ENOMAE Toshiharu
- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000-0001-9041-7528
- Sex
- Male
- Birth date
- 1960-12
- )KZjw8KZjy<EFD8<c:FD`Zz{ZwxZmmZjw8KZjyZzhZmgZngZieZzhZmfZvwZzlZwyZvzZzhZmfZmyZzkZm{ZnwZzhZmfZmmZzhZmfZvkZzhZmfZm{ZzhZmfZveZzhZmfZnjZzhZmfZmiZzhZmeZmgZz{ZwxZmnp<EFD8<cKFJ?@?8ILc=NZjw8KZjyLcKJLBL98c8:cAG`Zz{ZwxZmmZjw8KZjyZzhZmgZngZieZzhZmfZvwZzlZwyZvzZzhZmfZmyZzkZm{ZnwZzhZmfZmmZzhZmfZvkZzhZmfZm{ZzhZmfZveZzhZmfZnjZzhZmfZmiZzhZmeZmgZz{ZwxZmn
- Office
- C209, Advanced Research Laboratory A 618
- Phone
- 029-853-4646
- Fax
- 029-853-4646
- Research fields
Cultural assets study and museology Wood science - Research keywords
Paper, Coating, paper cultural properties, paper electronics, paper sensor - Research projects
Development and utilization of integrated paper devices for creating demand for wood to restore Japanese forestry 2017-07 -- 2020-03 ENOMAE Toshiharu Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 18,590,000Yen 紙の振動を利用した発電デバイスの印刷技術を用いた薄膜化 2015-02 -- 2016-03 Evi Oktavia The Japanese society of printing science and technology/平成2014年度印刷技術研究奨励金 (分担者) 500,000Yen インクジェット印刷技術を利用したろ紙基板多項目健康診断電極チップの作製 2012-02 -- 2013-03 Kento MAEJIMA The Japanese society of printing science and technology/平成2011年度印刷技術研究奨励金 (分担者) 500,000Yen 津波被災した紙文化財に及ぼす塩の影響と簡易脱塩技術の開発 2011-09 -- 2014-03 Toshiharu ENOMAE MITSUI & CO., LTD./2011年度 東日本大震災 復興助成 3,800,000Yen Establishment of ink jet technology to develop high throughput bio-assay system 2011-04 -- 2014-03 Toshiharu ENOMAE JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 3,900,000Yen 中世古文書に使用された料紙の顕微鏡画像のデータベース化と非繊維含有物の分析 2011-04 -- 2012-03 ENOMAE Toshiharu Historiographical Institute The University of Tokyo/2011年度一般共同研究 500,000Yen ペーパーエレクトロニクス実現に向けた紙の表面化学処理法 2011-02 -- 2012-03 堂込一智 The Japanese society of printing science and technology/平成2010年度印刷技術研究奨励金 500,000Yen Creation of printable paper electronics by control of microstructure 2010-04 -- 2013-03 ENOMAE Toshiharu Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 18,850,000Yen 水害被災した紙文化財の海水を利用した緊急保存処置法の開発 2010-04 -- 2011-03 ENOMAE Toshiharu The Salt Science Research Foundation/2010年度研究助成 1,800,000Yen インクジェット印刷技術を利用した紙の上での機能的微細構造形成 2009-04 -- 2010-03 ENOMAE Toshiharu The Japanese society of printing science and technology/平成2009年度印刷技術研究奨励金 500,000Yen more... - Career history
2012-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Life and Environmental SciencesProfessor 2004-08 -- 2012-03 The University of TokyoGraduate School of Agricultural and Life SciencesAssociate Professor 1987-12 -- 2004-07 The University of TokyoFaculty of AgricultureAssistant Professor - Academic background
1984-04 -- 1987-08 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultue Department of Forest Products 1979-04 -- 1984-03 The University of Tokyo Faculty and Graduate School of Agriculture Forest Products - Degree
1993-05 Doctor of Philosophy University of Tokyo - Academic societies
2011-04 -- (current) The Japanese Journal of Diplomatics 2008-04 -- (current) 機能紙研究会 2005-04 -- (current) 文化財保存修復学会 2005-01 -- (current) IS&T 2003-04 -- (current) 日本印刷学会 1986-04 -- (current) TAPPI 1984-04 -- (current) 紙パルプ技術協会 1983-04 -- (current) 日本木材学会 - Honors & Awards
2017-02 2016 Research Paper Award of Journal of Printing Science and Technology Development of Power Generation Technology by Vibration of Paper Coated with Fluorine Resins 2016-02 2015 Research Presentation Encouragement Award Paper-based Electric Power Generator from Vibration of Paper 2016-02 2015 Research Paper Award of Journal of Printing Science and Technology Effect of (Airing) on Book Preservation: Development of Technology to Preserve and Manage Chinese Books Made of Bamboo Paper 2012-02 平成23年度日本印刷学会論文賞 卵殻カルシウムパウダーを塗工用顔料に利用したインクジェット紙の特性評価 2011-08 ICIPT 2011 Outstanding Poster Award in Printing and Material Session "Fully Printable Powder Electroluminescent Device" 2008-02 平成19年度日本印刷学会研究発表奨励賞 表面化学特性を制御した炭酸カルシウム顔料を用いたインクジェット紙 2007-02 平成18年度日本印刷学会研究発表奨励賞 「インクジェットメディアのマイクロサイズ度」 2007-02 平成18年度日本印刷学会論文賞 オフセット印刷におけるマットコート紙グロス発現メカニズム(第2報)インキ転移後のミクロな挙動 1999-05 繊維学会紙パルプ論文賞 - Articles
- Efficient encapsulation of Hinoki essential oil with β-cyclodextrin using an ultrasound-aided coprecipitation technique for dual anti-Listeria monocytogenes and anti-Staphylococcus aureus activities
Kong Peifu; Zulfikar Ainun; Thangunpai Kotchaporn; Mas...
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules/270(1), 2024-05 - Effects of Grafting Maleic Anhydride onto Poly-e-caprolactone on Facilitative Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Thangunpai Kotchaporn; Hu Donghao; Kajiyama Mikio; Nev...
MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING/Epub, 2023-07-27 - Preparation of Green Anti-Staphylococcus aureus Inclusion Complexes Containing Hinoki Essential Oil
Kong Peifu; Thangunpai Kotchaporn; Zulfikar Ainun; Mas...
FOODS/12(16), 2023-08 - Preparation and characterization of tea tree oil-β-cyclodextrin microcapsules with super-high encapsulation efficiency
Kong Peifu; Abe Junichi Peter; Masuo Shunsuke; Enomae ...
JOURNAL OF BIORESOURCES AND BIOPRODUCTS/8(3)/pp.224-234, 2023-08 - Bioinspired cellulose-based membranes in oily wastewater treatment
Halim Abdul; Ernawati Lusi; Ismayati Maya; Martak Fah...
FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING/16(7), 2022-07 - Thermal stability of polycaprolactone grafted densely with maleic anhydride analysed using the Coats–Redfern equation
Thangunpai K.; Hu D.; Su X.; Kajiyama M.; Marcos Antonio ...
Polymers/14(19), 2022-09 - Preparation of an eco-friendly antibacterial agent for food packaging containing Houttuynia cordata Thunb. extract
Peifu Kong; Junichi Peter Abe; Akiko Nakagawa-izumi; Miki...
RSC Advance/12(25)/pp.16141-16152, 2022-05 - Image Analysis of Heat-Affected Zone of Laser-Cut Heat-Resistant Paper using Otsu Thresholding Technique
Shalida Mohd Rosnan; Kong Peifu; Toshiharu Enomae; Nakaga...
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)/13(4)/pp.41-48, 2022-04 - Evaluation of Degradation of Japanese Hanging Scrolls Using Relative Peak Area of Volatile Organic Compounds
Lee Kang; Michel Sablier; Toshiharu Enomae; Masamitsu Inaba
Studies in Conservation/Epub, 2022-03 - Hierarchically 3-D Porous Structure of Silk Fibroin-Based Biocomposite Adsorbent for Water Pollutant Removal
Ernawati Lusi; Wahyuono Ruri Agung; Halim Abdul; Noora...
ENVIRONMENTS/8(11), 2021-11 - Production of Silicaalginate-nanocellulose Composite Beads with Cinnamon Essential Oil for Antimicrobial Sachet
Farah Fahma; RM Muhammad Fauzan; Titi Sunarti; Sugiarto ...
Journal of Nanostructures/10(4)/pp.779-792, 2020-12 - Changes in the Degree of Degradation with Position of Painting Papers in Japanese Hanging Scrolls by Accelerated Ageing Using Open and Sealed Tube Methods
Lee Kang; Enomae Toshiharu; Inaba Masamitsu
STUDIES IN CONSERVATION/Epub, 2021-08 - Encapsulation of purple sweet potato's anthocyanin in CMC-PVA matrix for development of paper strips as a colorimetric biosensor
Wulandari Anting; Sunarti Titi Candra; Fahma Farah; Noor ...
Indian J. Biochem. Biophys/58(6)/pp.292-302, 2021-06 - Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Dots from Nanocellulose for Dual-metal Ion-sensor Probe: Fe (Ⅲ) and Mn (Ⅱ)
Donghao Hu; Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Xu Yinchao; Kajiyama Mikio; N...
Cellulose/28(15)/pp.9705-9724, 2021-08 - Biomimicking properties of cellulose nanofiber under ethanol/water mixture
Halim Abdul; Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Enomae Toshiharu
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/10(1), 2020-12 - Effect of Lining Papers on the Permanence of Painting Papers in Japanese Scroll Paintings During Moist Heat Ageing
Lee Kang; Enomae Toshiharu; Inaba Masamitsu
STUDIES IN CONSERVATION/Epub, 2021-01 - Comparison of Degradation Behaviour of the Painting Paper in Japanese Scrolls for Moist Heat and Sealed Tube Ageing Methods
Lee Kang; Enomae Toshiharu; Inaba Masamitsu
STUDIES IN CONSERVATION/Epub, 2021-01 - An analysis on the electrophoretic mobility of cellulose nanocrystals as thin cylinders: relaxation and end effect
Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Hu Donghao; Sugimoto Takuya; Chang Feng-...
RSC Advances/9/pp.34032-34038, 2019-10 - Mechanism of Acidification that Progresses in Library Collections of Books Made of Alkaline Paper
Mochizuki Yukiko; Itsumura Hiroshi; Enomae Toshiharu
Restaurator. International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material/41(3)/pp.153-172, 2020-10 - Characterization of self-assembled silver nanoparticle ink based on nanoemulsion method
Donghao Hu; Ogawa Kazuyoshi; Kajiyama Mikio; Enomae Tosh...
Royal Society Open Science/7(5), 2020-05 - A discrimination method for paper by Fourier transform and cross correlation
Miyata Hitomi; Shinozaki Makoto; Nakayama Tomohito; En...
Journal of forensic sciences/47(5)/pp.1125-1132, 2002-09-01 - Science and Technology in Paper, Pulps, and Packaging Fields toward the 2020 Annual Meeting
江前 敏晴
Sen'i Gakkaishi/76(4)/pp.P-143-P-143, 2020 - An analysis on the electrophoretic mobility of cellulose nanocrystals as thin cylinders: relaxation and end effect
Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Hu Donghao; Sugimoto Takuya; Chang Feng-...
RSC Advances/9/pp.34032-34038, 2019-10 - Cellulose Nanocrystal Isolation from Hardwood Pulp using Various Hydrolysis Conditions
Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Enomae Toshiharu; Chang Feng-Cheng
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)/24(20), 2019-10 - Effect of Sheet Forming Method on Wet Tensile Strength of Usu-mino-gami (Japanese Kozo Paper)
Inaba Masamitsu; Hasegawa Satoshi; Handa Masaki; Enomae Tosh...
JAPAN TAPPI JOURNAL/73(6)/pp.567-574, 2019 - more...
- Efficient encapsulation of Hinoki essential oil with β-cyclodextrin using an ultrasound-aided coprecipitation technique for dual anti-Listeria monocytogenes and anti-Staphylococcus aureus activities
- Books
- 第11章 紙
江前 敏晴
木材の化学/海青社/pp.159-174, 2021-03 - 紙パルプ試験規格最新情報
江前 敏晴
紙パルプ技術タイムス/pp.17-22, 2000 - 顔料塗工による紙の表面加工薬剤と表面・界面", 表面・界面工学大系[下巻] 応用編 第2編 工業・産業に関する表面・界面技術 第2章 パルプ・製紙工業に関する表面・界面技術
江前 敏晴
テクノシステム/pp.291-297, 2005 - 71紙作りは、原点に近づく!
江前 敏晴
木のびっくり話100/pp.156-157, 2005 - 紙の試験規格
江前 敏晴
紙の文化事典/pp. 510-516, 2006 - 製紙
江前 敏晴
歴史学事典, 2006 - 8.3節 紙の試験規格
江前 敏晴
紙の文化事典/pp.510-516, 2006 - 製紙
江前 敏晴
ものとわざ/弘文堂, 2006
- 第11章 紙
- Conference, etc.
- The potential of bioactives as biosensors for detection of pH
Wulandari Anting; Sunarti Titi Candra; Fahma Farah; En...
4th International Scientific Conference of Biomass and Bioenergy - Biomass and Bioenergy, A Pathway for Sustainable Development Goals/2019-08-19--2019-08-20 - Electrophoretic mobility of cellulose nanocrystal colloidal particles: A consideration on end effect
Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Sugimoto Takuya; Hu Donghao; 幹佳 小林; Enoma...
第69回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2018-09-18--2018-09-20 - Colloidal properties of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions for ink jet printing
Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Cha...
日本木材学会大会/2017-03-17--2017-03-19 - Rheological properties of cellulose nanocrystals dispersions
Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Cha...
The 2016 Asian Symposium on Printing Technology/2016-10-05--2016-10-08 - 図書館蔵書の酸性化に対する大気汚染の影響 慶應義塾大学と筑波大学の図書館蔵書の酸性状態の比較
逸村 裕; 望月有希子; 江前敏晴
日本図書館情報学会春季研究集会/2018-5-12--2018-5-12 - Electrophoretic mobility of cellulose nanocrystal colloidal particles: A consideration on end effect
LIN Kuan-Hsuan; SUGIMOTO Takuya; HU Donghao; 小林 幹佳; ENOMA...
第69回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2018-09-18--2018-09-20 - Paper-based electronics and sensors fabricated by using printing technology
江前 敏晴
Advances in Pulp and Paper Research, Oxford 2017/2017-09-04--2017-09-08
- The potential of bioactives as biosensors for detection of pH
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF(Spring) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF(Spring) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1F University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 2F University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Thesis Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1S University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Environmental Studies Practicum II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Environmental Studies Practicum II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IF University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IS University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1S University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2020-11 -- 2023-11 Project to promote a system for awareness of environment issues to Cambodian citizens with Cambodian Ministry of Environment. NGO Nature Center Risen 2015-07 -- 2020-06 Training of instructors of Colleges of Education in Phnom Penh and Battambang in Cambodia Nature Center Risen - Talks
- 製紙研究及び製紙産業の最新トレンド
江前 敏晴
2019年度繊維学会夏季セミナー/2019-09-12--2019-09-12 - 印刷用紙の基礎と技術動向
江前 敏晴
印刷インキ講座― 印刷インキの基礎知識 ―/2019-05-15--2019-05-15 - 紙デバイスの創製及び筑波大学における教育改革の動向と課題
江前 敏晴
平成30年度福井県教頭・副校長会秋季総会講演会/2018-11-02--2018-11-02 - 紙の製造技術と構造・物性の理解
江前 敏晴
KOKUYO講演会/2020-01-31--2020-01-31 - 紙はプラスチック代替材料になり得るのか
江前 敏晴
第13回つくば3Eフォーラム会議/2020-01-25--2020-01-25 - 紙資料の劣化と保存
江前 敏晴
令和3年度大学図書館職員長期研修/2021-07-14--2021-07-14 - 紙の可能性 過去~現在~未来
江前 敏晴
川崎図書館講演会及び展示会/2015-09-27--2015-09-27 - Development of electronics and sensors using paper and printing
江前 敏晴
12th Research and Technology Conference/2017-09-21--2017-09-21 - Paper-based power generator from sonic vibration and copper ion sensor
江前 敏晴
225th JOEM/2017-10-26--2017-10-26 - Coefficient of friction and comfortable feeling of paper
江前 敏晴
Japan Imaging Society the 121st Annual Conference/2018-06-20--2018-06-20
- 製紙研究及び製紙産業の最新トレンド
- Professional activities
2020-06 -- (current) Japan Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry 試験規格委員会/委員長 2020-06 -- (current) THE SOCIETY OF FIBER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, JAPAN 理事 2017-06 -- (current) High Performance Paper Society, Japan Executive board member 2016-02 -- (current) The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology 理事 2014-02 -- 2016-01 The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology 日本印刷学会誌編集委員長 - University Management
2020-04 -- (current) Degree program in Agricultural Sciences Program Leader 2019-04 -- (current) Doctoral Program in Appropriate Technology and Sciences for Sustainable Development Chair 2020-04 -- 2021-03 Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences Head of Department 2018-04 -- 2019-03 Master's program of Agri-Bioresource Sciences Curriculum committee member - Message
Please be advised to contact me by e-mail if you are interested in taking an entrance exam or looking around the laboratory.
(Last updated: 2024-10-24)