KASAI Hidetaka
- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0001-5865-6449
- 80634807
- Office
- Nishibori Laboratory
- Research keywords
In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction - Research projects
グリーン溶媒を用いたメカノケミカル合成の放射光その場観察 2024-10 -- 2025-09 笠井秀隆 KANAMORI Foundation/2024年度研究助成 1,000,000Yen 配位高分子のメカノケミカル反応の放射光その場観察 2024-10 -- 2025-09 笠井秀隆 TOBE MAKI Foundation/2024年度研究助成 1,000,000Yen 複層グラフェンへのインターカレーションの放射光その場観察 2023-10 -- 2024-09 笠井秀隆 the Kondo Memorial Foundation/2023年度研究助成 1,500,000Yen Experimental electron density study of interlayer interaction of layered transition metal dichalcogenides 2018-04 -- 2021-03 KASAI Hidetaka Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists 4,030,000Yen 最先端放射光を用いたファンデルワールス層状物質における層間結合の研究 2017-12 -- 2018-03 笠井秀隆 University of Tsukuba/Only One Research Program 300,000Yen - Career history
2018-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesAssistant Professor (Tenured) 2015-05 -- 2024-03 RIKENSPring-8 CenterGuest researcher 2015-04 -- 2017-07 Aarhus UniversityCenter for Materials Crystallography (CMC), Department of ChemistryGuest researcher 2015-04 -- 2018-03 University of TsukubaFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesAssistant Professor (International Tenure Track) 2012-04 -- 2015-03 RIKENSPring-8 CenterPostdoctoral Researcher - Academic background
2009-04 -- 2012-03 The University of Tokyo School of Engineering Department of Applied Physics, Doctoral Program 2007-04 -- 2009-03 The Univeristy of Tokyo School of Engineering Department of Applied Physics, Master's Program 2003-04 -- 2007-03 The University of Tokyo School of Engineering Department of Applied Physics, Bachelor's Program - Degree
2012-03 Ph.D. The University of Tokyo - Academic societies
2014-07 -- (current) THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2013-12 -- (current) Chemical Society of Japan 2013-07 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR SYNCHROTRON RADIATION RESEARCH 2008-06 -- (current) THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN - Honors & Awards
2018-11 Young Faculty Award in University of Tsukuba - Articles
- Position-independent product increase rate in a shaker mill revealed by position-resolved in situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction
KASAI Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
Journal of Applied Crystallography/57(6)/pp.1852-1858, 2024-12 - Reaction Pathway in the Hydrothermal Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles Using Formic Acid
Kasai Hidetaka; Maeda Kazuya; Nishibori Eiji
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS/7(23)/pp.26698-26705, 2024-11-18 - Multiscale structure of LaAlO3 from single crystal X-ray diffraction
Nishioka Takashi; Hayashi Mibuki; Kasai Hidetaka; Nish...
Acta Crystallographica Section B/80(4)/pp.275-280, 2024-08 - Rattling of Ag Atoms Found in the Low-Temperature Phase of Thermoelectric Argyrodite Ag8SnSe6
Takahashi Seiya; Kasai Hidetaka; Liu Chengyan; Miao L...
Crystal Growth & Design/24(15)/pp.6267-6274, 2024-07-15 - Fusion Growth and Extraordinary Distortion of Ultrasmall Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Yoko Akira; Omura Yuki; Ninomiya Kakeru; Nishibori Ma...
Journal of the American Chemical Society/146(23)/pp.16324-16331, 2024 - Weak Bonding and Anharmonicity in Thermoelectric ZnSb
Grønbech Thomas Bjørn Egede; Kasai Hidetaka; Zhang Jia...
Advanced Functional Materials/Epub, 2024 - Pressure-induced reversal of Peierls-like distortions elicits the polyamorphic transition in GeTe and GeSe
Fujita Tomoki; Chen Yuhan; Kono Yoshio; Takahashi Sei...
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/14(1), 2023-12 - Pair Distribution Function from Liquid Jet Nanoparticle Suspension using Femtosecond X-ray Pulses
Stockler Lise Joost; Christensen Rasmus Stubkjaer; Klov...
CHEMPHYSCHEM/Epub, 2023-10-06 - Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction under high pressures up to 33 MPa for mechanoresponsive materials
Kasai Hidetaka; Liu Jianqiao; Xu Chao-Nan; Nishibori ...
JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION/30(3)/pp.555-560, 2023-05 - In situ observation of a mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction for synthesis of silver.
Zheng Yanyan; Kasai Hidetaka; Kobayashi Shintaro; Kawa...
MATERIALS ADVANCES/4(4)/pp.1005-1010, 2023-03 - Towards pump-probe single-crystal XFEL refinements for small-unit-cell systems.
Støckler Lise J.; Krause Lennard; Svane Bjarke; Tolbor...
IUCRJ/10(1)/pp.103-117, 2023-02 - Multicomponent Crystals with Competing Intermolecular Interactions: In Situ X-ray Diffraction and Luminescent Features Reveal Multimolecular Assembly under Mechanochemical Conditions
Yano Yoshio; Kasai Hidetaka; Zheng Yanyan; Nishibori Eij...
ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/61(35), 2022-08 - Critical Length for Lattice Expansion of SnO2 Nanorods and Nanosheets: Implications for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Nakamura Ryunosuke; Kasai Hidetaka; Fujita Tomoki; Akamin...
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS/4(9)/pp.9938-9944, 2021-09 - Atomic-Scale Visualization of Ultrafast Bond Breaking in X-Ray-Excited Diamond
Inoue Ichiro; Deguchi Yuka; Ziaja Beata; Osaka Taito; ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/126(11), 2021-03 - Probing the validity of the spinet inversion model: a combined SPXRD, PDF, EXAFS and MAR study of ZnAl2O4
Sommer Sanna; Bojesen Espen Drath; Lock Nina; Kasai Hide...
DALTON TRANSACTIONS/49(38)/pp.13449-13461, 2020-10 - Multiorbital antiferromagnetic metal induced by intramolecular self-doping
Takagi Rina; Gangi Hiro; Miyagawa Kazuya; Nishibori E...
PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH/2(3), 2020-08 - Ion Product Scale for Phase and Size Selective Crystal Growth of Zirconia Nanoparticles
Fujita Tomoki; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN/20(8)/pp.5589-5595, 2020-08 - Thermosalience in Macrocycle-Based Soft Crystals via Anisotropic Deformation of Disilanyl Architecture
Omoto Kenichiro; Nakae Toyotaka; Nishio Masaki; Yamano...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/142(29)/pp.12651-12657, 2020-07 - Increased electrical conduction with high hole mobility in anti-ThCr2Si2-type La2O2Bi via oxygen intercalation adjacent to Bi square net
Matsumoto Kota; Kawasoko Hideyuki; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishib...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/116(19), 2020-05 - Tetragonality induced superconductivity in anti-ThCr2Si2-type RE2O2Bi (RE = rare earth) with Bi square nets
Sei Ryosuke; Kawasoko Hideyuki; Matsumoto Kota; Arimit...
DALTON TRANSACTIONS/49(10)/pp.3321-3325, 2020-03 - Aspherical and covalent bonding character of d electrons of molybdenum from synchrotron x-ray diffraction
Sasaki Tomoaki; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS/3(9), 2019-09 - Low-Temperature Structural Phase Transitions in Thermoelectric Tetrahedrite, Cu12Sb4S13, and Tennantite, Cu12As4S13
Hathwar Venkatesha R.; Nakamura Atsushi; Kasai Hidetak...
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN/19(7)/pp.3979-3988, 2019-07 - Hydrothermal reactor for in-situ synchrotron radiation powder diffraction at SPring-8 BL02B2 for quantitative design for nanoparticle
Fujita Tomoki; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS/147/pp.172-178, 2019-05 - Accurate Charge Density Study of Aluminum from Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction
佐々木 友彰; 出口 裕佳; 笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi/61(2)/pp.123-129, 2019 - Effects of Substituents on the Blue Luminescence of Disilane-Linked Donor‒Acceptor‒Donor Triads
Usuki Tsukasa; Omoto Kenichiro; Shimada Masaki; Yamano...
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)/24(3), 2019-01 - more...
- Position-independent product increase rate in a shaker mill revealed by position-resolved in situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction
- Conference, etc.
- ギ酸銅前駆体からの銅ナノ粒子水熱合成における中間体の発見と機能
笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
令和6年度日本結晶学会年会/2024-11-08--2024-11-10 - メカノケミカル反応の放射光その場観察
笠井 秀隆
2024年度戸部眞紀財団交流会/2024-08-25--2024-08-26 - 放射光その場観察の開発
笠井 秀隆
TREMSワークショップ(成果報告会)/2024-02-28--2024-02-28 - 水熱合成とメカノケミカル反応の放射光その場観察
笠井 秀隆
第7回ゼオライトセミナー/2024-02-02--2024-02-02 - ボールミルによる配位高分子合成の放射光その場観察
笠井 秀隆; 長瀬 麗央; 西堀英治
第37回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム/2024-01-10--2024-01-12 - ボールミルの容器内位置依存性
笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
令和5年度日本結晶学会年会/2023-10-27--2023-10-29 - 銅ナノ粒子水熱合成その場観察におけるギ酸の還元力の温度・圧力依存性
前田 和弥; 笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
令和5年度日本結晶学会年会/2023-10-27--2023-10-29 - In situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction of Intercalation of Potassium into Graphite by a Vapor Phase Reaction
Zhang Bowen; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
令和5年度日本結晶学会年会/2023-10-27--2023-10-29 - 配位高分子[Cu2I2(pyz)]nのメカノケミカル合成プロセス
長瀬麗央; 笠井 秀隆; 小林慎太郎; 河口彰吾; 西堀英治
令和5年度日本結晶学会年会/2023-10-27--2023-10-29 - 超イオン導電体熱電変換材料Ag8SnSe6の構造
高橋 聖弥; 笠井 秀隆; Miao Lei; 西堀 英治
令和5年度日本結晶学会年会/2023-10-27--2023-10-29 - SPring-8を用いたペロブスカイト酸化物SrTiO3とLaAlO3の電子密度分布解析
西岡 隆志; 林 美吹; Galica Tomasz; 笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
令和5年度日本結晶学会年会/2023-10-27--2023-10-29 - L-アラニンとタウリンを用いた量子結晶学的手法の評価
林 美吹; 西岡 隆志; Galica Tomasz; 笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
令和5年度日本結晶学会年会/2023-10-27--2023-10-29 - SPring-8 BL13XU EH3の粉末X線回折データの電子密度解析
太田 和希; 小川 瑶介; 田中 萌鈴; 長瀬 麗央; 高橋 聖弥; 笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
令和5年度日本結晶学会年会/2023-10-27--2023-10-29 - 異なる局所原子配列をもつ層状酸化物Sr2.5Bi0.5NiO5の電気伝導に対するPb置換効果
西村 花奈; 河底 秀幸; 松本 倖汰; 笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治; 福村 知昭
第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2023-09-19--2023-09-23 - In situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction of mechanochemically induced self-sustaining reactions
Kasai Hidetaka; Zheng Yanyan; Nishibori Eiji
26th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2023)/2023-08-22--2023-08-28 - Temperature dependence Quantum crystallography of amino acids, taurine and L-alanine
Hayashi Mibuki; Nishioka Takashi; Galica Tomasz; Kasai...
26th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2023)/2023-08-22--2023-08-28 - Charge Density distribution during phase transition of simple perovskite oxides by single crystal X-ray diffraction
Nishioka Takashi; Hayashi Mibuki; Galica Tomasz; Kasai...
26th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2023)/2023-08-22--2023-08-28 - Structure analysis of superionic thermoelectric Ag8SnSe6 with combining Bragg and Diffuse scattering
Takahashi Seiya; Kasai Hidetaka; Miao Lei; Nishibori ...
26th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2023)/2023-08-22--2023-08-28 - Towards femtosecond structural dynamics of small unit-cell systems and systems lacking long-range order
Støckler Lise J.; Krause Lennard; Svane Bjarke; Christ...
26th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2023)/2023-08-22--2023-08-28 - メカノケミカル反応の放射光その場観察の開発
笠井 秀隆; Zheng Yanyan; 西堀 英治
第36回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム/2023-01-07--2023-01-09 - 塩化銀のメカノケミカル還元反応の放射光その場観察
笠井 秀隆; Zheng Yanyan; 西堀 英治
令和4年度日本結晶学会年会/2022-11-26--2022-11-27 - Development of mill apparatus and analytical method for in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction during ball milling
Zheng Yanyan; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
令和4年度日本結晶学会年会/2022-11-26--2022-11-27 - In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction for mechanochemical reduction of AgCl with metals
Kasai Hidetaka; Zheng Yanyan; Nishibori Eiji
The 17th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA2022)/2022-10-30--2022-11-02 - Development of mill and analytical method for in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction during milling
Zheng Yanyan; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
The 17th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA2022)/2022-10-30--2022-11-02 - In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction of hydrothermal synthesis of Cu nanoparticles
Maeda Kazuya; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
The 17th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA2022)/2022-10-30--2022-11-02 - more...
- ギ酸銅前駆体からの銅ナノ粒子水熱合成における中間体の発見と機能
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-07 Physics Experiment I University of Tsukuba. 2023-07 -- 2023-07 Introduction of Synchrotron-radiation X-ray Materials Science University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-07 Physics Experiment I University of Tsukuba. 2022-04 -- 2022-07 Physics Experiment I University of Tsukuba. 2021-04 -- 2021-06 Physics Experiment I University of Tsukuba. 2021-01 -- 2021-03 physics experiment I University of Tsukuba. 2019-04 -- 2019-08 Physics Laboratory Works 2 University of Tsukuba. 2018-04 -- 2018-08 Physics Laboratory Works 2 University of Tsukuba. 2017-09 -- 2017-09 Introduction of Synchrotron-radiation X-ray Materials Science University of Tsukuba - Other educational activities
2024-03 -- 2024-03 茨城県高校生科学研究発表会 審査員 2018-09 -- 2018-09 SPring-8 Autumn School 2018 2017-09 -- 2017-09 SPring-8 Autumn School 2017 - Professional activities
2024-04 -- (current) THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 情報委員 2020-04 -- 2021-03 THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 令和2年度日本結晶学会年会/実行委員会 2018-04 -- 2020-03 THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 広報委員 - University Management
2022-04 -- (current) 放射線管理委員会 委員
(Last updated: 2024-12-17)