- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- =62,&+,<$0$6+,7$FUQ0'O768.8%$O$&O-3\62,&+,SQQTFUQ$2/O&20
- Office
- 医学学系棟410
- Phone
- 029-853-3092, 029-896-7357
- Fax
- 029-853-3092
- Research fields
Anesthesiology - Research keywords
術後認知機能障害 周術期管理 麻酔 シミュレーション教育 - Research projects
The effect of Tideglusib on postoperative cognitive dysfunction through GSK-3beta inhibition and hippocampal dendritic spine morphological change 2017-04 -- 2023-03 YAMASHITA Soichiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,680,000Yen Postoperative impairment of cognitive function in rats: A possible role of hippocampal neurogenesis 2014-04 -- 2017-03 YAMASHITA Soichiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,940,000Yen Postoperative impairment of cognitive function in rats: A possible role of preoperative restraint stress induced microglial activation 2011 -- 2013 YAMASHITA Soichiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 5,200,000Yen 術後の高次機能障害の発症機序の解明とその予防法の検討 2011-04 -- (current) / 周術期の管理と合併症の関係について 2008-04 -- (current) / 小児の気道管理の安全性の向上 2008-04 -- (current) / - Career history
1992-04 -- 1993-09 筑波大学附属病院麻酔科医員 1993-10 -- 1994-09 いわき市立総合磐城共立病院麻酔科医員 1994-10 -- 1995-09 筑波メディカルセンター病院麻酔科医師 1995-10 -- 1996-09 筑波大学附属病院麻酔科医員 1996-10 -- 1998-03 総合病院土浦協同病院麻酔科医師 1998-04 -- 2003-08 いわき市立総合磐城共立病院麻酔科科長 2003-09 -- 2004-09 Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions(米国)Department of NeurologyResearch fellow 2004-10 -- 2006-03 しほう医院非常勤医師 2006-04 -- 2006-11 総合病院土浦協同病院救命救急センター 麻酔科医師 2006-12 -- 2009-03 筑波大学人間総合科学研究科臨床医学系麻酔科講師 more... - Academic background
1986-04 -- 1992-03 University of Tsukuba Faculty of Medicine - Degree
2002-11 博士(医学) University of Tsukuba - Licenses and qualifications
1995-06 麻酔科標榜医 2007-12 日本周術期経食道エコー認定医 2010-04 日本麻酔科学会指導医 2012-04 日本ペインクリニック学会専門医 2013-04 日本心臓血管麻酔学会専門医 - Academic societies
1992 -- (current) JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS -- (current) Japan Society of Pain Clinicians (JSPC) -- (current) JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR ACUTE MEDICINE -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE -- (current) The Japanese Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology -- (current) Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists -- (current) THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL ANESTHESIA - Articles
- 小児心臓手術後患者におけるカフ付き・カフなし気管チューブの術後チューブ入れ替えに関する後方視的検討
横山良太、山下 創一郎、田地慶太郎、岩井与幸、白石託也、岩田裕貴
Cardiovascular Anesthesia/26/p.257, 2022-04 - A Case of Brachial Artery Embolism Due to Intravascular Atheroma Detached during Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
嶋﨑敬一、山下 創一郎、楠山夏世、綾大介、元川暁子
麻酔/71(4)/pp.404-407, 2022-04 - 血中ヘパリン濃度-ACT検量線およびソノクロット®による管理を施行した抗リン脂質抗体症候群合併心臓手術の一例
川村奈穂; 石垣麻衣子; 山下創一郎; 田中誠
Cardiovascular Anesthesia/25(1)/pp.61-66, 2021-08 - Patient-controlled epidural analgesia, patient-controlled intravenous analgesia, and conventional intravenous opioids for gynecologic interstitial brachytherapy: A single-center retrospective study
Murata Yuya; Yamada Kumiko; Hamaguchi Yuto; Ohigashi Tom...
Brachytherapy/20(4)/pp.765-770, 2021-04 - An optimal epidural catheter placement site for post-cesarean section analgesia with double-space technique combined spinal-epidural anesthesia: a retrospective study
Murata Yuya; Yamada Kumiko; Hamaguchi Yuto; Yamashita So...
JA CLINICAL REPORTS/7(1), 2021-01 - Thrombosis incidence after recombinant active factor VII administration in paediatric cardiac surgery
Tachi Keitaro; Takahashi Shinji; Ishigaki Maiko; Nakay...
Indian journal of anaesthesia/63(10)/pp.856-859, 2019-10 - 塩酸コルホルシンダロパートとミルリノンを用いて管理した高度の心機能低下を来した褐色細胞腫の1症例
田地慶太郎、山下 創一郎、田中誠
麻酔/67(5)/pp.532-535, 2018-05 - Sedation with Single Use of Thiamylal is Feasible Compared with Ketamine Plus Midazolam for Proton Beam Therapy
Inaba Masako; Nakao Tomohei; Yoshimura Yumika; Hosaka ...
PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER/65(3)/pp.S56-S56, 2018-11 - Unexpected Exacerbation of Tracheal Stenosis in a Patient with Hunter Syndrome Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Terabe Nobue; Yamashita Soichiro; Tanaka Makoto
Case reports in anesthesiology/2018, 2018-04 - 気管憩室様の解剖学的異常が残存した先天性食道閉鎖症根治術後の患児の気道異物に対する硬性気管支鏡の麻酔経験
田地慶太郎; 山下創一郎; 田中 誠
麻酔/65(8)/pp.824-827, 2016-08 - Olanzapine attenuates mechanical allodynia in a rat model of partial sciatic nerve ligation.
Fukuda T Yamashita S Hisano S Tanaka M
Korean J Pain/28(3)/pp.185-192, 2015 - 中咽頭腫瘍患者において気管支ファイバースコープガイド下の経鼻気管挿管を施行したところ、気管チューブが先進せずさらに腫瘍から出血をきたしたためCVCIに陥った症例
山下 創一郎
Japanese Journal of Reanimatology/33(3)/pp.198a-198a, 2014 - The anesthetic management of a patient with stiff-person syndrome undergoing thymectomy.
Tadokoro T; Yamashita S; Ishigaki M; Takahashi S; Tanaka M.
Masui/61(2)/pp.193-196, 2012-01 - Endotracheal Tube Extubation Force: Adhesive Tape Versus Endotracheal Tube Holder
Shimizu Takeru; Mizutani Taro; Yamashita Soichiro; Hagiya...
RESPIRATORY CARE/56(11)/pp.1825-1829, 2011-11 - Intracranial hemorrhage from undiagnosed metastatic brain tumor during general anesthesia
Yamashita Soichiro; Fukuda Taeko; Shimizu Takeru; Tanaka ...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA/23(7)/pp.562-564, 2011-11 - Skin lesions associated with BIS monitoring in pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Yamashita Soichiro; Mizutani Taro; Shimizu Takeru; Tanaka...
JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA/25(3)/pp.477-478, 2011-06 - Forces applied to the maxillary incisors during tracheal intubation and dental injury risks of intubation by beginners: a manikin study
Fukuda T; Sugimoto Y; Yamashita S; Toyooka H; Tanaka M.
Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan/49/p.12-15, 2011-03 - Anesthetic management of a patient with multiple system atrophy undergoing adrenal gland tumor surgery.
Maeda R; Yamashita S; Inomata S; Tanaka M; Mizutani T.
Masui/60(10)/pp.1173-1175, 2011-01 - Comparative study of oral tracheal tube extubation force in a baby manikin model: taping methods and tube diameters.
Kurokawa Y; Shimizu T; Yamashita S; Tanaka M; Mizutani T.
Masui/60/p.9820984, 2011-01 - BIS pediatric sensor can cause blisters in small children
Yamashita Soichiro; Mizutani Taro; Shimizu Takeru; Sakaku...
JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA/24(6)/pp.978-979, 2010-12 - Bispectral index sensor as a possible cause of postoperative visual loss after frontal craniotomy.
Yamashita S; Takahashi H; Tanaka M
Br J Anaesth/103(1)/p.134, 2009-01 - Prolonged sevoflurane inhalation therapy for status asthmaticus in an infant
Watanabe Kazuhiro; Mizutani Taro; Yamashita Soichiro; Tateka...
PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA/18(6)/pp.543-545, 2008-06 - Long-lasting cognitive injury in rats with apparent full gross neurological recovery after short-term cardiac arrest.
Schreckinger M; Geocadin RG; Savonenko A; Yamashita S; Me...
Resuscitation/75/p.105-103, 2007-01 - Quantitative EEG and neurological recovery with therapeutic hypothermia after asphyxial cardiac arrest in rats
Jia Xiaofeng; Koenig Matthew A.; Shin Hyun-Chool; Zhen Gehua...
BRAIN RESEARCH/1111/pp.166-175, 2006-09 - Preoperative oral dextromethprphan attenuated tourniquet-induced arterial blood pressure and heart rate increases in knee cruciate ligament reconstruction patients under general anesthesia.
Yamashita S; Yamaguchi H; Hisajima Y; Iijima K; Saito K; ...
Anesthesia Analgesia/98/p.994-998, 2004-01 - more...
- 小児心臓手術後患者におけるカフ付き・カフなし気管チューブの術後チューブ入れ替えに関する後方視的検討
- Books
- Longer-term diabetic patients have a more frequent incidence of nosocomial infections after elective gastrectomy.
山下 創一郎
2002-11 - 臓器機能の保持について(質疑応答)
山下創一郎; 田中誠.
臨床麻酔, 2007-01 - 高齢者の麻酔
標準麻酔科学, 2011-04
- Longer-term diabetic patients have a more frequent incidence of nosocomial infections after elective gastrectomy.
- Conference, etc.
- 小児陽子線治療の鎮静におけるチアミアール使用群とミタゾラム・ケタミン使用群の比較検討
Masako Inaba; Tomohei Nakao; Yumika Yoshimura; Sho Hosak...
第60回日本小児血液・がん学会/2018-11-14--2018-11-16 - 当院での小児開心術におけるリコンビナント活性型第Ⅶ因子製剤の使用状況の検討
田地慶太郎 高橋 伸二 藤田 将英 石垣麻衣子 山下創一郎
第20回日本心臓血管麻酔学会/2015-10 - 気管分岐部腫瘍切除術の麻酔管理
楠本 篤弘 佐藤 恭嘉 山下創一郎 高橋 伸二 田中 誠
- 小児陽子線治療の鎮静におけるチアミアール使用群とミタゾラム・ケタミン使用群の比較検討
- Teaching
2023-04 -- 2023-08 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2024-02 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2022-10 -- 2023-02 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2022-04 -- 2022-08 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2021-10 -- 2022-02 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2021-04 -- 2021-08 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2020-10 -- 2021-02 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2020-04 -- 2020-08 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2016-10 -- 2017-02 Seminar in Clinical Research University of Tsukuba. 2016-10 -- 2017-02 Special Studies on Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2007-04 -- (current) 日本シミュレーション医学会 DAMセミナー
(Last updated: 2024-11-15)