TERUNUMA Toshiyuki
- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0002-5506-0743
- Office
- 筑波大学陽子線医学利用研究センター
- Research fields
Radiation science Medical systems General applied physics - Research keywords
Medical Physics Proton Beam Treatment Tumor Tracking Deep Learning Patient Positioning System 体内線量分布確認 音響波 放射線治療品質管理 - Research projects
Measurement of MHz ionoacoustic signals generated by proton irradiation using a medical ultrasonic probe 2021-04 -- 2024-03 TERUNUMA Toshiyuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 3,900,000Yen Basic Research for the effect of radiation therapy using artificial intelligence 2019-04 -- 2023-03 SAKURAI Hideyuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) A highly reliable marker-less tumor tracking algorithm for acquiring tumor and bone discrimination intelligence 2017-04 -- 2020-03 TERUNUMA Toshiyuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,550,000Yen Developing the coaching system using tumor tracking information 2013-04 -- 2016-03 TERUNUMA Toshiyuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,810,000Yen Accuracy improvement of tumor tracking system and simulation for intensity modulated irradiation or scanning irradiation. 2009 -- 2013-03 TERUNUMA Toshiyuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 5,070,000Yen 放射線治療時のリアルタイム腫瘍追跡システムの開発 -- (current) / 陽子線治療時の体内の線量分布の計測 -- (current) / - Career history
2024-04 -- (current) 筑波大学医学医療系助教 2003-04 -- 2024-03 筑波大学助手 - Degree
2024-01 博士(医学) University of Tsukuba 修士(工学) University of Tsukuba - Licenses and qualifications
2004-10-27 医学物理士 2005-02-22 放射線治療品質管理士 2003-08-20 第一種放射線取扱主任者 - Academic societies
-- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY OF MEDICAL PHYSICS -- (current) 医学物理士認定機構 2006 -- 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics -- 2013 JAPAN RADIOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Honors & Awards
2024-03-19 WILEY Top Downloaded Article Explainability and controllability of patient-specific deep learning with attention-based augmentation for markerless image-guided radiotherapy 2020-06 President's Award Silver, The 119th Scientific Meeting of JSMP Target boundary tracking on BEV by patient-specific deep learning 2021-04 Most Citation Award (The most cited papers published in 2018) Novel real-time tumor-contouring method using deep learning to prevent mist racking in X-ray fluoroscopy 2017-04 第113回日本医学物理学会学術大会大会長賞 2015-09 第110回日本医学物理学会学術大会優秀研究賞 2011-10-01 Poster Award of 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Medical Physics and 11th Asia-Oceania congress of Medical Physics 2010-05-21 The Outstanding Poster Award of 49th The Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Scientific Meeting - Articles
Terunuma T; Komatsu F; Moriya S; Miyamoto N; Takao S; Sak...
Abstracts of 5th European Congress of Medical Physics/Physica Medica/125(1)/p.104158, 2024-09-11 - Feasibility Study of Real-Time Marker-Less Tracking during Lung Radiotherapy Using an Electronic Portal Imaging Device
Moriya Shunsuke; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Tomita Tetsuya; Koma...
Abstracts of AAPM 2024 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024-07-21 - Radiochromic Film Verification of Real-Time Markerless Lung Tumor Tracking: An End-to-End Test Using an Anthropomorphic Lung Phantom
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Komatsu Fumiaki; Moriya Shunsuke; ...
Abstracts of AAPM 2024 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024-07-21 - Lung tumor segmentation on beam’s-eye view with deep learning: Evaluation with simulated radiographs reconstructed from initial-planning and re-planning CT scans
Komatsu Fumiaki; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Moriya Shunsuke; ...
Abstracts of AAPM 2024 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024-07-21 - Visualization and evaluation of domain adaptation for patient-specific deep learning: Comparison of Random overlay and Affine transform
Komatsu Fumiaki; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Moriya Shunsuke; ...
Abstracts of 5th European Congress of Medical Physics / Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB)/125(1)/p.104009, 2024-09-11 - 胸部ファントムを用いたEPIDによる腫瘍監視システムの開発
守屋 駿佑; 照沼 利之; 富田 哲也; 中村 亮輔; 小松 史明; 榮 武二
日本放射線腫瘍学会第36回学術大会報文集/pp.232-232, 2023-11-30 - A novel, end-to-end framework for avoiding collisions between the patient's body and gantry in proton therapy
Yamazaki Yuhei; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Kato Takahiro; Kom...
MEDICAL PHYSICS/50(11)/pp.6684-6692, 2023-10-10 - Formulation of Time-Dependent Cell Survival with Saturable Repairability of Radiation Damage
Sakae Takeji; Takada Kenta; Kamizawa Satoshi; Terunuma...
RADIATION RESEARCH/200(2)/pp.139-150, 2023-06 - Explainability and controllability of patient-specific deep learning with attention-based augmentation for markerless image-guided radiotherapy
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Sakae Takeji; Hu Yachao; Takei Hi...
Medical physics/50(1)/pp.480-494, 2023-01 - 深層学習を用いた位置照合用Cone-beam CTの画質改善に関する検討
小松史明; 富田哲也; 照沼 利之; 小林大輔; 平野雄二; 榮 武二
日本放射線技術学会第69回関東支部研究発表大会 抄録集/pp.135-135, 2022-12 - Analysis of diaphragm movements to specify geometric uncertainties of respiratory gating near end-exhalation for irradiation fields involving the liver dome
Tony Liang Hsiang-Kuang; Takei Hideyuki; Tomita Tetsuy...
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology/171/pp.146-154, 2022-04-21 - Analysis of diaphragm movements to specify geometric uncertainties of respiratory gating near end-exhalation for irradiation fields involving the liver dome
Tony Liang Hsiang-Kuang; Takei Hideyuki; Tomita Tetsuy...
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology/171/pp.146-154, 2022-04-21 - Clinical practice vs. state-of-the-art research and future visions: Report on the 4D treatment planning workshop for particle therapy - Edition 2018 and 2019
Czerska Katarzyna; Emert Frank; Kopec Renata; Langen ...
Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB)/82/pp.54-63, 2021-02 - Evaluation of dose distribution and normal tissue complication probability of a combined dose of cone-beam computed tomography imaging with treatment in prostate intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Tomita Tetsuya; Isobe Tomonori; Furuyama Yoshinobu; Ta...
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS/45(2)/pp.78-87, 2020-04 - Target boundary tracking on BEV by patient-specific deep learning
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Sakae Takeji
Proceedings of the 119th Scientific Meeting of JSMP/40(Sup.1)/pp.188-188, 2020-05 - Monitoring patient movement with boron neutron capture therapy and motion capture technology
Kumada Hiroaki; 高田健太; 照沼利之; 粟飯原輝人; 松村明; 櫻井英幸; 榮武二
Applied Radiation and Isotopes/163/pp.1-6, 2020-05 - Image quality improvement of DRR by super-resolution processing
T Abe; Toshiyuki Terunuma; Sakae Takeji
第117回日本医学物理学会学術大会プログラム集/pp.32-32, 2019-04 - Real-time tumor-contouring by patient-specific deep learning: Evaluation using a respiratory moving phantom
T Abe; Toshiyuki Terunuma; K Tomoda; Sakae Takeji
第117回日本医学物理学会学術大会プログラム集/pp.32-32, 2019-04 - Projected-CTV tracking in MV image:A phantom study
Otani Atsushi; Terunuma Toshiyuki; 榮 武二
第118回日本医学物理学会学術大会プログラム集/pp.6-6, 2019-9 - Measurement of MHz ionoacoustic signal generated by proton beam irradiation
Terunuma toshiyuki; Miyauchi Yosuke; 榮 武二
第118回日本医学物理学会学術大会プログラム集/pp.9-9, 2019-09 - リニアックのガントリ角度によるレーザーマーカー交点と照射野中心のずれの検証
安岡 聖; 照沼 利之; 榮 武二; 小山 和也; 笹嶋 利紀; 鈴木 雄一; 藤淵 俊王; 藤崎 達也
日本放射線技術学会誌, 2009-9 - Quality control of linac cooling water at PMRC
Yasuoka K.; Sakae T.; Terunuma T.; Sato M.; Ishida M.; Fu...
Jpn. J. Med. Phys./28(2)/pp.176-177, 2008 - Liver phantom design and dosimetric verification in participating institutions for a proton beam therapy in patients with resectable hepatocellular carcinoma: Japan Clinical Oncology Group trial (JCOG1315C)
Nishio Teiji; Tachibana Hidenobu; Kase Yuki; Hotta Ke...
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology/140/pp.98-104, 2019-06 - Comparison of rigid and deformable image registration accuracy of the liver during long-term transition after proton beam therapy.
Fukumitsu Nobuyoshi; Ishikawa Hitoshi; Terunuma Toshiyuk...
Imaging Med/9(6)/pp.149-154, 2017 - Response to "Comments on 'Novel real-time tumor-contouring method using deep learning to prevent mistracking in X-ray fluoroscopy"'
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Sakae Takeji
Radiological physics and technology/11(3)/pp.362-363, 2018-08 - more...
- Books
- 筑波大学における医学物理教育ー多様な応用力を持つ人材輩出を目指してー
安岡 聖; 磯辺 智範; 榮 武二; 照沼 利之
医学物理学人材養成コース平成21年度成果報告書/pp.1-369, 2010
- 筑波大学における医学物理教育ー多様な応用力を持つ人材輩出を目指してー
- Conference, etc.
Terunuma T; Komatsu F; Moriya S; Miyamoto N; Takao S...
5th European Congress of Medical Physics/2024-09-11--2024-09-14 - Feasibility Study of Real-Time Marker-Less Tracking during Lung Radiotherapy Using an Electronic Portal Imaging Device
Moriya Shunsuke; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Tomita Tetsuya; K...
AAPM 2024 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition/2024-07-21--2024-07-25 - Radiochromic Film Verification of Real-Time Markerless Lung Tumor Tracking: An End-to-End Test Using an Anthropomorphic Lung Phantom
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Komatsu Fumiaki; Moriya Shunsuke; ...
AAPM 2024 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition/2024-07-21--2024-07-25 - Visualization and evaluation of domain adaptation for patient-specific deep learning: Comparison of Random overlay and Affine transform
Komatsu Fumiaki; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Moriya Shunsuke; ...
5th European Congress of Medicla Physics/2024-09-11--2024-09-14 - Lung tumor segmentation on beam’s-eye view with deep learning: Evaluation with simulated radiographs reconstructed from initial-planning and re-planning CT scans
Komatsu Fumiaki; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Moriya Shunsuke; ...
AAPM 2024 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition/2024-07-21--2024-07-25 - Concept study of markerless liver tumor tracking with patient-specific deep learning using orthogonal X-ray imaging
Nakamura Ryousuke; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Komatsu Fumiaki...
第126回日本医学物理学会学術集会/2023-09-15--2023-09-17 - Deep Learning-Based Lung Tumor Segmentation on Beam’s-Eye View Via Orthogonal x-Ray Images: A Concept Study
Fumiaki Komatsu; TERUNUMA Toshiyuki; Shunsuke Moriya; ...
AAPM 65th Annual Meeting & Exhibition/2023-07-23--2023-07-27 - Evaluation of noise robustness in patient-specific deep learning using orthogonal X-ray fluoroscopic images for markerless tumor tracking
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Fumiaki Komatsu; Shunsuke Moriya; ...
The 61th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Cooperative/2023-06-10--2023-06-16 - Noise analysis in X-ray FPD image during proton beam irradiation for real-time tumor tracking
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Moriya Shunsuke; Osugi Mayu; Takam...
The 61th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group/2023-06-10--2023-06-16 - Evaluation of Deep Learning-Based Markerless Tumor Tracking of Irregular Respiratory Amplitude Using a Dynamic Lung Phantom
Moriya Shunsuke; Terunuma Toshiyuki; Takahashi K; Kand...
AAPM 65th Annual Meeting & Exhibition/2023-07-23--2023-07-27 - 胸部ファントムを用いたEPIDによる腫瘍監視システムの開発
守屋 駿佑; 照沼 利之; 富田 哲也; 中村 亮輔; 小松 史明; 榮 武二
日本放射線腫瘍学会第36回学術大会/2023-11-30--2023-12-02 - AI in radiotherapy: Real-time lung tumor tracking with X-ray images
Terunuma Toshiyuki
University of Tsukuba - National Taiwan University Joint Symposium on Digital Health and Medicine 2023/2023-09-29 - 深層学習を用いた位置照合用Cone-beam CTの画質改善に関する検討
小松史明; 富田哲也; 照沼 利之; 小林大輔; 平野雄二; 榮 武二
日本放射線技術学会第69回関東支部研究発表大会/2022-12-3--2022-12-4 - Target boundary tracking on BEV by patient-specific deep learning
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Sakae Takeji
第119回日本医学物理学会学術大会/2020-5-15--2020-6-14 - Image quality improvement of DRR by super-resolution processing
T Abe; Toshiyuki Terunuma; Sakae Takeji
第117回日本医学物理学会学術大会/2019-04-11--2019-04-14 - Real-time tumor-contouring by patient-specific deep learning: Evaluation using a respiratory moving phantom
T Abe; Toshiyuki Terunuma; K Tomoda; Sakae Takeji
第117回日本医学物理学会学術大会/2019-04-11--2019-04-14 - Projected-CTV tracking in MV image:A phantom study
Otani Atsushi; Terunuma Toshiyuki; 榮 武二
第118回日本医学物理学会学術大会/2019-9-12--2019-9-15 - Measurement of MHz ionoacoustic signal generated by proton beam irradiation
Terunuma Toshiyuki; Miyauchi Yosuke; 榮 武二
第118回日本医学物理学会学術大会/2019-9-12--2019-9-15 - Deep learning for super-resolution digitally reconstructed radiography
Tsubasa Abe; Toshiyuki Terunuma; Sakae Takeji
3rd NTU-UT Radiation Oncology Joint Symposium(2019)/2019-12-7--2019-12-7 - 陽子線治療における標準線量測定法について
安岡 聖; 山口 義樹; 木村 雅司; 瀬川 達矢; 神澤 聡; 照沼 利之; 熊田 博明; 榮 武二
第6回茨城放射線腫瘍研究会/2013-9-12--2013-9-12 - 体内マーカーを使用しない腫瘍追跡システムの開発
安岡 聖; 磯辺 智範; 榮 武二; 照沼 利之; 熊田 博明
第20回日本高精度外部放射線照射学会/2009-7-18--2009-7-18 - 筑波大学における医学物理教育の取り組み
安岡 聖; 磯辺 智範; 榮 武二; 照沼 利之; 熊田 博明
第3回日本診療放射線学教育学会/2009-8 - Influence of exposure associated with IGRT on dose distribution and NTCP in prostate IMRT.
Isobe Tomonori; T Tomita; T Terunuma; D Kobayashi; H Tak...
The 7th Korea-Japan Joint Meeting on Medical Physics/2019-09--2019-09 - 画像誘導放射線治療のリアルタイム腫瘍追跡における患者個別深層学習を実現する非線形データ拡張方法
照沼 利之; 友田 光一; 榮 武二; 大西 かよ子; 奥村 敏之; 櫻井 英幸
第37回日本医用画像工学会大会/2018-07-25--2018-07-27 - AIを用いた患者個別深層学習によるマーカーレス腫瘍輪郭追跡法
照沼 利之; 友田 光一; 榮武二; 大西 かよ子; 奥村敏之; 櫻井 英幸
日本放射線腫瘍学会第31回学術大会/2018-10-11--2018-10-13 - more...
- Intellectural property rights
- 放射線治療システム
照沼利之; 榮武二; 佐藤勝; 石田真也 - 放射線治療時における標的臓器と線量分布の同時測定方法及びその測定装置
照沼 利之
- 放射線治療システム
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Comprehensive Practical Program in Medical Physics University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Comprehensive Practical Program in Medical Physics University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Medical Physics in Radiotherapy University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Medical Physics in Radiotherapy University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Medical Physics in Diagnosis University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Medical Physics in Diagnosis University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Radiation Protection in Medical Physics University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Radiation Protection in Medical Physics University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Basic Medical Physics University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Medical Physics University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- がんプロフェッショナル養成プラン - 筑波大学における医学物理教育 -
磯辺 智範; 榮武二; 照沼利之; 安岡聖
がんプロフェッショナル養成プラン 関東広域多職種がん専門家チーム養成拠点 平成20年度 第1回 医学物理インテンシブ生涯教育コース/2008-06-01 - Study on simulating BNCT irradiation field in imaging of boron dose distribution
Nagaaki Kamiguchi; Hiroaki Kumada; Kiyoshi Yasuoka; Toshi...
The 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics and the 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics/2011-09-29
- がんプロフェッショナル養成プラン - 筑波大学における医学物理教育 -
- Professional activities
-- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY OF MEDICAL PHYSICS 評議員・QA/QC委員 - University Management
2010-04 -- (current) 放射線治療品質委員会 陽子線治療機器品質管理ワーキンググループ長 2005-04 -- (current) 陽子線医学利用研究センター 放射線副主任者 放射線主任者とともに陽子線治療施設の放射線管理業務を遂行する 2005-04 -- (current) 陽子線医学利用研究センター 医学物理士及び放射線治療品質管理士 陽子線医学利用研究センターで医学物理士及び放射線治療品質管理士として管理業務を遂行
(Last updated: 2024-12-24)