- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Research fields
Cognitive science Experimental psychology Basic / Social brain science - Research keywords
脳波 コミュニケーション 認知心理学 認知脳科学 - Research projects
同期脳の理解と制御と社会応用 2024-04 -- 2028-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 48,100,000Yen 2者間の非言語情報の同調が言語コミュニケーションに与える影響 2020-04 -- 2022-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a Proposed Research Area) 3,900,000Yen コミュニケーション時の運動リズム同期から推定する発達障害と定型発達の関係性 2015-04 -- 2017-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) 11,440,000Yen 人間のコミュニケーションに関する脳メカニズムの解明と創発 2013-11 -- 2018-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro The Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology (MEXT)/テニュアトラック普及・定着事業(個人選抜型) 70,000,000Yen 視点と身体表象の重ね合わせから見る発達障害者の脳ネットワーク障害の解明 2013-06 -- 2015-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) 11,570,000Yen オンラインでの他者との協力/競争が記憶容量と脳活動に与える影響 2012-04 -- 2013-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro HAYAO NAKAYAMA foundation for science, technology, and culture/Research Grant A 1,200,000Yen Neural substrate for perspective taking from self to other 2011-04 -- 2014-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,420,000Yen 脳リズムによる、人-人、人-ロボット対話時の「適切な間(ま)」の評価 2010-04 -- 2012-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) 11,180,000Yen Social reward motivation increases working memory capacity 2008-10 -- 2010-03 KAWASAKI Masahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up) 3,341,000Yen - Career history
2017-07 -- (current) 筑波大学 システム情報系准教授 2013-04 -- 2017-06 University of TsukubaDepartment of Systems and Information EngineeringAssistant Professor 2012-04 -- (current) Meiji UniversityDepartment of Science and EngineeringConcurrent Lecturer 2008-06 -- (current) RIKENBrain Science InstituteVisiting Researcher 2008-01 -- 2013-03 RIKENBSI-TOYOTA Collaboration CenterResearcher 2007-04 -- 2007-12 東京大学生産技術研究所 - Degree
2007-3 Ph.D. University of Tokyo - Academic societies
2007-04 -- (current) Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2007-04 -- (current) Society for Neuroscience 2015-04 -- (current) Psychonomic Society 2015-04 -- (current) The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Enineers (IEICE) 2009-04 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 2005-04 -- (current) JAPANESE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY - Honors & Awards
2019-05 第16回日本認知心理学会優秀発表賞 2014-12 筑波大学 若手教員奨励賞 2014-12 2014年電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループ(HCG) シンポジウム プレゼンテーション賞 2013-12 Presentation Award for the 30the annual meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society 優れた口頭・ポスター発表を参加者の投票によって表彰 2012-09 2012年 計測自動制御学会 生体・生理工学部門 研究奨励賞 2012-07 2012年包括型脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク 夏のワークショップ 若手優秀発表賞 2011-12 2011年度 電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞(HIP部門) 2011-12 2011年電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループ(HCG) シンポジウム プレゼンテーション賞 2011-02 第5回わかしゃち奨励賞 優秀賞 2010-12 2010年電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループ(HCG)シンポジウム ベストプレゼンテーション賞 2009-12 2009年電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループ(HCG)シンポジウム プレゼンテーション賞 2006-09 第22回認知科学学会 大会発表賞 - Articles
- ヒトとヒトのコミュニケーションに見られる脳波リズムの脳間同期
川崎 真弘
日本神経回路学会誌/31(2)/pp.63-70, 2024-06 - ヒトとヒトのコミュニケーションに見られる脳波リズムの脳間同期
川崎 真弘
日本神経回路学会誌/31(2)/pp.63-70, 2024-06 - Brainwave activities reflecting depressed mood: a pilot study
Morita Masahiko; Otsu Ryusei; Kawasaki Masahiro
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1), 2023-09-04 - Measurements of the lateral cerebellar hemispheres using near-infrared spectroscopy through comparison between autism spectrum disorder and typical development
Nishida Toshiki; Suzumura Nao; Nakanishi Yuto; Maki N...
NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS/812, 2023-08-24 - The frequency-dependent stimulation effects of rTMS on the performance of problem-solving tasks and ongoing oscillations
Miyauchi E.; Kawasaki M.
EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY/65(1:SI)/pp.S257-S257, 2022-06 - Behavioural Effects of Task-relevant Neuromodulation by rTMS on Giving-up
Miyauchi Eri; Kawasaki Masahiro
Scientific Reports, 2021-11 - Inter-brain synchronization during coordination of speech rhythm in human-to-human social interaction
Kawasaki Masahiro; Yamada Yohei; Ushiku Yosuke; Miyauc...
Scieintific Reports/3, 2013-04 - Behavioural effects of task-relevant neuromodulation by rTMS on giving-up
Miyauchi Eri; Kawasaki Masahiro
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/11(1), 2021-11 - Frequency-dependent effects of EEG phase resetting on reaction time
Nakatani Hironori; Kawasaki Masahiro; Kitajo Keiichi; ...
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH/172/pp.51-62, 2021-11 - Atypical cortical activation during fine motor tasks in autism spectrum disorder
Suzumura Nao; Nishida Toshiki; Maki Nao; Komeda Hidet...
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH/172/pp.92-98, 2021-11 - Behavioral rhythm and EEG rhythm to determine timing deficits in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms
Kinumaki Shoko; Miyauchi Eri; Kawasaki Masahiro
Heliyon/6(7), 2020-07 - A novel approach for assessing neuromodulation using phase-locked information measured with TMS-EEG
井出 政行; 太刀川 弘和; 根本 清貴; 新井 哲明; 川崎 真弘; Eri Miyauchi
Scientific Reports/(9)/p.428, 2019-01 - Mechanism and Functions of We-mode: Perspectives in Rhythm, Synchronicity and Joint action
北﨑 充晃; 板倉 昭二; 嶋田 総太郎; 平井 真洋; 川崎 真弘
The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association/82/pp.SS-080-SS-080, 2018 - Synchronous brain networks for passive auditory perception in depressive states: A pilot study
Aiba Kunihiro; Miyauchi Eri; Kawasaki Masahiro
Heliyon/5(7), 2019-07 - Transfer entropy for synchronized behavior estimation of interpersonal relationships in human communication: identifying leaders or followers.
Takamizawa Kenji; Kawasaki Masahiro
Scientific Reports/9(1), 2019-07 - A novel approach for assessing neuromodulation using phase-locked information measured with TMS-EEG
Miyauchi Eri; Ide Masayuki; Tachikawa Hirokazu; Nemoto K...
Scientific reports/9, 2019-01 - A novel approach for assessing neuromodulation using phase-locked information measured with TMS-EEG
Miyauchi Eri; Ide Masayuki; Tachikawa Hirokazu; Nemoto K...
Scientific reports/9(1)/p.428, 2019-01 - Relationship between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and variability of behavior rhythm
衣巻 頌子; 宮内 英里; 川崎 真弘
Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology/2018(0)/p.136, 2018 - Facilitation of response time with induces of EEG oscillation by transcranial electric stimulation
川崎 真弘; 邊見 佳輝; 宮内 英里
Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology/2018(0)/p.2, 2018 - EEG dipole source localization with information criteria for multiple particle filters
Sonoda Sho; Nakamura Keita; Kaneda Yuki; Hino Hideitsu; A...
Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society/108/pp.68-82, 2018-08 - Sensory-motor synchronization in the brain corresponds to behavioral synchronization between individuals
Kawasaki Masahiro; Kitajo Keiichi; Yamaguchi Yoko
Neuropsychologia/119/pp.59-67, 2018-07 - Electroencephalogram oscillations support the involvement of task-unrelated thoughts in the mechanism of boredom: A pilot study
Miyauchi Eri; Kawasaki Masahiro
Neuroscience letters/677/pp.72-77, 2018-04 - The integration of audio-tactile information is modulated by multimodal social interaction with physical contact in infancy
Tanaka Yukari; Kanakogi Yasuhiro; Kawasaki Masahiro; M...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience/30/pp.31-40, 2017-12 - Frontal theta activation during motor synchronization in autism
Kawasaki Masahiro; Kitajo Keiichi; Fukao Kenjiro; Mura...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/7, 2017-11 - Different strategy between normal and ASD subjects during imitation of other's movement
川崎 真弘; 米田 英嗣; 村井 俊哉; 船曳 康子
Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology/2014(0)/p.33, 2014 - more...
- ヒトとヒトのコミュニケーションに見られる脳波リズムの脳間同期
- Books
- Human oscillatory EEG Activities for working memory capacity
Kawasaki Masahiro
NeuroImaging - Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience/InTech/pp.249-262, 2012-05
- Human oscillatory EEG Activities for working memory capacity
- Conference, etc.
- Propagation of TMS-induced EEG phase-locked information for assessments of major depression
Miyauchi Eri; Ide Masayuki; Tachikawa Hirokazu; Nemoto K...
14th World Congress of International Neuromodulation Society/2019-05-25--2019-05-30 - TMS-induced EEG phase locking values evaluate the effect of electroconvulsive therapy for depressive state
井出 政行; 宮内 英里; 太刀川 弘和; 根本 清貴; 新井 哲明; 川崎 真弘
第40回日本生物学的精神医学会・第61回日本神経化学会大会 合同年会/2018-09-06--2018-09-08 - Localizing Current Dipoles from EEG Data Using a Birth-Death Process
Nakamura Keita; Sonoda Sho; Hino Hideitsu; Kawasaki M...
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)/2018-12-03--2018-12-06 - 経頭蓋磁気刺激誘発脳波(TMS-EEG)による、電気けいれん療法前後の同期性の評価
井出 政行; 宮内 英理; 太刀川 弘和; 根本 清貴; 新井 哲明; 川崎 真弘
第39回日本生物学的精神医学会/2017-09-28--2017-09-30 - Combining transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography to investigate the neural correlates of giving-up on problem solving
Kawasaki Masahiro
2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference - TMS-induced EEG phase locking values reflect the effect of electroconvulsive therapy for depressive state.
Kawasaki Masahiro
9th FENS Forum of Neuroscience - EEG oscillation for inter-personal relationship in synchronous rhythmic communication
Kawasaki Masahiro
2016 Meeting of European Society for Cognitive & Affective, Neuroscience - Theta and alpha EEG oscillations mediate neural mechanisms of experiencing boredom
Kawasaki Masahiro
Psychonomic Society's 57th Annual Meeting - Facilitation of visual-motor response by increasing alpha phase synchronization between visual and motor areas by tACS / tDCS
Kawasaki Masahiro
Neuroscience 2016 at Society for Neuroscience
- Propagation of TMS-induced EEG phase-locked information for assessments of major depression
- Intellectural property rights
- 脳波信号処理装置、神経・精神疾患の評価装置、脳波信号処理方法、神経・精神疾患の評価方法、プログラム、および記録媒体
井出 政行; 川崎 真弘; 宮内 英里
- 脳波信号処理装置、神経・精神疾患の評価装置、脳波信号処理方法、神経・精神疾患の評価方法、プログラム、および記録媒体
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies X (Technical Writing Practice c) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies X (Technical Writing Practice c) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-12 -- 2025-02 Linear Algebra 3 University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XII (Contributions for Academic Community) University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2022 -- (current) Frontier in Human Neuroscience Editorial Board Frontier in Human Neuroscience Editorial Board 2022-06 -- (current) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 編集委員 2022-01 -- (current) 日本認知科学会P&P研究会 幹事 2019-04 -- (current) 電子情報通信学会 ヒューマン情報処理研究会 専門委員 2018-01 -- (current) JAPANESE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY 運営委員 2017-04 -- (current) Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (イギリス) Editorial Board 2018-01 -- 2021-12 日本認知科学会 P&P研究会 主査 2016-01 -- 2017-12 JAPANESE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY 幹事 2015-04 -- 2019-03 電子情報通信学会 ヒューマン情報処理研究会 幹事 2014-10 -- 2017-03 電子情報通信学会 ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループ 編集委員
(Last updated: 2025-02-04)