Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Birth date
Research fields
Rural environmental engineering/Planning
Research keywords
Transport Phenomena
Natural Organic Matter
Humic Substances
Clay Minerals
Environmental Colloids
Research projects
Understandings and model developments of transport characteristics of nano-materials in soils2018-04 -- 2021-03HAMAMOTO shoichiroJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)17,550,000Yen
Understanding of soil physics phenomena of imogolite-humic substances complex in standpoint of colloid and interface science2017-04 -- 2021-03Yuji YAMASHITAJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Research (B)4,290,000Yen
Environmental Interface Engineering Based on Dynamic Analysis of Colloidal Flocculation2016-05 -- 2021-03Yasuhisa ADACHIJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)132,600,000Yen
Why do humic substances hinder the efficiency of water treatment process?2015-04 -- 2017-03Yuji YAMASHITAJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research3,900,000Yen
Influence of humic substances on interfacial phenomena in water treatment processes2014-10 -- 2015-09Yuji YAMASHITAKurita Water and Environment Foundation/KWEF Research Grant Program 20141,200,000Yen
鹿沼土およびガラスビーズを用いたコロイド促進型の汚染物質輸送挙動に関する研究2007-04 -- 2009-03YAMASHITA YujiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows1,800,000Yen
Career history
2013-09 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Life and Environmental SciencesAssistant Professor
2012-04 -- 2013-09Japan Atomic Energy AgencyResearch Group for Green ChemistryPostdoctoral Fellow
2010-12 -- 2011-02Yale UniversityDepartment of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringVisiting Research Scholar
2009-01 -- 2012-03University of TokyoDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of EngineeringResearch Fellow
2008-04 -- 2009-01Japan Society for the Promotion of SceienceUniversity of TsukubaResearch Fellowship for Young Scientist (PD)
2007-04 -- 2008-03Japan Sociery for the Promotion of ScienceUniversity of TsukubaResearch Fellowship for Young Scientist (DC2)
Academic background
2005-04 -- 2008-03University of Tsukuba Graduate school of Life and Environmental Sciences Biosphere Resource Science and Technology Program
2003-04 -- 2005-03University of Tsukuba Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences 環境科学専攻
1999-04 -- 2003-03University of Tsukuba 第二学群 College of Agro-Biological Resource Sciences
2008-03Ph. D.University of Tsukuba
Licenses and qualifications
2013-10Assistant Surveyor
Academic societies
2003 -- (current)The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
2007 -- (current)Japanese Humic Substances Society
2009 -- (current)Atomic Energy Society of Japan
2013 -- (current)Japanese Society of Soil Physics
2014 -- (current)International Humic Substances Society
2018-08 -- (current)Chemical Society of Japan
Honors & Awards
2017-03Poster AwardAnalysis of surface free energy of imogolite-humic acids complex and mechanism of enhancement of its hydrophobicity
2010-056th International Conference Interfaces Against Pollution Award
2008-065th International Conference Interfaces Against Pollution Award
  • ガラスビーズおよび鹿沼土充填カラムを通過するモデルコロイド粒子とフミン酸の輸送に関する研究
Conference, etc.
  • Colored water evaporation in Toyoura sand with absorbent polymer
    山下 祐司
    2024 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Physics/2024-10-19--2024-10-19
  • Comparison of cationic flocculants with different branching structure for the flocculation of negatively charged particles coexisting with humic substances
    山下祐司; リム ブーンフイ; 小川和義; 足立 泰久
  • Polyion complex formation of humic substances with a cationic linear polyelectrolyte flocculant
    山下祐司; リム ブーンフイ; 小川和義; 足立 泰久
  • 様々なイオン種の存在下におけるアロフェンの臨界凝集イオン強度
    小林 幹佳; Li Maolin; 杉本 卓也; 山下 祐司
  • Covering soybean leaves with cellulose nanofiber changes leaf surface hydrophobicity and confers resistance against Phakopsora pachyrhizi
    Saito Haruka; Yamashita Yuji; Sakata Nanami; Ishiga Taka...
    ISBEC 2023/2023-03-09--2023-03-10
  • Covering cabbage leaves with cellulose nanofiber confers resistance against Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis
    Sakata Nanami; Shiraishi Nanami; Saito Haruka; Komoto Ha...
    ISBEC 2023/2023-03-09--2023-03-10
  • セルロースナノファイバー葉面処理はキャベツ黒斑細菌病の抑制に寄与する
    坂田 七海; 白石 菜奈美; 齊藤 悠香; 河本 晴香; 石賀 貴子; 臼杵 義侑; 山下祐司; 石賀 康博
  • 腐植物質共存下での負電荷コロイド粒子凝集におけるポリカチオン凝集剤の電荷密度の効果
    小川 和義; Lim Voon Huey; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
  • The effect of various oxyanions on the charging and aggregation of natural allophane particles
    Li Maolin; Sugimoto Takuya; Yamashita Yuji; Kobayashi Mo...
    The 73rd Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan/2022-09-20--2022-09-22
  • Inhibitory effect of humic substances on colloidal flocculation induced by a cationic linear polyelectrolyte
    山下祐司; リム ブーンフイ; 足立 泰久
  • Coagulation and sedimentation of imogolite: effect of pH and salt concentration
    Yamashita Yuji; Adachi Yasuhisa
    The 11th Interfaces Against Pollution/2021-05-15--2021-05-17
  • セルロースナノファイバーの植物病害防除への利用(3)ダイズさび病の抑制メカニズムについて
    齊藤悠香; 山下祐司; 坂田七海; 石賀貴子; 白石菜奈美; Viet Tru Nguyen; 山村英司; 石賀 康博
  • セルロースナノファイバーの植物病害防除への利用(4)キャベツ黒斑細菌病の抑制メカニズムについて
    白石菜奈美; 齊藤悠香; 山下祐司; 坂田七海; 石賀貴子; Viet Tru Nguyen; 山村英司; 石賀 康博
  • セルロースナノファイバーの植物病害防除への利用(1)さび病および細菌病に対する病害防除効果
    白石菜奈美; 齊藤悠香; 山下祐司; 坂田七海; 石賀貴子; Viet Tru Nguyen; 山村英司; 石賀 康博
  • セルロースナノファイバーの植物病害防除への利用(2)ダイズさび病抑制メカニズム解明
    齊藤悠香; 山下祐司; 坂田七海; 石賀貴子; 白石菜奈美; Viet Tru Nguyen; 山村英司; 石賀 康博
  • Effects of pH and calcium concentration on transport of humid acids in a packed bed column
    山田 枝梨乃; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
  • Flocculation and dispersion of imogolite-humic acids complex
    野宮 高由; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
    The 54th annual conference of Japan society on water environment/2020-03-16--2020-03-18
  • Study on coagulation of impolite with different pH and sodium concentration
    野宮 高由; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
  • Flocculation behaviour of colloidal particles induced by different cationic flocculant structure in the presence of polyanion
    Huey Lim Voon; yuji Yamashita; Adachi Yasuhisa
  • Temporal change of adsorbed layer thickness and electrophoresis of PSL particles after overshooting with oppositely charged polyelectrolytes of different charge densities
    Doan Yen Thi Hai; Adachi Yasuhisa; Yuji Yamashita
    OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019/2019-11-3--2019-11-8
  • Comparison of the inhibitory effect of initial stage flocculation between humic substances and polyacrylic acid
    Lim Voon Huey; Adachi Yasuhisa; Yuji Yamashita
    OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019/2019-11-3--2019-11-8
  • Effect of Humic Substances on Initial Stage Progress of Polycation-induced Colloidal Flocculation
    Huey Lim Voon; 山下祐司; Adachi Yasuhisa
  • Influence of humic acid on the flocculation of colloidal particles by cationic flocculant
    Huey Lim Voon; Adachi Yasuhisa; Yuji Yamashita
  • Effect of concentration ratio of Polyacrylic Acid and Cationic Flocculant on the Flocculation of Negatively Charged Polystyrene Latex
    Voon Huey Lim; Yen Thi Hai DOAN; Yuji Yamashita; Yasuhisa...
    2018 Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, CSJ/2018-09-18--2018-09-20
  • Inhibition of polycation-induced colloid flocculation by polyacrylic acid: Effects of concentration ratio and ionic strength
    Voon Huey Lim; 山下祐司; Doan Yen Thi Hai; 足立泰久
  • more...
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF(Spring)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IIF(Spring)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1FUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 2FUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Thesis Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1SUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Environmental Studies Practicum IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Environmental Studies Practicum IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-06Fundamental Environmental Engineering LaboratoryUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Bioresource Environment Engineering IFUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-06Fundamental Environmental Engineering LaboratoryUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2019-01 -- 2019-01國立臺灣大學碩士學位考試委員会國立臺灣大學
Professional activities
2022-01 -- (current)Japanese Humic Substances Society評議員
2019-04 -- 2021-03Japanese Society of Soil Physics事務局長
2018-03 -- 2018-09第69回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会実行委員会
2018-01 -- 2021-12Japanese Humic Substances Society会計監査
2017-05 -- 2017-09日本機械学会 第16回「環境修復・放射性廃棄物管理国際会議」(ICEM2019)ICEM技術委員会委員
2016-07 -- 2020-06Atomic Energy Society of Japan企画委員会/委員
2011-05 -- (current)Atomic Energy Society of Japan福島特別プロジェクトクリーンアップ分科会 幹事
2008-01 -- 2008-06The 5th International Conference “Interfaces against Pollution”実行委員会

(Last updated: 2024-11-15)