Institute of Library, Information and Media Science
Official title
Research fields
Human interface and interaction
Educational technology
Research keywords
Human informatics
Communication science
Social computing
Knowledge science
Research projects
テレワーカのエンゲージメントを向上するインタラクティブピープルアナリティクス(延⻑)2021-04 -- 2022-03The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (TAF)/Grants1,500,000Yen
テレワーカのエンゲージメントを高めるインタラクティブピープルアナリティクス2020-04 -- 2021-03電気通信普及財団/Research grants1,400,000Yen
能動学習において多様な学生を活かすインタラクション技術の開発研究2017-10 -- 2018-03University of Tsukuba/平成29年度筑波大学研究基盤支援プログラム(Bタイプ)800,000Yen
コミュニケーション・ツールとしての食の実態と効用に関する心理情報学的解明2015 -- 2017木村敦Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)910,000Yen
Development and evaluation of the systems that increase cooperation opportunities in daily conversation or dining activities2014-04 -- 2017-03INOUE TomooJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,810,000Yen
日常的コミュニケーションの行動分析に基づく人間関係形成支援ツールのデザインと評価2011 -- 2013Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C)4,030,000Yen
高齢者QOLを向上する遠隔共食会話支援システムの設計と開発2011-04 -- 2012-03/出資金による受託研究1,000,000Yen
Supporting daily activity and communication in mixed reality environment2011-06 -- 2012-03慶應義塾大学/国内共同研究1,000,000Yen
Helping dining together for convivial meal2010-04 -- 2013-03INOUE TomooJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,290,000Yen
Enabling daily activity and communication by mixed reality2010 -- 2011-03慶應義塾大学/国内共同研究500,000Yen
Career history
2014-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Library, Information and Media ScienceProfessor
2011-10 -- 2014-03University of TsukubaFaculty of Library, Information and Media ScienceAssociate Professor
2007-04 -- 2011-09University of TsukubaGraduate School of Library, Information and Media StudiesAssociate Professor
1996-09 -- 1997-08University of California, IrvineDept. Information and Computer ScienceReseach Assistant Specialist
1998-04 -- 1999-01Tokyo Denki UniversityResearch Associate
1999-02 -- 2000-03Ministry of Education, Science and CultureNational Center for Science Information SystemsAssistant Professor
2000-04 -- 2003-11Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and TechnologyNational Institute of InformaticsAssistant Professor
2002-04 -- 2004-03学習院大学計算機センター非常勤講師
2003-12 -- 2004-03University of TsukubaInstitute of Library and Information ScienceAssociate Professor
2004-04 -- 2009-03National Institute of Informatics国立情報学研究所Adjunct Associate Professor
Academic background
1988-04 -- 1992-03Keio University Faculty of Science and Engineering 計測工学科
1992-04 -- 1994-03Keio University Graduate School of Science and Engineering 計測工学専攻 前期博士課程
1994-04 -- 1998-03Keio University Graduate School of Science and Engineering 計測工学専攻 後期博士課程
1998-03Ph.DKeio University
Academic societies
1993 -- (current)Information Processing Society of Japan
1998 -- (current)Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
2006 -- (current)Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2010 -- 2016Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Honors & Awards
2023-08CollabTech 2023 Best Paper Award
2022-09-03IWIN2022 Best Paper Award
2022-02University of Tsukuba BEST FACULTY MEMBER 2021
2020-09CollabTech 2020 Best Paper Award
2015-12-052013-2014 Best Publication Award
2013-09-04IWIN 2013 Best Paper Award
2013-08-19IPSJ DICOMO 2013 Symposium Paper Award
2011-09-21IWIN 2011 Best Paper Award
2011-03-03IPSJ 2010 Activity Contribution Award
2010-11-25IPSJ 77th SIGGN Symposium Best Presentation Award
2009-09-16IWIN 2009 Student Award
2009-09-16IWIN 2009 Best Paper Award
2008-03-21IPSJ SIGGN Best Presentation Award
2008-01-24IPSJ SIGDBS Student Research Award
2007-07-06IPSJ DICOMO 2007 Symposium Young Researcher Award
2007-07-06IPSJ DICOMO 2007 Symposium Best Presentation Award
2006-11-17IPSJ Groupware and Network Services 2006 Workshop Best Presentation Award
2006-11-17IPSJ Groupware and Network Services 2006 Workshop Best Presentation Award
2006-09-07MCL 2006 Best Paper Award
2006-07-11IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award
  • Using video activity reports to support remote project-based learning
    Sasaki Koksuke; He Zhen; Inoue Tomoo
    JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE/29(11)/pp.1336-1360, 2023-11
  • A dialogue-like video created from a monologue lecture video provides better learning experience
    Nugraha Ari; Inoue Tomoo; Salim Tamara Adriani; Inamul...
  • Utility of remote workers’ video of a surrogate telepresence robot for predicting its motion
    Sasaki Koksuke; Yuan Zijie; Inoue Tomoo
    International Journal of Informatics Society/15(2)/pp.89-101, 2023-10
  • The similarity of virtual meal of a co-eating agent affects human participant
    Wang Jui-Ying; Inoue Tomoo
    Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing/LNCS 14199/pp.115-132, 2023-08
  • A proposal of investigating meal similarity effects between an agent and a learner for a food education agent
    Wang Jui-Ying; Inoue Tomoo
    Poster abstract in the 28th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2022), 2022-11-08
  • An experiment of an office worker passing by the surrogate robot of a remote worker using VR video
    Sasaki Kosuke; Yuan Zijie; Inoue Tomoo
    Proceedings of IWIN 2022/pp.133-137, 2022-08
  • Exploring the feasibility of video activity reporting for students in distance learning
    He Zhen; Sarcar Sayan; Inoue Tomoo
    Proceedings from the 3nd International Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications (CODASSCA 2022)/pp.44-55, 2022-08
  • An experiment of crowdsourced online collaborative question generation and improvement for video learning materials in higher education
    Ari Nugraha; Inoue Tomoo
    Proceedings from the 3nd International Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications (CODASSCA 2022)/pp.56-66, 2022-08
  • Effects of Meal Similarity on Interpersonal Synchronization in Three-Party Remote Dining
    Wang Jui-Ying; Kubota Sho; Inoue Tomoo
  • Combined use of virtual reality and a chatbot reduces emotional stress more than using them separately
    Matsumoto Atsuko; Kamita Takeshi; Tawaratsumida Yukari; N...
    Journal of Universal Computer Science/Vol.27(No.12)/pp.1371-1389, 2021-12
  • Improving students’ question quality through online iterative refinement activity
    Nugraha Ari; Inoue Tomoo
    Innovate Learning Summit 2021/pp.186-196, 2021-11
  • ケータリングサービスを用いた3者間オンライン共食における食事の異同の影響の検討
    久保田 将; Wang Jui-Ying; 井上 智雄
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ/Vol.2021/pp.27-32, 2021-11
  • A study design to investigate a post-interactive dialogue video from a lecture video in video-based learning
    Nugraha Ari; Inoue Tomoo
    電子情報通信学会研究報告/HCS2021-38/pp.22-26, 2021-10
  • Development of a safety training system for a portable grinder that combines virtual reality with an actual tool
    Inoue Tomoo; Nakanishi Asuki
    Proceedings of IWIN 2021/pp.211-214, 2021-09
  • Effects of dietary similarity on conversational and eating behaviors in online commensality
    Wang Jui-Ying; Kubota Sho; Zhanghe Jianpeng; Inoue Tomoo
    Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing/LNCS 12856/pp.20-34, 2021-08
  • テレワーク環境におけるショート動画による活動報告に向けて
    何臻; サーカーサヤン; 井上 智雄
    電子情報通信学会研究報告/HCS2021-26/pp.51-56, 2021-08
  • ケータリングサービスを用いた3者間オンライン共食実験の実施
    久保田 将; Wang Jui-Ying; 張何 健鵬; 井上 智雄
    電子情報通信学会研究報告/HCS2021-24/pp.40-44, 2021-08
  • エージェントとの共食におけるユーザによる食事行動同期の効果
    孫 博煜; 顧 佑祺; 井上 智雄
    電子情報通信学会研究報告/HCS2021-23/pp.34-39, 2021-08
  • Effects of text transcript of utterances on audio conferencing with non-native Japanese speaker
    塙 裕美; 井上 智雄
    Communication, Information & Society/16(s1&2)/pp.12-23, 2021-06
  • Visual appearance is not always useful: Voice is preferred as a mediating conversational agent to support second language conversation
    Inoue Tomoo; Kawai Kumiko; Sun Boyu; Sasaki Kosuke
    International Journal of Informatics Society/12(3)/pp.177-185, 2021-03
  • オンライン共食における食事の異同が会話行動と食事行動に与える影響
    久保田 将; WangJui-Ying; 張 何健鵬; 井上 智雄
    電子情報通信学会研究報告/HCS2020-84/pp.97-102, 2021-03
  • テレワークにおけるワークエンゲージメントのための動画日報における発話内容の検討
    何 臻; 戴 鑫偉; 山上 俊彦; 井上 智雄
    電子情報通信学会研究報告/Vol.2021-GN-113(17)/pp.1-7, 2021-03
  • Chat Bot promotes continuous use of a self-guided mental healthcare course
    紙田 剛; 松本 敦子; 伊藤 達哉; 井上 智雄
    IPSJ Transactions:Digital Content/9(1)/pp.43-52, 2021-02
  • Effects of the notification of native speaker's speech rate on asymmetric second language conversation
    佐々木 孝輔; 井上 智雄
    IPSJ Journal/62(1)/pp.115-124, 2021-01
  • テレワーク環境における従業員エンゲージメントのための動画日報システムの提案
    何 臻; 戴 鑫偉; 山上 俊彦; 井上 智雄
    電子情報通信学会研究報告/HCS2020-50/pp.40-45, 2020-10
  • more...
  • Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing
    Takada Hideyuki; Marutschke D. Moritz; Alvarez Claudio...
    Springer, 2023-08
  • Data Science, Human-Centered Computing, and Intelligent Technologies
    Hajian A; Baloian N; Inoue Tomoo; Luther W
    Logos, 2022-08
  • Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing
    Nolte Alexander; Alvarez Claudio; Hishiyama Reiko; Chount...
    Springer, 2020-09
  • Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Artificial Intelligence Applications
    Hajian A; Baloian N; Inoue Tomoo; Luther W
    Logos, 2020-09
  • Mobile Collaborative Technologies and Data Science for Smart Systems
    Baloian Nelson A.; Luther Wolfram; Pino José A.; Inoue T...
    Hindawi, 2019-06
  • Special issue of Advances in Collaboration Technologies
    Inoue Tomoo
  • Proceedings of the International Workshop on Informatics 2017
    Okada Ken-ichi; Inoue Tomoo
  • Collaboration and Technology
    Gutwin Carl; Ochoa Sergio F.; Vassileva Julita; Inoue Tomoo
    Springer, 2017-08
  • Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing
    Yoshino Takashi; Chen Gwo-Dong; Zurita Gustavo; Yuizono ...
    Springer, 2016-09
  • Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing
    Yuizono Takaya; Zurita Gustavo; Baloian Nelson; Inoue To...
    Springer, 2014-09
  • 4章 協同作業支援~グループウェア基礎, 6章 マルチユーザインタフェース, 13章 グループウェアの評価方法
    宗森 純; 由井薗 隆也; 井上 智雄
    Idea Generation Methods and Collaboration Technologies/共立出版, 2014-05
  • 2-2アイコンタクト, 3-3ビデオ会議システム
    井上 智雄
    S3群8編コラボレーションシステム, 2010-08
  • EduWiki: A Knowledge Construction System for Collaborative Learning
    Tomoo Inoue; Naoko Yoshimura
    Advances in Learning Processes/InTech/p.167-176, 2010-01
  • 特集「日常生活におけるコラボレーション支援」の編集にあたって
    井上 智雄; 緒方 広明
    情報処理学会論文誌/情報処理学会/p.235, 2009
  • 特集「メディアインタラクション研究の発展」の編集にあたって
    井上 智雄
    情報処理学会論文誌/情報処理学会/p.3810, 2008-12
  • 特集「メディアインタラクション研究の発展(テクニカルノート)」の編集にあたって
    井上 智雄
    情報処理学会論文誌/情報処理学会/p.3541, 2008-10
  • 情報教育事典
    井上智雄(情報教育事典編集委員会編); +井上 智雄
    丸善, 2008-01
  • Communication and Collaboration Support Systems
    Kenichi Okada; Tohru Hoshi; Tomoo Inoue
    IOS Press, 2005-07
  • Introduction to Communication and Collaboration Support Systems
    Tomoo Inoue
    Communication and Collaboration Support Systems IOS Press, 2005-07
  • Toward Building a Real Society-Oriented Network Community
    Tomoo Inoue; Kenichi Okada
    Communication and Collaboration Support Systems IOS Press, 2005-07
  • 「知の共有から知の協創へ」特集にあたって
    國藤 進; 井上 智雄
    情報処理学会論文誌/情報処理学会/p.1, 2005
  • A Videoconferencing System with Video Presentation from TV Programs
    Tomoo Inoue; Ken-ichi Okada; Yutaka Matsushita
    Designing Communication and Collaboration Support Systems Gorden & Breach Science Publishers, 1999-01
  • 気持ちの伝達
    コラボレーションとコミュニケーション/共立出版/pp.62-70, 1995-07
  • Usability of a content construction system for collaborative learning
    Inoue Tomoo; Yoshimura Naoko; Sugimoto Shigeo; Kando Noriko
    7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Proceedings/IEEE COMPUTER SOC/pp.833-835, 2007-01
Conference, etc.
  • 遠隔プロジェクト学習における活動報告動画の報告内容とエンゲージメントに関する分析
    佐々木 孝輔; 井上 智雄
  • デジタルコンテンツを活用したアルコール依存症者のための行動変容支援プログラム開発における予備的研究
    井上 智雄
  • The similarity of virtual meal of a co-eating agent affects human participant
    Wang Jui-Ying; Inoue Tomoo
    The 29th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing/2023-08-29--2023-09-01
  • Exploring the feasibility of video activity reporting for students in distance learning
    He Zhen; Sarcar Sayan; Inoue Tomoo
    The 3nd International Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications (CODASSCA 2022)/2022-08-23--2022-08-25
  • An experiment of crowdsourced online collaborative question generation and improvement for video learning materials in higher education
    Ari Nugraha; Inoue Tomoo
    The 3nd International Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications (CODASSCA 2022)/2022-08-23--2022-08-25
  • A proposal of investigating meal similarity effects between an agent and a learner for a food education agent
    Wang Jui-Ying; Inoue Tomoo
    The 28th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2022)/2022-11-08--2022-11-11
  • An experiment of an office worker passing by the surrogate robot of a remote worker using VR video
    Sasaki Kosuke; Yuan Zijie; Inoue Tomoo
    The 16th International Workshop on Informatics (IWIN 2022)/2022-08-31--2022-09-03
  • Development of a safety training system for a portable grinder that combines virtual reality with an actual tool
    Inoue Tomoo; Nakanishi Asuki
    The 15th International Workshop on Informatics (IWIN 2021)/2021-09-12--2021-09-13
  • Improving students’ question quality through online iterative refinement activity
    Nugraha Ari; Inoue Tomoo
    Innovate Learning Summit 2021/2021-11-09--2021-11-11
  • ケータリングサービスを用いた3者間オンライン共食における食事の異同の影響の検討
    久保田 将; Wang Jui-Ying; 井上 智雄
  • A study design to investigate a post-interactive dialogue video from a lecture video in video-based learning
    Nugraha Ari; Inoue Tomoo
  • Effects of dietary similarity on conversational and eating behaviors in online commensality
    Wang Jui-Ying; Kubota Sho; Zhanghe Jianpeng; Inoue Tomoo
    The 27th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2021)/2021-08-31--2021-09-03
  • テレワーク環境におけるショート動画による活動報告に向けて
    何 臻; サーカー サヤン; 井上 智雄
  • ケータリングサービスを用いた3者間オンライン共食実験の実施
    久保田 将; Wang Jui-Ying; 張何 健鵬; 井上 智雄
  • エージェントとの共食におけるユーザによる食事行動同期の効果
    孫 博煜; 顧 佑祺; 井上 智雄
  • A tool to add a tutee agent in a monologue lecture video improves students’ watching experience
    Nugraha Ari; Harada Tomoyuki; Wahono Izhar Almizan; Inoue...
    CHI'20 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems/2020-04-25--2020-04-30
  • オンライン共食における食事の異同が会話行動と食事行動に与える影響
    久保田 将; WangJui-Ying; 張 何健鵬; 井上 智雄
  • テレワークにおけるワークエンゲージメントのための動画日報における発話内容の検討
    何 臻; 戴 鑫偉; 山上 俊彦; 井上 智雄
  • テレワーク環境における従業員エンゲージメントのための動画日報システムの提案
    袁 子傑; 佐々木 孝輔; 井上 智雄
  • An initial study of online collaborative refinement of student-created questions
    Nugraha Ari; Wahono Izhar Almizan; Inoue Tomoo
    The 23rd ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (CSCW'20 Companion):Virtual Event/2020-10-17--2020-10-21
  • Promotion of continuous use of a self-guided mental healthcare system by a chatbot
    Kamita Takeshi; Matsumoto Atsuko; Sun Boyu; Inoue Tomoo
    The 23rd ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (CSCW'20 Companion):Virtual Event/2020-10-17--2020-10-21
  • Preliminary utility study of a short video as a daily report in teleworking
    He Zhen; Dai Xinwei; Yamakami Toshihiko; Inoue Tomoo
    The 26th International Conference, CollabTech 2020/2020-09-08--2020-09-11
  • Creating dialogue between a tutee agent and a tutor in a lecture video improves students’ attention
    Nugraha Ari; Wahono Izhar Almizan; Zhanghe Jianpeng; Hara...
    The 26th International Conference, CollabTech 2020/2020-09-08--2020-09-11
  • Online collaborative refinement to increase the quality of students’ posed questions
    Ari Nugraha; Wahono Izhar Almizan; Inoue Tomoo
    The 2nd International Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications (CODASSCA 2020)/2020-09--2020-09
  • Promotion of continuous use of a self-guided mental healthcare system by using a chatbot
    Kamita Takeshi; Matsumoto Atsuko; Ito Tatsuya; Inoue Tomoo
    The 2nd International Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications (CODASSCA 2020)/2020-09--2020-09
  • more...
2024-10 -- 2024-12Study of Communication and Collaboration Support SystemUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-05Programming IAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-11 -- 2024-12Information AnalysisUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-05 -- 2024-07Programming IBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-11 -- 2024-12Human Computer InteractionUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Interaction DesignUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07First Year SeminarUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-05Information Literacy (Exercises)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-05Invitation to Arts and SciencesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Human Computer InteractionUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • Expanding scope of digital content research
    井上 智雄
    in an Event Program “Encouragement of Digital Content Research” of the 75th National Convention of IPSJ/2013-03-07
  • Influence of video synchrony on communication and social presence in asynchronous video-mediated co-dining
    井上 智雄
    The Eighth Communication Design Workshop/2013-03-22
  • Media design for enhancing interpersonal communication
    井上 智雄
    Seminar of the School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology/2012-11-30
  • Dining Computing and interaction research
    The seventh Communication Design Workshop/2012-03-09
  • 価値の多様な社会における円滑なコミュニケーション術第2回
  • 価値の多様な社会における円滑なコミュニケーション術第1回
  • 情報環境における社会活動としての人間のインタラクション
  • Learning from TV Programs: Application of TV Presentation to a Videoconferencing System
    Tomoo Inoue
    Bay Area Roundtable (BART) by Irvine Research Unit in Software (IRUS)/1996-10-11
  • インタラクティブメディアシステム
Professional activities
2022-06 -- (current)電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究専門委員会顧問
2024-01 -- 2024-07International AIED SocietyInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2024) Program Committee senior member
2023-11 -- 2025-01情報処理学会論文誌「人々の幸福で豊かな暮らしを支えるコラボレーション技術とネットワークサービス」特集編集委員
2023-11 -- 2024-05IEEECSCWD 2024 Program Committee member
2023-04 -- 2024-03情報処理学会インタラクション2024シンポジウム大会長
2023-04 -- (current)IPSJSIG-CN President
2023-01 -- 2023-07International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2023) Program Committee member
2022-11 -- 2023-09CollabTech2023 (The 29th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing) General Co-chair
2022-11 -- 2024-01情報処理学会論文誌「コラボレーションとネットワークサービス」特集編集委員
2022-10 -- 2023-05IEEECSCWD 2023 Program Committee member
University Management
2021-04 -- 2023-03情報学P自己点検・評価委員会委員
2020-04 -- 2021-03研究科・情報学P運営委員会委員
2021-04 -- 2023-03情報学P研究指導グループ主査
2020-04 -- 2023-03学類クラス担任1クラス担任
2019-04 -- 2023-03人工知能科学センター運営委員会委員
2019-04 -- 2023-03全学計算機システム運用委員会委員
2019-04 -- 2023-03学類施設・計算機運用委員会委員
2018-04 -- 2020-03ハラスメント防止対策委員会委員
2018-04 -- 2021-03専攻研究指導・学位審査グループ主査
2017-04 -- 2019-03学類入試実施委員会入試実施委員

(Last updated: 2024-09-05)