Institute of Library, Information and Media Science
Official title
Assistant Professor
Research fields
Library and information science/ Humanistic social informatics
Research keywords
Data Sharing
Electronic Journal
Scholarly communication
Information Practices
Information Behaviour
Research projects
情報検索における思考の言語化にもとづく検索インタラクションの会話化2019-04 -- 2023-03上保秀夫Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
オープンサイエンス時代の学術コミュニケーションの変容の総合的研究2019-04 -- 2022-03倉田敬子Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
最先端映像メディア技術による地域記憶の世代間サーキュレーション2018-04 -- 2022-03Atsushi ToshimoriJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
オープンサイエンスとデジタル時代における知の構築と学術コミュニケーション2014 -- 2016倉田敬子Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
学術情報流通と電子メディアの普及の関連性2003 -- 2005倉田敬子Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
医学研究者の情報利用と研究活動の関連性2003 -- 2006/
Career history
2011-04 -- (current)筑波大学図書館情報メディア系
2002-10 -- 2011-03筑波大学知的コミュニティ基盤研究センター
2018-04 -- 2019-03University of British ColumbiaSchool of Library, Archival and Information StudiesVisiting Scholar
Academic background
-- 1996Keio University Faculty of Literature 図書館情報学専攻
-- 2001Keio University Graduate School, Division of Letters 図書館情報学専攻
修士(図書館情報学)Keio University
Academic societies
1996-04 -- (current)Mita Society for Library and Information Science
2004-07 -- 2016-03Japan Society for Information and Media Studies
2005-10 -- 2012-12American society for Information Science and Technology
2013-01 -- (current)The Association for Information Science and Technology
  • Information behaviour research in Japan
    Matsubayashi Mamiko; Sakai Yukiko
    Informatio/28(1)/pp.264-295, 2023-06
  • A Prototype System of Sustainable Community Memory Archive for Public Libraries
    松林 麻実子; 宇陀則彦; 上保秀夫; 溝上智惠子; 歳森敦; 大場勇貴
  • 公共図書館サービスとしての地域記憶アーカイブの構築
    松林 麻実子; 宇陀 則彦; 大場 勇貴; 上保 秀夫; 溝上 智惠子; 歳森 敦
    第69回日本図書館情報学会研究大会発表論文集/pp.21-24, 2021-10
  • Identifying the Complex Position of Research Data and Data Sharing Among Researchers in Natural Science
    Kurata Keiko; Matsubayashi Mamiko; Mine Shinji
    SAGE OPEN/7(3), 2017-07
  • Understanding Undergraduate Students’ Information Practices in Collaborative Work in Face-to-Face and Online Settings
    Takeda Masaki; Matsubayashi Mamiko; Toshimori Atsushi
    Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice (A-LIEP 2016)./pp.217-228, 2016-11
  • Users’ Preferences for Answer Forms to Reference Questions in Libraries
    Furusawa Tomohiro; Matsubayashi Mamiko; Satoh Tetsuji
    Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS)/pp.245-251, 2016-11
  • Research data management in Japanese universities and research institutions: Status report based on questionnaire survey
    倉田 敬子; 松林 麻実子; 武田 将季
    Journal of information processing and management/60(2)/pp.119-127, 2017-05
  • Academic Libraries in the era of Open Access
    松林 麻実子
    Bulletin of the Japan Special Libraries Association/(279)/pp.75-79, 2016-09
  • Remarkable growth of open access in the biomedical field: Analysis of PubMed articles from 2006 to 2010
    Kurata Keiko; Morioka Tomoko; Yokoi Keiko; Matsubayashi Mamiko
    PLOS ONE/8(5), 2013-05
  • Need and search for specialized information in the scientific, technical and medical fields by the general public in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake
    Mamiko Matsubayashi; Atsushi Toshimori; Keiko Kurata
    Proceedings of ISIC: Information Behaviour conference 2012, 2012
  • The Survey of Life Science Researchers with Institutions/Companies in Japan on Their Use of Electronic Resources
    松林 麻実子; 歳森 敦; 永田 治樹
    Journal of Japan Society of Library and Information Science/55(3)/pp.141-154, 2009-09
  • Status of open access in the biomedical field in 2005
    Matsubayashi Mamiko; Kurata Keiko; Sakai Yukiko; Morioka ...
  • Electronic journals and their unbundled functions in scholarly communication: Views and utilization by scientific, technological and medical researchers in Japan
    Kurata Keiko; Matsubayashi Mamiko; Mine Shinji; Muranushi To...
    INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT/43(5)/pp.1402-1415, 2007-09
  • Information sharing between different groups: a qualitative study of information service to business in Japanese public libraries
    Tamura Shunsaku; Miwa Makiko; Saito Yasunori; Koshizuka ...
  • The current status of open access in biomedical field: the communication of countries relating to the impact of national policies
    Mamiko Matsubayashi; Keiko Kurata; Yukiko Sakai; Shinya ...
    ASIS&T annual meeting 2006 proceedings, 2006-11
  • E-print Archive in Scholarly Communication : Based on Findings of Electronic Media Use Study for Japanese Physicists
    松林 麻実子; 倉田 敬子
    Journal of Japan Society of Library and Information Science/51(3)/pp.125-140, 2005-09
  • ネットワーク環境下における日本の心理学研究者の研究活動と電子的情報メディアの活用
    倉田敬子; 高島寧; 松林麻実子; 松井美紀; 村主朋英
    図書館学会年報/44(4)/p.143-158, 1999-01
  • Brenda Dervinによる意味付与アプローチの意義と応用
    松林 麻実子
    Library and Information Science/(34)/p.1-5, 1995-01
  • 図書館情報学事典
    松林 麻実子
    丸善出版, 2023-07
  • 電子図書館サービス(UNIT31~33)等
    松林 麻実子
    図書館サービス概論/pp.150-161, 2023-12
  • 人々のイメージの中の図書館
    Matsubayashi Mamiko
    図書館情報学を学ぶ人のために/世界思想社/pp.113-122, 2017-04
  • 4.1 Information Behaviour
    上田 修一; 倉田 敬子; 松林 麻実子
    Library and Information Science 2nd ed./勁草書房/pp.190-203, 2017-03
  • 4.4 Information Behaivour
    上田 修一; 倉田 敬子; +松林 麻実子
    Library and Information Science/勁草書房/pp.220-232, 2013-02
  • 電子メディアは研究を変えるのか
    松林 麻実子; 倉田敬子編
    電子メディアは研究を変えるのか/pp.99-138, 2000-01
Conference, etc.
  • Expanded Model of Everyday Information Practices with Information Avoidance in Digital Environments
    Matsubayashi Mamiko
    ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2023/2023-10-27--2023-10-31
  • 公共図書館サービスとしての地域記憶アーカイブの構築
    松林 麻実子; 宇陀 則彦; 大場 勇貴; 上保 秀夫; 溝上 智惠子; 歳森 敦
  • Academic Social Networking: From Individual Acts to Institutional, Disciplinary, National, and Social Phenomena
    Zhang Yin; Yan Weiwei; Oh Sanghee; Lee Jougwook; Kurata ...
    ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2019/2019-10-19--2019-10-23
  • A Comparative Study of Online News Use by Young Adults in Canada and Japan
    Matsubayashi Mamiko; Freund Luanne
    ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2019/2019-10-19--2019-10-23
  • Conceptual design for comprehensive research support platform
    Matsubayashi Mamiko; Kurata Keiko
    The First IEEE Workshop on Human-Machine Collaboration in BigData (HMData2017)/2017-12-11--2017-12-11
  • Does online news consumption encourage social inclusion or exclusion?
    Matsubayashi Mamiko; Takeda Masaki; Toshimori Atsushi
    ASIS&T 17th SIGUSE Research Symposium/2017-10-27--2017-11-01
  • 図書館におけるレファレンス質問とQ&Aサイトにおける質問の差異
    古澤 智裕; 松林 麻実子; 佐藤 哲司
  • インターネット調査を用いた書店利用行動の分析:オンライン書店とリアル書店利用の実態
    松林麻実子; 歳森敦; 千葉聖子; 池内淳; 永田治樹
  • 日本の医学研究者の電子メディア利用とオープンアクセスへの対応
    倉田敬子; 三根慎二; 森岡倫子; 酒井由紀子; 加藤信哉; 松林麻実子; 上田修一
  • Status of open access in the biomedical field in 2005
    Matsubayashi Mamiko; Kurata Keiko; Sakai Yukiko; Morioka ...
    69th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Information-Science-and-Technology/2006-11-03--2006-11-06
2023-10 -- 2023-12Scholarly CommunicationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Higher Education and Information ProfessionalsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Knowledge Sciences Lab BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Academic Libraries and Information InfrastructureUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-06Scholarly Media and CommunicationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-07Information PracticesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-01 -- 2024-02Information BehaviorUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-07Knowledge Sciences Lab AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Scholarly Communication and InfrastructureUniversity of Tsukuba.
2022-04 -- 2022-07Information Seeking and RetrievalUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • オープンアクセスと大学図書館
    倉田 敬子; 横井 慶子; 松林 麻実子
Professional activities
2022-04 -- (current)文部科学省学術調査官
2017-04 -- (current)JAPAN SOCIETY OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCEBoard of Directors/Director at large
2014-06 -- (current)Mita Society for Library and Information ScienceEditorial Board / Editorial Board member
2011-04 -- 2017-03JAPAN SOCIETY OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCEExecutive committee / Executive director
2013-04 -- 2013-06Japan Science and Technology Agency科学技術情報発信・流通総合システム 事業方針検討有識者委員会/委員
2011-04 -- 2014-03JAPAN SOCIETY OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCEExecutive committee / Editor-in-chief
2009-06 -- 2012-06Japan Society for Information and Media StudiesHead Office/Executive officer

(Last updated: 2023-12-19)