EMOTO Kazuma

Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
Official title
Junior Assistant Professor
Plasma Research Center
Research fields
Plasma science
Aerospace engineering
Computational science
Nuclear fusion studies
Research keywords
Plasma science and technology
Plasma physics
Laboratory plasma
Low-temperature plasma
Plasma simulation
Electric propulsion
Research projects
Research on a high-power magnetic nozzle plasma thruster2023-04 -- 2028-03Kazunori Takahashi, Kenichi Nagaoka, Yoshinori Takao, Kazuma EmotoJSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)203,190,000Yen
Improvement in SOL plasma and PWI modelling and investigation on their application to integrated simulation2024-04 -- 2025-03Yuki HommaNatinal Institute for Fusion Science/General Collaboration Project
Study on formation of electrostatic potential profiles near mirror throats by using kinetic and fluid models2024-04 -- 2025-03Satoshi TogoNatinal Institute for Fusion Science/Bilateral Collaboration Project
Accuracy improvement of a plasma fluid model by incorporating hyperbolic partial differential equations2024-04 -- 2025-03Satoshi TogoNatinal Institute for Fusion Science/Plasma simulator Project
Development of high power gyrotrons and study of boundary plasmas by making use of open magnetic field configuration towards development of DEMO2023-04 -- 2025-03Mizuki SakamotoNatinal Institute for Fusion Science/Bilateral Collaboration Project
発散磁場中のプラズマ膨張現象を対象としたPIC-MCC-DSMCコ ードの構築2023-04 -- 2024-03Kazuma EmotoInformation Technology Center, The University of Tokyo/若手・女性利用者推薦
Investigation of energy transport and neutral effect on thruster performance in magnetic nozzle thrusters2022-04 -- 2025-03Yoshinori Takao; Kazuma EmotoResearch Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University/電波科学計算機実験装置共同利用・共同研究課題
Kinetic analyses of momentum conversion in a magnetic nozzle2024-07 -- 2024-07Kazuma EmotoSociety for Promotion of Space Science/国際学会出席旅費支援300,000Yen
磁化プラズマ膨張の運動論的エネルギー解析2023-04 -- 2024-03Kazuma EmotoThe Futaba Foundation/自然科学研究助成960,000Yen
磁気ノズルスラスタにおける中性粒子流れとエネルギー輸送の数値解析2022-04 -- 2023-03Kazuma EmotoJapan Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Structure/萌芽型共同研究
Career history
2023-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaInstitute of Pure and Applied SciencesJunior Assistant Professor
2022-04 -- 2023-03Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellowship for Young Scientists PD
2021-10 -- 2023-03Yokohama National UniversityCollege of Engineering SciencePart-time teacher
2021-04 -- 2022-03The Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellowship for Young Scientists DC2
2020-10 -- 2021-03Yokohama National UniversityCollege of Engineering SciencePart-time teacher
2019-07 -- 2021-03Yokohama National UniversityGraduate School of Engineering ScienceSpecial research fellow
2019-07 -- 2021-03Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of EngineeringResearch assistant
2019-10 -- 2020-03Yokohama National UniversityCollege of Engineering SciencePart-time teacher
2018-04 -- 2019-03Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyInstitute of Space and Astronautical ScienceTechnical trainee
2017-10 -- 2018-03Yokohama National UniversityTutor for international student
Academic background
2019-04 -- 2022-03Yokohama National University Graduate School of Engineering Science Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, and Ocean Engineering
2017-04 -- 2019-03Yokohama National University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Systems Integration
2013-04 -- 2017-03Yokohama National University College of Engineering Science Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
2010-04 -- 2013-03Kibogaoka Senior High School General course
2022-03Doctor of EngineeringYokohama National University
2019-03Master of EngineeringYokohama National University
2017-03Bachelor of EngineeringYokohama National University
Licenses and qualifications
2022-06Basic First Aid
2021-12Advanced Level, English Technical Writing Test
2021-07Intermediate Level, English Technical Writing Test
Academic societies
2022-12 -- (current)The Physical Society of Japan
2022-03 -- (current)Division of Plasma Physics, Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
2020-08 -- (current)The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research
2016-05 -- (current)The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
2018-10 -- 2022-03The Japanese Society for Biological Sciences in Space
2016-10 -- 2017-12The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Honors & Awards
2023-11AAPPS-DPP Poster Prize
2022-06Repayment Exemption
2022-03Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, FY2021
2022-03Award for Outstanding Academic Performance
2022-01YNU理工系合同研究シンポジウム 優秀講演賞
2019-05Repayment Exemption
2019-03Award for Outstanding Academic Performance
2019-03YNU CREATES Award
2019-03Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, FY2018
2017-03Award for Outstanding Academic Performance
2015-05Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, FY2014 fall
2014-11Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, FY2014 spring
2014-05Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, FY2013 fall
2013-11Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, FY2013 spring
Refereed academic journal/Refereed international conference paper
Other articles
  • 磁気ノズルスラスタにおける中性粒子流れとエネルギー輸送の数値解析
    江本 一磨
    Supercomputing News, Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo/Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo/pp.8-13, 2023-08
  • Investigation of energy transport and neutral effect on thruster performance in magnetic nozzle thrusters
    鷹尾 祥典; 江本 一磨
    KDK Research Report 2023/京都大学 生存圏研究所 電波科学計算機実験専門委員会/pp.41-44, 2024-03
Conference, etc.
  • Generalization of the adiabatic equations in the presence of volumetric elementary processes and discussion on the sonic transition condition of the parallel flow velocity
    東郷 訓; 滝塚 知典; 池添 竜也; 文川 優蘭; 伊庭野 健造; 星野 一生; 江角 直道; 横...
    The 41st JSPF annual meeting/2024-11-17--2024-11-20
  • Solutions of individual conductive heat flux transport equations for anisotropic ion energy components in scrape-off-layer-divertor region
    本間 佳史; 東郷 訓; 滝塚 知典; 本間 裕貴; 伊庭野 健造; 江本 一磨; 畠山 駿己; 青...
    The 41st JSPF annual meeting/2024-11-17--2024-11-20
  • Impacts of ion kinetic effects in parallel conductive heat fluxes on plasma profiles in anisotropic-ion-pressure plasma fluid scheme
    Homma Keishi; Togo Satoshi; Takizuka Tomonori; Homma ...
    The 43rd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology & The 23rd Asia Simulation Conference/2024-09-17--2024-09-20
  • Performance of anisotropic-ion-pressure plasma fluid scheme for the Bohm criterion in a two-ion-species plasma
    Togo Satoshi; Takizuka Tomonori; Tanaka Hirohiko; Ikez...
    The 43rd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology & The 23rd Asia Simulation Conference/2024-09-17--2024-09-20
  • 直線型装置の二次元高温プラズマシミュレーション
    堺井 太陽; 江本 一磨; 東郷 訓; 坂本 瑞樹
    第2回プラズマ・核融合 若手夏の学校/2024-08-27--2024-08-30
  • 発散磁場中のプラズマ膨張現象を対象としたPIC-MCC-DSMCコードの構築
    江本 一磨
    FY2023 Results Presentation Session for Selected Projects, Recommendation Program for Young Researchers and Woman Researchers/2024-06-19
  • Kinetic analyses of momentum conversion in a magnetic nozzle
    Emoto Kazuma; Takahashi Kazunori; Takao Yoshinori
    The 33rd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics/2024-07-15--2024-07-19
  • Impact of kinetic effects in parallel heat conduction on anisotropic-ion pressure plasmas with different collisionality
    本間 佳史; 東郷 訓; 滝塚 知典; 本間 裕貴; 伊庭野 健造; 江本 一磨; 坂本瑞樹
    FY2023 NIFS collaborative research 2nd diverter modeling workshop/2024-02-20--2024-02-21
  • Development of a plasma fluid model based on anisotropy of ion velocity distribution function by comparison with a particle-in-cell model
    東郷 訓; 伊庭野 健造; 滝塚 知典; 本間 裕貴; 本間 佳史; 江本 一磨; 江角 直道; 坂...
    FY2023 NIFS collaborative research 2nd diverter modeling workshop/2024-02-20--2024-02-21
  • ミラー装置を対象としたparticle-in-cellシミュレーションの開発と無電極推進との関連
    江本 一磨; 東郷 訓; 片沼 伊佐夫; 坂本 瑞樹
    FY2023 Space Transportation Symposium/2024-01-18--2024-01-19
  • 非等方イオン圧力に基づく流体シミュレーションにおける磁力線方向伝導熱流束の運動論的効果による影響
    本間 佳史; 東郷 訓; 滝塚 知典; 本間 裕貴; 伊庭野 健造; 江本 一磨; 鴨居 優希; 堺...
    The 40th JSPF annual meeting/2023-11-27--2023-11-30
  • スクレイプオフ層-ダイバータプラズマにおける熱流束方程式の解と運動論的モデルとの比較
    東郷 訓; 本間 佳史; 伊庭野 健造; 滝塚 知典; 本間 裕貴; 國井 朗光; 鴨居 優希; 江...
    The 40th JSPF annual meeting/2023-11-27--2023-11-30
  • 超伝導ミラー装置Pilot GAMMA PDX-SC実験の進展
    坂本 瑞樹; 假家 強; 吉川 正志; 江角 直道; 南 龍太郎; 平田 真史; 小波蔵 純子; 沼...
    The 40th JSPF annual meeting/2023-11-27--2023-11-30
  • A preliminary study on open-boundary plasmas using quasi-one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations
    江本 一磨; 東郷 訓; 坂本 瑞樹
    The 40th JSPF annual meeting/2023-11-27--2023-11-30
  • Study of ion kinetic effects on plasma distributions by anisotropic-ion-pressure plasma fluid simulation
    Homma Keishi; Togo Satoshi; Takizuka Tomonori; Homma Yuk...
    7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics/2023-11-12--2023-11-17
  • Effects of high-energy electrons on the low- and high-temperature plasma expansion in the divergent magnetic fields
    Emoto Kazuma; Togo Satoshi; Takao Yoshinori; Takahashi...
    7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics/2023-11-12--2023-11-17
  • Present Status of a Pilot GAMMA PDX-SC project
    Sakamoto Mizuki; Kariya T.; Yoshikawa M.; Ezumi N.; M...
    8th International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF2023)/2023-10-30--2023-11-01
  • GAMMA 10/PDXダイバータ模擬実験およびシミュレーション研究の最近の話題
    江角 直道; 東郷 訓; 江本 一磨; 高橋 理志; 岡本 拓馬; 髙梨 宏介; 本間 佳史; 堺井...
  • A preliminary kinetic study on plasma flow in open magnetic systems using a quasi-one-dimensional particle-in-cell model
    Emoto Kazuma; Togo Satoshi; Takao Yoshinori; Takahashi...
    Global Plasma Forum/2023-10-15--2023-10-18
  • Development of a Plasma Fluid Model Covering a Range of Coulomb Collisionality by Comparison with a Particle-in-Cell Model
    Togo Satoshi; Ibano Kenzo; Takizuka Tomonori; Homma Y...
    Global Plasma Forum/2023-10-15--2023-10-18
  • 磁気ノズルスラスタにおける高エネルギー電子輸送のPIC-MCC解析
    江本 一磨; 高橋 和貴; 鷹尾 祥典
    日本物理学会 第78回年次大会/2023-09-16--2023-09-19
  • 非等方圧力プラズマの流体シミュレーションにおける運動論的効果のプラズマ分布への影響
    本間 佳史; 東郷 訓; 滝塚 知典; 本間 裕貴; 伊庭野 健造; 江本 一磨; 鴨居 優希; 堺...
    NIFS共同研究 夏の合同研究会/2023-09-05--2023-09-06
  • PICコードを用いた開放磁場系プラズマ流体モデルのベンチマーク
    東郷 訓; 伊庭野 健造; 滝塚 知典; 本間 裕貴; 本間 佳史; 江本 一磨; 江角 直道; 坂...
    NIFS共同研究 夏の合同研究会/2023-09-05--2023-09-06
  • Preliminary Kinetic Analyses of Open Magnetic Systems for Low- and High-Temperature Plasmas
    Emoto Kazuma; Togo Satoshi; Takao Yoshinori; Takahashi K...
    The 2nd International Fusion and Plasma Conference & The 13th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement/2023-08-21--2023-08-25
  • 低衝突プラズマ輸送シミュレーション研究
    江本 一磨
  • more...
2024-04 -- 2024-08Advanced Research on Plasmas IBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar on Plasma Physics BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Advanced Research on Plasmas IVBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Advanced Research on Plasmas IIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Advanced Research on Plasmas IIBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Advanced Research on Plasmas IIIBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Advanced Research on Plasmas VBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Advanced Research on Plasmas IIIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Advanced Research on Plasmas VAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar on Plasma Physics CUniversity of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2022-11 -- (current)Frontiers in Space TechnologiesReview Editor
2018-04 -- 2020-03The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space SciencesStudent member of editorial board
Other activities
2022-09 -- 2022-09RIKEN International HPC Summer School 2022
2022-03 -- 2022-03RIKEN R-CCS Computational Science Internship Program 2021
2020-12 -- 2020-12Grant Writing workshop
2020-12 -- 2020-12The 5th Superconductivity School 2020
2020-09 -- 2020-09令和2年度学生研修プログラム 真空技術に関する基礎講義と実習
2019-08 -- 2019-08FDPS講習会(初級) 修了
2019-07 -- 2019-07International HPC Summer School 2019
2019-03 -- 2019-03KOBE HPC Spring School (Intermidiate)
2018-02 -- 2018-025th Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration
2017-08 -- 2017-084th Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration

(Last updated: 2025-01-06)