ONO Seiji

Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
Official title
Research fields
Sports science
Neurophysiology / General neuroscience
Research keywords
Sensory-motor control
Eye movements
Visual information
Motor learning
Reaction time
Postural control
Research projects
Mechanisms of "active vision" in athletes and development of their biomarkers2022-04 -- 2026-03Seiji ONOJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)15,340,000Yen
Evaluation of visual perception in athletes using eye movements and EEG2019-04 -- 2023-03Seiji ONOJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)4,420,000Yen
Understanding the neural mechanism of predictive adaptive motor control and application to real-world adaptive actuator control2018-10 -- 2022-03HIRATA YutakaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
The development of optimal methods for estimating visual motion processing using smooth pursuit eye movementsuit eye movements2016-04 -- 2019-03Seiji ONOJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)4,810,000Yen
Neural mechanisms for smooth pursuit adaptation2008-09 -- 2015-02Seiji OnoNational Institute of Health (NIH)/Research Project (R01)233,010,000Yen
Career history
1999-09 -- 2002-03Emory University, Yerkes National Primate Research Center,Division of Visual Sciences,Research scholar
2002-04 -- 2003-08Emory University, Yerkes National Primate Research Center,Division of Visual Sciences,Post-Doctoral Fellow
2003-09 -- 2007-02Emory University, Yerkes National Primate Research Center,Division of Sensory-Motor Systems,Research Associate
2007-03 -- 2010-04Emory University School of Medicine,Department of Neurology,Instructor
2010-05 -- 2012-11University of Washington, Washington National Primate Research Center,Division of Neuroscience,Senior Research Scientist
2012-12 -- 2015-02University of Washington School of Medicine,Department of Ophthalmology,Research Assistant Professor
2015-03 -- 2022-03University of Tsukuba,Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences,Associate Professor
2022-04 -- (current)University of Tsukuba,Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences,Professor
1996M.S.University of Tsukuba
2002Ph.D.Tokyo Medical University
Academic societies
2003-01 -- (current)Society for Neuroscience
2006-04 -- (current)The Japan Neuroscience Society
2012-12 -- 2015-12The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
2015-03 -- (current)Society of Biomechanisms Japan
2016-07 -- (current)Japan Society of Physical Education , Health and Sport Sciences
2018-07 -- (current)Vision Society of Japan
Honors & Awards
2019-11バイオメカニズム学会学会賞 論文賞
  • 眼球運動(随意性眼球運動)における学習・記憶の神経基盤
    小野 誠司
    運動学習の脳・神経科学ーその基礎から臨床までー/市村出版/pp.84-95, 2020-04
Conference, etc.
  • Eye and head movements can be a biomarker reflecting sensory-motor ability in athletes
    ONO Seiji
    Clinical Vestibular Disorders Group Workshop, Washington University School of Medicine/2024-07-10--2024-07-10
  • Predictive visual strategies in high-skilled table tennis players during forehand rallies
    Ryosuke Shinkai; Shintaro Ando; Yuki Nonaka; Tomohiro ...
    The 29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science/2024-07-02--2024-07-05
  • 視覚運動反応時間と始動局面のsmooth pursuit応答との共通性
    宮本健史; 小野 誠司
  • ストレッチング方法の違いが表現スポーツにおける股関節開脚度に及ぼす影響
    小野琴子; 木塚朝博; 小野 誠司; 寺山由美
  • タイミング予測における自由視の視線行動パターン
    平野陸; 木塚朝博; 小野 誠司
  • Different properties of smooth pursuit eye movements in humans and monkeys
    ONO Seiji
  • 動脈血二酸化炭素分圧低下が安静時の眼球運動反応に及ぼす影響.
    佐川 智香; 吉村 悠成; 片桐 陽; 松竹 涼子; 小野 誠司; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
  • Impact of Beetroot Juice Ingestion on Cardiorespiratory Responses and Visual Function before and after High-intensity Intermittent Exercise in Competitive Badminton Players
    Sagawa Tomoka; Yoshimura Yusei; Katagiri Akira; Matsut...
    The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2024-6-3--2024-6-7
  • Effects of beetroot juice on visual function before and after highintensity intermittent exercise in badminton players.
    Sagawa Tomoka; Yoshimura Yusei; Katagiri Akira; Matsut...
    ARIHHP Human High performance Forum 2024 -Exploring new frontiers through interdisciplinary research-/2024-2-17
  • 卓球フォアハンドラリーにおけるEye-Head coordination
    新開涼介; 安藤真太郎; 野中由紀; 木塚朝博; 小野 誠司
  • タイミング予測に対する視線戦略の影響
    平野陸; 木塚朝博; 小野 誠司
  • マルチモーダル感覚刺激による感覚優位性の特徴
    河野壮登; 新開涼介; 木塚朝博; 小野 誠司
  • Properties of gaze behavior with eye-head coordination in athletes
    Ono Seiji
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024 International Symposium/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Reaction time and sensory dominance by multimodal sensory stimulation
    Kono Masato; Tomohiro Kizuka; ONO Seiji
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Pressure of the shot blocker modulates anticipatory postural adjustments during jump shot in basketball
    Kiyohiro Konno; Tomohiro Kizuka; ONO Seiji
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 202/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Kinematic differences of anticipatory postural control in planned and unplanned sudden stopping
    Tokiya Noshiro; Tomohiro Kizuka; ONO Seiji
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Evaluation of cortical visuomotor function using smooth pursuit eye movements in athletes
    Ono Seiji; Takeshi Miyamoto; Miura Kenichiro; Kizuka ...
    Society for Neuroscience 52nd Annual Meeting/2023-11-11--2023-11-15
  • Effect of vergence and vertical eye movements on velocity perception
    Yoshimura Yusei; Tomohiro Kizuka; Seiji Ono
    Society for Neuroscience 52nd Annual Meeting/2023-11-11--2023-11-15
  • Change in pupil diameter with motor adaptation of attentional reaction time
    Hirano Riku; Tomohiro Kizuka; Ono Seiji
    Society for Neuroscience 52nd Annual Meeting/2023-11-11--2023-11-15
  • 走高跳競技者における重力感受性の特徴
    小野 誠司; 和田 佳郎
  • 異なる熟練度の卓球選手におけるラリー中の視線パターンの違い
    新開涼介; 安藤 真太郎; 野中 由紀; 木塚 朝博; 小野 誠司
  • マルチモーダル感覚刺激を用いた柔道選手における感覚優位性の検討
    河野壮登; 新開涼介; 木塚朝博; 小野 誠司
  • 急停止時におけるストップパフォーマンスと体力・運動能力との関係
    能代時矢; 板谷厚; 木塚 朝博; 小野 誠司
  • 剣道の応じ技局面における選択的反応戦略の相違
    松﨑賢士郎; 鍋山隆弘; 有田祐二; 小野 誠司; 木塚朝博
  • プレセット局面中の見本映像の視聴によるvisual search behaviorの特性とドロップジャンプパフォーマンスとの関係
    吉田拓矢; 図子あまね; 新開涼介; 古橋侑季; 小野 誠司; 谷川 聡
  • more...
2024-10 -- 2024-12Sport Techniques -Natural Scientific Side-University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Problem-Based Research IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Problem-Based Research IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Physical fitness and Human Performance IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Research Method IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Physical fitness and Human PerformanceUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12English for Specialized Subjects BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07English for Specialized Subjects BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Measurement of Physical Fitness for CoachUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-12 -- 2025-02Introduction to Inclusive Smart Society IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • Plasticity of cortical-brainstem pathways for eye-head movements
    小野 誠司
    Washington University Otolaryngology Research Seminar/2019-09-20--2019-09-20
  • 眼球運動から読むアスリートの脳機能
    小野 誠司
  • 視運動性眼振とsmooth pursuit
    小野 誠司
Professional activities
2024-04 -- (current)バイオメカニズム学会バイオメカニズム学会評議委員
2020-04 -- 2024-03バイオメカニズム学会バイオメカニズム学会理事
2016-04 -- 2020-03バイオメカニズム学会バイオメカニズム学会編集委員
University Management
2024-04 -- (current)体育科学学位プログラム学位プログラム・リーダー
2024-04 -- (current)体育科学専攻専攻長
2024-04 -- (current)体育系広報委員会委員
2024-04 -- (current)体育専門学群国際教育推進委員会委員
2023-04 -- 2024-03体育系広報委員会委員長
2023-04 -- 2024-03体育専門学群国際教育推進委員会委員長
2023-04 -- (current)体育科学学位プログラム論文予備検討委員会委員
2023-04 -- (current)体育科学学位プログラム予備認定員会委員
2022-04 -- (current)教学デザイン室室員
2019-04 -- (current)体育専門学群入試実施委員会(面接小委員会)小委員長

(Last updated: 2024-12-06)