- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0002-8637-2248
- Office
- Plasma Research Center
- Research fields
Plasma science Nuclear fusion studies - Research keywords
atmospheric plasma applications unipolar arc plasma-surface interactions - Research projects
Study for growth process of nano-tendril bundles by helium plasma exposure with impurity gases 2023-04 -- 2026-03 Dogyun HWANGBO Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,550,000Yen LHD内壁のアーク痕および堆積層形成の系統的観察 2023-04 -- 2024-03 Dogyun HWANGBO National Institute for Fusion Science/NIFS一般共同研究 255,000Yen 境界プラズマ領域における多相間相互作用の総合的理解 2023-04 -- 2024-03 Dogyun HWANGBO National Institute for Fusion Science/NIFS一般共同研究 901,000Yen ナノ構造バンドル生成における不純物ガス混合および試料バイアス効果 2023-04 -- 2024-03 Dogyun HWANGBO National Institute for Fusion Science/双方向型共同研究 434,000Yen Morphology changes and material properties of tungsten co-deposition layer 2022-06 -- 2025-03 Shin KAJITA Natinal Institute for Fusion Science/DEMO Reactor R&D 大気圧低温プラズマ装置による培養基材表面の濡れ性制御技術の研究 2022-06 -- 2023-03 HWANGBO Dogyun 企業からの受託研究/ Investigation of complex physics phenomena in partial detached divertor with coexisting thermal pulses and co-deposition layer 2021-10 -- 2026-03 Shin KAJITA Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) 表面ナノ構造を有するタングステンの水素同位体吸蔵特性と水素リサイクリングへの影響 2021-04 -- 2026-03 SAKAMOTO Mizuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 大気圧低温プラズマ装置を使ったバイオ界面物性制御技術の研究 2021-07 -- 2022-03 HWANGBO Dogyun Hitachi, Ltd.//企業からの受託研究 2,200,000Yen 生体に照射可能な低温高密度大気圧マイクロ波プラズマ源の開発 2020-12 -- 2023-03 Dogyun HWANGBO University of Tsukuba/Tsukuba Basic Research Support Program (Type S) 3,000,000Yen more... - Career history
2019-12 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesAssistant professor 2019-10 -- 2019-11 Japan Society for the Promotion of SciencePostdoctoral Research Fellow 2017-04 -- 2019-09 Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellow - Degree
2019-09 Ph.D Eng. Nagoya University 2017-03 Master of Engineering Nagoya University - Academic societies
2022-04 IOP Outstanding Reviewer Awards 2021 for Physica Scripta 2022-03 Best Oral Presentation Award 2021-12 Institute of Physics Trusted Reviewer Status 2018-06 Nagoya University Outstanding Graduate Student Award 2016-12 第33回プラズマ核融合学会年会若手学会発表賞 - Articles
- Utilization of D2 molecular band emission for electron density measurement
Nishijima D.; Baldwin M. J.; Chang F.; Hwangbo D.; Ty...
NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY/41, 2024-12 - Overview of the first Wendelstein 7-X long pulse campaign with fully water-cooled plasma facing components
Grulke O.; Albert C.; Belloso J. A. Alcuson; Aleynikov...
NUCLEAR FUSION/64(11), 2024-11-01 - Arc ignition and hot spot formation on tungsten with nano-tendril bundles under hydrogen plasma exposure
HWANGBO Dogyun; Feng Shuangyuan; Zhang Rongshi; Kajita...
2023 30th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), 2023-08 - Field emission current from protrusion structures formed by helium plasma with various impurity gases
Zhang Rongshi; Kajita Shin; Tanaka Hirohiko; HWANGBO ...
2023 30th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), 2023-08 - Arc erosion characteristics of W-fuzz samples with different thicknesses of the nanostructured layer
Barengolts SA; 皇甫 度均; Kajita S
NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY/37, 2023-12 - Field emission properties of nano-tendril bundles formed via helium plasma exposure with various additional impurity gases
Zhang Rongshi; Kajita Shin; Hwangbo Dogyun; Tanaka Hi...
MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS/10(5)/p.054002, 2023-05 - Motion analysis of arc spots on tungsten fuzz by means of self-avoiding random walk model
Hwangbo Dogyun; NISHIJIMA Daisuke; Kajita Shin; OHNO Nor...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2022-11 - Effect of Deuterium Fluence on Deuterium Retention in Tungsten with Fibrous Nanostructured Layer in a Compact Plasma Device APSEDAS
Takahisa SAKAI; Dogyun HWANGBO; Naoki ORIKASA; Mikoto KU...
Plasma and Fusion Research/17(SI), 2022-06 - Changes in morphology and field emission property of nano-tendril bundles after high temperature annealing
Zhang Rongshi; Kajita Shin; Hwangbo Dogyun; Sinelnikov D...
NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY/31, 2022-06 - Plasma-wall interaction studies in W7-X: main results from the recent divertor operations
Dhard C P; Brezinsek S; Mayer M; Naujoks D; Masuzaki S; Z...
Physica Scripta, 2021-11 - Overheating of Nanostructured Tendril Bundles due to Thermo-Field Emission
Sinelnikov Dmitry; Bulgadaryan Daniel; Efimov Nikita; Hwa...
29th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), 2021-09 - The Effects of Impurity Gas Seeding On The Growth of Fuzzy Tungsten
McCarthy Patrick; Hwangbo Dogyun; Kajita Shin; Bradley J...
Journal of Nuclear Materials/556/p.153125, 2021-06 - 磁場閉じ込め核融合研究分野におけるアーキング研究の位置づけとその展望
皇甫 度均
プラズマ・核融合学会誌/97(4), 2021-04 - Enhancement of Arc Ignition on Tungsten in Helium Plasmas with Impurity Gases
ZHANG Rongshi; KAJITA Shin; Hwangbo Dogyun; TANAKA Hiroh...
Plasma and Fusion Research/16(1)/pp.2405069-1-2405069-5, 2021-04 - Observation of Arc Trails with Significant Damage due to Glow Discharge Wall Conditioning in the Large Helical Device
HAYASHI Yuki; MASUZAKI Suguru; MOTOJIMA Gen; Hwangbo Dog...
Plasma and Fusion Research/16, 2021-04 - Influence of Nitrogen Ratio on Plasma Detachment during Combined Seeding with Hydrogen on Divertor Simulation Experiment of GAMMA 10/PDX
Hiroki GAMO; Naomichi EZUMI; Tsukasa SUGIYAMA; Kunpei NO...
Plasma and Fusion Research/16(1)/pp.2402041-1-2402041-5, 2021-01 - Nano-tendril bundles behavior under plasma-relevant electric fields
Kulagin V. V.; Sinelnikov D. N.; Bulgadaryan D. G.; Efimo...
VACUUM/183, 2021-01 - Size distribution of nano-tendril bundles with various additional impurity gases
Zhang Rongshi; Hwangbo Dogyun; Kajita Shin; Tanaka Hi...
NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY/25, 2020-12 - Unipolar arc plasmas on nanostructured tungsten surfaces under perpendicular magnetic field
Hwangbo Dogyun; Nishijima Daisuke; Kajita Shin; Doerne...
PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY/29(12), 2020-12 - Inspection of W7-X plasma-facing components after the operation phase OP1.2b: observations and first assessments
Dhard CP; Äkäslompolo S; Balden M; Baldzuhn J; Biedermann...
Physica Scripta/2020(T171)/p.014033, 2020-03 - Helium irradiation effects on the surface modification and recrystallization of tungsten
Khan A; Temmerman G De; Kajita S; Greuner H; Balden M; Hu...
Physica Scripta/2020(T171)/p.014050, 2020-03 - Inspection of Arc Trails Formed in Stellarator/Heliotron Devices W7-X and LHD
Hwangbo Dogyun; KAJITA Shin; DHARD Chandra Prakash; TOKIT...
Plasma and Fusion Research/15(1)/p.2402012, 2020-03 - Dynamics of the changes in the parameters of the arc plasma during the destruction of a helium-induced tungsten fuzz by arc pulses
Barengolts SA; Hwangbo Dogyun; Kajita S; Ohno N; Frolova ...
Nuclear Fusion/60(4)/p.044001, 2020-02 - Enhanced fuzzy tungsten growth in the presence of tungsten deposition
McCarthy Patrick; Hwangbo Dogyun; Bilton Matthew; Kajita ...
Nuclear Fusion/60(2)/p.026012, 2020-01 - Field Emission From Nanostructured Tendril Bundles
Sinelnikov Dmitry; Bulgadaryan Daniel; Hwangbo Dogyun; Ka...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science/47(11)/pp.5186-5190, 2019-10 - more...
- Utilization of D2 molecular band emission for electron density measurement
- Conference, etc.
- Present Status of a Pilot GAMMA PDX-SC project
Sakamoto Mizuki; Kariya T.; Yoshikawa M.; Ezumi N.; M...
8th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2023)/2023-10-30--2023-11-01 - Contribution of Mirror Devices in Tsukuba to Fusion Energy Development
Sakamoto Mizuki; Kariya T.; Yoshikawa. M.; Ezumi N.; ...
2nd International Fusion and Plasma Conference & 13th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement (iFPC & OS2023)/2023-08-21--2023-08-25 - Design, Construction and First Operation of Pilot GAMMA PDX-SC Superconducting Mirror Device
Sakamoto Mizuki; Kariya Tsuyoshi; Yoshikawa Masayuki; ...
29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023)/2023-10-16--2023-10-21 - GAMMA 10/PDX発散磁場領域におけるピッチ角分布計測による イオンエネルギー輸送における磁気モーメント保存の寄与の解析
髙梨宏介; 東郷訓; 江角直道; 平田真史; 市村真; 皇甫度均; ジャンソウォン; 瀬戸拓実; 岡本拓馬; 野尻...
第40回プラズマ・核融合学会年会/2023-11-27--2023-11-30 - Spectroscopic measurement of deuterium recycling at molybdenum surfaces
Hwangbo Dogyun; Nishijima Daisuke
Global Plasma Forum in Aomori/2023-10-15--2023-10-18 - 超伝導ミラー装置Pilot GAMMA PDX-SC実験の進展
坂本 瑞樹; 假家 強; 吉川 正志; 江角 直道; 南 龍太郎; 平田 真史; 小波蔵 純子; 沼...
The 40th JSPF annual meeting/2023-11-27--2023-11-30 - Arc ignition and hot spot formation on tungsten with nano-tendril bundles under hydrogen plasma exposure
Hwangbo Dogyun
30th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV2023)/2023-06-25--2023-06-30 - Formation of He-W co-deposition layer on W surface and its effect on deuterium retention properties
Hwangbo Dogyun
19th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-19)/2023-05-22--2023-05-26 - Preliminary experiment and research plan of Pilot GAMMA PDX-SC project
坂本 瑞樹; 假家強; 吉川正志; 江角直道; 南龍太郎; 平田真史; 小波藏 純子; 沼倉友晴; 東郷訓; 皇甫度均; 杉山昭彦...
第39回プラズマ・核融合学会年会/2022-11-22--2022-11-25 - 金属表面の水素リサイクリングにおける背景ガス圧力と表面構造の影響
皇甫 度均; 西島 大輔; 重松 直希; Patino M.; 高梨 宏介; 岡本 拓馬; 高橋 理志; 河野 ...
第39回プラズマ・核融合学会 年会/2022-11-22--2022-11-25 - 重水素プラズマ照射された繊維状ナノ構造層における重水素低温脱離ピークの発現機構の解明
齋藤 康太; 坂本 瑞樹; 皇甫 度均; 楠本 美香都; 高津 克朋; 吉田 晴; 小野田 和考; 佐々木 亮; ...
第39回プラズマ・核融合学会 年会/2022-11-22--2022-11-25 - 小型プラズマ生成装置APSEDASにおけるタングステンへの重水素ヘリウム混合プラズマ照射時の水素透過特性評価
楠本 美香都; 坂本 瑞樹; 皇甫 度均; 高津 克朋; 齋藤 康太; 吉田 晴; 小野田 和考; 佐々木 亮; ...
第39回プラズマ・核融合学会 年会/2022-11-22--2022-11-25 - ヘリウムータングステン共堆積層における重水素吸蔵特性
高津 克朋; 坂本 瑞樹; 皇甫 度均; 楠本 美香都; 吉田 晴; 齋藤 康太; 佐々木 亮; 村上 創; 小野...
第39回プラズマ・核融合学会 年会/2022-11-22--2022-11-25 - ヘリウムータングステン共堆積層における重水素吸蔵特性
高津 克朋; 坂本 瑞樹; 皇甫 度均; 折笠 直輝; 堺 貴久; 楠本 美香都; 吉田 晴; 新田 龍世; 藤森...
第38回プラズマ・核融合学会 年会/2021-11-22--2021-11-25 - 小型プラズマ生成装置APSEDASにおける透過プローブを用いた材料中の水素挙動評価
楠本 美香都; 坂本 瑞樹; 皇甫 度均; 折笠 直輝; 堺 貴久; 高津 克朋; 藤森 あおい
第38回プラズマ・核融合学会 年会/2021-11-22--2021-11-25 - 小型プラズマ装置APSEDASの水素プラズマ照射時における金属表面温度のリサイクリングへの影響
折笠 直輝; 坂本 瑞樹; 皇甫 度均; 四竈 泰一; 堺 貴久; 高津 克朋; 楠本 美香都; 吉田 晴; 新田...
第38回プラズマ・核融合学会 年会/2021-11-22--2021-11-25 - 小型プラズマ生成装置APSEDASにおけるヘリウムプラズマ予照射したタングステンの重水素保持特性
堺 貴久; 坂本 瑞樹; 皇甫 度均; 折笠 直輝; 楠本 美香都; 高津 克朋; 吉田 晴; 新田 龍世; 藤森...
第38回プラズマ・核融合学会 年会/2021-11-22--2021-11-25 - Hydrogen recycling near fuzz tungsten surfaces under high-vacuum background condition
Hwangbo Dogyun; Sugiyama T.; Sakamoto M.; Gamo H.; Kondo ...
25th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI-25)/2022-06-13--2022-06-17 - Spatiotemporal observation of N-MAR in GAMMA 10/PDX
Ezumi Naomichi; Gamo H.; Takahashi S.; Sugiyama T.; Okamo...
25th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction in Fusion Devices (PSI-25)/2022-6-13--2022-6-17 - Motion analysis of arc spots on tungsten fuzz by means of self-avoiding random walk model
Hwangbo Dogyun; Nishijima Daisuke; Kajita Shin; Ohno Nor...
14th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/2022-03-06--2022-03-10 - GAMMA 10/PDXダイバータ模擬実験における水素ガスと窒素及びネオンガスとの重畳入射が非接触プラズマ形成へ及ぼす影響
蒲生宙樹; 江角直道; 杉山吏作; 近藤綾音; 重松直希; 瀬戸拓実; 東郷訓; 平田真史; 小波藏純子; 吉川正志; 皇甫度均; 中嶋...
第38回プラズマ・核融合学会年会/2021-11-22--2021-11-25 - GAMMA 10/PDXにおけるV字ターゲット角度によるダイバータ模擬プラズマへの影響
杉山吏作; 江角直道; 蒲生宙樹; 近藤綾音; 重松直希; 瀬戸拓実; 平田真史; 小波藏純子; 吉川正志; 中嶋洋輔; 皇甫度均; 東...
第38回プラズマ・核融合学会年会/2021-11-22--2021-11-25 - Effect of helium pre-exposure on deuterium retention of tungsten in a compact plasma device APSEDAS
Sakai Takahisa; Sakamoto Mizuki; Hwangbo Dogyun; Orikasa ...
The 30th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research/2021-11-16--2021-11-19 - Hydrogen recycling study using a high temperature target in GAMMA 10/PDX tandem mirror
Sakamoto Mizuki; Miyake Y.; Gamo H.; Sugiyama T.; Kondo ...
5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2021)/2021-09-26--2021-10-01 - Overheating of Nanostructured Tendril Bundles due to Thermo-Field Emission
Sinelnikov Dmitry; Bulgadaryan Daniel; Efimov Nikita; Hwa...
29th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV)/2021-09-26--2021-09-30 - more...
- Present Status of a Pilot GAMMA PDX-SC project
- Intellectural property rights
- プラズマ処理装置
皇甫 度均; 白石勝彦
- プラズマ処理装置
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2025-02 課題探究実習セミナー 筑波大学 2023-04 -- 2024-02 課題探究実習セミナー 筑波大学 2022-04 -- 2023-02 課題探究実習セミナー 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Advanced Research on Plasmas IB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar on Plasma Physics B University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Advanced Research on Plasmas IVB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Advanced Research on Plasmas IIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaborative Research in Physics IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics III University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2023-08 -- 2023-12 プラズマ・核融合学会第21回高校生シンポジウム プラズマ・核融合学会 2022-05 -- (current) 課題探求実習セミナー 筑波大学 2022-08 -- 2022-12 プラズマ・核融合学会第20回高校生シンポジウム プラズマ・核融合学会 - Talks
- Introduction to nuclear fusion research and career path
Hwangbo Dogyun
Special lecture for global career path/2023-05-18--2023-05-18 - He-induced surface changes and arc ignition on W
Hwangbo Dogyun
The fusion centre for doctoral training (CDT) weekly seminar at Manchester/2020-10-08--2020-10-08 - Introduction to nuclear fusion research and career path
Hwangbo Dogyun
Global seminar for career path/2021-05-11--2021-05-11
- Introduction to nuclear fusion research and career path
- Professional activities
(Last updated: 2024-12-23)