IRIE Kenji
- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Professor
- I" ) z:IE$yC+*,",wvCvxC!'P
- Research fields
Cell biology Molecular biology - Research keywords
Cell polarity Asymmetric cell division mRNA localization - Research projects
栄養源シグナルに応答したmR N AのポリA鎖長の調節機構とその生理的役割 2022 -- 2024 入江 賢児 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,160,000Yen ポリA鎖を介したmRNAレベルの遺伝子発現制御と栄養源シグナルによる調節 2018 -- 2020 入江 賢児 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,550,000Yen RNA制御系によるmRNA安定性と翻訳の時空間ファインチューニング 2015 -- 2017 入江 賢児 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 5,200,000Yen RNA結合タンパク質によるmRNA安定性と翻訳のファインチューニング 2012 -- 2014 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 2,210,000Yen RNA結合タンパク質による膜タンパク質の小胞体輸送経路の選別機構と品質管理 2010 -- 2011 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/特定領域研究 2,200,000Yen RNA局在と局所的翻訳制御を介した細胞極性の形成と細胞の運命決定機構 2009 -- 2011 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 18,720,000Yen RNA検出用デグラトンプローブの開発とRNA制御機構の解析 2009 -- 2010 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/挑戦的萌芽研究 3,000,000Yen RNA結合タンパク質による膜タンパク質の小胞体輸送経路の選別機構と品質管理 2008 -- 2009 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/特定領域研究 6,100,000Yen 細胞間接着シグナリングによる細胞極性の形成機構 2006 -- 2008 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 16,460,000Yen RNA局在と翻訳制御による非対称分裂の制御機構 2005 -- 2006 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/特定領域研究 3,000,000Yen - Career history
1991-01 -- 2000-12 名古屋大学理学部助手 2000-12 -- 2001-12 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科助手 2002-01 -- 2005-03 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科助教授 - Degree
博士(理学) Nagoya University - Articles
- The RNA-binding protein Puf5 and the HMGB protein Ixr1 contribute to cell cycle progression through the regulation of cell cycle-specific expression of CLB1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sato Megumi; Irie Kaoru; Suda Yasuyuki; Mizuno Tomoak...
PLOS GENETICS/18(7), 2022-07 - Automation of yeast spot assays using an affordable liquid handling robot
Taguchi Shodai; Suda Yasuyuki; Irie Kenji; Ozaki Haruka
SLAS TECHNOLOGY/28(2)/pp.55-62, 2022-12-09 - Regulation of CLB6 expression by the cytoplasmic deadenylase Ccr4 through its coding and 3' UTR regions
Revilleza Jastin Edrian Cocuangco; Sato Megumi; Irie K...
PLOS ONE/17(5), 2022-05 - Msn2/4 transcription factors positively regulate expression of Atg39 ER-phagy receptor
Mizuno Tomoaki; Irie Kenji
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/11(1), 2021-06 - Pan2-Pan3 complex, together with Ccr4-Not complex, has a role in the cell growth on non-fermentable carbon sources
Fujii Shiori; Duy Duong Long; Valderrama Arvin Lapiz; ...
Biochemical and biophysical research communications/570/pp.125-130, 2021-07 - Pbp1, the yeast ortholog of human Ataxin-2, functions in the cell growth on non-fermentable carbon sources
Tuong Vi Dang Thi; Fujii Shiori; Valderrama Arvin Lapi...
PloS one/16(5), 2021-04 - The eIF4E-binding protein Eap1 has similar but independent roles in cell growth and gene expression with the cytoplasmic deadenylase Ccr4
Higuchi Yudai; Fujii Shiori; Valderrama Arvin Lapiz; I...
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry/85(6)/pp.1452-1459, 2021-05 - Pbp1 mediates the aberrant expression of genes involved in growth defect of ccr4∆ and pop2∆ mutants in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Valderrama Arvin Lapiz; Fujii Shiori; Duy Duong Long; ...
Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms/26(6)/pp.381-398, 2021-06 - Snf1 AMPK positively regulates ER-phagy via expression control of Atg39 autophagy receptor in yeast ER stress response
Mizuno Tomoaki; Muroi Kei; Irie Kenji
PLOS GENETICS/16(9), 2020-09 - Pop2 phosphorylation at S39 contributes to the glucose repression of stress response genes, HSP12 and HSP26
Lien Pham Thi Kim; Viet Nguyen Thi Minh; Mizuno Tomoak...
PloS one/14(4), 2019-04 - Regulation of LRG1 expression by RNA binding protein Puf5 in the budding yeast cell wall integrity pathway
Nguyen Viet Thi Minh; Duong Duy Long; Saito Kazuhiro; ...
Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms/23(12)/pp.988-997, 2018-10 - Induction of Ptp2 and Cmp2 protein phosphatases is crucial for the adaptive response to ER stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Mizuno Tomoaki; Nakamura Meyu; Irie Kenji
Scientific reports/8(1), 2018-08 - Activation of Rab GTPase Sec4 by its GEF Sec2 is required for prospore membrane formation during sporulation in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Suda Yasuyuki; Tachikawa Hiroyuki; Inoue Ichiro; Kurita ...
FEMS yeast research/18(1), 2017-12 - Expression control of the AMPK regulatory subunit and its functional significance in yeast ER stress response
Kimura Yuichi; Irie Kenji; Mizuno Tomoaki
Scientific reports/7, 2017-04 - Cytoplasmic deadenylase Ccr4 is required for translational repression of LRG1 mRNA in the stationary phase
Duy Duong Long; Suda Yasuyuki; Irie Kenji
PLOS ONE/12(2), 2017-02 - Different Regulations of ROM2 and LRG1 Expression by Ccr4, Pop2, and Dhh1 in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Wall Integrity Pathway
Li Xia; Ohmori Tetsuro; Irie Kaoru; Kimura Yuichi; Suda ...
MSPHERE/1(5), 2016-09 - Analysis of the Physiological Activities of Scd6 through Its Interaction with Hmt1
Pham Thi Kim Lien; Izumikawa Keiichi; Muroi Kei; Irie Ka...
PLoS One/11(10), 2016-10 - Enhancement of protein production via the strong DIT1 terminator and two RNA-binding proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ito Yoichiro; Kitagawa Takao; Yamanishi Mamoru; Katahi...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/6, 2016-11 - Evaluation of an Epitypified Ophiocordyceps formosana (Cordyceps s.l.) for Its Pharmacological Potential
Wang Yen-Wen; Hong Tzu-Wen; Tai Yu-Ling; Wang Ying-Ji...
EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE/2015, 2015 - The Saccharomyces cerevisiae AMPK, Snf1, Negatively Regulates the Hog1 MAPK Pathway in ER Stress Response
Mizuno Tomoaki; Masuda Yuto; Irie Kenji
PLOS GENETICS/11(9), 2015-09 - Pbp1 is involved in the Ccr4 and Khd1-mediated regulation of cell growth through the association with ribosomal proteins, Rpl12a and Rpl12b.
Kimura Y Irie K Irie K
Eukaryotic Cell/12(6)/pp.864-874, 2013-06 - Brap2 regulates temporal control of NF-kB localization mediated by inflammatory response
Takashima O; Tsuruta F; Kigoshi Y; Nakamura S; Kim J; Katoh MC...
PLoS ONE/8(e58911), 2013-3 - Stimulatory effects of yeast and mammalian 14-3-3 proteins on the Raf protein kinase.
Irie K; et al.
Science/265/p.1716 1719, 1994-01 - Identification of a member of the MAPKKK family as a potential mediator of TGF-beta signal transduction.
Yamaguchi K; et al.; +入江 賢児
Science/270/p.2008 2011, 1995-01 - Post-transcriptional regulation through the HO 3'-UTR by Mpt5, a yeast homolog of Pumilio and FBF.
Tadauchi T; et al.; +入江 賢児
The EMBO journal/20/p.552 561, 2001-01 - more...
- The RNA-binding protein Puf5 and the HMGB protein Ixr1 contribute to cell cycle progression through the regulation of cell cycle-specific expression of CLB1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Books
- International Medical Science Course (2015年度国立台湾大学への10日間の派遣)
大庭 良介; 須田恭之; 入江賢児
Tsukuba Journal of Medical Science, 2016
- International Medical Science Course (2015年度国立台湾大学への10日間の派遣)
- Conference, etc.
- 自動分注機OT–2を用いたスポットアッセイ自動化および定量化手法の開発
田口 将大; 須田 恭之; 入江 賢児; 尾崎 遼
酵母遺伝学フォーラム第55回研究報告会/2022-09-07--2022-09-09 - 自動分注機OT-2を用いた酵母スポットアッセイの自動化
田口 将大; 入江 賢児; 尾崎 遼
生物工学若手研究者の集い オンラインセミナー2022/2022-05-27--2022-05-27 - 膜交通関連オルガネラの減数分裂に伴う再構成
須田 恭之; 舘川 宏之; 黒川 量雄; 中野 明彦; 入江賢児
第74回日本細胞生物学会大会/2022-06-28--2022-06-30 - 膜交通関連オルガネラの減数分裂・胞子形成における再構成
須田 恭之; 舘川宏之; 中野明彦; 入江賢児
酵母遺伝学フォーラム/2021-08-31--2021-09-02 - 胞子形成過程においてポリA鎖結合タンパク質Pab1はセプチンと共局在する
田口将大; 入江賢児; 須田恭之
酵母遺伝学フォーラム/2021-08-31--2021-09-02 - 出芽酵母減数分裂における膜交通関連オルガネラの再構成
須田 恭之; 舘川 宏之; 中野 明彦; 入江 賢児
酵母遺伝学フォーラム第52回研究報告会/2019-09-04--2019-09-06 - Pop2の39番目のセリンのリン酸化はストレス応答遺伝子HSP12, HSP26のグルコース抑制制御に機能する
Pham Thi Kim Lien; Nguyen Thi Minh Viet; 水野智亮; 須田 恭之; 入江賢児
酵母遺伝学フォーラム第52回研究報告会/2019-09-04--2019-09-06 - Remodeling of organelles for membrane traffic in meiosis.
須田 恭之; 舘川宏之; 中野明彦; 入江賢児
第19回日本蛋白質科学会年会・第71回日本細胞生物学会大会 合同年次大会/2019-06-24--2019-06-26 - 出芽酵母の小胞体ストレス応答に関与するキナーゼ群の探索
高田奈苗; 入江賢児; 水野 智亮
酵母遺伝学フォーラム第51回研究報告会/2018-09--2018-09 - 出芽酵母小胞体ストレス応答における転写因子Sfp1を介したリボソーム発現制御の生理学的意義
高木亮輔; 入江賢児; 水野 智亮
- 自動分注機OT–2を用いたスポットアッセイ自動化および定量化手法の開発
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Research in Humanics IIIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Seminars in Humanics IIIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Experiments in Human Biology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Seminars in Human Biology I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lectures in Humanics IIIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Lectures in Humanics IIIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Seminars in Humanics IIIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Seminars in Human Biology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Medical Molecular Biology University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lectures in Human Biology II University of Tsukuba. more...
(Last updated: 2024-09-04)