustrial Sciences IBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Seminar in Biosystem Sciences ISUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Bioindustrial Sciences Seminar IIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Research in Biosystem Sciences IISUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2016-12 -- 2016-127th AG-BIO/PREDO Graduate Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology and KU-UT Joint Seminar IV・学生引率
2017-03 -- 2017-03Workshop: Current Topics in Plant Biotechnology・講師Institute of Tropical Biology, VAS, HCMC, Vietnam
2015-08 -- 2015-08Biosafety seminar "Institutional Management of Transgenic Plant Experiments in Univ. Tsukuba"HCMC Biotechnology Center (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
2016-01 -- 2016-01Biotechnology lab training course on biosafety・講師(招聘)HCMC Biotechnology Center (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) - 筑波大学共催
2015-10 -- 2015-10Biotechnology Resaearch Management on Safety & Ownership of Research and Applications・講師(招聘)HCMC Biotechnology Center (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) -筑波大学遺伝子実験センター共催
2014-03 -- 2014-03University of Malaya-University Tsukuba Workshop on Biotechnology and its Institutional ManagementUniversity of Malaya, Malaysia
2012-05 -- 2012-06遺伝子組換え食品の安全性に関する実務講習会(筑波大学遺伝子実験センター形質転換植物デザイン研究拠点主催)講師University of Tsukuba.
2012-05 -- 2012-05ITB-UT Workshop on Environmental Biosafety(ベトナム熱帯生物学研究所-筑波大学共催環境バイオセーフティに関する国際ワークショップ)講師(招聘)ITB-University of Tsukuba
  • 担子菌ラッカーゼを発現したイネの細胞壁組成評価
    小口 太一
  • バイオマス利活用に向けた組換えバイオマスの栽培・利用の技術開発
    小口太一; 老沼研一; 高谷直樹; 渡邉和男; 江面浩
  • 担子菌ラッカーゼ発現によるイネ稈の細胞壁組成変化
    高橋麻紀; 澤口知歩; 渡辺藍子; 濁川睦; 古川佳世子; 飯村 洋介; 梶田真也; 小口太一; 伊藤幸博; 園木和典
    日本農芸化学会 2012年度大会/2012-03-23
  • Transcriptome and Association Analyses of Candidate Genes Associated with Black Rice Phenotype
    T. Oguchi; H. Maeda; T. Yamaguchi; K. Ebana; M. Yano; T. ...
    Plant & Animal Genome XX/2012-01-16
  • 隔離ほ場における耐塩性遺伝子組換えユーカリの生物多様性影響評価
    樫村友子; 干翔; 小口太一; 松永悦子; 南藤和也; 大石正淳; 菊池彰; 渡邉和男
  • Variation in OsLEA-27 fragment on Myanmar upland, dry-land rice landraces and traditional rice varieties
    Wunna; S.; A. Gilani; T. Oguchi; A. Kikuchi; K.N. Watanabe
    The 4th AG-BIO/PERDO Graduate Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology and UT-KU Joint Seminar/2010-12-09
  • An in vitro screening for drought tolerance in transgenic potatoes.
    Hun Duc; H.; A. Kikuchi; T. Oguchi; T. Shimazaki; K.N. Wa...
    The 4th AG-BIO/PERDO Graduate Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology and UT-KU Joint Seminar/2010-12-09
  • 黒米化の決定要因に関する分子遺伝学的解析
    小口太一; 前田寛明; 江花薫子; 矢野昌裕; 山口琢也; 蝦谷武志; 井澤毅
  • 耐塩性遺伝子組換えユーカリの隔離ほ場における生物多様性影響評価
    樫村友子; 干翔; 小口太一; 松永悦子; 南藤和也; 大石正淳; 菊池彰; 渡邉和男
  • Field-Trials of Transgenic Eucalyptus Trees in Japan
    T Oguchi; Y Kashimura; Y Xiang; E Matsunaga; K Nanto; M ...
    Plant Transformation Technologies II/2011-02-19
  • 平成23年度日本食品衛生学会奨励賞受賞者講演
    小口 太一
Professional activities
2022-09 -- (current)Frontiers in Genome EditingReview Editor (Genome Editing in Plants)
2022-09 -- (current)日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会・学会誌編集委員会編集委員
2020-04 -- 2022-03日本植物生理学会第63回日本植物生理学会年会委員会
2019-10 -- 2021-09植物バイオテクノロジー学会2020年大会実行委員会・委員
University Management
2023-03 -- (current)生命産業科学学位プログラム・入試関連事項委員会委員長
2021-04 -- (current)遺伝子組換え実験安全主任者(T-PIRC/遺伝子研究部門)
2018-04 -- (current)生物学類・大学説明会委員会
2020-04 -- (current)T-PIRC遺伝子実験センターサブネットワーク管理委員会
2020-04 -- (current)生命産業科学学位プログラムサブネットワーク管理委員会
2010-04 -- (current)T-PIRC遺伝子研究部門・一般公開担当
2013-05 -- (current)T-PRC遺伝子研究部門・区画利用委員
Other activities
2021-04 -- (current)農林水産省・栽培用種苗中の未承認遺伝子組換え体の迅速検査法の開発事業・推進委員
2021-03 -- (current)農林水産省・安全な農畜産物安定供給のための包括的レギュラトリーサイエンス研究推進委託事業・課題選定委員
2011-08 -- (current)国際生命科学研究機構(ILSI-JAPAN) バイオテクノロジー研究会「ERAプロジェクト調査報告」編集査読員
2019-08 -- (current)農林水産省・輸入栽培用種子中の未承認遺伝子組換え体検査対策事業(栽培用種子の未承認遺伝子組換え体検査法整備及び確立事業)・推進委員
2011-04 -- 2012-03ILSI-CERA Expert Working Group Meeting on Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Engineered Trees, Invited member
2011-08 -- (current)ILSI-Japanバイオテクノロジー部会・顧問

(Last updated: 2024-05-17)