ZEMPO Keiichi
- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- 0000-0003-2339-5298
- Sex
- Male
- Research fields
Perceptual information processing Human interface and interaction Web informatics, Service informatics Measurement engineering - Research projects
Development of a new PTSD therapy using sound during sleep 2024-05 -- 2026-03 Sakaguchi, Masanori Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development/令和6年度「橋渡し研究プログラム」・preF Manipulation theory applying ambiguity between Umwelt and sound cognition 2024-04 -- 2027-03 ZEMPO, Keiichi Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(B) 63,180,000Yen Administration of "Manipulation of the Umwelt through the use of sound" 2024-04 -- 2027-03 ZEMPO Keiichi Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B) 9,490,000Yen 文書生成AIの企業内活用における最適化の研究 2023-12 -- 2024-05 岡田 幸彦 /企業との共同研究 5G通信を活用した,新しいユーザー体験の開発と検証 2023-04 -- 2024-03 Toshiaki Uchiyama Rakuten Mobile/企業との共同研究 Service Actor Chimera: Value co-creation technology through partial fusion of service actors 2022-10 -- 2026-03 Zempo, Keiichi Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology 59,150,000Yen Can co-creation value in interpersonal services be measured from spoken nonverbal information? 2022-04 -- 2026-03 Zempo, Keiichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 17,290,000Yen 続・教師なしAIを用いた食品画像検査法 2022-04 -- 2023-01 Zempo, Keiichi 株式会社イシダテック/企業との共同研究 7,200,000Yen 教師なしAIを用いた食品画像検査法 2021-07 -- 2024-09 Zempo, Keiichi 株式会社イシダテック/企業との共同研究 14,400,000Yen 5G 体験デザイン特別共同研究事業 2021-04 -- 2023-03 Yamanaka, Toshimasa Rakuten Mobile/特別共同研究事業 more... - Career history
2023-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaInstitute of Systems and Information EngineeringAssociate Professor 2018-03 -- (current) Xtrans tech, Inc.CEO 2014-03 -- 2023-03 University of TsukubaFaculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssistant Professor 2013-10 -- 2014-02 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and TechnologyCenter for Service ResearchPostdoctoral fellow 2013-04 -- 2013-10 University of TsukubaFaculty of Engineering, Systems and InformationPostdoctoral fellow - Academic background
2010-04 -- 2013-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering Department of Intelligent and Interaction Technologies 2008-04 -- 2010-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering Master's Program in Business Administration & Public Policy 2004-04 -- 2008-03 University of Tsukuba First Cluster of Colleges College of Natural Science (Major: Physics) - Degree
2013-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering University of Tsukuba 2010-03 Master of Business Administration University of Tsukuba 2008-03 Bachelor of Science University of Tsukuba - Licenses and qualifications
2009-09 理科教員免許(高校1種) - Academic societies
2022-10 -- (current) THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2017-04 -- (current) サービス学会 2016-05 -- (current) ACM 2013-10 -- 2024-03 人工知能学会 2011-10 -- 2023-03 電子情報通信学会 2010-10 -- (current) IEEE 2010-08 -- (current) 日本音響学会 - Honors & Awards
2021-06 サービス学会国内大会 大会優秀賞 小売店舗における熟練販売員の音声模倣スキルの効果 2018-12 HCGシンポジウム最優秀インタラクティブ発表賞 複数時系列データの立体的可聴化ディスプレイ 2018-12 HCGシンポジウム最優秀インタラクティブ発表賞 音声歪みを利用した個人認証システムの識別可能領域の探索 2018-12 HCGシンポジウム学生優秀インタラクティブ発表賞 フットボールスプリントにおいて音声コミュニケーションが及ぼす身体負荷の影響 2018-12 HCGシンポジウム学生優秀インタラクティブ発表賞 赤外線センサネットワークを実現する頭部方向推定ヘルメット 2017-12 HCGシンポジウム優秀インタラクティブ発表賞 画像の特徴量減衰処理による記憶への影響の比較 2017-12 HCGシンポジウム優秀インタラクティブ発表賞 HMD越しの食品の色彩変化が味覚に及ぼす影響の分析 2017-10 IEEE GCCE 2017 Outstanding Demo! Award Disposition of Captioning Interface Using See-through Head-Mounted Display for Conversation Support 2015-10 IEEE GCCE 2015 Excellent Demo! Award (1st Prize) Measurement of the Distance Difference of Acoustic Beacons Using Direct Conversion Receiver 2015-10 IEEE GCCE 2015 Outstanding Demo! Award Measurement of the Differential Transfer Function Between Bone-Conduction and Air-Conduction for Sound Localization 2014-12 Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics: Young Scientist Award Sound source localization using a pair of microphones with time reversal wave on multi-layer simulation 2014-11 SMSEC 2014 Best Poster Award Identifying colors of products and associated personalized recommendation engine in e-fashion business 2014-10 IEEE GCCE 2014 Dreamy Demo! Award Privacy-conscious Detection of Roll-over Based on Thermography Measurement - Articles
- 自律型搬送ロボットに貢献する音響版LiDARシステム~人の耳を超えるセンシング技術~
海老原 格; 水谷 孝一; 若槻 尚斗; 前田 祐佳; 善甫 啓一; 土屋 充志
FOOMA JAPAN 2024国際食品工業展, アカデミックプラザ研究発表要旨集, 2024-06 - 音響的手法に基づく群編成時における豚闘争のモニタリングに関する研究
中西 渉; 海老原 格; 若槻 尚斗; 善甫 啓一; 西島 也寸彦; 石田 三佳
2024年農業施設学会学生・若手研究発表会講演要旨集/p.15, 2024-02 - ドップラー効果に基づいて計測された音波の到来方向と到来時間を用いた自己位置推定
充志 土屋; 尚斗 若槻; Ebihara Tadashi; 啓一 善甫; 孝一 水谷
第44回超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演論文集/44, 2023-11 - 演奏中の擦弦パラメータ計測及びその時刻歴提示
猪崎 遼大; 若槻 尚斗; 水谷 孝一; 海老原 格; 善甫 啓一
日本音響学会2023年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 2023-09 - 斜放射パネルスピーカを用いるサラウンドシステムの構成
若槻 尚斗; 海老原 格; 善甫 啓一; 水谷 孝一; 鈴木優斗
日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料/42(1)/pp.11-15, 2023-05 - Study on a Visible Light Communication and Positioning System Utilizing an Optical Diffusion Filter and Rolling Shutter Sensor
Okawara Reo; Ebihara Tadashi; Wakatsuki Naoto; Zempo ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2023 - Gaze Cue Switcher for Joint Attention in VR Remote Tourism
Aoyagi Shogo; Yamada Takayoshi; Cheng Kelvin; Masuko ...
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI '23), 2023-10 - Auditory VR Generative System for Non-Experts to Reproduce Human Memories Through Natural Language Interactions
Yamauchi Yuta; Ino Keiko; Zempo Keiichi
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia (SA'23) Poster, 2023-12 - Synchronized Expressions: An Auditory Interface for Naturally Harmonizing Facial Expressions Between People with Visual Impairment and Sighted People
Komoda Takayuki; Salih Hisham Elser Bilal; Ebihara Tad...
Companion Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS Companion '23)/pp.35-39, 2023-11 - Whispering Salesperson: Perceptual Illusion of Interpersonal Distance and Ventriloquism Effect in Service of Virtual Environment by Use of Whisper Voice
Yabutani Mizuki; Yamazaki Azusa; Wakatsuki Naoto; Okad...
Proceeding of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’23), 2023-10 - Effects of Symmetrical Avatar Arm Movements on the Sense of Ownership of Both Hands Inverted in a Mirror
Fujita Toko; Horii Moeki; Mailleux Luis David Torres; ...
Proceeding of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’23), 2023-10 - Effect of Voice Imitation Using Voice Conversion by Avatar on Customer Service in Virtual Environments
Okano Hiiro; Okada Yukihiko; Wakatsuki Naoto; Zempo K...
Proceeding of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’23), 2023-10 - Time-Of-Arrival Measurement Method for Reflected Waves From Multiple Directions Using Doppler Effect by a Single Coaxially Placed Omnidirectional SP and MIC
Tsuchiya Atsushi; Wakatsuki Naoto; Ebihara Tadashi; Ze...
Proceedings of the 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), 2023-07 - Method of Reconstructing Wall Positions Using Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Based on the Doppler Effect of Omnidirectional Active Sonar
Tsuchiya Atsushi; Wakatsuki Naoto; Ebihara Tadashi; Ze...
CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Workshop and Poster Proceedings of the 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference co-located with the 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2018), 2023-12 - Zeroth: The self-awareness sense embodied by facing the coexistence of the physical and virtual bodies in the mirror
Miura Ami; Uchida Hiroki; Kawamura Takayuki; Zempo Keiichi
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Art Gallery, 2022-12 - Video detection and analysis of micro-body motion generated during sneezing
Hiroki Ichikura; Kota Togashi; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wa...
The 18th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.49-49, 2021-11 - Smartphone Camera-Based Indoor Positioning System Utilizing Optical Diffusion Filter
Reo Okawara; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Keiichi Z...
Proc. International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC2022), 2022-11 - Measurement of Delay and Doppler Spreads in Shallow Water Environment for Mobile Underwater Acoustic Communication
Takuya Waki; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Keiichi Z...
Proc. 2023 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP2023)/pp.233-236, 2023-03 - Simultaneous distance measurement and information transmission in mobile environment using digital acoustic communication
Kohei Wada; 海老原 格; Koichi Mizutani; Naoto Wakatsuki; Keii...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/62(SJ)/pp.SJ1037_1-SJ1037_10, 2023-07 - Attracting Effect of Pinpoint Auditory Glimpse on Digital Signage
Kuratomo Noko; Miyakawa Haruna; Ebihara Tadashi; Wakat...
IEEE Access/11/pp.42779-42794, 2023-04 - Melting into shadow: Toward less cognitively loaded communication in the dark
Yabutani Mizuki; Uchida Hiroki; Mizutani Koichi; Wakatsuk...
Proceedings of the Augmented Humans 2023 (Posters)/pp.338-341, 2023-03 - Effect of a Salesperson Avatar Automatically Mimicking Head Nodding on Customer Enjoyment of Conversation in a Virtual Environment
Wakabayashi Takumi; Okada Yukihiko; Zempo Keiichi
Proceedings of the Augmented Humans 2023 (Posters)/pp.334-337, 2023-03 - Rapport Building via a Digital Avatar with a "Voice" Entering into a Customer's Personal Space
Yamazaki Azusa; Wakatsuki Naoto; Mizutani Koichi; Okada ...
Proceedings of the Augmented Humans 2023 (Posters)/pp.294-297, 2023-03 - Simultaneous distance measurement and information transmission in mobile environment using digital acoustic communication
Wada Kohei; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Keiichi ...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/62(SJ)/pp.SJ1037_1-SJ1037_10, 2023-03 - Inspection of unexpected defective products by semi-supervised learning based on a probability density function in high-yield food production
Nakahara Masahiro; Mashiba Yuichi; Miyamoto Ryusuke; Fuji...
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2022)/pp.6784-6786, 2022-12 - more...
- 自律型搬送ロボットに貢献する音響版LiDARシステム~人の耳を超えるセンシング技術~
- Conference, etc.
- Determining Thresholds for Manipulator Activation by the Trapezius Muscle: a Case Study from Non-Antagonistic Muscle Pairs
Zhaolong WANG; Keiichi ZEMPO; PUENTES Sandra
46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)/2024-07-15--2024-07-19 - Cognitive Conflict Classification Depending on Background Auditive Environment Using Support Vector Machine Based on Near-Infrared Hemoencephalography
Kota YOKOYAMA; (U.Tsukuba) ZEMPO Keiichi; PUENTES Sandra
26th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI International) 2024/2024-06-29--2024-07-04 - 自律型搬送ロボットに貢献する音響版LiDARシステム~人の耳を超えるセンシング技術~
海老原 格; 水谷 孝一; 若槻 尚斗; 前田 祐佳; 善甫 啓一; 土屋 充志
FOOMA JAPAN 2024国際食品工業展/2024-06 - 音響的手法に基づく群編成時における豚闘争のモニタリングに関する研究
中西 渉; 海老原 格; 若槻 尚斗; 善甫 啓一; 西島 也寸彦; 石田 三佳
2024年農業施設学会学生・若手研究発表会/2024-02 - ドップラー効果に基づいて計測された音波の到来方向と到来時間を用いた自己位置推定
充志 土屋; 尚斗 若槻; Ebihara Tadashi; 啓一 善甫; 孝一 水谷
第44回超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム/2023-11 - 演奏中の擦弦パラメータ計測及びその時刻歴提示
猪崎 遼大; 若槻 尚斗; 水谷 孝一; 海老原 格; 善甫 啓一
日本音響学会2023年秋季研究発表会/2023-09 - 斜放射パネルスピーカを用いるサラウンドシステムの構成
若槻 尚斗; 海老原 格; 善甫 啓一; 水谷 孝一; 鈴木優斗
日本音響学会音楽音響研究会/2023-05 - Study on a Visible Light Communication and Positioning System Utilizing an Optical Diffusion Filter and Rolling Shutter Sensor
Okawara Reo; Ebihara Tadashi; Wakatsuki Naoto; Zempo Kei...
The 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN)/2023-09-25--2023-09-28 - Method of ReconstructingWall Positions Using Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Based on the Doppler Effect of Omnidirectional Active Sonar
Tsuchiya Atsushi; Wakatsuki Naoto; Ebihara Tadashi; Ze...
The 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN-WiP 2023)/2023-09-25--2023-09-28 - Time-Of-Arrival Measurement Method for Reflected Waves From Multiple Directions Using Doppler Effect by a Single Coaxially Placed Omnidirectional SP and MIC
Tsuchiya Atsushi; Wakatsuki Naoto; Ebihara Tadashi; Ze...
The 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29)/2023-07-09--2023-07-13 - The significance of “Advancing Researcher Experience” program in the University of Tsukuba
棚橋 沙由理; 松原 悠; 返町 洋祐; 善甫 啓一; 白川 友紀; 坪内 孝司
日本教育工学会 2024年春季全国大会/2024-03 - Personal Authentication System Utilizing Voice Distortion Through Guitar Effectors
Zempo Keiichi; Harada Suzuha; Kawamura Takayuki; Ebiha...
185th Meeting, joint with the Australian Acoustical Society, WESPAC, PRUAC (Acoustics 2023 Sydney)/2023-12-04--2023-12-08 - Rapport building by voice mimicry on customer service in Virtual Environments
Okano Hiiro; Wakatsuki Naoto; Okada Yukihiko; Zempo K...
8th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2023)/2023-09-14--2023-09-16 - Indicating Local Guide’s Gaze to Enhance Remote Participants' Attention for Sharing Tourism Experience
Aoyagi Shogo; Yamada Takayoshi; Cheng Kelvin; Masuko ...
8th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2023)/2023-09-14--2023-09-16 - Evaluation of speaker stress caused by fluctuating transmission delay in online conversations
Kawamura Homura; Okada Yukihiko; Zempo Keiichi
8th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2023)/2023-09-14--2023-09-16 - Effect of spatial sound for directional navigation on rapport building in remote collaboration
Komoda Takayuki; Yamada Takayoshi; Ebihara Tadashi; Wa...
8th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2023)/2023-09-14--2023-09-16 - Effect of Confidentiality of Service Provider's Input Behavior on Customer Satisfaction in Face-to-Face Customer Service.
Yamada Takayoshi; Cheng Kelvin; Masuko Soh; Zempo Kei...
8th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2023)/2023-09-14--2023-09-16 - Auditory VR Generative System for Non-Experts to Reproduce Human Memories Through Natural Language Interactions
Yamauchi Yuta; Ino Keiko; Zempo Keiichi
SIGGRAPH Asia (SA'23) Poster/2023-12-12--2023-12-15 - Synchronized Expressions: An Auditory Interface for Naturally Harmonizing Facial Expressions Between People with Visual Impairment and Sighted People
Komoda Takayuki; Salih Hisham Elser Bilal; Ebihara Tadas...
2023 Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS Companion '23)/2023-11-05--2023-11-08 - Gaze Cue Switcher for Joint Attention in VR Remote Tourism
Aoyagi Shogo; Yamada Takayoshi; Cheng Kelvin; Masuko ...
2023 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI '23)/2023-10-13--2023-10-13 - Whispering Salesperson: Perceptual Illusion of Interpersonal Distance and Ventriloquism Effect in Service of Virtual Environment by Use of Whisper Voice
Yabutani Mizuki; Yamazaki Azusa; Wakatsuki Naoto; Okad...
29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’23)/2023-10-09--2023-10-11 - Effects of Symmetrical Avatar Arm Movements on the Sense of Ownership of Both Hands Inverted in a Mirror
Fujita Toko; Horii Moeki; Mailleux Luis David Torres; ...
29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’23)/2023-10-09--2023-10-11 - Effect of Voice Imitation Using Voice Conversion by Avatar on Customer Service in Virtual Environments
Okano Hiiro; Okada Yukihiko; Wakatsuki Naoto; Zempo K...
29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’23)/2023-10-09--2023-10-11 - 農作物保護に資する害虫マイク-農業用温室を跋扈する害虫のヒソヒソ話を聴く-
海老原格; 水谷孝一; 若槻尚斗; 前田祐佳; 善甫啓一; 佐藤広隆
FOOMA JAPAN 2023国際食品工業展, アカデミックプラザ/2023-06-06--2023-06-09 - 音響特徴量と深層学習を用いる豚舎内の豚のくしゃみ音の検出
竹山椋介; 海老原格; 若槻尚斗; 善甫啓一; 水谷孝一
2023年農業施設学会学生・若手研究発表会/2023-02-18--2023-02-18 - more...
- Determining Thresholds for Manipulator Activation by the Trapezius Muscle: a Case Study from Non-Antagonistic Muscle Pairs
- Works
- Zeroth: The self-awareness sense embodied by facing the coexistence of the physical and virtual bodies in the mirror
Miura Ami; Uchida Hiroki; Kawamura Takayuki; Zempo Keiichi
- Zeroth: The self-awareness sense embodied by facing the coexistence of the physical and virtual bodies in the mirror
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies X (Technical Writing Practice c) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies X (Technical Writing Practice c) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XII (Contributions for Academic Community) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XII (Contributions for Academic Community) University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2023-11 -- 2024-12 ICAT-EGVE 2024 Organizing Committee Financial Chair 2023-04 -- 2024-03 Society for Serviceology 第12回 国内大会 大会実行委員会 副委員長/プログラム委員会 副委員長 2022-10 -- (current) THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 人間拡張研究委員会 委員 2015-04 -- (current) IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics Technical Program Committee 2015-05 -- (current) 超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム運営委員会 運営委員会委員 2021-12 -- 2022-03 Augmented Humans 2022 Financial Chair - University Management
2023-04 -- 2023-08 システム情報系 筑波大学50周年記念事業 実行委員会 委員 2023-10 -- 2024-08 学際サイエンス・デザイン専門学群準備委員会 委員 2022-04 -- (current) Bureau of Strategic Manegement Initiatives Associate 2016-04 -- (current) 先導的研究者体験プログラム運営委員会 委員 2022-04 -- 2024-03 システム情報系 研究倫理委員会 委員 2023-04 -- (current) 知能機能システム学位P 学務・カリキュラム委員会 委員 2022-04 -- 2024-03 知能機能システム学位P 財務委員会 委員 2023-04 -- 2024-03 エンパワーメント情報学P 学務・カリキュラム委員会 委員 2023-04 -- 2025-03 工学システム学類 PCDA委員会 委員 2014-04 -- (current) 工学システム学類 同窓会連絡委員会 委員 more...
(Last updated: 2024-09-13)