Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)
Official title
Assistant Professor
Birth date
Research fields
Animal physiology/Animal behavior
Developmental biology
Research keywords
Research projects
寄生蜂の寄生成立の可否を決定づける分子基盤の解明2023 -- 2024上山 拓己Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists4,680,000Yen
Career history
2022-07 -- (current)筑波大学生存ダイナミクス研究センター助教
Academic background
2019-04 -- 2022-03筑波大学 生命環境科学研究科 生物科学専攻
2017-04 -- 2019-03筑波大学 生命環境科学研究科 生物科学専攻
2013-04 -- 2017-03筑波大学 生命環境学群 生物学類
Academic societies
2022 -- (current)日本分子生物学会
2021 -- (current)日本動物学会
2018 -- (current)日本発生学会
Honors & Awards
2024-09The 12th Daigoro Moriwaki Award Grand Prize
  • Chapter 126. Ecdysteroids
    Takumi Kamiyama; Niwa Ryusuke
    Handbook of Hormones 2nd Edition/Elisevier/pp.981-982, 2021-07
  • Chapter 126A. 20-hydroxyecdysone
    Kamiyama Takumi; Niwa Ryusuke
    Handbook of Hormones 2nd Edition./Elsevier/pp.983-986, 2021-07
Conference, etc.
  • ショウジョウバエ成虫原基の縮退を誘導する寄生蜂Asobara japonicaの毒タンパク質の同定と寄生成功への貢献
    上山 拓己; 島田 裕子; 森 一葉; 谷 直紀; 竹股 ひとみ; 藤井 美月; 高巣 晃; 片山 ...
  • 宿主ショウジョウバエの発生や免疫を操作するAsobara 属寄生蜂のユニークな毒タンパク質の同定
    上山 拓己; 島田 裕子; 森 一葉; 谷 直紀; 高巣 晃; 賴本 隼汰; 重信 秀治; 千田 ...
  • Stress-induced organismal death is genetically programed by the mTOR-Zeste-Phae1 axis
    Matsumura Takashi; Ryuda Masasuke; Matsumoto Hitoshi; ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Exploring mechanisms of parasitoid wasp venom-induced imaginal disc degradation in Drosophila
    Kodaira Shintaro; Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Distinct responses of Drosophila melanogaster larvae against three Asobara parasitoid wasp species
    Kondo Hayato; Mori Hitoha; Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Ni...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Parasitism strategy of the endoparasitoid wasp Asobara rossica against its host Drosophila auraria
    Staroverova Anastasiia; Kamiyama Takumi; Yorimoto Shun...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • Parasitoid wasp venoms induce imaginal disc degradation in Drosophila for successful parasitism
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Mori Hitoha; Tani ...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • 寄生蜂毒による宿主昆虫の後胚発生の操作
    上山 拓己; 島田 裕子; 森 一葉; 谷 直紀; 高巣 晃; 賴本 隼汰; 重信 秀治; 千田 ...
    日本動物学会 第95回長崎大会/2024-09-12--2024-09-14
  • A genetic program promotes stress-induced organismal death in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
    Matsumura Takashi; Ryuda Masasuke; Matsumoto Hitoshi; ...
    XXVII International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30
  • Venom proteins of the endoparasitoid wasp Asobara japonica induce epithelial cell death in the host Drosophila species and ensure parasitism success
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Tani Naoki; Takasu...
    XXVII International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30
  • Venom proteins of the endoparasitoid wasp Asobara japonica ensure successful parasitism by manipulating the host Drosophila imaginal disc development
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Tani Naoki; Takasu...
    HHMI Janelia Conference "Mechanisms of inter-organismal extended phenotypes"/2024-06-02--2024-06-05
  • ⾮モデル寄⽣蜂を⽤いたマルチオミクス解析および寄⽣関連遺伝⼦の同定
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada Yuko; Tani Naoki; Shinoda Ak...
  • Stress-induced organismal death is genetically programed by the Zeste-Phae1 axis
    Matsumura Takashi; Ryuda Masasuke; Kamiyama Takumi; Ma...
    27th European Drosophila Research Conference/2023-10-20--2023-10-23
  • Identification of novel venom proteins required for Drosophila epithelial cell death by the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Tani Naoki; Shinod...
    27th European Drosophila Research Conference/2023-10-20--2023-10-23
  • 寄生蜂ニホンアソバラコマユバチの毒腺遺伝子の同定と作用機序の追究
    島田裕子; 上山拓己; 森一葉; 丹羽 隆介
    第69 回トキシンシンポジウム/2023-09-07--2023-09-08
  • Novel venom proteins of the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica play an essential role in Drosophila epithelial cell death
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Tani Naoki; Shinoda ...
    The 6th Asian-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference (APDRC)/2023-07-23--2023-07-27
  • The Zeste-Phae1 axis is responsible for stress-induced organismal death in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
    Matsumura Takashi; Ryuda Masasuke; Matsumoto Hitoshi; Kam...
  • 内部寄生蜂由来毒成分による 宿主ショウジョウバエ幼虫の上皮組織の撹乱
    島田 裕子; 上山 拓己; 森 一葉; 丹羽 隆介
  • 宿主上皮組織特異的な細胞死を誘導する寄生蜂毒の同定と機能解析
    上山 拓己; 丹羽 隆介
  • 内部寄生蜂ニホンアソバラコマユバチの飼い殺し型寄生を司る毒遺伝子の探索
    上山 拓己; 森 一葉; 谷 直紀; 中村 輝; 島田-丹羽 裕子; 丹羽 隆介
  • Differential immune responsiveness between host and non-host Drosophila species against the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica
    Mori Hitoha; Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Niwa Ry...
    15th Japan Drosophila Research Conference/2022-09-12--2022-09-14
  • Venom action on host and non-host Drosophila for the parasitism by the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica
    Kamiyama Takumi; Mori Hitoha; Tani Naoki; Nakamura Akira...
    15th Japan Drosophila Research Conference/2022-09-12--2022-09-14
  • The induction of organismal death requires Zeste-mediated transcriptional up-regulation of a stressresponsive protease gene Phaedra1
    Matsumura Takashi; Ryuda Masasuke; Matsumoto Hitoshi; Kam...
    15th Japan Drosophila Research Conference/2022-09-12--2022-09-14
  • 寄生蜂A. japonicaに対する、宿主・非宿主ショウジョウバエの応答の比較解析
    森 一葉; 上山 拓己; 島田 裕子; 丹羽 隆介
2024-04 -- 2024-05Developmental Biology, Laboratory IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-12 -- 2025-02Fundamental Biology, Laboratory IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-06Fundamental Biology, Laboratory IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Fundamental Biology, Laboratory IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-05Developmental Biology, Laboratory IUniversity of Tsukuba.

(Last updated: 2024-09-24)