- Affiliation
- Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- Research projects
パナマ農村社会におけるコーヒー栽培地としての森の意義 2014-04 -- 2016-03 FUJISAWA Natsuho Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 2,200,000Yen The influence of management practice of small-scale producers on the tree biodiversity in coffee agroforestry 2017-09 -- 2020-03 David Ward Roubik; Maria Santy; Dominguez S Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute/ 中米地域社会と環境に適合した庇陰コーヒー栽培の検討ー住民の生業戦略の変遷から 2016-04 -- 2020-03 FUJISAWA Natsuho Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 4,420,000Yen 農離れが進むラテンアメリカ農村においてコーヒー・アグロフォレストリーが果たす役割 2019-04 -- 2022-03 FUJISAWA Natsuho Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,160,000Yen Conditions of coffee agroforestry establishment and rural livelihoods in Latin America 2020-04 -- 2025-03 FUJISAWA Natsuho Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 19,500,000Yen An Empirical Study on the Constructing Process of Environmental Governance: The Case of Drug Alternative Cultivation in South America 2021-10 -- 2025-03 Yusuke MURAKAMI Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) 19,110,000Yen - Career history
2014-04 -- 2016-03 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC2) 2019-02 -- 2019-03 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, PanamaVisiting researcher 2016-04 -- 2019-11 Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesJSPS Research Fellow RPD 2019-12 -- 2020-03 Research Institute for Humanity and NatureResearcher 2020-04 -- 2020-09 Kyoto Universitythe Center for Southeast Asian StudiesJSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2020-10 -- 2023-08 Kyoto Universitythe Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS)JSPS Cross-border Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2021-04 -- 2023-08 Wageningen University and Research, the NetherlandsForest and Nature Conservation Policy Group (FNP)Postdoctoral Researcher 2023-09 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciencesassistant professor - Academic background
2005-04 -- 2009-03 Tohoku University Faculty of Science 2009-04 -- 2011-03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences 2011-04 -- 2016-03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences - Degree
2017-02 博士(農学) 東京大学 - Articles
- Role of routine dietary habits and subsistence crops in a rural Panamanian community with diversified livelihood strategies
Fujisawa Natsuho
Tropics/33(2)/pp.99-117, 2024-12-01 - How agroforestry landscape complements local food security in a rural area in Chiapas, Mexico
FUJISAWA Natsuho; Mónica Borda-Niño Diego Hernández Muci...
Universiti Malaysia Sabah - Nagasaki University 2nd Joint Symposium on Planetary Health: Food, Culture, Community & Environment/pp.23-23, 2024-09-25 - ラテンアメリカのアグロフォレストリー政策の動向
藤澤 奈都穂
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology (JASTE34) Abstract book/pp.39-39, 2024-06-28 - A variety of the form and utilization of the coffee foest in Panama
藤澤 奈都穂; 田中 求; 井上 真
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/122(0)/pp.185-185, 2011 - role of the diverse coffee forests in Panama
藤澤 奈都穂; 田中 求; 井上 真
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/123(0)/pp.C33-C33, 2011 - アグロフォレストリーの生態人類学にむけて:茶・コーヒー・カカオ栽培の事例より
四方 篝; 藤澤 奈都穂; 佐々木 綾子; 佐藤 靖明
生態人類学会ニュースレター/24/pp.32-37, 2018-12 - Action for local rice varieties (Oryza sativa) conservation in Panama
藤澤 奈都穂
Research for Tropical Agriculture/(13)/pp.53-54, 2020-03 - Challenges and prospects for the expansion of coffee cultivation in the Amami Islands, Japan
藤澤 奈都穂
第31 回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会要旨/pp.B03-39, 2021-06 - Food consumption practice shapes local landscape: a case study from Panama
Fujisawa Natsuho
4th International Forest Policy Meeting Abstracts, 2022-04 - Food consumption habits as a key element for land management: a case study from agroforestry frontier in Chiapas, Mexico
Fujisawa Natsuho
2022 FLARE Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts/pp.105-105, 2022-10 - Flexibility of coffee agroforestry with diversified shade tree composition: A case study in Panama
Fujisawa Natsuho; Tanaka Motomu; Inoue Makoto
Tropics/21(2)/pp.33-46, 2012 - Utilization of non-timber forest products based on traditional culture: A case study of Iban dyeing in Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
Fujisawa Natsuho; Nakashizuka Tohru
Ethnobiology Letters/3(1)/pp.18-22, 2012 - Production, Consumption, and Culture of Upland Rice in Swiddens: a Case Study of a campesino Community in Panama
Fujisawa Natsuho
Human Ecology/47(4)/pp.541-552, 2019-08 - Farmer influence on shade tree diversity in rustic plots of Coffea canephora in Panama coffee-agroforestry
Fujisawa Natsuho; Roubik David W; Inoue Makoto
Agroforestry Systems/94(6)/pp.2301-2315, 2020-10-07
- Role of routine dietary habits and subsistence crops in a rural Panamanian community with diversified livelihood strategies
- Books
- 藤澤奈都穂「“自分らしく生きること”がつくる懐の深いコーヒーの森」
柳澤 雅之; 阿部 健一; 藤澤 奈都穂
ノーライフ・ノーフォレスト : 熱帯林の「価値命題」を暮らしから問う/京都大学学術出版会, 2021-03 - 四方篝・藤澤奈都穂・佐々木綾子 「アグロフォレストリーとともに生きる—チャ・コーヒー・カカオ栽培の事例より」
伊藤 詞子; 藤澤 奈都穂
生態人類学は挑む SESSION6:たえる・きざす/京都大学学術出版会/p.41-93, 2022-12 - パナマ農村の生業戦略にみる焼畑とコーヒー栽培の重要性
藤澤 奈都穂
- 藤澤奈都穂「“自分らしく生きること”がつくる懐の深いコーヒーの森」
- Conference, etc.
- How agroforestry landscape complements local food security in a rural area in Chiapas, Mexico
FUJISAWA Natsuho; Mónica Borda-Niño; Hernández Muciño ...
Universiti Malaysia Sabah - Nagasaki University 2nd Joint Symposium on Planetary Health: Food, Culture, Community & Environment/2024-09-25--2024-09-27 - ラテンアメリカのアグロフォレストリー政策の動向
藤澤 奈都穂
第34回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会(JASTE 34)福井大会/2024-06-28--2024-06-30 - Las plantas multipropósito y su potencial en el manejo de paisajes tropicales transformados en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México
Fujisawa Natsuho
XXII Congreso Mexicano de Botanica/2022-09-25--2022-09-30 - Flexible coffee agroforestry practices of a mestizo community in Panama
Fujisawa Natsuho
the 6th Conference of Latin American Studies Council of Asia and Oceania (CELAO)/2014-09-16--2014-09-18 - パナマ農村の生業におけるコーヒー林と焼畑の関わり
藤澤 奈都穂
第25回日本熱帯生態学会研究発表/2015 - パナマコーヒー栽培地からの報告
藤澤 奈都穂
農学国際交流事業「農学140基金」 中間報告会/2015 - パナマ運河を支える人工湖と人々の暮らし
藤澤 奈都穂
滋賀県立琵琶湖博物館フロアトーク 水位変動と人々の暮らし/2016-03 - パナマ、コクレ県の農村における焼畑の継続要因
藤澤 奈都穂
第27回日本熱帯生態学会研究発表/2017-06 - 手をかけないコーヒー栽培が育む森−パナマ農村の事例から
藤澤 奈都穂
民族自然誌研究会第89回例会「木かげの民族自然誌:茶・コーヒー・カカオのアグロフォレストリー」/2018-01-20 - アグロフォレストリーの生態人類学にむけて−茶・コーヒー・カカオ栽培の事例より
四方 篝; 藤澤 奈都穂; 佐々木 綾子; 佐藤 靖明
第23回生態人類学会研究大会/2018-03 - Conservation efforts for local rice varieties in Panama
藤澤 奈都穂
熱帯農業学会 第 127 回講演会/2019-03 - Key factors for the farmers' continuity of rice cultivation in swidden agriculture
藤澤 奈都穂
the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology (JASTE29)/2019-06-15 - Challenges and prospects for the expansion of coffee cultivation in the Amami Islands, Japan
藤澤 奈都穂
The 31th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology/2021-06-25--2021-06-27 - Food consumption practice shapes local landscape: a case study from Panama
Fujisawa Natsuho
4th International Forest Policy Meeting/2022-04-27--2022-04-29 - Food consumption habits as a key element for land management: a case study from agroforestry frontier in Chiapas, Mexico
Fujisawa Natsuho; Borda-Niño Monica
2022 FLARE Annual Meeting (8th Annual Meeting on Forests and Livelihoods)/2022-10-07--2022-10-10
- How agroforestry landscape complements local food security in a rural area in Chiapas, Mexico
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-12 International Studies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Seminar on Latin American Studies AII University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Seminar on Public Policy I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Seminar on Public Policy III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Internship abroad University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Internship abroad University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 International Partnership Study (Latin America) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 International Partnership Study (Latin America) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Seminar on Latin American Studies AI University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Seminar on Public Policy II University of Tsukuba. more...
(Last updated: 2024-12-24)