- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0002-0212-0909
- Sex
- Male
- 60963618
- =<26+,+$5$O0$6$+$5O/<FUQ$/801,O768.8%$O$&O-3\<26+,+$5$FUQ0'O768.8%$O$&O-3
- Office
- Department of Anatomy and Embryology
- Phone
- 029-853-7516
- Fax
- 029-853-6965
- Research fields
Laboratory animal science General anatomy (including histology/embryology) - Research keywords
Transgenic Mouse Morphogenesis Delta-Notch signaling pathway Developmental Biology Histology Gross Anatomy - Research projects
Elucidation of Notch1 involvement in the left-side heart development 2023-04 -- 2028-03 YOSHIHARA Masaharu Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,680,000Yen Identification of Notch1 signaling- receiving cell lineage during acute kidney injury in a mouse sepsis model 2022-10 -- 2023-03 Masaharu YOSHIHARA YOKOYAMA Foundation for Clinical Pharmacology/ 1,000,000Yen Elucidation of a morphogenic mechanism via Delta-Notch signaling pathway- an in vivo examination of a mathematical prediction on biliary formation 2022-10 -- 2024-03 Masaharu YOSHIHARA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up 2,860,000Yen Mathematical and genetical analysis on the Delta-Notch signaling dynamics in bile duct formation 2021-04 -- 2022-03 Masaharu YOSHIHARA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 2,200,000Yen - Career history
2022-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaInstitute of MedicineAssistant Professor 2021-04 -- 2022-03 Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceYoung Scientist Fellow (DC1) 2019-04 -- 2021-03 University of TsukubaResearch Assistant 2017-04 -- 2019-03 Tsukuba Medical Center Foundationjunior resident physician - Academic background
2019-04 -- 2023-03 University of Tsukuba School of Integrative and Global Majors PhD Program in Humanics 2011-04 -- 2017-03 University of Tsukuba School of Medicine and Medical Sciences School of Medicine - Degree
2023-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba 2017-03 Doctor of Medicine University of Tsukuba - Licenses and qualifications
2024-02 死体解剖資格 2024-04 アンガーマネジメントファシリテーター 2022-07 第6回一般教養・基礎社会医学系教員のためのカリキュラムプランニングワークショップ 修了 2018-11 Certified Industrial Physician 2017-11 茨城県緩和ケア研修会修了 2017-03 Medical license - Academic societies
2024-12 -- (current) Japan Society for Medical Education 2023-01 -- (current) 日本実験動物協会 2022-02 -- (current) Japanese Association of Anatomists - Honors & Awards
2024-04 Best Teachers’ Award 2023-11 筑波大学医学医療系大学教員業績評価優秀教員 2023-04 Best Teachers' Award - Articles
- A case report of an Adachi-Williams type CG plus H aortic arch anomaly and implications for the development of the cervicothoracic circulation
Yoshihara Masaharu; Watabe Yoshitoku; Morikawa Momo; I...
Folia Morphologica, 2024-10 - Landscape of driver mutations and their clinical effects on Down syndrome-related myeloid neoplasms
Sato Tomohiko; Yoshida Kenichi; Toki Tsutomu; Kanezaki...
Blood/143(25)/pp.2627-2643, 2024-03-21 - Chromatin accessibility analysis suggested vascular induction of the biliary epithelium via the Notch signaling pathway in the human liver
Yoshihara Masaharu; Nakayama Takahiro; Takahashi Satoru
BMC RESEARCH NOTES/16(1)/p.379, 2023-12-21 - Recent advances in in situ Notch signaling measurement
Yoshihara Masaharu; Takahashi Satoru
FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/11, 2023-07-28 - Analysis of Notch1 signaling in mammalian sperm development
Sambe Naoto; Yoshihara Masaharu; Nishino Teppei; Sugiu...
BMC RESEARCH NOTES/16(1)/p.108, 2023-06-19 - Notch1 signaling is limited in healthy mature kidneys in vivo
Sugiura Ryosuke; Nakayama Takahiro; Nishino Teppei; Sa...
BMC RESEARCH NOTES/16(1)/p.54, 2023-04-17 - A gain-of-function mutation in micro-RNA-142 is sufficient to cause the development of T-cell leukemia in mice
Kawano Shingo; Araki Kimi; Bai Jie; Furukawa Imari; T...
CANCER SCIENCE/114(7)/pp.2821-2834, 2023-03-21 - Deciphering the pattern formation mechanism via Delta-Notch signaling pathway - Evidence from mathematical analysis of liver development
西野哲平; 吉原 雅大
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine/280(11)/pp.1167-1168, 2022-03 - Generation of a Gal4-dependent gene recombination and illuminating mouse
Yoshihara Masaharu; Nishino Teppei; Sambe Naoto; Nayakama...
EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS/71(3)/pp.385-390, 2022-04-21 - The Molecular Motor KIF21B Mediates Synaptic Plasticity and Fear Extinction by Terminating Rac1 Activation
Morikawa Momo; Tanaka Yosuke; Cho Hyun-Soo; Yoshihara ...
Cell reports/23(13)/pp.3864-3877, 2018-06-26 - Identifying potential regulators of JAGGED1 expression in portal mesenchymal cells
Nishino Teppei; Yoshihara Masaharu; Nakayama Takahiro; Ts...
BMC Rearch Notes/15(1), 2022-05-13 - Mathematical analysis of the effect of portal vein cells on biliary epithelial cell differentiation through the Delta-Notch signaling pathway
Yoshihara Masaharu; Nishino Teppei; Yadav Manoj Kumar; Ku...
BMC Research Notes/14, 2021-06
- A case report of an Adachi-Williams type CG plus H aortic arch anomaly and implications for the development of the cervicothoracic circulation
- Conference, etc.
- 新規遺伝子組換えマウスを用いた、敗血症におけるNotch1シグナルの腎内動態解析
吉原 雅大
第70回日本実験動物学会総会/2023-05-24--2023-05-26 - 地域住民における心不全バイオマーカーと循環器疾患リスクファクターの関連
吉原 雅大; 山岸良匡; 北村明彦; 木山昌彦; 隅田武夫; 山海知子; 大平哲也; 今野弘規; 崔仁哲; 梅澤光政; 湊百合子; 井...
第23回日本疫学会学術集会/2013-01-25--2013-01-25 - 成獣組織の血管内皮細胞におけるVEGF受容体の発言差異
吉原 雅大
第119回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会/2014-03-28--2014-03-28 - Delta-Notchシグナル経路を介したパターン形成機構〜肝内胆管形成から摂動による誘導現象を探る〜
吉原 雅大
日本解剖学会第110回関東支部学術集会/2022-10-01--2022-10-01 - Notch1シグナル可視化マウス系の樹立
三瓶直人; 吉原 雅大; 高橋智
日本解剖学会第110回関東支部学術集会/2022-10-01--2022-10-01 - 腎内におけるNotch1シグナルの可視化
吉原 雅大; 杉浦涼介; 高橋智
日本解剖学会第110回関東支部学術集会/2022-10-01--2022-10-01 - 解剖学人材をいかに確保するか〜取り組みと提言〜
吉原 雅大
- 新規遺伝子組換えマウスを用いた、敗血症におけるNotch1シグナルの腎内動態解析
- Works
- からだの成り立ちを求めて(国立大学医学部長会議 若手研究者のひらめき~研究医への誘い~)
吉原 雅大
- からだの成り立ちを求めて(国立大学医学部長会議 若手研究者のひらめき~研究医への誘い~)
- Teaching
2023-10 -- (current) 神経解剖学 生物学類 2024-09 -- (current) 機能構造と病態I(組織学) 医学類 2023 -- (current) Introduction to Human Anatomy Master's Program in Medical Science 2023 -- (current) Human Anatomy (Histology Practice) College of Medical Science 2023 -- (current) Human Anatomy College of Nursing 2022-07 -- (current) Neuroanatomy Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired 2020-11 -- (current) Neuroanatomy School of Medicine 2019-05 -- (current) Gross Anatomy, Osteology and Embryology School of Medicine 2022-09 -- 2022-09 Anatomy and Physiology II Hakujuuji Nursing School 2022-06 -- 2022-06 First Year Seminar School of Medicine more... - Other educational activities
2024-04 -- 2026-03 2024年度筑波大学医学類1年生6クラス担任 2024-01 -- (current) 筑波大学医学類学生担当教員 2022-12 -- 2022-12 令和4年度修学生の集い 茨城県保健医療部医療人材課 2023-03 -- 2023-03 第24回解剖技術研究・研修会 Japan Association of Anatomists 2019-11 -- (current) Medical Rally Tsukuba Medical Center Foundation - Other activities
2021-07 -- 2022-03 非常勤医師(水戸市新型コロナワクチン大規模接種会場) 2022-04 -- (current) 非常勤医師(社会福祉法人恩賜財団済生会神栖済生会病院) 2019-04 -- 2021-03 非常勤医師(公益財団法人筑波メディカルセンター) 2017-04 -- 2019-03 医師臨床研修(公益財団法人筑波メディカルセンター)
(Last updated: 2024-12-27)