Institute of Medicine
Official title
Assistant Professor
Experimental Pathology
Research projects
新規がん遺伝子Xを標的としたがん幹細胞誘導を阻害する薬剤の探索2024-04 -- 2025-03Yukihide WatanabeThe Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/創薬総合支援事業20,000,000Yen
新規がん遺伝子Xを標的としたがん幹細胞誘導を阻害する薬剤の探索2023-04 -- 2024-03Yukihide WatanabeThe Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/AMED 創薬総合支援事業14,993,000Yen
課題名「がん幹細胞性誘導を制 御する PMEPA1/TMEPAI を標 的とした抗腫瘍薬の開発2022-04 -- 2023-03Yukihide WatanabeThe Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/橋渡し研究プログラム 補助事業シーズ A1,800,000Yen
がん幹細胞性誘導を制 御する PMEPA1/TMEPAI を標 的とした抗腫瘍薬の開発2021-04 -- 2022-03Yukihide WatanabeThe Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/橋渡し研究戦略的推進プログ ラム補助事業シーズ A1,800,000Yen
がん細胞の持続的増殖における幹細胞性誘導メカニズムの解明2021 -- 2023渡邊 幸秀Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,290,000Yen
TMEPAIに対する特殊環状ペプチドを用いたがん治療法、診断法の開発2018 -- 2020渡邊 幸秀Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,420,000Yen
腫瘍形成におけるTMEPAIの分子機構の解明2016 -- 2017渡邊 幸秀Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)4,030,000Yen
特殊環状ペプチドを用いた抗腫瘍薬の開発2016-03 -- 2016-12渡邊幸秀上原記念生命科学財団 研究奨励金/2,000,000Yen
腫瘍形成におけるTMEPAIの分子機構の解明2016-04 -- 2018-03渡邊幸秀MEXT/科学研究費 若手B
TMEPAIの腫瘍の発生・悪性化における役割と臨床への応用2013 -- 2014渡邊 幸秀Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B)4,290,000Yen
Career history
2010-06 -- 2011-05University of Tsukuba人間総合科学研究科博士研究員
2010-04 -- 2010-06University of Tsukuba大学院人間総合科学研究科博士特別研究員
2008-04 -- 2010-03日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC2)
2010-03Ph.DUniversity of Tsukuba
  • TGF-β 解説編、TGF-β 診断編
    渡邊 幸秀
    病理診断に役立つ分子生物学/文光堂/pp.432-439, 2011-01
  • がんの増殖・進展とTGF-b
    渡邊 幸秀
    慢性炎症とがん/北隆館/pp.54-59, 2016-02
Conference, etc.
  • トリプルネガティブ乳癌における非転移性メラノーマタンパク質 B に よる腫瘍免疫制御機構
    川西 邦夫; Thuylinh Dangcao; 沖田 結花里; 渡邊 幸秀; 橋本 幸枝; Kowit...
  • 空間的トランスクリプトーム解析を用いたトリプルネガティブ乳癌に 対する治療標的分子の探索
    白谷 理恵; 川西 邦夫; Kowit Hengphasatporn; 沖田 結花里; 渡邊 幸秀; 重...
  • PMEPA1 mutation found in 3 Japanese families with systemic connective tissue disorders
    Morisaki Hiroko; Yamanaka Itaru; Ohata Takako; Kosho ...
    56th Annual Conference of the European-Society-of-Human-Genetics (ESHG)/2023-06-10--2023-06-13
  • 多分野融合によるアミロイド類縁腎臓疾患のメカニズム解析
    川西邦夫; 渡邊幸秀; 康徳東; 堂本裕加子; Kowit Hengphasatporn; 広瀬雄二郎; 徳楽清...
  • Experimental models development for drug mechanism study using genome editing
    Watanabe Yukihide
    Indonesia National Defense University, international symposium ~Latest trend in pharmacological research~/2023-02-16--2023-02-16
  • Cancer-Specific Sialylation Of Glycoprotein Nonmetastatic Melanoma Protein B Interact With Tumor-Associated Macrophage in Triple-Negative Breast Carcinoma via Siglec-9 
    Dang Cao Thuy Linh Linda; Kunio Kawanishi; Yukari Okit...
    the 26th International Glycoconjugate Symposium (IGS)/2023-08-27--2023-9-1
  • Magnitude of DNAJB9 in Fibrillary glomerulonephritis
    川西 邦夫; 康 徳東; 渡邊 幸秀; 広川 貴次; 加藤 光保; 遠藤 知美; 鈴木 智; 小川 弥生; 清水 章
    The 111th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology/2022/04/14--2022/04/16
  • TMEPAI functions via its PY and a Smad Interaction motif (SIM) for tumorigenic activities of breast cancer cells
    Puteri Meidi Utami; Wardhani Bantari W.K.; Amalia Riezki...
    The 1st International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Military Pharmacy/2021-09-03--2021-09-04
  • 高輝度化学発光タンパク質Nano-lanternを用いたがん幹細胞の可視化と動態解析
    小原美里; 加藤光保; 渡邊幸秀
  • PMEPAI/TMEPAI promotes tumorigenesis in triple negative breast cancer by sustaining PI3K/AKT signaling
    Md Anwarul Haque; Watanabe Yukihide; Kato Mitsuyasu
  • 幹細胞性誘導によるがん細胞の持続的増殖機構
    加藤光保; 渡邊幸秀; 沖田 結花里; Utami Pteri Meidi; Abdelaziz Mohammed; ...
  • 高輝度化学発光タンパク質Nano-lanternを用いたがん幹細胞の可視化と動態解析
    小原 美里; 加藤 光保; 渡邊 幸秀
  • TMEPAI promotes stemness of breast cancer cells by regulating AKT signaling
    Watanabe Yukihide
    The TGF-beta meeting in Leiden/2019-08-22--2019-08-24
  • Involving high school students in medical science exchange programs: Experiences from the University of Tsukuba
    Mayers Thomas David; Ho Kiong; Fukuda Aya; Watanabe Yuki...
    The 22nd JASMEE Academic Meeting/2019-08-03--2019-08-04
  • Involving high school students in medical science exchange programs: Experiences from the University of Tsukuba
    Mayers Thomas David; Ho Kiong; Fukuda Aya; Watanabe Yuki...
    The 22nd JASMEE Academic Meeting/2019-08-03--2019-08-04
  • 幹細胞性誘導によるがん細胞の持続的増殖機構
    加藤 光保; 渡邊 幸秀; 沖田 結花里; Meidi Utami Puteri; Mohammed Abdel...
  • TMEPAI drives anchorage-independent growth in breast cancer cells through its SIM and PY motifs
    Watanabe Yukihide; Puteri Meidi U.; Amalia Riezki; Abdela...
    11th AACR-JCA Joint Conference on Breakthroughs in Cancer Research/2019-02-08--2019-02-12
  • The roles of TMEPAI in breast cancer cells
    Puteri Meidi Utami; Wardhani Bantari Wisynu Kusuma; Amali...
  • TMEPAI is involved in tumorigenesis through regulating stem cell frequency in breast cancer cell
    渡邊幸秀; Meidi Utami Puteri; 加藤 光保
  • The roles of TMEPAI in breast cancer cells
    Puteri Meidi Utami; Wardhani Bantari Wisynu Kusuma; Amali...
    The 3rd International Conference on Advance Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences(ICAPPS 2018)/2018-09-26--2018-09-29
  • Identification and analysis of slow-proliferating cells in colon cancer cell line
    Oishi Makoto; Watanabe Yukihide; Kato Mitsuyasu
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018/2018-09-20--2018-09-22
  • Roles of TMEPAI in breast cancer cells
    Watanabe Yukihide
    The 17th TGF-b meeting/2017-08-31--2017-09-02
2024-10 -- 2024-12Human Pathology and OncologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Practice in Diagnostic Pathology IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Practice in Diagnostic Pathology IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Practice in Diagnostic Pathology IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Practice in Diagnostic Pathology IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Medical Science Seminar V: Career PathUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Medical Science Seminar V: Career PathUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Topics in Cutting-edge Medicine IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Topics in Cutting-edge Medicine IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12OncologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2018-02 -- 2018-02Biomedical Research Partnership Workshop 2018University of Indonesia
2018-07 -- 2018-08Summer Research Program in Tsukuba 2018University of Tsukuba
2017-07 -- 2017-07Summer Research Program in Tsukuba 2017University of Tsukuba
2016-01 -- 2016-01Molecular Biology Course in Ho Chi Minh CityInstutute of Tropical Biology
2015-01 -- 2015-01Molecular Biology Course in Ho Chi Minh CityInstitute of Tropical Biology
2014-03 -- 2014-03Molecular Biology Course in Ho Chi Minh CityInstutute of Tropical Biology
University Management
2013-10 -- 2018-03生命システム医学専攻キャリア支援担当教員
2017-04 -- 2023-03生命システム医学専攻国際化推進委員会・フロンティア医科学専攻教育国際連携委員会委員
Other activities
2011-08 -- 2013-08頭脳循環を活性化する若手研究者海外派遣事業 派遣先:スウェーデンウプサラ大学(ルードヴィッグ癌研究所)

(Last updated: 2025-01-22)