- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- Research projects
学術の新領域を創成する専門家特有の「身のこなし」のスキルセット化による研究力強化 2024-10 -- 2026-03 橋口晶子 公益財団法人住友電工グループ社会貢献基金/学術・研究助成 795,000Yen 引用関係に基づく分野の再定義を通じたアカデミックな小集団の動態と協働の解明 2023-04 -- 2026-03 HASHIGUCHI Akiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 3,120,000Yen 持続可能な未来を描出するための異分野横断的な研究者の結びつきはどのように生まれるか 2023-04 -- 2025-03 HASHIGUCHI Akiko The Asahi Glass Foundation/2023年度(2022年度募集)「サステイナブルな未来への研究助成」 【提案研究コース】 1,000,000Yen 植物遺伝資源データベースにおける異種データリンケージを通じた島嶼伝統生活の可視化 2022-11 -- 2024-11 HASHIGUCHI Akiko The Sumitomo Foundation/環境研究助成 1,000,000Yen 新しい文化を作る研究提案が可能な研究者のキャリア形成における多世代交流の重要性 2022-10 -- 2024-03 HASHIGUCHI Akiko Watanabe memorial foundation for the advancement of new technology/「科学技術調査研究助成」 1,140,000Yen 言伝えの効用から紐解くマメ類の免疫調節作用を介した産後の糖代謝改善効果 2022-04 -- 2023-03 HASHIGUCHI Akiko Tanuma Green House Foundation/2021年度 田沼グリーンハウス財団 研究助成 1,000,000Yen 多階層オミクス解析を通じたサボテンの環境ストレス耐性の理解と健康機能性評価 2022-04 -- 2023-03 HASHIGUCHI Akiko Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center, University of Tsukuba/「形質転換植物デザイン研究拠点」共同利用・共同研究 350,000Yen 細胞壁再構成シグナルによって制御されるダイズ湿害抵抗性の多階層ネットワーク解析 2022-01 -- 2023-12 HASHIGUCHI Akiko MAYEKAWA HOUONKAI foundation/令和4年度 学術研究助成 1,300,000Yen 島嶼社会の持続的展開に向けた伝統植物資源のインベントリー作成 2021-08 -- 2022-03 HASHIGUCHI Akiko University of Tsukuba/ 110,000Yen 言伝えの効用に基づくリョクトウによる産後の糖代謝改善効果の解明 2021-04 -- 2022-03 HASHIGUCHI Akiko 公益財団法人日本豆類協会/令和3年度 豆類振興事業 1,500,000Yen more... - Degree
2007-03 博士(理学) 東京大学 - Academic societies
2017-10 -- (current) THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH POLICY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT 2017-04 -- (current) Japan Human Proteome Organisation 2004 -- (current) The molecular biology society of Japan - Honors & Awards
2024-6 第35回黒澤賞論文 奨励作 論文標題「成果創出前段階での人的資本評価と創造性育成施策に資する新規評価指標」 - Articles
- The Influence of Human Connections and Collaboration on Research Grant Success at Various Career Stages: Regression Analysis
Hashiguchi Akiko; Asashima Makoto; Takahashi Satoru
JMIR FORMATIVE RESEARCH/8/p.e49905, 2024-02-28 - Impact of supervisors' research style on young biomedical scientists' capacity development as measured by REDi, a novel index of crossdisciplinarity
Hashiguchi Akiko; Hamada Hiroka; Takahashi Satoru; Honda ...
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics/7/p.990921, 2022-09 - Biofunctional properties and plant physiology of Kaempferia spp.: Status and trends
Hashiguchi Akiko; Thawtar May San; Duangsodsri Teerarat; ...
JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS/92/p.105029, 2022-03 - An optimized protein extraction method for gel-free proteomic analysis of Opuntia ficus-indica
Hashiguchi Akiko; Yamaguchi Hisateru; Hitachi Keisuke; Wa...
Plants (Basel)/10(1), 2021-01 - The Effect of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata(L.)) Coat Extract on Mouse Liver Metabolism During Progesterone Withdrawal
Hashiguchi Akiko; Okabayashi Koji; Yamaguchi Hisateru; ...
Journal of medicinal food/23(9)/pp.967-977, 2020-07 - Early changes in S-nitrosoproteome in soybean seedlings under flooding stress
Hashiguchi Akiko; Komatsu Setsuko
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter/36(5-6)/pp.822-831, 2018-12 - Differences in fennel seed responses to drought stress at the seed formation stage in sensitive and tolerant genotypes
Khodadadi Ehsaneh; Hashiguchi Akiko; Fakheri Barat Ali; A...
JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY/28(1)/pp.35-49, 2018-12 - Datasets of mung bean proteins and metabolites from four different cultivars.
Hashiguchi Akiko; Zhu Wei; Tian Jingkui; Komatsu Setsuko
Data in brief/13/pp.703-706, 2017-08 - Proteomic analysis of temperature dependency of buckwheat seed dormancy and quality degradation
Hashiguchi Akiko; Yoshioka Hiroyuki; Komatsu Setsuko
Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology/30(2)/pp.77-88, 2018-06 - Subcellular Proteomics: Application to Elucidation of Flooding-Response Mechanisms in Soybean
Komatsu Setsuko; Hashiguchi Akiko
Proteomes/6(1), 2018-03 - Proteomic contributions to medicinal plant research: from plant metabolism to pharmacological action.
Hashiguchi Akiko; Tian Jingkui; Komatsu Setsuko
Proteomes/5(4)/pp.1-12, 2017-12 - Proteomic analysis of soybean seedling leaf under waterlogging stress in a time-dependent manner.
Kazemi Oskuei Bita; Yin Xiaojian; Hashiguchi Akiko; Ba...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics/1865(9)/pp.1167-1177, 2017-09 - Proteomics and metabolomics-driven pathway reconstruction of mung bean for nutraceutical evaluation.
Hashiguchi Akiko; Zhu Wei; Tian Jingkui; Komatsu Setsuko
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics/1865(8)/pp.1057-1066, 2017-08 - Metabolic profiles of flooding-tolerant mechanism in early-stage soybean responding to initial stress.
Wang Xin; Zhu Wei; Hashiguchi Akiko; Nishimura Minoru; Ti...
Plant molecular biology/94(6)/pp.669-685, 2017-07 - Mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.)) coat extract modulates macrophage functions to enhance antigen presentation: A proteomic study.
Hashiguchi Akiko; Hitachi Keisuke; Zhu Wei; Tian Jingkui...
Journal of proteomics/161/pp.26-37, 2017-05 - Posttranslational Modifications and Plant-Environment Interaction
Hashiguchi A; Komatsu S
Methods in enzymology/586/pp.97-113, 2017-04 - Impact of post-translational modifications of crop proteins under abiotic stress
Hashiguchi Akiko; Komatsu Setsuko
Proteomes/4(4)/p.42, 2016-12 - Responses to flooding stress in soybean seedlings with the alcohol dehydrogenase transgene
Tougou M; Hashiguchi A; Yukawa K; Nanjo Y; Hiraga S; Naka...
Plant Biotechnology/29(3)/pp.301-305, 2012-01 - Characterization of a novel flooding stress-responsive alcohol dehydrogenase expressed in soybean roots
Komatsu Setsuko; Thibaut Deschamps; Hiraga Susumu; Kato ...
Plant molecular biology/77(3)/pp.309-322, 2011-10 - Analyses of the Proteomes of the Leaf, Hypocotyl, and Root of Young Soybean Seedlings
Afroz A; Hashiguchi A; Khan MR; Komatsu S
Protein and peptide letters/17(3)/pp.319-331, 2010-03 - Proteomics application of crops in the context of climatic changes
Hashiguchi A; Ahsan N; Komatsul S
Food research international/43(7)/pp.1803-1813, 2010-01 - Soybean proteome database: a data resource for plant differential omics
Sakata K; Ohyanagi H; Nobori H; Nakamura T; Hashiguchi A...
Journal of proteome research/8(7)/pp.3539-3548, 2009-07 - Proteome analysis of early-stage soybean seedlings under flooding stress
Hashiguchi A; Sakata K; Komatsu S
Journal of proteome research/8(4)/pp.2058-2069, 2009-04 - TSC‐box is essential for the nuclear localization and antiproliferative effect of XTSC‐22
Hashiguchi A; Hitachi K; Inui M; Okabayashi K; Asashima M
Development, growth & differentiation/49(3)/pp.197-204, 2007-04 - Role of TSC‐22 during early embryogenesis in Xenopus laevis
Hashiguchi A; Okabayashi K; Asashima M
Development, growth & differentiation/46(6)/pp.535-544, 2004-12
- The Influence of Human Connections and Collaboration on Research Grant Success at Various Career Stages: Regression Analysis
- Books
- Chapter 6 Proteomics of soybean plants
Hashiguchi A; Komatsu S
Proteomics in Food Science 1st Edition From Farm to Fork (Editors: Michelle Colgrave)/Elsevier, 2017-04
- Chapter 6 Proteomics of soybean plants
- Conference, etc.
- Analysis of research activities at medical schools in Japan
Hashiguchi Akiko
Research Metrics Workshop 2023/2023-07-03--2023-07-03 - 学術文献データと多様性指標でみる医学分野での世代間交流の分析
橋口 晶子
Research Metrics Workshop 2020 Virtual Event/2020-12-10--2020-12-11 - 学術文献データと多様性指標を用いた医学系研究者の研究活動分析
橋口 晶子
RA協議会第6回年次大会/2020-09-17 - The proteomic landscape of soybean responses against flooding stress: insights from post-translational modifications
Akiko Hashiguchi Setsuko Komatsu
International Proteomics Conference 2017 (Malaysia)/2017-08-16 - S-nitrosoproteomic analysis on the role of nitric oxide in energy production under flooding stress
橋口晶子; 小松節子
日本プロテオーム学会2017年年会 JHUPO第15回大会/2017-07-27
- Analysis of research activities at medical schools in Japan
- Teaching
2021-06 -- (current) PBLテュートリアル テューター 医学類 - University Management
2020 -- (current) 医学医療系企画委員会 委員 2020 -- (current) TRIOS運用委員会 委員 - Other activities
2018-04 -- (current) 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 専門調査員
(Last updated: 2025-03-11)