ABE Kodai
- Affiliation
- Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 5,-0W6:/,4W2;N]Y@W?>@6@-,W,.W5;
- Research projects
Narrative and Victimology 2024-04 -- 2025-03 Kodai Abe The Fukuhara Memorial Fund for the Studies of English and American Literature/Publication Grant 1,000,000Yen War Trauma and the Politics of Victimology 2024-04 -- 2025-03 Kodai Abe The Fukuhara Memorial Fund for the Studies of English and American Literature/Research Grant 400,000Yen 冷戦期東ユーラシア文化外交と英米文学のジオポリティックス 2024-04 -- 2028-03 Yukari Yoshihara Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 47,970,000Yen Afro-Asian Antagonism and the Long Cold War 2024-04 -- 2027-03 Kodai ABE JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,680,000Yen Aerial Archives 2021-04 -- 2024-03 Etsuko Taketani The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 1,950,000Yen Transpacific Exceptionalism 2022 -- 2023 Kodai Abe Binghamton University/Dissertation Year Fellowship 戦争文学における当事者性と応答可能性 2019 -- 2022 Kodai Abe JASSO/海外留学支援制度(大学院学位取得型) 4,248,000Yen Outsider Response-Ability and Its Ethics 2021 -- 2022 Kodai Abe 上廣倫理財団/研究助成 800,000Yen Outsider Response-Ability: Postwar Literature and Others' Trauma 2019 -- 2020 Kodai Abe Japan-United States Educational Exchange Promotion Foundation/Fellowship for Graduates 1,800,000Yen War Writing in the Age of Globalization 2017 -- 2022 Kodai Abe Fulbright/Graduate Research more... - Degree
2023-05 PhD Binghamton University 2014-03 修士 The University of Tokyo 2012-03 学士 The University of Tokyo - Honors & Awards
2024-11 筑波大学 若手教員奨励賞 2023-03 Horst Frenz Prize 2021-10 Yasuo Sakakibara Prize 2020-03 日本アメリカ文学会新人賞 2019-12 日本英文学会新人賞 - Articles
- "Picturing Bad Refugees: Haiti, Vietnam, and the Racial Politics of Refugee Photography"
ABE Kodai
Journal of American Studies, 2025-04 - "Bartleby, the Beneficiary: A Story of Global Market"
Abe Kodai
Japanese Journal of American Studies, 2024-12 - "Afro-Asian Antagonism and the Long Korean War"
阿部 幸大
American Literature/95(4)/pp.701-728, 2023-12 - "Murakami Haruki's Postmemory of the Asia Pacific War"
阿部 幸大
Journal of Asian Studies/82(4)/pp.620-638, 2023-12 - "Refoliating Vietnam in the Post-9/11 American Homeland: Debra Granik's Leave No Trace"
阿部 幸大
Discourse/45(1–2)/pp.199-222, 2023-09 - "Reading Woolf Against Trauma: Shell Shock and Gender in Mrs. Dalloway"
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『表象』/第17号/pp.108-123, 2023-08 - REVIEW of Warring Visions: Photography and Vietnam by Thy Phu
阿部 幸大
Journal of Asian American Studies/26(2)/pp.287-89, 2023 - REVIEW of Minor Transpacific: Triangulating American, Japanese, and Korean Fictions by David S. Roh
Abe Kodai
MELUS/47(2)/pp.219-221, 2022 - REVIEW of Tonal Intelligence: The Aesthetics of Asian Inscrutability During the Long Cold War by Sunny Xiang
Abe Kodai
Modern Fiction Studies/67(4)/pp.786-88, 2021 - REVIEW of Trafic in Asian Women by Laura Hyun Yi Kang
Abe Kodai
Journal of Asian American Studies/24(2)/pp.340-42, 2021 - REVIEW of Thomas Pynchon: Empire, War, System, and the Lives of Preterites by Yoshihiro Nagano
Abe Kodai
Orbit: A Journal of American Literature/9(1)/pp.15-20, 2021 - "'I Would Cry for You, Mommy': A Korean American Daughter's Response-Ability in Nora Okja Keller's Comfort Woman"
Abe Kodai
Journal of Asian American Studies/23(1)/pp.125-147, 2020-12 - "Translating Trauma: Melancholic Love and Ugly Feelings in Beloved"
Abe Kodai
The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan/19/pp.1-9, 2020-04 - 「Official髭男dismの「Pretender」をクィアで読む──マジョリティの応答可能性」
阿部 幸大
『短歌研究』/pp.86-94, 2020-4 - "'The Ad Hoc Adventure': Pynchon's Ecological Nationalism in Gravity's Rainbow"
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『英文学研究』/第96号/pp.19-36, 2019-12 - "Sloth and Care in Thomas Pynchon's V."
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『アメリカ文学研究』/第55号/pp.1-18, 2018-04 - 「"You Who Never Was There" 再考——トニ・モリスン部外者のリスク」
阿部 幸大
『ユリイカ』/pp.194-203, 2019-10 - 「スパイク・リーにおける脱アイデンティティ的連帯の可能性——『マルコムX』から『ブラック・クランズマン』へ」
阿部 幸大
『ユリイカ』/pp.210-219, 2019-05 - 「音楽の魔術的リアリズム──ceroと文学をめぐって」
阿部 幸大
『ユリイカ』/pp.225-232, 2017-07 - 「告白する主体、情動する身体——ポスト歴史主義小説としてのウィリアム・スタイロンThe Confessions of Nat Turner」
阿部 幸大
『ストラータ』/(31)/pp.1-13, 2017 - 「倫理の脱構築と再構築——ティム・オブライエンGoing After Cacciatoにおける魔術的表象」
阿部 幸大
『れにくさ』/(7)/pp.2-15, 2017 - "Masculinity of War and Citationality of Love in Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms"
阿部 幸大
『ストラータ』/(30)/pp.1-13, 2016 - 「抑圧の回帰としてのアイロニー──スティーヴン・クレインThe Red Badge of Courage論」
阿部 幸大
『ストラータ』/(29)/pp.1-13, 2015 - 「自然主義の臨界とユートピア──フランク・ノリス『オクトパス』論」
阿部 幸大
『ストラータ』/(28)/pp.18-27, 2015 - 「エントロピーからの脱出——トマス・ピンチョン『V.』」
阿部 幸大
『れにくさ』/(5)/pp.329-348, 2014 - more...
- "Picturing Bad Refugees: Haiti, Vietnam, and the Racial Politics of Refugee Photography"
- Books
- Narrative and Victimology
阿部 幸大
文学通信, 2025-04 - 『まったく新しいアカデミック・ライティングの教科書』
阿部 幸大
光文社, 2024-07
- Narrative and Victimology
- Conference, etc.
- "Afro-Okinawan Antagonism and the Militarized Black Pacific"
ABE Kodai
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)/2025-05 - "Between Two Ground Zeros: Hiroshima, 9/11, and the Nuclear Pacific"
Abe Kodai
American Studies Association (ASA)/2023-11 - "Archipelagic Counterpoetics Against Transpacific Nuclear Colonialism"
Abe Kodai
Modern Language Association (MLA)/2023-01 - "Transgenerational Commitment: Murakami Haruki's Postmemory of the Asia Pacific War"
Abe Kodai
New York Conference on Asian Studies/2022-10 - "The Transpacific Afterlife of Korean Comfort Women"
Abe Kodai
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)/2022-06 - "Two Ground Zeros: The Transpacific Victimology of Hiroshima and 9/11"
Abe Kodai
American Studies Association (ASA)/2021-10 - "The Afro-Asia Victimology of the Korean War"
Abe Kodai
Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States/2021-04 - "Outsider Response-Ability: How to Persuade the Transpacific Postmemory Generation"
Abe Kodai
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)/2021-04 - "Postwar, Trauma, and Response-Ability in Murakami Haruki's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle"
Abe Kodai
New York Conference on Asian Studies/2018-09 - 「魔術的リアリズム再考——プレモダン、アンチモダン、そしてポストモダン」
阿部 幸大
日本ラテンアメリカ学会/2017-06 - 「帝国主義・アメリカ・生政治──戦後小説としてのトマス・ピンチョン『V.』」
阿部 幸大
- "Afro-Okinawan Antagonism and the Militarized Black Pacific"
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-12 Studies in Comparative Culture: Anglo-American and European Studies University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 English Test-Taking Practice University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Cultural Dynamics IA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Seminar in Planning a Graduation Thesis: Anglo-American and European Atudies I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 English Test-Taking Practice University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Short-Term Study Abroad II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Anglo-American Studies II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 English Presentation Skills I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Seminar in Planning a Graduation Thesis: Anglo-American and European Atudies II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 English Presentation Skills II University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2024-10 -- 2024-11 Japan Forum manuscript reviewer 2024-08 -- 2024-09 MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States manuscript reviewer 2024-02 -- 2024-03 MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States manuscript reviewer 2022-09 -- 2022-09 MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States manuscript reviewer 2021-06 -- 2021-06 MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States manuscript reviewer 2021-01 -- 2021-01 MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States manuscript reviewer
(Last updated: 2025-02-25)