- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- 0000-0002-5962-6943
- %OfFJB<I@^miH?gONPFP=<g<>gEK
- Office
- Neurophysiology
- Phone
- 029-853-3499
- Fax
- 029-853-3495
- Research fields
Neurophysiology / General neuroscience General physiology - Research keywords
Neurophysiology - Research projects
情動と自律神経のクロストークを支える神経機構の解明 2024-07 -- 2026-03 MATSUMOTO Masayuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 2,400,000Yen 硫化水素合成酵素による呼吸中枢の神経回路機能調節 2024-05 -- 2025-09 Tadachika Koganezawa Japan Foundation for Applied Enzymology/Research Grant 500,000Yen Role of the cerebellum in cooperation and empathy 2024-04 -- 2027-03 Jun KUNIMATSU Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 1,500,000Yen 不快情動に対する自律神経応答を惹起する神経回路メカニズム 2022-07 -- 2024-03 Masyuki MATSUMOTO Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 2,000,000Yen Role of hydrogen sulfide synthesis at the respiratory center in spatiotemporal dynamics of neural circuits 2022-06 -- 2024-03 Tadachika KOGANEZAWA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) 7,020,000Yen 末梢性および中枢性炎症による神経性高血圧発症機構の解明 2022-06 -- 2023-03 Tadachika KOGANEZAWA University of Tsukuba- FAPESP/International collaborative research (SPRINT) 1,000,000Yen 呼吸運動の神経性調節における脳内硫化水素合成酵素の機能解析 2022-05 -- 2023-09 Tadachika KOGANEZAWA Japan Foundation for Applied Enzymology/Research Grant 1,000,000Yen 交感神経性高血圧に関与する延髄循環調節中枢のグリオトランスミッターの同定 2021-11 -- 2022-10 Tadachika KOGANEZAWA Suzuken Memorial Foundation/Research grant 1,000,000Yen Neural mehcanisms underlying behavioral regulation based on physiological needs: model animal study 2021-04 -- 2025-03 YAMADA Hiroshi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 500,000Yen Studies on the corticospinal tract functions in a mutant mouse with bilateral projection 2020-04 -- 2023-03 MASU Masayuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 480,000Yen more... - Career history
2003-04 -- 2006-03 Japanese Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellow 2006-04 -- 2007-03 University of Tsukuba大学院人間総合科学研究科Research Associate 2007-04 -- 2011-09 University of Tsukuba大学院人間総合科学研究科Assistant Professor 2011-10 -- 2023-03 筑波大学医学医療系助教 2023-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaInstitute of MedicineAssociate Professor - Academic background
1997-04 -- 2001-03 University of Shizuoka Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science 製薬学科 2001-04 -- 2003-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Medical Science 2003-04 -- 2006-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Doctoral Program In Kansei, Behavioral and Brain Sciences - Degree
2001-03 BA Pharmacy University of Shizuoka 2003-03 MSc Medical Science University of Tsukuba 2006-03 PhD Neurosciece University of Tsukuba - Licenses and qualifications
2001-03-29 薬剤師 - Academic societies
2014 -- (current) Society for Neuroscience 2001 -- (current) THE JAPAN NEUROSCIENCE SOCIETY 2002 -- (current) PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2001 -- (current) The Japanese Pharmacological Society - Honors & Awards
2024-11 筑波大学医学医療系大学教員業績評価優秀教員 2024-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2023-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2022-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2021-11 筑波大学医学医療系大学教員業績評価優秀教員 2021-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2020-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2019-11 筑波大学医学医療系大学教員業績評価優秀教員 2019-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2018-11 筑波大学医学医療系大学教員業績評価優秀教員 2018-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2017-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2016-12 筑波大学医学医療系大学教員業績評価優秀教員 2016-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2015-12 筑波大学医学医療系大学教員業績評価優秀教員 2015-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2014-12 筑波大学医学医療系大学教員業績評価優秀教員 2014-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best Teacher's Award 2013-10 筑波大学若手教員奨励賞 2013-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best teacher's award 2013-03 日本生理学会入澤宏・彩記念若手研究奨励賞 2009-04 筑波大学医学群医学類Best teacher's award 2006-10 Wellcome Trust "Value in People (VIP) Award" 2003-03 優秀論文賞 - Articles
- The dopaminergic system mediates the lateral habenula-induced autonomic cardiovascular responses
Sato Yuma; Matsumoto Masayuki; Koganezawa Tadachika
FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY/15, 2024-11-21 - The lateral habenula regulates stress-related respiratory responses via the monoaminergic system
Mizukami Riko; Matsumoto Masayuki; Koganezawa Tadachika
Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology/Epub, 2024-11-19 - Hydrogen sulfide production in the medullary respiratory center modulates the neural circuit for respiratory pattern and rhythm generations
Okazaki Minako; Matsumoto Masayuki; Koganezawa Tadachika
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1), 2023-12-04 - Saccadic oscillations as a biomarker of clinical symptoms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Matsumoto Shunya; Touno Nozomi; Ta...
NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES/44(8)/pp.2787-2793, 2023-03-06 - 脳内の硫化水素は正常な呼吸の維持に必須
岡﨑実那子; 小金澤 禎史
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine/279(12,13)/pp.1183-1184, 2021 - Lateral Habenula Regulates Cardiovascular Autonomic Responses the Serotonergic System in Rats
Doan Tri Huu; Sato Yuma; Matsumoto Masayuki; Koganezawa ...
Frontiers in neuroscience/15, 2021-03 - Clinical Application of the Vestibular Stimulation Effect on Balance Disorders with Dementia
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Yamada Shiori; Kawakami Rio; Maeno T...
Current Alzheimer research/18(1)/pp.1-7, 2021-03 - Endogenous hydrogen sulfide maintains eupnea in an in situ arterially perfused preparation of rats
Okazaki Minako; Uozu Saori; Sato Yuma; Matsumoto Masayuk...
Communications biology/3(1)/p.583, 2020-10 - Student voices in scientific English education: A report on the Tsukuba Scientific English Conference 2019
Mayers Thomas David; Gor Vishal; Manda Chrispin Mahala; A...
Journal Of Medical English Education/19(1)/pp.21-26, 2020-02 - Abnormal pyramidal decussation and bilateral projection of the corticospinal tract axons in mice lacking the heparan sulfate endosulfatases, Sulf1 and Sulf2
Aizawa Satoshi; Okada Takuya; Keino-Masu Kazuko; Doan Tr...
FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE/12/p.333, 2020-01 - Abnormal Saccadic Intrusions with Alzheimer's Disease in Darkness
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Yamada Shiori; Kawakami Rio; Koganeza...
Current Alzheimer Research/16(4)/pp.293-301, 2019-05 - Vestibular dysfunction as cortical damage with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Yamada Shiori; Kawakami Rio; Miyake ...
Journal of the neurological sciences/397/pp.4-8, 2019-02 - Abnormal saccadic intrusions without visual fixation in Alzheimer's disease
Nakamagoe K.; Kawakami R.; Koganezawa T.; Yamada S.; Taki...
JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES/381(S)/pp.764-764, 2017-10 - Upbeat nystagmus is a useful sign in the regional diagnosis of trigeminal nerve disorder with multiple sclerosis
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Naoki Tozaka; Seitaro Nohara; Rio Ka...
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders/19/pp.59-61, 2018-01 - The Successful Application of Plasmapheresis in the Treatment of a Patient with Opsoclonus and Autoantibodies to Glutamate Receptor δ2
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Nohara Seitaro; Takahashi Yukitoshi; ...
Internal Medicine/56(20)/pp.2773-2778, 2017-09 - Vestibular impairment in frontotemporal dementia syndrome
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Kadono Kotarou; Koganezawa Tadachika...
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra/6(2)/pp.194-204, 2016-05 - Blockade of glycinergic inputs into the RVLM neurons enhances respiratory modulation of the cardiovascular sympathetic nerve in the in situ arterially-perfused preparation of rats
Tadachika Koganezawa
The Journal of Physiological Sciences/65(Supplement1)/p.S210, 2015 - Vestibular Function Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Fujimiya Suguru; Koganezawa Tadachik...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease/47(1)/pp.185-196, 2015 - Intrinsic chemosensitivity of rostral ventrolateral medullary sympathetic premotor neurons in the in situ arterially perfused preparation of rats
Koganezawa Tadachika; Paton Julian F. R.
EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY/99(11)/pp.1453-1466, 2014-11 - Residual central nervous system damage due to organoarsenic poisoning
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Fujizuka Natsu; Koganezawa Tadachika...
Neurotoxicology and Teratology/37/pp.33-38, 2013-05 - Endogenous ATP attenuates hypoxia-induced excitation of the RVLM neurons via P2 purinergic receptors in the in situ arterially-perfused preparation of rats.
Koganezawa Tadachika; Ayaka Hoki
The Journal of Physiological Sciences/64(supplement 1)/p.63, 2014 - Study of vestibular dysfunction in frontotemporal lobar degeneration
Nakamagoe K; Fujimiya M; Koganezawa T; Shimizu K; Fujizuk...
J Neurol Sci./333/pp.e313-e313, 2013 - Chemosensitive responses on the cardiovascular center in the medulla oblongata in the in situ arterially perfused preparation of the rat.
Koganezawa Tadachika; Terui Naohito; Paton Julian FR
The Journal of Physiological Sciences/58/p.S48, 2008-1 - Mechanisms of generation for sympathetic spontaneous discharge on the cardiovascular center in the medulla oblongata; the study by an in situ arterially perfused preparation.
Koganezawa Tadachika; Paton Julian FR; Terui Naohito
The Journal of Physiological Sciences/56/p.S26, 2006-1 - Neural mechanisms of the regional difference of the sympathetic nervous system.
Terui Naohito; Koganezawa Tadachika
The Japanese Journal of Physiology/55/p.S61, 2005-1 - more...
- The dopaminergic system mediates the lateral habenula-induced autonomic cardiovascular responses
- Books
- ウサギ視床下部視索前野加温刺激により抑制される延髄網様体脊髄路ニューロン
小金澤 禎史
2006-03 - 皮膚血管運動神経のプレモータ・ニューロンの同定
小金澤 禎史
2003-03 - 局所冷却による末梢循環調節機構の解明
小金澤 禎史
2001-03 - Cardiovascular center in the medulla; it's functional differentiation
Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
Central Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Regulation, 2007-01 - 消化、栄養と代謝
はじめの一歩のイラスト生理学, 2007-01 - 心・血管系
小金澤禎史; 照井直人
自律神経機能検査 第4版, 2007-01 - 孤束核 迷走神経
ストレス科学辞典, 2011-06
- ウサギ視床下部視索前野加温刺激により抑制される延髄網様体脊髄路ニューロン
- Conference, etc.
- Saccadic intrusions observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
中馬越 清隆; 東野 望; 松元 駿弥; 舘野 育実; 平本 祐; 小金澤 禎史; 南橋 丈瑠; 林 竜一郎; 猪...
65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology/2024-05-29--2024-06-01 - 呼吸中枢での吸息/呼息バランスの調節における硫化水素の役割とシナプス伝達阻害との比較
岡﨑実那子; 小金澤 禎史
第100回日本生理学会大会/2023-03-14--2023-03-16 - ラット外側手綱核の活性化はストレス性の呼吸応答を誘発する
水上璃子; 松本正幸; 小金澤 禎史
第100回日本生理学会大会/2023-03-14--2023-03-16 - 外側手綱核の活性化が呼吸運動へ与える影響の検討
水上璃子; 松本正幸; 小金澤 禎史
第48回自律神経生理研究会/2022-12-05 - 外側手綱核の興奮によって生成される心血管反応への中脳ドーパミン領域の関与
佐藤優真; 松本正幸; 小金澤 禎史
第48回自律神経生理研究会/2022-12-05 - The effect of inhibiting hydrogen sulfide synthesis in the medullary respiratory center on the respiratory pattern generation.
Mianko Okazaki.; Koganezawa Tadachika
The 12th International Conference on the Biology, Chemistry, and Therapeutic Applications of Nitric Oxide/2022-10-29--2022-10-30 - 脳内硫化水素の呼吸調節における役割
Koganezawa Tadachika
第75回日本自律神経学会総会/2022-10-27--2022-10-28 - Functional roles of endogenous hydrogen sulfide in the respiratory and cardiovascular control systems
Koganezawa Tadachika
The 15th Oxford Conference on Modelling and Control of Breathing/2022-10-17--2022-10-21 - We observed regional differences in the contribution of hydrogen sulfide in the medullary respiratory center to respiratory intensity and frequency.
Mianko Okazaki.; Koganezawa Tadachika
The 15th Oxford Conference on Modelling and Control of Breathing/2022-10-17--2022-10-21 - Hydrogen sulfide in the respiratory center is required to maintain breathing
Mianko Okazaki.; Koganezawa Tadachika
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022/2022-09-26--2022-09-30 - Activation of the Lateral habenula triggers a stress-related ventilatory response.
Riko Mizukami; Masayuki Matsumoto; Koganezawa Tadachika
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022/2022-09-26--2022-09-30 - Involvement of the midbrain dopamine area in the stress-like cardiovascular response induced by the excitation of the lateral habenula in rats.
Yuma Sato; Masayuki Matsumoto; Koganezawa Tadachika
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022/2022-09-26--2022-09-30 - The activation of the LHb elicits the stress-like cardiovascular response via the dopaminergic system.
Yuma Sato; Masayuki Matsumoto; Koganezawa Tadachika
The 12th Congress of the International Society of Autonomic Neuroscience/2022-09-04--2022-09-07 - Hydrogen sulfide in the medullary respiratory center maintains respiratory pattern in a region-dependent manner
Mianko Okazaki.; Koganezawa Tadachika
The 12th Congress of the International Society of Autonomic Neuroscience/2022-09-04--2022-09-07 - 延髄呼吸中枢における硫化水素の領域依存的役割
岡﨑 実那子; 小金澤 禎史
NEURO2022/2022-06-30--2022-07-07 - ラット外側手綱核の活性化はストレス性の呼吸応答を誘発する
佐藤 優真; Doan Tri; 松本 正幸; 小金澤 禎史
NEURO2022/2022-06-30--2022-07-07 - Saccadic oscillations as a parameter of clinical symptoms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Matsumoto S.; Touno N.; Tateno I.; Ka...
Society for Neuroscience 2022/2022-11-13--2022-11-16 - ラットの人工脳脊髄液灌流標本において吻側延髄腹外側部に存在する交感神経プレモーターニューロンはアストロサイトを介して中枢性低酸素に興奮性に反応する
清水 加絵; 小金澤 禎史
第44回日本神経科学大会/2021-07-28--2021-07-31 - 呼吸中枢の内因性硫化水素は呼吸頻度と強さの維持に必要
岡﨑実那子; 小金澤 禎史
第99回日本生理学会大会/2022-03-16--2022-03-18 - ラット外側手綱核の活性化はストレス性の呼吸応答を誘発する
水上璃子; 松本正幸; 小金澤 禎史
第99回日本生理学会大会/2022-03-16--2022-03-18 - 外側手綱核の電気刺激は複数のドーパミン受容体サブタイプを介して心血管応答を誘発する
佐藤優真; Doan Tri; 松本正幸; 小金澤 禎史
第99回日本生理学会大会/2022-03-16--2022-03-18 - 外側手綱核の興奮によって生成される心血管反応へのドーパミン系の関与
佐藤優真; Doan Tri; 松本正幸; 小金澤 禎史
第48回自律神経生理研究会/2021-12-05 - 呼吸中枢の硫化水素が呼吸パターン形成に果たす役割
岡﨑実那子; 小金澤 禎史
第48回自律神経生理研究会/2021-12-05 - Hydrogen sulfide helps maintain your drive to breathe
Koganezawa Tadachika
13th International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences/2021-11-03--2021-11-06 - The lateral habenula induces respiratory responses.
Riko Mizukami; Masayuki Matsumoto; Koganezawa Tadachika
Tsukuba Conference 2021/2021-09-21--2021-09-30 - more...
- Saccadic intrusions observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Research in Humanics IIIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Seminars in Humanics IIIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Experiments in Human Biology University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lecture in Kansei , Behav ioral and Brain Sciences 4 University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Lecture in Kansei , Behav ioral and Brain Sciences 4 University of Tsukuba. 2024-08 -- 2024-09 Agro-Biomedical Science Laboratory Seminar I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Seminars in Human Biology I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lectures in Humanics IIIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-11 Research and Development for Agro-Biomedical Science I University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2020-04 -- (current) 医学学位プログラム国際化推進委員会委員長 筑波大学 2020-04 -- (current) ニューロサイエンス学位プログラム国際連携委員会委員長 筑波大学 2018-04 -- (current) 医学類医療情報委員会 委員 2019-04 -- 2020-03 医学類M2クラス担任 2018-04 -- 2019-03 医学類M1クラス担任 2017-04 -- (current) 感性認知脳科学専攻国際連携委員会委員長 2017-04 -- 2022-03 フロンティア医科学専攻教育国際連携委員会委員長 2016-04 -- (current) 生命システム医学専攻国際化推進委員会 委員長 2015 -- (current) 医学類CBTサイトマネージャー 2015 -- 2016-03 生命システム医学専攻国際化推進委員会 副委員長 more... - Talks
- ラット人工脳脊髄液灌流標本においてμ-オピオイド受容体作動薬DAMGOは頻呼吸を誘発する
小金澤禎史; 岡田泰昌; 照井直人; Julian F.R. Paton; 越久仁敬
89回日本生理学会大会/2012-03-31 - 延髄の傍正中部障害によるdownbeat nytagmusの1例
中馬越清隆; 清水彩音; 小金澤禎史; 玉岡晃
第49回日本神経眼科学会総会/2011-11-01 - ウサギの防御反応及び低酸素時におけるRVLMニューロンの異なる反応
小金澤禎史; 松本祐也; 王蓉; 照井直人
第34回日本神経科学大会/2011-09-15 - ウサギの防御反応および低酸素時における吻側延髄腹外側部に存在する交感神経性プレモーターニューロンの異なる反応
松本祐也; 王蓉; 小金澤禎史; 照井直人
第88回日本生理学会大会/2011-03-01 - マウス新生児脊髄におけるRenshaw細胞活動の抑制性制御機構
西丸広史; 小金澤禎史; 柿崎美代; 柳川右千夫
第87回日本生理学会大会/2010-05-01 - 心臓・血管の運動を部位別に支配する循環調節中枢ニューロンの同定
松本祐也; 王蓉; 小金澤禎史; 照井直人
第38回自律神経生理研究会/2010-12-04 - 交感神経活動亢進による高血圧の発生機構
小金澤禎史; 照井直人
第88回日本生理学会大会/2011-03-01 - 循環調節中枢における化学受容性応答
小金澤禎史; 照井直人
第87回日本生理学会大会/2010-05-20 - 人工脳脊髄液灌流標本を用いた吻側延髄腹外側部ニューロンからのパッチクランプ記録
小金澤禎史; 照井直人
第37回自律神経生理研究会/2009-12-05 - Whole cell patch recording from sympathetic pre-motor neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of the neonatal rat in situ
Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui; Julian F.R. Paton
Society for Neuroscience 39th Annual Meeting/2009-10-19 - 延髄循環調節中枢による交感神経自発放電の発生機構;人工脳脊髄液灌流標本による研究
小金澤禎史; Julian F.R. Paton; 照井直人
第83回日本生理学会大会/2006-03-01 - Control of contractile cardiac function in the rat.
Eugene Nalivaiko; Vagner Antunes; Tadachika Koganezawa; J...
Experimental Biology 2006/2006-04-01 - Control of contractile cardiac function in the rat.
Eugene Nalivaiko; Vagner Antunes; Tadachika Koganezawa; J...
26th Annual Meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society/2006-01-01 - 内臓-交感神経反射における吻側延髄腹外側部の役割
下村有里; 小金澤禎史; 照井直人
第34回自律神経生理研究会/2006-12-01 - 内臓-交感神経反射における吻側延髄腹外側部の役割
下村有里; 小金澤禎史; 照井直人
第84回日本生理学会大会/2007-03-01 - Whole cell patch recording of sympathetic pre-motor neurons in the medulla oblongata in the in situ arterially perfused preparation of the neonatal rat
T. Koganezawa; N. Terui; A.E. Pickering; J.F.R. Paton
6th Congress of The International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience/2009-09-01 - Differential responses of sympathetic premotor neurons in the medulla oblongata during defense response in the rabbit.
Tadachika Koganezawa; Rong Wang; Naohito Terui
Autonomic Adjustments to Environmental Challenges/2009-09-01 - Evoked vasomotion enhances tissue capillary fluid exchange in the ear skin of the anesthetized rabbit.
Terumi Sakurai; Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
9th International Symposium on Resistance Arteries/2008-02-01 - ラット人工脳脊髄液灌竜標本における延髄循環調節中枢の化学受容性応答
小金澤禎史; 照井直人; Julian F.R. Paton
第85回日本生理学会大会/2008-03-01 - 人工脳脊髄液灌流標本における交感神経プレモーターニューロンの化学受容性応答
小金澤禎史; 照井直人; Julian F.R. Paton
- ラット人工脳脊髄液灌流標本においてμ-オピオイド受容体作動薬DAMGOは頻呼吸を誘発する
- University Management
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(Last updated: 2025-02-07)