JEONG Samuel
- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0003-2231-7271
- Research fields
Nanomaterials engineering - Research keywords
electrochemistry nano carbon material Electron microscopy - Research projects
Creation of Formic Acid Crossover Suppressed Bipolar Membranes Using Functionalized Graphene 2024-04 -- 2026-03 Samuel JEONG Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,810,000Yen 燃料分子の選択的分離を可能にするグラフェンバイポーラ膜の開発 2024-04 -- 2026-03 鄭 サムエル Mukai Science and Technology Foundation/一般財団法人向科学技術振興財団 令和 5 年度研究助成 1,500,000Yen 官能基修飾グラフェンから成るギ酸クロスオーバー抑制バイポーラ膜の創出 2024-06 -- 2025-05 鄭 サムエル Tokuyama Science Foundation/徳山科学技術振興財団 スタートアップ助成金 1,000,000Yen 電気化学的CO2還元法を用いたエタノール合成用ガス拡散電極の開発 2024-04 -- 2025-03 鄭 サムエル 公益財団法人豊田理化学研究所/豊田理研スカラー 1,000,000Yen - Career history
2022-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaDepartment of Applied PhysicsAssistant professor - Academic background
-- 2022-03 University of Tsukuba 数理物質科学研究科 電子・物理工学専攻 - Degree
2022-03 Ph.D in Engineering University of Tsukuba - Licenses and qualifications
2017-03 教員免許高校I種(数学) - Academic societies
2016-01 -- (current) The Japan Society of Applied Physics - Articles
- An electron-transfer-tuning strategy at the graphene/metal interface for improving acidic water electrolysis in proton exchange membrane electrolyzers
Xu Yue; Li Shuaidong; He Yingjian; Shiokawa Fumiya; J...
JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY/103/pp.344-352, 2025-04 - Co-doping-induced electronic reconfiguration of nanosized ZnS for facilitating oxygen reduction reaction in flexible aluminum-air batteries
Xu Yue; Tang Jun-Yuan; Li Shuai-Dong; Hu Hao-Lin; He ...
RARE METALS/Epub, 2025-01-09 - Impact of residence time on bundle length distribution of carbon nanotubes in floating-catalyst chemical vapor deposition synthesis
Kishibe Yoshiya; Fujimori Toshihiko; Jeong Samuel; Ito...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/63(12), 2024-12-02 - Toluene-Poisoning-Resistant High-Entropy Non-Noble Metal Anode for Direct One-Step Hydrogenation of Toluene to Methylcyclohexane
Tajuddin Aimi A. H.; Ohto Tatsuhiko; Tanimoto Hisanori...
CHEMSUSCHEM/Epub, 2024-10-24 - Inverse analysis-guided development of acid-tolerant nanoporous high-entropy alloy catalysts for enhanced water-splitting performance
Bolar Saikat; Yuan Chunyu; Jeong Samuel; Ito Yoshikaz...
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A/Epub, 2024-11-15 - Elucidating slipping behaviors between carbon nanotubes: Using nitrogen doping and electron irradiation to suppress slippage
Jeong Samuel; Higashitani Keisuke; Kaneko Tomoaki; Yam...
CARBON/231, 2025-01 - Charge Effects and Electron Phonon Coupling in Potassium-Doped Graphene
Marchiani Dario; Frisenda Riccardo; Mariani Carlo; Sbr...
ACS OMEGA/9(38)/pp.39546-39553, 2024-09-09 - Upcycling retired Li-ion batteries into high-performance oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts in flexible Al-air batteries
Hu Haolin; Wang Yuelin; Xu Yue; Jin Liangxiao; Jeong ...
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL/492, 2024-07-15 - Alkali Metals Adsorbed on Nanoporous Graphene: Charge Transfer and Metallic Phase
Marchiani Dario; Frisenda Riccardo; Mariani Carlo; Avi...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C/Epub, 2024-06-29 - Visualizing the Transient Response of Local Potentials on Photoconductive Antennas Using Scanning Ultrafast Electron Microscopy
Arashida Yusuke; Jeong Samuel; Kawasaki Kouhei; Emoto ...
ACS PHOTONICS/11(6)/pp.2171-2175, 2024-05-08 - Electron and ion behaviors at the graphene/metal interface during the acidic water electrolysis
Xu Yue; He Yingjian; Wang Shaofeng; Wu Zhaomeng; Hu ...
CHEMICAL PHYSICS REVIEWS/4(4)/p.041312, 2023-12 - Durable high-entropy non-noble metal anodes for neutral seawater electrolysis
Shiokawa Fumiya; Tajuddin Aimi Asilah Haji; Ohto Tatsu...
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL/479, 2024-01 - Direct synthesis of nitrogen-doped narrow-diameter carbon nanotubes through floating-catalyst chemical vapor deposition with high hydrogen flow rate
Li Zhikai; Fujimori Toshihiko; Jeong Samuel; Inoue Hi...
Applied Physics Express/16(9)/pp.095001-1-095001-5, 2023-09 - Controlled laser-induced dehydrogenation of free-standing graphane probed by pump-probe X-ray photoemission
Costantini Roberto; Giampietri Alessio; Marchiani Dari...
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE/644, 2024-01-30 - Photoinduced Structural Dynamics of 2H-MoTe2 Under Extremely High-Density Excitation Conditions
Fukuda Takumi; Ozaki Uta; Jeong Samuel; Arashida Yusu...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C/127(27)/pp.13149-13156, 2023-07-04 - Dielectric response and excitations of hydrogenated free-standing graphene
Betti Maria Grazia; Marchiani Dario; Tonelli Andrea; S...
CARBON TRENDS/12, 2023-09 - Suppression of Methanol and Formate Crossover through Sulfanilic-Functionalized Holey Graphene as Proton Exchange Membranes
Jeong Samuel; Ohto Tatsuhiko; Nishiuchi Tomohiko; Naga...
ADVANCED SCIENCE/10(31), 2023-09-08 - 1T/1H-SnS2 Sheets for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formate
Kawabe Yusuke; Ito Yoshikazu; Hori Yuta; Kukunuri Sur...
ACS NANO/17(12)/pp.11318-11326, 2023-06-27 - Streaking of a picosecond electron pulse with a weak terahertz pulse
Yajima Wataru; Arashida Yusuke; Nishimori Ryota; Emoto Y...
ACS PHOTONICS/10(1)/pp.116-124, 2022-12 - Pump-Probe X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Free-Standing Graphane
Costantini Roberto; Marchiani Dario; Betti Maria Grazi...
CONDENSED MATTER/8(2), 2023-03-27 - Tuning the Electronic Response of Metallic Graphene by Potassium Doping
Marchiani Dario; Tonelli Andrea; Mariani Carlo; Frisenda ...
Nano Letters/23(1)/pp.170-176, 2022-12-23 - Coexistence of Urbach-Tail-Like Localized States and Metallic Conduction Channels in Nitrogen-Doped 3D Curved Graphene
Tanabe Yoichi; Ito Yoshikazu; Sugawara Katsuaki; Samuel ...
ADVANCED MATERIALS/34(51), 2022-10-08 - Corrosion-Resistant and High-Entropic Non-Noble-Metal Electrodes for Oxygen Evolution in Acidic Media
Tajuddin Aimi A. H.; Wakisaka Mitsuru; Ohto Tatsuhiko; ...
ADVANCED MATERIALS/35(3)/p.2207466, 2022 - Homogeneous Spatial Distribution of Deuterium Chemisorbed on Free-Standing Graphene
Betti Maria Grazia; Blundo Elena; De Luca Marta; Felici ...
NANOMATERIALS/12(15), 2022-08
- An electron-transfer-tuning strategy at the graphene/metal interface for improving acidic water electrolysis in proton exchange membrane electrolyzers
- Books
- 二酸化炭素をギ酸などの化成品に変える化学的固定化技術
鄭サムエル; 大戸 達彦; 伊藤 良一
CO2の分離・回収・貯留技術の開発とプロセス設計/技術情報協会, 2022-10-31
- 二酸化炭素をギ酸などの化成品に変える化学的固定化技術
- Conference, etc.
- Visualizing the transient response of the local potential on photoconductive antennas using time-resolved SEM
Kawasaki Kohei; Jeong Samuel; Emoto Yuga; Yamamoto Yu...
The 66th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN2023)/2023-05-30--2023-06-02 - The plasmonic nano-grating device for photocatalytic water splitting reaction
Jeong Samuel; Yang Gang; Arashida Yusuke; Akada Keisu...
The 66th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN2023)/2023-05-30--2023-06-02 - 単層TMDCサスペンド構造の発光ダイナミクス解析
村上 勇斗; 赤田 圭史; 鄭サムエル; 嵐田 雄介; 茂木 裕幸; 吉田 昭二; 藤田 淳一
2023年第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2023-09-19--2023-09-23 - 半導体2H-MoTe2の高密度電子励起下における過飽和吸収現象の観測
福田 拓未; 尾崎 卯汰; 鄭 サムエル; 嵐田 雄介; 塩谷 海斗; 吉田 昭二; フォンス ポー...
2023年第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2023-09-19--2023-09-23 - 表面プラズモン共鳴デバイスを用いた近接場光による光触媒反応
楊 港; 鄭サムエル; 嵐田 雄介; 赤田 圭史; 伊藤良一; 藤田 淳一
2022年第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2022-09-20--2022-09-23 - 超高速時間分解SEMを用いたデバイス電位の過渡応答イメージング
川崎 康平; 江本 悠河; 山本 祐揮; 鄭サムエル; 嵐田 雄介; 吉田 昭二; 赤田 圭史; 藤田...
2022年第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2022-09-20--2022-09-23 - 表面プラズモン共鳴デバイスを用いた近接場光による光触媒反応
楊 港; 嵐田 雄介; 鄭サムエル; 赤田圭史; 伊藤 良一; 藤田淳一
第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2022-09-20--2022-09-23 - Development of Tunable Nitrogen-Doped Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Fibers
Zhikai Li; Toshihiko Fujimori; Hirotaka Inoue; Momoko Sa...
第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2022-09-20--2022-09-23 - Development of a terahertz pump and electron diffraction probe setup for the dynamics measurements of liquid crystals
Yajima Wataru; Arashida Yusuke; Nishimori Ryota; Emoto Y...
OLC SWS 2022/2022-09-25--2022-09-30 - テラヘルツ波による極短パルス電子線のパルス幅計測
矢嶋 渉; 嵐田 雄介; 西森 亮太; 江本 悠河; 山本 祐揮; 川崎 康平; 齋田 友梨; 鄭 サムエル; 赤...
- Visualizing the transient response of the local potential on photoconductive antennas using time-resolved SEM
(Last updated: 2024-08-30)