- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- Birth date
- 1965-08
- I$"+*,! :IE|z&z%-C+*,",wvCvxC!'P
- Office
- A503-2 Natural Science Building, A301 Laboratory of Advanced Research
- Phone
- 029-853-2568
- Fax
- 029-853-6709
- Research fields
Geography Meteorology/Physical oceanography/Hydrology Environmental dynamic analysis - Research keywords
Groundwater flow system tracer hydrology Age dating of groundwater Groundwater resource governnance isotope hydrology Rainfall-runoff processes hydrological cycle in watershed - Research projects
Groundwater flow process in headwater catchment 2019 -- (current) Maki Tsujimura Institute for Water Science, Suntory Global Innovation Center/Collaborative Research Numerical simulation of groundwater flow system from mountain to lowland based on observed data 2021 -- (current) Maki Tsujimura Asano Taiseikiso Engineering Co., Ltd./Collaborative Research Groundwater Flow System in Tokyo Metropolitan City 2019-04 -- (current) Maki Tsujimura Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection/Collaborative Research Groundwater-surface water cycle system in Klang River Watershed, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2020-10 -- 2025-03 Tsujimura, Maki JSPS/Fund for the Promotion of Joint Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) 18,850,000Yen 同位体および希ガスを用いた地下水の滞留時間と貯留量推定に関する国際比較研究 2017 -- 2018 辻村真貴 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/二国間交流事業共同研究 4,200,000Yen 滞留時間および微生物を中心とした山地流域の水資源評価に関する研究 2017 -- 2019 辻村真貴 サントリーグローバルイノベーションセンター株式会社水科学研究所/国内共同研究 16,000,000Yen 北アフリカ乾燥地域における持続可能な地下水利用システムの構築 2017 -- 2021 岩崎えり奈 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(海外A) 42,380,000Yen 農資源としてのカヤ生産に欠かせないカヤ場の多面的評価:カヤ場の持続利用にむけて 2017 -- 2020 廣田 充 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 17,290,000Yen 大野市地域における水環境調査 2017 -- 2017 辻村真貴 福井県大野市/自治体からの受託研究 1,421,000Yen マルチ・トレーサーと数値モデルによる山地源流域の地下水滞留時間時空間動態の解明 2016 -- 2019 辻村真貴 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 16,770,000Yen more... - Career history
2021-09 -- (current) Executive Officer for International Eduaction Hub, University of Tsukuba 2019-04 -- 2024-03 University of TsukubaBranch Campus Preparation OfficeDirector 2017-04 -- 2019-03 筑波大学 クアラルンプールオフィス 運営管理者 2017-09 -- 2019-03 筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科国際連携持続環境科学専攻専攻長 2015-04 -- 2017-03 University of TsukubaAdvisor for the President 2013-04 -- 2019-03 University of TsukubaDoctoral Program in Sustainable Environmental StudiesChair 2012-04 -- (current) 筑波大学生命環境系教授 2008-07 -- 2009-12 Government of JapanCounsil for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet OfficePolitical Researcher 2007-07 -- 2012-03 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Life and Environmental SciencesAssociate Professor 2004-04 -- 2007-06 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Life and Environmental SciencesAssistant Professor more... - Academic background
-- 1993 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Earth Science 地理学・水文学専攻 - Degree
1994-03 Ph.D. University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
2011 -- (current) International Association of Hydrological Sciences 2013 -- (current) European Geosciences Union (EGU) -- (current) American Geophysical Union -- (current) THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES -- (current) THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF HYDOROLOGICAL SCIENCES -- (current) JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY -- (current) THE ASSOCIATION JAPANESE GEOGRAPHERS - Honors & Awards
2023-11 日本地下水学会論文賞 2023-09 Academic Award, Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences 2023-08 Honorary Diploma Successful scientific contribution to the Mongolian science development 2008-08 水文・水資源学会論文賞 2007-05 日本地下水学会功労賞 - Articles
- Issues and perspective of hydrological processes research in multiple spatiotenporal scales: A personal view
辻村 真貴
Journal of Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences/53/pp.103-109, 2023-12 - Utilizing Stable Isotopes and Major Ions to Isolate the Recharge Regime of an Alluvial-Proluvial Fan Aquifer in the Piedmont Region of the South Taihang Mountains, North China Plain
Liu J.; Tsujimura M.; Zhang J.; Yi Z.
WATER RESOURCES/50(6)/pp.969-985, 2023-12 - Groundwater flow system and microbial dynamics of groundwater in a headwater catchment
Sugiyama Ayumi; Tsujimura Maki; Onda Yuichi; Sakakibar...
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY/624, 2023-02 - Rainfall-runoff characteristics in a tropical forested catchment, Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Saito Mariko; Tsujimura Maki; Bakar Siti Nurhidayu Abu
Hydrological Research Letters/17(2)/pp.28-35, 2023-2 - Influence of alpine vegetation on water storage and discharge functions in an alpine headwater of Northern Japan Alps
Fujino Mayu; Sakakibara Koichi; Tsujimura Maki; Suzuki...
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY X/18, 2023-01 - Long-term variations in spring water mean transit time in a forested headwater catchment in Japan
Baptista Isabela Silveira; Tsujimura Maki; Onda Yuichi
WATER/14(23)/p.3925, 2022-12 - Influence of alpine vegetation on water storage and discharge functions in an alpine headwater of Northern Japan Alps
Fujino Mayu; Sakakibara Koichi; Tsujimura Maki; Suzuki K...
Journal of Hydrology X/18/p.100146, 2022-11 - Spatial and Temporal Isotopic and Hydrochemical Characteristics of Groundwater and Surface Water in the Tuul River Basin, Mongolia
Batdelger Odsuren; Tsujimura Maki; Litton Gary M.; Tran ...
EARTH SYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENT/6(2)/pp.517-529, 2022-03 - Groundwater quality evaluation and health risk assessment in coastal lowland areas of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Dang An Tran; Tsujimura Maki; Ho Huu Loc; Duc Huy Dan...
辻村 真貴
科学/91(10)/pp.970-972, 2021-10 - Intensified salinity intrusion in coastal aquifers due to groundwater overextraction: a case study in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Tran Dang An; Tsujimura Maki; Pham Hai V.; Nguyen Tam V....
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2021-09 - Radiocesium leaching from litter during rainstorms in the Fukushima broadleaf forest
Sakakibara Koichi; Iwagami Sho; Tsujimura Maki; Konuma R...
Science of the Total Environment/796/p.148929, 2021-07 - Evaluating the predictive power of different machine learning algorithms for groundwater salinity prediction of multi-layer coastal aquifers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Tran Dang An; Tsujimura Maki; Ha Nam Thang; Nguyen Van T...
Ecological Indicators/127, 2021-05 - Dynamics of transient tracers in the Satoyama spring -Impact of temperature change on the CFCs and SF6 concentrations-
浅井和由; 辻村 真貴; 加藤勇治
Journal of Groundwater Hydrology/62(4)/pp.589-599, 2020-11 - Issues and Perspectives on Environmental Microbial Dynamics and Groundwater Flow System Research
杉山 歩; 辻村 真貴; 加藤憲二
Journal of Groundwater Hydrology/62(3)/pp.429-446, 2020-08 - Mean transit time and subsurface flow paths in a humid temperate headwater catchment with granitic bedrock
Jung Youn-Young; Koh Dong-Chan; Lee Jeonghoon; Tsujimu...
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY/587, 2020-08 - Different Concepts and Terminology of the Residence Time
山中 勤; 辻村 真貴
JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES/33(4)/pp.156-163, 2020 - Stable isotope characteristics of water resources in the coastal area of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
Tran Dang An; Tsujimura Maki; Vo Le Phu; Nguyen Van T...
Isotopes in environmental and health studies/55(6)/pp.566-587, 2019-12 - Filtration and exposure to benzalkonium chloride or sodium chloride to preserve water samples for dissolved inorganic carbon analysis
Takahashi Hiroshi A.; Handa Hiroko; Sugiyama Ayumi; Matsu...
Geochemical Journal/53(5)/pp.305-318, 2019-09 - Hydrogeochemical characteristics of a multi-layered coastal aquifer system in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Tran Dang An; Tsujimura Maki; Vo Le Phu; Nguyen Van T...
Environmental geochemistry and health/42(2)/pp.661-680, 2019-08 - Six-year monitoring study of Cs discharge from headwater catchments after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Iwagami Sho; Onda Yuichi; Sakashita Wataru; Tsujimura ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity/210, 2019-07 - Dissolved 137Cs concentrations in stream water and subsurface water in a forested headwater catchment after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Iwagami Sho; Tsujimura Maki; Onda Yuichi; Konuma Ryohei; ...
Journal of Hydrology/573/pp.688-696, 2019-05 - Characteristics of Microbial Distribution in Deep Groundwater in Horonobe Coastal Area, Hokkaido
杉山 歩; 井原 哲夫; 辻村 真貴; 永翁 一代; 加藤 憲二; 丸井 敦尚
JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES/32(5)/pp.245-254, 2019 - Variation of sulfur hexafluoride concentration and estimates of residence time of groundwater in headwater catchment
山田 啄也; 勝山 正則; 今泉 祐紀; 辻村 真貴; 榊原 厚一
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/130/p.164, 2019 - Groundwater age and mixing process for evaluation of radionuclide impact on water resources following the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident
Sakakibara Koichi; Iwagami Sho; Tsujimura Maki; Abe Y...
Journal of contaminant hydrology/223, 2019-03 - more...
- Issues and perspective of hydrological processes research in multiple spatiotenporal scales: A personal view
- Books
- 水文学
辻村 真貴
自然地理学/ミネルヴァ書房/pp.131-179, 2014-07 - Water Resources in Tunisia
Tsujimura Maki; Chekirbane Anis; Kawachi Atsushi; Tarhoun...
Sustainable North African Society -Exploring Seeds and Resources for Innovation-/Nova Science Publishers, Inc./pp.131-137, 2014 - Field investigation on the infiltrations of reservoir and sea waters in summer dry season in Lebna watershed, Tunisia
Kawachi Atsushi; Tsujimura Maki; Takahashi M.; Chekirbana A....
谷口真人・辻村真貴ほか; +辻村 真貴
共立出版, 2011-01 - 水文科学
杉田倫明・田中 正 編著; +辻村 真貴
共立出版, 2009-02 - For the sustainable groundwater resources management: Through the Japanese activities on countermeasures for the remediation of public hazards. Activity Report of 2008 University Student Exchange Programme, International Exchange Programme between Japan and Other UNESCO Member States for the Promotion of International Cooperation and Mutual Understanding
Tsujimura; M.; Tanaka; T.; +辻村 真貴
2009-01 - For the sustainable groundwater resources management: Through the UNESCO Chair in Mongolia. Activity Report of 2007 University Student Exchange Programme, International Exchange Programme between Japan and Other UNESCO Member States for the Promotion of International Cooperation and Mutual Understanding
Tanaka; T.; Tsujimura; M.; Yamanaka; T.; +辻村 真貴
2008-01 - 地球学シリーズ1 地球環境学 地球環境を調査・分析・診断するための30章
松岡憲知ほか編; +辻村 真貴
古今書院, 2007-01 - 草原の科学への招待
中村 徹編; +辻村 真貴
筑波大学出版会, 2007-01 - 森に学ぶ101のヒント
日本林業技術協会 編; +辻村 真貴
東京書籍, 2002-01 - Stable isotopic composition in soil water
Yoshida; N(ed.); +辻村 真貴
2002-01 - 21世紀の地下水管理 雨水浸透・地下水涵養
日本地下水学会 編; +辻村 真貴
理工図書, 2001-01 - 水文地形学
恩田裕一・奥西一夫・飯田智之・辻村真貴 編著; +辻村 真貴
古今書院, 1996-01 - 実例による新しい地下水調査法
榧根 勇 編著; +辻村 真貴
山海堂, 1991-01
- 水文学
- Conference, etc.
- 山地森林流域における地下水流動プロセスと微生物動態の関係
杉山歩; 辻村真貴; 長野倖介; 永翁一代; 内海 真生; 加藤憲二
2019年度日本水文科学会学術大会 - 山地森林流域における地下水流動プロセスと微生物動態の関係
杉山歩; 辻村真貴; 長野倖介; 永翁一代; 内海 真生; 加藤憲二
2019年度日本水文科学会学術大会/2019-10-19--2019-10-20 - Change of Recharge Process and Age of Spring and Groundwater Caused by Thinning and Rainstorms in a Headwater Catchment Underlain by Sedimentary Rock
Tsujimura Maki
16th Annual Meeting of AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)/2019-07-28--2019-08-02 - Temporal change of spring water age caused by subsurface flow across topographical divide in a headwater catchment underlain by sedimentary rock
Tsujimura Maki
The 27th IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) General Assembly/2019-07-8--2019-07-18 - The role of IAHS in education, research, social issues concerning water and future perspective
Tsujimura Maki
JpGU Meeting 2019/2019-05-26--2019-05-30 - Spatial and Temporal Variation of Residence Time and Microbe in Spring and Groundwater at Headwater Catchments
Tsujimura Maki
General Assembly 2019, European Geosciences Union/2019-04-07--2019-04-12 - Relationship between residence time and microbe information in spring water in headwater catchments underlain by different lithology
Imaizumi Yuki; Utsumi Motoo; Tsujimura Maki
2018 AGU Fall Meeting/2018-12-10--2018-12-14 - 山地森林流域における微生物学的視点を加えた水文プロセスの検討
杉山歩; 長野倖介; 内海 真生; 辻村真貴
日本地下水学会2018年秋季講演会/2018-10-25--2018-10-27 - Sustainable Water Governance for Implementation of SDGs -Focusing on Surface Water and Groundwater Cycle System-
Tsujimura Maki
Joint Seminar of Joint Master's Degree Program in Sustainability and Environmental Sciences between University of Tsukuba and Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology/2019-02-20--2019-02-22 - Age dating of young groundwater
Tsujimura Maki
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regional Training Course on Isotopic Data Processing and Interpretation – Hands on Exercises/2019-03-18--2019-03-22 - Relationship between understanding of groundwater flow system using multi-tracer approach and groundwater governance in Ono City, Fukui Prefecture, north west Japan
Tsujimura Maki
45th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Congress/2018-09-09--2018-09-14 - Temporal change of residence time in spring and groundwater at headwater catchment
Tsujimura Maki
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Workshop on Groundwater Recharge and Dynamics Using Isotopic Techniques/2018-09-17--2018-09-21 - Introduction to groundwater flow system
Tsujimura Maki
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regional Training Course on the Use of Isotope Techniques in Assessing Groundwater Quality/2018-08-06--2018-08-10 - Impacts of Global Changes on Groundwater Resources in North-East Tunisia: The Case of the Grombalia Phreatic Aquifer
Lachaal F.; Chargui S.; Messaoud R. B.; Chekirbane A.; Ts...
Congress on Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean/2017-11-06--2017-11-09 - Temporal change of SF6 age in spring during rainstorms in a forested headwater catchment, Fukushima, Japan
Sakakibara Koichi; Tsujimura Maki; Onda Yuichi; Iwagami ...
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017/2017-04-23--2017-04-28 - Seasonal change of residence time in spring water and groundwater at a mountainous headwater catchment
Nagano K; Tsujimura M; Onda Yuichi; Iwagami S; Sakakibara...
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017/2017-04-23--2017-04-28 - Spatial and temporal variation of residence time of spring and groundwater in multiple watersheds, Japan and New Zealand
Tsujimura Maki; Sakakibara Koichi; Imaizumi Yuki; Gusyev ...
14th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference/2018-03-26--2018-03-28 - Multi-tracer approach to investigate groundwater flow system and rainfall-runoff processes in headwater catchments
Tsujimura Maki
2018 International Good Water Forum/2018-03-15--2018-03-16 - Evaluation of Residence Time and Storage of Spring/ Groundwater in Headwater Catchments -Multi-tracers Approach Focusing on Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction-
Tsujimura Maki
IAEA/RCA Mid-term Progress Review Meeting on Assessing Deep Groundwater Resources for Sustainable Management through Utilization of Isotopic Techniques (RCA)RAS/7/030/2017-11-06--2017-11-10 - 水文学における教育研究と国際取組における課題と未来展望
辻村 真貴
日本水文科学会設立30周年記念公開シンポジウム「水文学のあり方を考える-次世代の水文学が取り組むべき課題とは-」/2017-10-01--2017-10-01 - Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction in Semi-arid andWarm Humid Regions Considering Climate Change
Tsujimura Maki
The 9th Jeju Water World Forum/2017-09-20--2017-09-22 - Possibility of microbe as a hydrological tracer for elucidating residence time, flow paths and storage volume of groundwater in headwater catchments
Tsujimura Maki; Ogawa Mahiro; Yamamoto Chisato; Sakakibar...
Scientific Assembly, International Association of Hydrological Sciences/2017-07-10--2017-07-14 - Spatial distribution of residence time, microbe and storage volume of groundwater in headwater catchments
Tsujimura Maki
European Geosciences Union General Assembly/2017-04-23--2017-4-28 - Tracers Approach for Evaluating Groundwater Recharge by Surface Water in Semi-arid Regions
Tsujimura Maki
Expert Meeting on “Water Harvesting and Groundwater Recharge”/2016-12-10--2016-12-11 - “Landuse, fate and transport of radionuclides in Fukushima in the terrestrial environment
Onda Yuichi; S Iwagami M Hada I Pun A Kawamori; Tsujim...
Second International Conference On Radioecological Cocentration Processes/2016-11 - more...
- 山地森林流域における地下水流動プロセスと微生物動態の関係
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research Methodology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Advanced Studies in Hydrological Sciences I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Advanced Studies in Hydrological Sciences I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Lecture in Hydrological Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lecture in Hydrological Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Life Cycle Assessment University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Special problem solving seminar B2 University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Study on Geoenvironmental Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Study on Geoenvironmental Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Special problem solving seminar B1 University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2009-07 -- 2015-03 Environmental Diplomatic Leader Education Program University of Tsukuba. - Talks
- Effect of Climate Change on Hydrological Cycle -Focusing on Invisible Water Resource Groundwater-
辻村 真貴
Water Cycle Symposium -Water Cycle and Climate Change-/2021-12-06--2021-12-06 - 地下水行政の歴史と水循環基本計画の見直しに向けた近年の動向
辻村 真貴
日本地下水学会 地下水担当職員交流会 講演会/2019-05-23--2019-05-23 - 事例紹介に関するコメント
辻村 真貴
水循環シンポジウム2018-全国に拡がる水のネットワーク-/2018-12-10--2018-12-10 - 地下水ガバナンスの社会への適用-持続可能な地下水の保全と利用を目指して-
辻村 真貴
シンポジウム「わが国における地下水ガバナンスの現状と課題-社会系科学の側面から-」/2019-01-25--2019-01-25 - 水の履歴書からひもとく地域における持続可能な地下水の保全と利用
辻村 真貴
セミナー「地下水マネジメントのススメ-身近な資源を地域づくりに活かす第一歩-」/2019-01-21--2019-01-21 - 三島の湧水は、どこから来るのか?-地下水の履歴書を考える-
辻村 真貴
湧水と調和した三島駅南口周辺開発に向けた市民セミナー/2017-09-28--2017-09-28 - 湧水の履歴書-水の年齢と美味しさの関係-
辻村 真貴
市民大学きたもと学苑オープン講座 筑波大学公開講座/2014-09-20--2014-09-20 - 水の履歴書をつくる-水の起源、道筋、年齢-
辻村 真貴
東京学芸大学 公開講義「水と森と環境」/2012-12-27--2012-12-27 - 筑波山の湧水-水の履歴書-
辻村 真貴
筑波大学 ジオカフェ/2012-11-12--2012-11-12 - モンゴルの水循環と水資源
モンゴル・カレッジ/2010-05-03--2010-05-03 - 地球の水環境と水資源
辻村 真貴
筑波大学附属坂戸高等学校 特別講義/2009-10-30--2009-10-30 - 地球環境と水循環
辻村 真貴
東京都豊島区立西巣鴨中学校 出張講義/2009-06-05--2009-06-05 - 黒瀬川上・中流域の地下水の年齢-温暖化ガスを利用して水の年代を読み解く-
辻村 真貴
水の郷百選の河川-地下水の東広島ワークショップ/2009-01-10 - CFCs(フロン類)による地下水年代評価技術の概要と適用事例
辻村 真貴
地下水ネット/2008-12-06 - 地球の水環境と水資源
辻村 真貴
福島県立郡山高等学校 出張講義/2008-11-20--2008-11-20 - 水循環と環境
辻村 真貴
西武台千葉高校 出張講義/2007-06-02--2007-06-02
- Effect of Climate Change on Hydrological Cycle -Focusing on Invisible Water Resource Groundwater-
- Professional activities
2022-11 -- (current) 内閣官房水循環政策本部事務局 企業の健全な水循環の取組に関する有識者会議座長 2019-05 -- (current) 公益社団法人日本地下水学会 理事 2018-08 -- 2023-03 内閣府 戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP)「国家レジリエンス(防災・減災)の強化」サブプログラムダイレクター 2018-09 -- (current) 内閣官房水循環政策本部事務局 水循環施策の推進に関する有識者会議 2011-07 -- (current) International Association of Hydrological Sciences Vice President, International Committee of Tracer 2017-11 -- (current) 内閣官房水循環政策本部事務局 流域水循環アドバイザー会議 2016-10 -- (current) 外務省 IAEA(国際原子力機関)/RCA(地域協力協定)国内対応委員会委員 2012-04 -- (current) 文部科学省 日本ユネスコ国内委員会自然科学小委員会調査委員 2012-03 -- (current) Science Council of Japan 地球惑星科学委員会IUGG分科会IAHS小委員会委員長 2016-07 -- 2019-03 国土交通省 地下水マネジメント検討委員会 more... - University Management
2022-04 -- 2024-03 地球規模課題学位プログラム(学士) プログラムリーダー 2023-10 -- (current) 学際サイエンス・デザイン専門学群準備委員会 委員長 2021-09 -- (current) Executive Officer 2019-04 -- 2024-03 Branch Campus Preparation Office Director 2017-04 -- 2019-03 クアラルンプールオフィス 運営管理者 2016-12 -- 2021-03 Bachelor Program of Global Issues Program Sub-leader 2015-04 -- 2016-03 生命環境科学研究科学際専攻再編準備室 室長 2015-04 -- 2017-03 学長補佐室 学長補佐室員 2015-04 -- 2016-03 オールラウンド型学士プログラム開設準備室 副室長 2009-07 -- 2014-03 科学技術振興調整費「環境ディプロマティックリーダーの育成拠点」 プログラム・リーダー - Message
地下水や湧水、河川水など、陸域の水・物質循環プロセスに関する研究・教育を行っています。地下水や湧水はどこで涵養され(起源=出身地)、どのくらいの時間をかけ(年代=年齢)、どこを通ってやってくるのか(経路=経歴)、すなわち水の履歴書を、水や物質に含まれる同位体や溶存成分をトレーサー(追跡子)として用いて、国内だけでなく、世界各国の地下水や湧水等について作成することを通じ、最も重要な地球規模課題の一つである、水資源・水環境問題の解決に貢献したいと考えています。フロン類や代替フロンの6フッ化硫黄等の希ガスを用いて、地下水や湧水の年代を測定する研究分野については、我が国をリードしてきたと考えています。 最近では、国や自治体における水循環政策、地下水・地表水を一体的に捉える水ガバナンス等の推進に、アドバイザーや委員の立場で助言を行っています。 さらに、国際水文科学協会の国際トレーサー委員会においてVice Presidentを、また国際原子力機関 (IAEA) の地域協力協定 (RCA) に基づく「同位体技術を用いた持続可能な地下水資源評価に関するプロジェクト」においてNational Project Coordinatorを務めるなど、国際的な水文・地下水研究の推進にも寄与しています。
(Last updated: 2024-09-13)