SEOL Jaehoon

Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Research fields
Sports science
Research keywords
Sleep Medicine
Exercise Physiology
Health Promotion
Career history
2024-04 -- (current)National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG)Department of Frailty Research, Center for Gerontology and Social ScienceVisiting Researcher
2024-06 -- (current)University of TsukubaInstitute of Health and Sport SciencesAssistant Professor
2024-01 -- 2024-05University of TsukubaInstitute of Health and Sport SciencesReseracher
2023-04 -- 2023-12National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (JNIOSH)Research Center for Overwork-Related DisordersReseracher
2021-09 -- (current)University of TsukubaInternational Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS)Visiting Researcher
2021-04 -- 2023-03Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceInstitute of Health and Sport Sciences, University of TsukubaJSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researcher
2020-10 -- (current)S’UIMIN Inc.Statistical analysis advisor
2020-04 -- 2021-03University of TsukubaR&D Center for Tailor-Made QOLReseracher
Academic background
2017-04 -- 2020-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences
2015-04 -- 2017-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences
2006-03 -- 2013-02Myeongji University Physical Education
2020-03Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sport SciencesUniversity of Tsukuba
Conference, etc.
  • 高齢者における手指作業能力と要介護化との量反応関係:かさまスタディによる長期追跡研究
    林 湳勲; 角田 憲治; 薛 載勲; 浅野 優次郎; 永田 康喜; 辻 大士; 藤井 啓介; 藤井 悠也; 神藤...
  • 在宅脳波計測デバイスを用いた睡眠時無呼吸患者の自動睡眠ステージ判定
    津本紗希; Jaehoon Seol; 堀江和正; 川名ふさ江; 富永杜絵; 千葉滋; 近藤英明; 吉嶺裕之; ...

(Last updated: 2024-06-17)