NG Lay Sion
- Affiliation
- Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0003-1828-0277
- )E>cJ@FEc>8ZieLcKJLBL98c8:cAG
- Office
- Center of English for Global Communication CA 507
- Research fields
Literature in English - Research keywords
Hemingway, American Literature, Material Feminism, Ecocritism, Environmetal Humanities, Non-anthropocentrism - Research projects
Rethinking Hemingway Literature in the Anthropocene Era: A Posthumanist Reading 2022 -- 2026 NG LAY SION Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,550,000Yen “Rethinking ‘Hemingway’: Uncovering the Historical and Cultural Influences of Oak Park and Cuba on Ernest Hemingway” 2016-08 -- 2016-09 NG LAY SION Cross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University)/ 572,000Yen “Discovering the Utopian Perspective of America” 2015-02 -- 2015-03 NG LAY SION Cross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University)/ 263,232Yen “Catching the Rhythm in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises” 2014-02 -- 2014-03 NG LAY SION Cross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University)/ 350,000Yen - Career history
2022-08 -- 2022-10 Tel Aviv University,Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities,Visiting Research Fellow 2021-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaCenter for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC)Assistant Professor 2019-04 -- 2021-03 Reitaku Universitythe Center for English CommunicationLecturer 2018-05 -- 2019-03 Osaka College of Foreign LanguagesEnglish DepartmentLecturer (part-time) 2017-10 -- 2017-12 University of Collogne,English Department,Academic Visitor 2017-08 -- 2017-10 Bath Spa University,Research Centre of Environmental Humanities,Academic Visitor - Academic background
2014-04 -- 2019-03 Osaka University Graduate School of Language and Culture Langauge and Society 2014-04 -- 2019-03 Osaka University Cross-Boundary Innovation Program 2010-04 -- 2014-03 Fukushima University Human Development and Culture Studies 地域生活文化 2008-04 -- 2009-10 Pusat Bahasa Institute 日本語大学予備コース - Academic societies
2020-04 -- 2022-03 The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) 2017-08 -- 2019-03 The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in UK-Ireland (ASLE-UKI) 2016-04 -- (current) The Hemingway Society 2016-04 -- (current) The Hemingway Society of Japan 2014-04 -- (current) Japan Association for Language and Teaching (JALT) - Honors & Awards
2024-02 Oversea Conference Travel Grant Excellent application/abstract paper for the conference 2022-07 Hinkle Travel Grant Excellent application/abstract paper for the conference 2021-05 Lewis-Raynolds-Smith Founders Fellowship Qualified and promising book project 2021-02 Heldrich-Dvorak Travel Fellowship Excellent application/abstract paper for the conference - Articles
- Teaching "Indian Camp" in the Japanese Classroom
Ng Lay Sion
Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice/13(2)/pp.65-75, 2023-09 - Toward a Politics of Cure: Jake Barnes's Mastery of Submission in The Sun Also Rises
Ng Lay Sion
The Hemingway Review/41(2)/pp.31-48, 2022-05 - The "Rotten" Matter in A Farewell to Arms: An Ecological Gothic Reading
F1000 Research, 2021-12 - “Return Things to Nature’s Norms”: A Material Feminist Reading of the Surrogate Bodies in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake
Ng Lay Sion
Essence & Critique: Journal of Literature and Drama Studies/1(2)/pp.3-20, 2021-06 - Transhumanism and the Biological Body in Don DeLillo’s Zero K: A Material Feminist Perspective
Ng Lay Sion
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment/28(2)/pp.686-708, 2020-10 - The Elephant’s Eye and the Maji-Maji War: A Non-Anthropocentric Reading of David’s African Story in The Garden of Eden
Ng Lay Sion
The Hemingway Review, 2020-04 - “Toward the Mastery of Submission: Robert Cohn’s Problem with Masochism in The Sun Also Rises.”
Interactions: Ege Journal of British and American Studies/28(1-2)/pp.61-71, 2019 - “Harmonious Relationships in Ernest Hemingway's For Whom The Bell Tolls: A Pagan Spiritual Perspective.”
The Journal of Georgia Philological Association/28(1)/pp.35-60, 2019 - “‘If I have an egg, what more can I want?’: The Metaphorical Representations of Eggs in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.”
Journal of English Literature and Cultural Studies/2(1)/pp.79-92, 2019-01 - Never Ending Gender/Sexual Cannibalism? Transformation of Female Idolization in Japan
Ng Lay Sion
FORUM: University of Edinburgh University Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts/27/pp.1-13, 2018-12 - Exploded and Being Swallowed’: Cannibalism in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
Ng Lay Sion
International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies/5(1)/pp.11-15, 2017-01 - Gender and Environmental Utopia/Dystopia in Paul Auster’s In The Country of Last Things
Ng Lay Sion
The Feminist Space Journal/3(1)/pp.63-71, 2017-01
- Teaching "Indian Camp" in the Japanese Classroom
- Conference, etc.
- “Understanding Unconscious Bias: ‘Indian Camp’ in the Japanese Context.”
Ng Lay Sion
The 48th JALT International Conference on “Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice/2022-11-11--2022-11-13 - Towards a Politics of Cure: Jake Barnes’s Mastery of Submission in The Sun Also Rises
The 32nd Annual Conference of the Hemingway Society of Japan/2021-12-18--2021-12-19 - The “Rotten” Matter in A Farewell to Arms: An Ecological Gothic Reading
Ng Lay Sion
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association 42nd Annual Conference/2021-02-21--2021-02-25 - Ecology of Color in The Old Man and the Sea: An Ecological Posthumanist Reading
Ng Lay Sion
The 19th Biennial Hemingway Society Conference in Wyoming/Montana/2022-07-17--2022-07-23 - “The “Rotten” Matter in A Farewell to Arms: An Ecological Gothic Reading.”
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association 42nd Annual Conference/2021-02-22--2021-02-28 - His eyes…they were the same color as the sea”: Ecology of Color and Anti-(Environmental) Imperial Perspective in The Old Man and the Sea.”
Ng Lay Sion
The 30th Annual Conference of Hemingway Society of Japan/2019-11-16--2019-11-17 - “‘Exploded and Being Swallowed’: Cannibalism in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.”
Ng Lay Sion
The 55th Annual Conference of the American Literature Society of Japan (ALSJ)/2016-10-01--2016-10-02 - ‘“The farther you go back, the more beautiful and desirable the world becomes’: Environmental and Gender Utopia/Dystopia in Paul Auster’s In The Country of Last Things.”
Ng Lay Sion
The 5th International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia (ISLE-EA)/2016-11-05--2016-11-08 - “Embracing Otherness: Mastery of Submission in The Sun Also Rises.”
Ng Lay Sion
The 27th Annual Conference of Hemingway Society of Japan/2016-11-20--2016-11-21 - “Transformation through Sports: An Interview with Russian LGBT Sport Federation.”
Ng Lay Sion
GALE Forum in the JALT 42nd Annual International Conference: Transformation in Language Teaching/2016-11-23--2016-11-27 - “Postgender and the Biological Body in Don DeLillo’s Zero K.”
Ng Lay Sion
The 56th Annual Conference of America Literature Society of Japan/2017-10-14--2017-10-15 - “Queer Harmonious Relationships in For Whom the Bell Tolls: A Yin-Yang Cosmological Approach.”
Ng Lay Sion
The 18th International Hemingway Conference: Hemingway in Paris./2018-07-23--2018-07-28 - “His eye was the most alive thing David had ever seen”: A Non-Anthropocentric Perspective on the African Story in The Garden of Eden.”
Ng Lay Sion
The 29th Annual Conference of Hemingway Society of Japan/2019-11-16--2019-11-17
- “Understanding Unconscious Bias: ‘Indian Camp’ in the Japanese Context.”
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 English Academic Writing University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 English Academic Writing University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 English Reading Skills I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 English Reading Skills II University of Tsukuba. 2022-04 -- 2023-02 English Academic Writing I/II Center of English for Global Communication 2022-04 -- 2023-02 English Presentation Skills I/II Center of English for Global Communication 2022-04 -- 2023-02 English Reading Skills I/II Center of English for Global Communication 2021-04 -- 2022-03 English Academic Writing I/II Center of English for Global Communication 2021-04 -- 2022-03 English Presentation Skills I/II Center of English for Global Communication 2021-04 -- 2022-03 English Reading Skills I/II Center of English for Global Communication - Other educational activities
2023-11 -- 2023-11 "Learning Strategies Every Student Should Know" Online Workshop Academic Writing Support Desk (AWSD), CEGLOC 2023-01 -- 2023-01 "Show, Don't Tell" Creative Writing Workshop (University of Tsukuba X Tel Aviv University) Ng Lay Sion 2022-08 -- 2022-10 Visiting Research Fellow Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University, Israel. 2022-07 -- 2022-07 “Writing to Learn: The Benefits of Free-Writing Practice” Online Workshop Academic Writing Support Desk (AWSD), CEGLOC 2019-07 -- 2019-07 “Learning English through Pop Songs” Workshop Center of English Communication (CEC), Reitaku University 2019-06 -- 2019-06 Panel Moderator at L. M. Montgomery International Conference Reitaku University 2018-02 -- 2018-02 Organizer of the 20th Future Leader Forum “LGBTQ + Coming-Out = Cross-Boundary” Cross-Boundary Innovation Program, Osaka University. 2017-08 -- 2017-10 Academic Visitor Research Centre for Environmental Humanities, Bath Spa University, U.K. 2013-08 -- 2013-10 Protocol Assistant Department of International Affairs, Houston City Hall, Texas, USA. - University Management
2021-04 -- (current) University in-house Journal "Studies in Foreign Language Teaching" Journal reviewer and editor 2021-04 -- (current) Academic Writing Support Desk (CEGLOC) Assistant Director - Other activities
2024-01 -- (current) Language and Cultural Supporter, Tsukuba International Association 2021-02 -- 2021-02 Content Contributor, “Our Monologues Online,” organized by V-Day Osaka. 2020-04 -- 2021-04 Contributor, Edge of Humanity Magazine 2018-10 -- 2018-10 Cultural Supporter, “Asian Week Festival,” Ritsumeikan University Ibaraki Campus, organized by Osaka Foundation of International Exchange 2018-06 -- 2018-06 Cultural Supporter, Kansai Medical University Medical Center (Toneyama School special edition), organized by Osaka Foundation of International Exchange 2018-02 -- 2018-02 Content Contributor, “Vagina Monologues,” organized by V-Day Osaka. 2017-08 -- 2018-01 Columnist, TERSE. Journal 2012-08 -- 2012-08 Guest Speaker, “the 18th Asian Pacific Youth Conference,” organized by Initiative of Changes Japan
(Last updated: 2024-02-25)