Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
Official title
Associate Professor
Birth date
3F111, 理科系修士棟B324
Research fields
Civil engineering materials/Construction/Construction management
Structural engineering/Earthquake engineering/Maintenance management engineering
Research keywords
Renewable Energy
Vehicle-Bridge Interaction
Composite structure
Research projects
迅速かつ低コストな車両・橋梁・舗装の同時点検システムの実験的検証2021-04 -- 2022-04YAMAMOTO KyosukeSHOREKI Commemorative foundation/Research Grant 20211,000,000Yen
迅速かつ低コストな車両・橋梁・舗装の同時点検システムの理論構築2020-04 -- 2021-04YAMAMOTO KyosukeSHOREKI Commemorative foundation/Research Grant 20201,000,000Yen
Drive-by Sensing for multiple vehicles and multiple bridges2019-04 -- 2023-03YAMAMOTO KyosukeJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)17,550,000Yen
磁粉探傷試験の自動化に向けた人工知能基盤技術の適用2018-07 -- 2020-06SAKURAI TetsuyaJTEKT Corporation/Industry-University collaboration research1,410,000Yen
車両震動分析に基づく橋梁損傷検知技術の基礎開発2016-04 -- 2017-03YAMAMOTO KyosukeIHI Corporation/Industry-University collaboration research2,200,000Yen
ケニアにおける自立型人材育成支援に向けた現状調査2013-09 -- 2013-09Kyosuke YAMAMOTOJapan International Cultural Exchange Foundation/Overseas dispatch program200,000Yen
Development and verification of vehicle response analysis for bridge health evaluation2013-04 -- 2016-03Kyosuke YAMAMOTOJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)4,550,000Yen
Career history
2019-04 -- (current)Center for Artificial Intelligence Research研究員(専任)
2018-04 -- (current)Alliance for Research on the Mediterranean and North Africa研究員(兼担)
2014-04 -- 2018-03Alliance for Research on the North Africa研究員(兼担)
2012-04 -- 2012-09京都大学大学院社会基盤工学専攻教務補佐員
2012-10 -- (current)筑波大学システム情報系助教
Academic background
2003-04 -- 2007-03Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate School of Global Engineering
2007-04 -- 2009-03Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Environment engineering
2009-04 -- 2012-03Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering
2012-07PhD, EngineeringKyoto University
Academic societies
Honors & Awards
2021-09Outstanding Presentation Award, the 40th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technologythe 40th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technologyにて発表した『Application of Wavelet-Taylor-Galerkin to the 1D Euler equations』に対して受賞
2021-07Best Student Paper Award, World Congress on Engineering 2021World Congress on Engineering 2021 にて発表した『Basic Research on the Bending Problem of Kirchhoff-Love Plates using Hermite Elements』に対して、指導学生が受賞
2021-07Best Paper Award, World Congress on Engineering 2021World Congress on Engineering 2021にて発表した『Field Experiments and Predicting using C-LSTM Networks of Bridge Position Estimation』に対して受賞
2021-07Best Paper Award, World Congress on Engineering 2021World Congress on Engineering 2021にて発表した『Numerical Study of the Effect of Measurement Noise on the Accuracy of Bridge Parameter Estimation in VBI System Identification』に対して受賞
2019-07"Certificate of Merit" for ICME, World Congress on Engineering 2019 in London本学会で発表した『Basic Numerical Study about the Stochastic Advantage on Ultimate Bending Capacity of Hybrid Composite Girder』に対して,受賞した.
2019-07"Best Student Paper Award" of ICME, World Congress on Engineering 2019 in London本学会で発表した『Numerical Experiments of Bridge Position Estimation for On-Going Monitoring』に対して,指導学生が受賞した.
2016-06"Best Paper Award" of ICME, World Congress on Engineering 2016 in London本学会で発表した『Numerical Verification of Bridge Screening Technology based on Vehicle Vibration』に対して,受賞した.
2017-07"Certificate of Merit" for ICME, World Congress on Engineering 2017 in London本学会で発表した『Experimental Validation of Bridge Screening Method based on Vehicle Response Analysis』に対して,受賞した.
  • Bridge Damage Identification by Vehicle Response
    山本 亨輔
Conference, etc.
  • The analysis for the acceleration data of vehicle running on over 100 bridges based on SSMA
    高橋悠太; 金子直樹; 酒井真清; 秦涼太; Yamamoto Kyosuke
    Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures/2023-08-30--2023-09-01
  • Field Study of Drive-by Monitoring for Estimating Road Unevenness with Buses in Service Operation
    秦涼太; 佐久間活機; 岡田幸彦; Yamamoto Kyosuke
    Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures/2023-08-30--2023-09-01
  • A Fundamental Study on Application of Two-dimensional Hermitian Elements to In-plane Bending Deformation Problems of Plates
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; 岡部つくし; 酒井真清; 金子直樹
    13th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium/2023-08-29--2023-08-31
  • 粒子群最適化に基づく車両振動データを用いた車両・橋梁・路面のパラメータ同定
    山本 亨輔; 村上 翔
  • 粒子群最適化に基づく複数車両の振動データを用いた車両・橋梁・路面のパラメータ同定
    山本 亨輔; 村上 翔
  • Numerical Experiments of Bridge Position Estimation for On-Going Monitoring
    Murai Ryo; Miyamoto Riku; Yamamoto Kyosuke; Okada Yukihiko
    the World Congress on Engineering 2019/2019-07-03--2019-07-05
  • 空間特異モード角度を用いた比較的軽度な橋梁損傷検知の可能性検討
    高橋悠太; 山本亨輔; 岡田 幸彦
    第65 回構造工学シンポジウム/2019-04-20--2019-04-21
  • Experimental Study about the Applicability of Traffic-induced Vibration for Bridge Monitoring
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Miyamoto R.; Takahashi Y.; Okada Yukihiko
    World Congress on Engineering/2018-07-02
  • The Effect of Second Viscosity on Calculation of Compressible Flow by Density-Based Method
    Matsuura T.; Takahashi Y.; Kanagawa T.; Yamamoto K.
    9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC9)/2017-10-27--2017-10-30
  • Numerical verification on Wavelet-based Vehicle Response Analysis method for bridge damage detection
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Kosuke Mori; Mikio Ishikawa
    The 28th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering/2015-11-16--2015-11-18
  • Numerical simulation of debris flow for the highlands of Ethiopia
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Takashi Matsushima; Muhammed Edris Ahmed; ...
    The 28th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering/2015-11-16--2015-11-18
  • Numerical verification on application of SVD to SHM for bridge structure
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Midori Morikawa; Kazuki Asakawa
    The 28th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering/2015-11-16--2015-11-18
  • Errors on bridge vibration data measured by a passing vehicle
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Yuta Nakagama
    The 26th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering/2013-11-18--2013-11-20
  • Damage influence on vibration indices of a passing vehicle
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Yoshinobu Oshima; Kunitomo Sugiura
    The 26th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering/2013-11-18--2013-11-20
  • Assessment of Bridge Vibration based on Vehicle Responses using Independent Component Analysis
    山本亨輔; Yoshinobu Oshima
    the 22nd KKCNN Symposium on Civil Eng./2009-10-30--2009-11-03
  • Monitoring of coupled vibration between bridge and train
    山本亨輔; Yoshinobu Oshima; Akimitsu Tanaka; Motoharu Hori
    the 22nd KKCNN Symposium on Civil Eng./2009-10-30--2009-11-03
  • Estimation of Vibration Properties of Bridges using the Responses of Passing and Parking Vehicles
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Yoshinobu Oshima; Kunitomo Sugiura
    8th Japanese German Bridge Sym./2009-08-03--2009-08-05
  • Estimation of bridge eigenfrequencies based on vehicle responses using ICA
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Yoshinobu Oshima; Kunitomo Sugiura; Takash...
    10th international conference on structural safety and reliability (ICOSSAR)/2009-09-13--2009-09-17
  • Stiffness estimation of RC bridges based on vehicle responses
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Yoshinobu Oshima; Kunitomo Sugiura
    Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-7)/2010-05-23--2010-05-28
  • Development of a live load model in Bangkok city using Bridge Weigh-in-Motion Data
    山本 亨輔; Yoshinobu Oshima; Kunitomo Sugiura; T.Pinkaew; Hen Sal...
    the first Int. Conf. on Advances in Interaction & Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM10)/2010-05-31--2010-06-02
  • Simultaneous monitoring of the coupled vibration between a bridge and moving trains, Bridge Maintenance
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Yoshinobu Oshima; Kunitomo Sugiura; Akimit...
    Safety, Management, Health Monitoring and Informatics, IABMAS2010/2010-06-11--2010-06-15
  • Damage identification of a bridge based on the bridge displacements estimated by the responses of a passing vehicle
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Yoshinobu Oshima; Kunitomo Sugiura
    the 23rd KKCNN Symposium on Civil Eng./2010-11-24--2010-11-26
  • Field Experiment on Vibrations of a Steel Cantilever Truss Bridge before and after Applying Damage
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Ryo Isemoto; Yoshinobu Oshima; Chul-Woo Ki...
    Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'11+)/2011-09-18--2011-09-22
  • Damage detection of a road bridge based on the statistical analysis of the vehicle's responses
    Yamamoto Kyosuke; Yoshinobu Oshima; Chul-Woo Kim; Mitsuo Kaw...
    Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'11+)/2011-09-18--2011-09-22
  • Modal Parameter Changes of a Steel Truss Bridge due to Member Fracture
    山本 亨輔; Ryo Isemoto; Yoshinobu Oshima; Chul-Woo Kim; Kunitomo ...
    the 24th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Eng./2011-12-14--2011-12-16
  • more...
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-03Africa Online Field StudyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Basic Laboratory of Engineering Systems BUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2020-04 -- (current)YouTubeでの山本研OCW整備
Professional activities
2014-07 -- 2015-03JAPANESE SOCIETY OF STEEL CONSTRUCTIONアップドラフト発電施設の洋上構築に関する調査委員会
2014-03 -- 2016-06JAPAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS構造ヘルスモニタリングにおける意思決定手法研究小委員会/幹事長
Other activities
2024-04 -- 2025-03Space Technology Workshop: Growing Together with the Community

(Last updated: 2024-11-22)