KAWAI Hitomi
- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- Research projects
予後に即した浸潤性肺腺癌の病理診断を補助するAIエンジンの開発 2024-04 -- 2025-03 河合瞳 日本肺癌学会/ 1,000,000Yen Non-TRU型肺腺癌の前がん病変の病理学的探索 2024-01 -- 2025-04 河合瞳 Uehara Memorial Foundation/ 2,000,000Yen 肺腺癌における胃腸上皮マーカーの発現と薬剤抵抗性に関する検討 2023-04 -- 2025-03 KAWAI Hitomi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,420,000Yen Research for cell-basement membrane adhesion factors involved in distant metastasis of tumors using human tumor tissue. 2021-04 -- 2023-03 KAWAI Hitomi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,160,000Yen - Degree
2020-03 博士(医学) Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba. Doctoral program in Biomedical Sciences - Articles
- Spatially resolved gene expression profiling of tumor microenvironment reveals key steps of lung adenocarcinoma development
Takano Yuma; Suzuki Jun; Nomura Kotaro; Fujii Gento; ...
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/15(1), 2024-12-06 - Histologic transformation of non-small-cell lung cancer in response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Current knowledge of genetic changes and molecular mechanisms
Shiba-Ishii Aya; Takemura Noriko; Kawai Hitomi; Matsub...
CANCER SCIENCE/115(7), 2024-05-27 - Expression patterns of HNF4α, TTF-1, and SMARCA4 in lung adenocarcinomas: impacts on clinicopathological and genetic features
Kawai Hitomi; Miura Tamaki; Kawamatsu Natsumi; Nakagaw...
Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology/Epub, 2024-05-06 - 初回切除から6年後に再発した左側胸部高分化型脂肪肉腫の1例
安重 佳祐; 大矢 和正; 中村 貴之; 石井 良征; 乃村 俊史; 藤澤 康弘; 河合 瞳
日本皮膚科学会雑誌/133(3)/pp.537-537, 2023-03 - 術後再発した左側胸部高分化型脂肪肉腫の1例
安重 佳祐; 大矢 和正; 中村 貴之; 藤澤 康弘; 石井 良征; 河合 瞳; 乃村 俊史
日本臨床皮膚科医会雑誌/40(3)/pp.478-478, 2023-05 - Development of AI engine diagnosis for the invasion of lung adenocarcinoma; Can AI predict the prognosis?
Kawai Hitomi; Yoshizawa Akihiko; Sakai Yasuhiro; Yatab...
CANCER SCIENCE/114(1:SI)/pp.1472-1472, 2023-02 - Whole-genome sequencing reveals the molecular implications of the stepwise progression of lung adenocarcinoma
Haga Yasuhiko; Sakamoto Yoshitaka; Kajiya Keiko; Kawai...
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/14(1)/p.8375, 2023-12-15 - Continuous glucose monitoring in a patient with insulinoma presenting with unawareness of postprandial hypoglycemia
Nakajima Rikako; Idesawa Hiroto; Sato Daisuke; Ito Ju...
Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism case reports/2023(3), 2023-07-01 - Shrinkage of Enlarged Hepatic Nodules by an Embolizing Congenital Extrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
Fukuda Satoshi; Hasegawa Naoyuki; Mori Kensaku; Kawai ...
INTERNAL MEDICINE/63(9)/pp.1237-1242, 2023-09-08 - Gastrocolic fistula caused by transverse colon cancer: a case report
Sugi Tomoyuki; Kurata Masanao; Furuta Tomoaki; Ishibashi ...
Surgical case reports/9(1)/p.8, 2023-01-23 - Hemiarthroplasty for tumor-induced osteomalacia caused by tumor localized in femoral head: a case report
Arita Sayaka; Nishino Tomofumi; Mitani Yuki; Sakashita K...
JOURNAL OF SURGICAL CASE REPORTS/2022(10), 2022-10 - Mapping biopsyが有用であったPagetoid spreadを伴う肛門管癌の1例
山田嵩宜; 大和田洋平; 大原佑介; 榎本剛史; 明石義正; 河合 瞳; 野口雅之; 小田 竜也
日本外科系連合学会誌/48(1)/pp.64-70, 2023-2 - Gastrocolic fistula caused by transverse colon cancer: a case report
Sugi Tomoyuki; Kurata Masanao; Furuta Tomoaki; Ishibas...
SURGICAL CASE REPORTS/9(1)/p.8, 2023-01-23 - Aberrant OCIAD2 demethylation in lung adenocarcinoma is associated with outcome
Maki Masahiro; JeongMin Hong; Nakagawa Tomoki; Kawai ...
PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/72(10)/pp.496-505, 2022-10-01 - Determining Whether YAP1 and POU2F3 Are Antineuroendocrine Factors
Matsuoka Ryota; Kawai Hitomi; Ito Takeshi; Matsubara ...
JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY/17(9)/pp.1070-1073, 2022-09-01 - Developmental markers of ganglion cells in the enteric nervous system and their application for evaluation of Hirschsprung disease.
Kawai Hitomi; Satomi Kaishi; Morishita Yukio; Murata Yoshihi...
Pathology international/64(9)/pp.432-442, 2014-09 - A case of microscopic, multiple sclerosing pneumocytoma.
Kawai Hitomi; Takayashiki Norio; Otani Haruo; Sakashita ...
Pathology international/68(3)/pp.196-201, 2018-03 - Anal canal adenocarcinoma with neuroendocrine features accompanying secondary extramammary Paget disease, successfully treated with modified FOLFOX6: a case report.
Yamaura Masamichi; Yamada Takeshi; Watanabe Rei; Kawai...
BMC cancer/18(1)/p.1142, 2018-11 - A case of invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung showing stepwise progression at the primary site.
Kawai Hitomi; Sugano Masato; Nakano Noriyuki; Muratani...
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)/136/pp.94-97, 2019-10 - Metachronous Isolated Contralateral Lung Metastasis from Pulmonary Adenosquamous Carcinoma with EGFR Mutation.
Kawai Hitomi; Iguchi Kesato; Takayashiki Norio; Okauch...
Acta medica (Hradec Kralove)/63(3)/pp.141-144, 2020-04 - Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Improved Pregnancy-associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy but not the Pregnancy Outcome in Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Terasaki Toshihiko; Kondo Yuya; Takahashi Mayumi; Tawara ...
Internal Medicine/59(24)/pp.3235-3238, 2020-08 - Successful use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for airway-obstructing lung adenocarcinoma.
Kitazawa Shinsuke; Kobayashi Naohiro; Ueda Sho; Enomot...
Thoracic cancer/11(10)/pp.3024-3028, 2020-08 - Mediastinal Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Slowly Growing for 8 Years after Surgical Resection of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Hirose Suguru; Hasegawa Naoyuki; Kawai Hitomi; Yamaura M...
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)/59(20)/pp.2505-2509, 2020-07 - Drebrin: A new oncofetal biomarker associated with prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma.
Iyama Shinji; Ono Masao; Kawai-Nakahara Hitomi; Husni Ry...
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)/102/pp.74-81, 2016-12
- Spatially resolved gene expression profiling of tumor microenvironment reveals key steps of lung adenocarcinoma development
- Books
- 生検評価の注意点
河合 瞳
肺癌 第2版, 2022-11 - 小細胞癌
河合 瞳
肺癌 第2版, 2022-11 - 大細胞神経内分泌癌
河合 瞳
肺癌 第2版, 2022-11 - びまん性特発性肺神経内分泌細胞過形成
河合 瞳
肺癌 第2版, 2022-11 - 前癌病変
河合 瞳
最新臨床肺癌学/pp.253-259, 2022-12
- 生検評価の注意点
- Conference, etc.
- Update in the AI Diagnosis for Lung Adenocarcinoma Invasion
Kawai Hitomi
The 7th Asia-Australasia Pulmonary Pathology Society Annual Conference/2023-12-02--2023-12-03 - 悪性の診断が困難であった異時性多発肺癌の一例
関根 康晴; 鈴木 健浩; 黒田 啓介; 佐藤 沙喜子; 菅井 和人; 河村 知幸; 小林 尚寛; 佐伯 祐典; 後藤 行延; 市村...
第195日本肺癌学会関東支部学術集会/2023-03-11--2023-03-11 - 気管支鏡後の炎症性変化により、術中迅速病理診断が困難であったInvasive mucinous carcinomaの1例
鈴木 健浩; 佐伯 祐典; 市村 秀夫; 黒田 啓介; 佐藤 沙喜子; 関根 康晴; 菅井 和人; 河村 知幸; 小林 尚寛; 後藤...
第189回日本内視鏡学会関東支部会/2022-12-07--2022-12-07 - HNF4a陽性の高悪性度肺腺癌は、BRG1欠失を高頻度に示す予後不良な一群である
河合 瞳
第112回日本病理学会学術総会/2023-04-13--2023-04-15 - AIは”肺腺癌の浸潤”をどう判定するか?
河合 瞳
第62回日本肺癌学会学術総会/2022-11-26--2022-11-28 - Development of AI diagnosis for the invasion of lung adenocarcinoma; Can AI predict the prognosis?
河合 瞳
第81回日本癌学会学術総会/2022-09-29--2022-10-01 - AIによる肺腺癌の浸潤部の判定:AIは組織学的な予後因子を抽出できるか?
河合 瞳
第111回日本病理学会総会/2022-04-14--2022-04-16 - 食道癌に伴う食道大動脈瘻に対して胸部大動脈ステントグラフト内挿術(TEVAR)を施行した一例
澤藤拓; 山田 武史; 野本怜; 川越亮承; 鄭黎佳; 福田智史; 福田壮馬; 小野田翼; 萩原悠也; 鈴木宏清; 山本祥之; 森脇俊...
- Update in the AI Diagnosis for Lung Adenocarcinoma Invasion
- Teaching
2024-05 -- 2024-08 Cytology University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-05 Invitation to Arts and Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-07 First Year Seminar University of Tsukuba. 2023-05 -- 2023-08 Cytology University of Tsukuba.
(Last updated: 2024-09-19)