- Affiliation
- Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000000308579515
- 58,/,=-,6@>W9,3009W2,N]Y@W?>@6@-,W,.W5;
- Research fields
Education Foreign language education - Research keywords
Metacognitive Instruction Teacher Training Learner Perceptions Listening Pedagogy Curriculum Design Listening Strategies - Research projects
Examining Metacognitive Strategies in Academic Extensive Listening 2024-04 -- 2027-03 MADARBAKUS-Ring, N Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 3,900,000Yen Study Abroad in New Zealand - Student Scholarships 2024-04 -- 2025-03 MADARBAKUS-Ring, N., Tagaki, T., University of Tsukuba Study Abroad Support Project (Habatake!)/ 2,300,000Yen TGSW 2024: Grant Program for Research conference 2024-02 -- 2024-10 Suemori Saki Tsukuba Global Science Week 2024 Conference Grant./ 42,500Yen Academic Writing Support Desk: Second Anniversary Event. 2024-01 -- 2024-01 MADARBAKUS-Ring, N., Suemori, S., Grant Program for Research conference/ 67,380Yen Investigating the dynamic nature of listening comprehension in EMI lectures: A comparison of Japan, Hong Kong, and Sweden. 2023-04 -- (current) Nathan Thomas Ducker Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/ Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research B 年度 基盤研究(B)(一般)/ 4,000,000Yen JALT Listening SIG 2021-09 -- 2023-09 MADARBAKUS-Ring, N The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)/ 100,000Yen Using Metacognitive Strategy Instruction in a TED Talks-based L2 Listening Programme 2020-08 -- 2020-10 MADARBAKUS-Ring, N /Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 514,000Yen Listening Strategies in the Korean EAP Classroom 2017-04 -- 2017-10 MADARBAKUS-Ring, N KOTESOL/KOTESOL Research Grant 20,000Yen - Career history
2022-09 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - CEGLOCAssistant Professor 2020-11 -- 2022-08 Nagoya University of Commerce and BusinessFaculty of International StudiesLecturer 2018-02 -- 2020-10 Victoria University of Wellington,Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - LALSTeacher 2012-09 -- 2017-08 Korea UniversityInstitute of Foreign Language StudiesAssistant Professor - Academic background
2017-11 -- 2021-09 Victoria University of Wellington, Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2013-04 -- 2015-04 Sheffield Hallam University, Department of Information and Society 2001-09 -- 2002-09 University of Leeds, Faculty of Communication 1998-09 -- 2001-07 Staffordshire University, School of Culture and Media Studies - Degree
2021-09 Applied Linguistics (PhD) Victoria University of Wellington 2015-04 TESOL (MA) Sheffield Hallam University 2002-09 Communication Studies (MA) University of Leeds 2001-07 Media studies and Journalism (BA Hons) Staffordshire University - Licenses and qualifications
2012-09 Trinity Diploma in TESOL 2009-09 Trinity Certificate in TESOL - Academic societies
2022-03 -- (current) JACET 2022-02 -- (current) KOTESOL 2021-02 -- (current) Listening SIG Coordinator (JALT) 2021-02 -- (current) JSLA 2020-10 -- (current) The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) 2015-10 -- 2017-10 KOTESOL - Articles
- TED Talks and the Textbook: An In-Depth Lexical Analysis
MADARBAKUS Naheen; Benson Stuart
Languages/9(10)/pp.1-18, 2024-09 - Learner Reflections: Metacognitive Knowledge Approaches in L2 Listening Instruction
English Teaching and Learning/Epub/pp.1-24, 2024-05 - Learners’ listening perspectives: Resource selections, experience, and approaches from the second language classroom
Madarbakus Naheen
Learners’ listening perspectives: Resource selections, experience, and approaches from the second language classroom/31(2023)/pp.17-32, 2024-01 - Teaching Observations from the Pre-sessional Listening Classroom: A Practical Insight.
Madarbakus Naheen
RELC 2022: Equitable and inclusive Language Education: New Paradigms, Pathways, and Possibilities/1(1)/pp.220-239, 2023-04 - Selecting, Grading, and Using TED Talks in Listening Lessons.
Madarbakus Naheen
KOTESOL Proceedings 2022/pp.347-358, 2022-10 - Teacher’s approaches to listening pedagogy: Perceptions and practices from a pre-sessional context
Madarbakus Naheen
TESOL ANZ Journal/29(2021)/pp.15-32, 2021-12 - A comparison of textbook vocabulary load analysis
Madarbakus Naheen; Benson Stuart
Vocabulary Learning and Instruction/pp.9-17, 2021-12 - Developing Graded TED Talks to Integrate Academic Vocabulary into Listening Lessons for Pre‐Sessional Learners.
Madarbakus Naheen
The TESOL Encyclopaedia of English Language Teaching/pp.1-7, 2020-06 - Learner attitudes, strategy awareness and strategy use in process-based listening.
Madarbakus Naheen
LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network/13(1)/pp.127-144, 2020-06 - Measuring the importance of information in student notes: An initial venture.
Madarbakus Naheen; Siegel Joseph; Ducker Nathan; Crawford...
Journal of English for Academic Purposes/43(1)/pp.1-11, 2020-01 - TED Talks: A pedagogical listening framework.
Madarbakus Naheen
Korea TESOL Journal/13(2)/pp.131-160, 2018-01
- TED Talks and the Textbook: An In-Depth Lexical Analysis
- Books
- Listening Processes and Listening Tasks
Madarbakus Naheen
The TESOL Encyclopaedia of English Language Teaching/pp.1-9, 2024-01 - Teaching Listening Using a Five-Stage Task-Based Metacognitive Instruction for Listening Framework
Madarbakus Naheen
The TESOL Encyclopaedia of English Language Teaching/pp.1-10, 2024-01 - Journal Jargon: Using online listening diaries to measure the learning process.
Madarbakus Naheen; Ring Liam
Creating Motivational Online Environments for Students/IGI Global, 2023-07
- Listening Processes and Listening Tasks
- Conference, etc.
- Business journals: Reflecting on and addressing second language learners extensive listening difficulties
MADARBAKUS Naheen; Ring Liam
JALT 2024/2024-11--2024-11 - Learner reflections: Metacognitive knowledge approaches in L2 Listening instruction
JALT 2024/2024-11 - Examining the (in)accuracies and challenges when rating students’ L2 listening notes
MADARBAKUS Naheen; Crawford Michael; Ducker Nathan
Listening SIG Conference 2024/2024-07-13--2024-07-13 - Let’s get to business: Using listening tasks in metacognitive strategy-based instruction
AILA 2024/2024-08-11--2024-08-16 - Journal Jargon: Learners’ Reflections from Extensive Listening.
MADARBAKUS Naheen; Ring Liam
AILA 2024/2024-08-11--2024-08-16 - Learner Reflections: Using Learner Journals in L2 Listening Pedagogy
Madarbakus Naheen
AAAL 2024/2024-04-16--2024-04-19 - Dear Diary: A journaling approach to L2 listening instruction.
Madarbakus Naheen
JALT 2023/2023-11--2023-11 - JALT Listening SIG Forum 2023
Madarbakus Naheen; Jones Marc
JALT 2023/2023-11--2023-11 - Journal Jargon: Learners’ Reflections from Extensive Listening
Madarbakus Naheen; Ring Liam
J-SLA 2023/2023-10-14--2023-10-15 - Notes from the desk: Tutor and Tutee Writing Reflections
Madarbakus Naheen; Schwendeman FDY
J-SLA 2023/2023-10-14--2023-10-15 - High-level and Low-level Learner reflections from the L2 listening journal
Madarbakus Naheen
SOLPHE 2023/2023-10-06--2023-10-07 - Listening with TED Talks Textbooks: A Keynote Lexical Analysis
Madarbakus Naheen; Benson Stuart
H-LRF 2023/2023-09-09--2023-09-10 - Reflecting on Listening: Learner Journal insights from the Japanese University Context
Listening SIG Conference 2023/2023-07-15--2023-07-15 - Listening SIG Conference 2023
Listening SIG Conference 2023/2023-07--2023-07 - Academic Writing Support Desk: First Anniversary Event.
Madarbakus Naheen; Yung Schwendeman Faye Dorcas
AWSD/CEGLOC, 5th CEGLOC Conference 2022/2023-02-21--2023-02-21 - Academic Writing Support Desk: First Year Reflections
Madarbakus Naheen; Yung Schwendeman Faye Dorcas
JALT PanSIG 2023/2023-05-13--2023-05-14 - Experience sharing by a. newly established academic writing support service at the University of Tsukuba
Madarbakus Naheen; Yung Schwendeman Faye Dorcas; Suemor...
WCAJ 13th Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia/2023-02-18--2023-02-18 - Reflecting on listening: Learner journal insights from the Japanese University context.
Madarbakus Naheen
RELC 2023/2023-03--2023-03 - 5th CEGLOC Conference
Madarbakus Naheen
5th CEGLOC Conference/2022-12--2022-12 - Investigating the lexicon of tertiary-level commercial textbooks in Japan
Madarbakus Naheen; Benson Stuart
ALANZ 2022/2022-11--2022-11 - Self-led and classroom instruction. Listening insights into metacognitive strategy instruction
Madarbakus Naheen
SSU4 2022/2022-11--2022-11 - Using listening tasks in metacognitive strategy-based instruction
Madarbakus Naheen
JALT 2022/2022-11--2022-11 - JALT Listening SIG Forum 2022
Madarbakus Naheen
JALT 2022/2022-11--2022-11 - Using general and Japanese context -specific word lists to analyze listening vocabulary in commercial textbooks.
Madarbakus Naheen; Benson Stuart
J-SLA 2022/2022-10--2022-10 - JALT Listening SIG Conference 2022
Madarbakus Naheen
JALT Listening SIG Conference 2022/2022-09-25--2022-09-25 - more...
- Business journals: Reflecting on and addressing second language learners extensive listening difficulties
- Works
- Study Abroad in New Zealand- Information Session (CEGLOG)
Madarbakus Naheen - Study Abroad in New Zealand- Information Session (CEGLOG)
Madarbakus Naheen - Study Abroad in New Zealand- Information Session (CEGLOG)
Madarbakus Naheen - Using Manaba (FD COMMITEE, CEGLOC)
Madarbakus Naheen - AWSD Second Anniversary Event (AWSD CEGLOC)
Madarbakus Naheen - The Listening SIG: Hear Us Out
Madarbakus Naheen - Planning a classroom-based listening research project
Madarbakus Naheen - Applying Research 4
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN; Benson Stuart - SIG Focus: The Listening SIG
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN; Jones Marc - Using TED Talks in the Listening Classroom
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN - Applying Research 3
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN; Benson Stuart - Applying Research 2
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN; Benson Stuart - Applying Research 1
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN; Benson Stuart - Teacher Abroad From Corona to conference: Moving overseas in times of COVID-19.
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN - Stop press!: Using effective listening strategies in Academic English.
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN - Academic listening: A practical approach.
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN - Teacher Podcast: Using Listening Skills in the EAP Classroom
MADARBAKUS NAHEEN - Teacher Podcast: Listening Skills
Madarbakus Naheen
- Study Abroad in New Zealand- Information Session (CEGLOG)
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 English Reading Skills I CEGLOC 2024-04 -- 2024-08 English Presentation Skills I CEGLOC 2024-04 -- 2024-08 English Academic Presentation CEGLOC 2023-10 -- 2024-02 English Reading Skills II CEGLOC 2023-10 -- 2024-02 English Presentation Skills II CEGLOC 2023-10 -- 2024-02 English Academic Reading CEGLOC 2023-04 -- 2023-08 English Reading Skills I CEGLOC 2023-04 -- 2023-08 English Presentation Skills I CEGLOC 2023-04 -- 2023-08 English Academic Reading CEGLOC 2022-10 -- 2023-02 English Presentation Skills II CEGLOC more... - Other educational activities
2023-12 -- 2024-05 Abstract Vetting, Co-Chair PanSIG 2024 JALT PanSIG 2024 2024-03 -- (current) AAAL Mentor, Mentoring programme, American Association of Applied Linguistics AAAL 2024 2023-05 -- 2023-05 Handbook Editor, PanSIG 2023 JALT PanSIG 2023 2023-02 -- 2023-02 Abstract Vetting, PanSIG 2023 JALT PanSIG 2023 2022-04 -- 2022-12 Mentor, Mentoring programme, Victoria University of Wellington, Mentoring programme, Victoria University of Wellington, 2022-07 -- 2022-07 Handbook Editor, PanSIG 2022 JALT PanSIG 2022 2022-03 -- 2022-03 Abstract Vetting, PanSIG 2022 JALT PanSIG 2022 2021-03 -- 2021-03 Abstract Vetting, PanSIG 2021 JALT PanSIG 2021 2021-02 -- (current) Listening SIG Coordinator, JALT Listening SIG. JALT - Professional activities
2023-04 -- 2023-06 Medical English Communications Centre, University of Tsukuba, Medical English Communications Centre, University of Tsukuba, 2024-08 -- 2024-08 TEFL-IP Summer Intensive Course (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 2024-11 -- 2024-12 Thesis Oral Defence Committee National Korea Maritime and Ocean University - University Management
2023-09 -- (current) Study Abroad Committee Study Abroad Coordinator 2022-11 -- (current) Academic Writing Desk Committee Events Organizer 2022-11 -- (current) Academic Writing Desk Committee Feedback Coordinator 2022-11 -- (current) Academic Writing Desk Committee Workshop Organizer 2022-09 -- (current) Academic Writing Desk Committee AWSD Tutor - Other activities
2024-04 -- (current) Reviewer for English Language and Teaching Journal (ETAL) 2023-02 -- (current) Reviewer for IGI Global. 2022-10 -- (current) Reviewer for CEGLOC Journal. 2022-05 -- (current) Reviewer for International Journal of Listening. 2022-03 -- (current) Reviewer for Applied Cognitive Psychology Journal. 2021-12 -- (current) Reviewer for New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics Journal.
(Last updated: 2024-11-24)