MORITA Masahiko
- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Professor
- Research fields
Intelligent informatics Cognitive science - Research keywords
Computational Neuroscience Neural Modeling Neural Network Associative Memory Brain-like Computing Neural Computation - Research projects
Establishment of a pre-depression biomarker using EEG analysis with shallow learning and its application to the early treatment of depression 2023-06 -- 2027-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) 25,870,000Yen Establishment of Situation-Adaptive Learning Technology Using Shallow Neural Networks and Its Application to Personal Assistance Systems. 2018-04 -- 2023-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 17,420,000Yen Solving the binding problem and modeling the integration process of multidimensional information based on the no-triplet hypothesis 2014-04 -- 2018-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 3,510,000Yen Function Approximation Using Selective Desensitization Neural Networks and its Applications 2010-04 -- 2014-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 17,810,000Yen 分散表現と自律ダイナミクスに基づく人間の情報処理の計算モデル 2009 -- 2011-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas 6,100,000Yen 結合問題に関する選択的不感化理論の検証 2007 -- 2010-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 3,200,000Yen 分散表現と自律ダイナミクスに基づく人間の情報処理の計算モデル 2007 -- 2009-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas 5,500,000Yen 分散表現と自律ダイナミクスに基づく人間の情報処理の計算モデル 2006 -- 2007-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas 3,100,000Yen 軌道アトラクタによる人間の動的パターン処理のモデル化 2004 -- 2006-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas 7,800,000Yen Trans-contextual inference system based only on distributed representations 2003 -- 2007-03 MORITA Masahiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 13,100,000Yen more... - Career history
2007-04 -- 2007-05 University of TsukubaAssociate Professor 2007-06 -- (current) University of TsukubaProfessor - Academic background
-- 1986 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering 計数工学科 -- 1991 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering 計数工学 - Degree
1991-03-29 Doctor of Engineering The University of Tokyo - Licenses and qualifications
1984-02-10 第二種情報処理技術者 1985-02-12 第一種情報処理技術者 - Academic societies
1993 -- (current) JAPANESE NEURAL NETWORK SOCIETY 1988 -- (current) THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS. 1985 -- (current) The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers - Honors & Awards
2018-01 日本視覚学会鵜飼論文賞 刺激の位置を含む複数属性と反応のマッピング学習 2016-08 日本学術振興会特別研究員等審査会専門委員(書面担当)表彰 1999 日本心理学会研究奨励賞 形と色の統合における局所結合の働き 1994 日本神経回路学会論文賞 Associative memory with nonmonotone dynamics 1993 日本神経回路学会研究賞 - Articles
- Brainwave activities reflecting depressed mood: a pilot study
Morita Masahiko; Otsu Ryusei; Kawasaki Masahiro
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1), 2023-09-04 - Reward prediction errors, not sensory prediction errors, play a major role in model selection in human reinforcement learning
Wu Yihao; Morita Masahiko; Izawa Jun
NEURAL NETWORKS/154/pp.109-121, 2022-10-1 - 結合錯誤から見た注意の時空間特性
森田 ひろみ; 森田昌彦
第9回生体・整理工学シンポジウム論文集/pp.19-22, 1994-11 - Improving time series prediction by the selective desensitization neural network based on synaptic weight analysis
Someno Shoichi; Horie Kazumasa; Ichiba Tomoki; Aki Tomoh...
Proceedings of the 2019 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, 2019-03 - Application of the Selective Desensitization Neural Network to Concept Drift Problems
Ichiba Tomoki; Horie Kazumasa; Someno Shoichi; Aki Tomoh...
Proceedings of the 2019 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, 2019-03 - Application of a Selective Desensitization Neural Network to Concept Drift Problems
市場 知樹; 堀江 和正; 染野 翔一; 安藝 友宏; 森田 昌彦
Journal of Signal Processing/23(4)/pp.145-149, 2019-07 - 選択的不感化ニューラルネットによる特徴量の有効性の分析
染野 翔一; 堀江 和正; 丹野智弘; 森田 昌彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌D/J102-D(8)/pp.567-574, 2019-07 - Visual Feature Integration of Three Attributes in Stimulus-Response Mapping Is Distinct From That of Two
Furutate Mizuki; Fujii Yumiko; Morita Hiromi; Morita ...
FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE/13/p.35, 2019-02 - Robustness of Selective Desensitization Perceptron against Irrelevant and Partially Relevant Features in Pattern Classification
Tomohiro Tanno; Kazumasa Horie; Izawa Jun; Morita Masahiko
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017)/pp.520-529, 2017-11 - 世界の子ども達をつなぐ遠隔操作ロボットシステム:コミュニケーション促進効果の検証
田中 文英; 高橋 利光; 松添 静子; 田沢 奈緒; 森田 昌彦
Proc. of JSAI/2013/pp.1B35-1B35, 2013 - 発達障害者の感覚過敏要因収集のためのスマートフォンアプリケーションの開発
田沢 奈緒; 綾屋 紗月; 熊谷 晋一郎; 森田 昌彦; 田中 文英
Proc. of JSAI/2014/pp.2E12-2E12, 2014 - Learning to Map Combinations of Attributes Including Stimulus Location to Responses
藤井佑実子; 森田 昌彦; 森田ひろみ
VISION/29(4)/pp.129-144, 2017-10 - Modeling the function of the ventral striatum in reinforcement learning based on the analysis of neuronal activity
篠塚正成; 森田昌彦; 設樂 宗孝
The IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (Japanese Edition)/J98-D(9)/pp.1277-1287, 2015-09 - Q-Learning in Continuous State-Action Space with Noisy and Redundant Inputs by Using a Selective Desensitization Neural Network
Kobayashi Takaaki; Shibuya Takeshi; Morita Masahiko
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND INTELLIGENT INFORMATICS/19(6)/pp.825-832, 2015-11 - Feature integration in the mapping of multi-attribute visual stimuli to responses
Ishizaki Takuya; Morita Hiromi; Morita Masahiko
Scientific Reports/5, 2015-03 - Direct estimation of hand motion speed from surface EMG using selective desensitization neural network
Kazumasa Horie; Atsuo Suemitsu; Morita Masahiko
Proceedings of the 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing/pp.661-664, 2014-2 - Telepresence Robot Helps Children in Communicating with Teachers who Speak a Different Language
Fumihide Tanaka; Toshimitsu Takahashi; Shizuko Matsuzoe; Nao...
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction/pp.399-406, 2014 - Child-Operated Telepresence Robot: a Field Trial Connecting Classrooms between Australia and Japan
Fumihide Tanaka; Toshimitsu Takahashi; Shizuko Matsuzoe; Nao...
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems/pp.5896-5901, 2013 - Evaluation of a Tricycle-Style Teleoperational Interface for Children: a Comparative Experiment with a Video Game Controller
Toshimitsu Takahashi; Masahiko Morita; Fumihide Tanaka
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication/pp.334-338, 2012 - 記憶の海馬モデル
コンピュートロール/24/p.46-52, 1988-01 - 連想記憶の神経回路モデル
科学/61/p.223-230, 1991-01 - 対連合記憶の神経回路モデル
森田昌彦; 末光厚夫
Advances in neurological sciences/45(2)/pp.317-327, 2001-04 - Memory of correlated patterns by associative neural networks with improved dynamics
Morita; M.; Yoshizawa; S.; Nakano; K.; +森田 昌彦
Proceedings of the 1990 International Neural Network Conference/2/p.868-871, 1990-01 - Analysis of dynamics of an associative neural network with a non-monotonic output function
Yoshizawa; S.; Morita; M.; Doya; K.; Amari; S.; +森田 昌彦
Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Artifical Neural Networks/1/p.255-260, 1991-01 - Capacity and spurious memory of associative memory using a non-monotonic neuron model
Yoshizawa; S.; Morita; M.; Amari; S.; +森田 昌彦
Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks/2/p.445-448, 1992-01 - more...
- Brainwave activities reflecting depressed mood: a pilot study
- Books
- BASICでつくる脳の情報システム
知能システム研究会著; +森田 昌彦
啓学出版, 1987-01 - ニューロコンピュータの基礎
中野 馨ほか著; +森田 昌彦
コロナ社, 1990-01 - Associative Neural Memories
M. Hassoun ed.; +森田 昌彦
Oxford University Press, 1993-01 - 脳とニューラルネット
甘利俊一・酒田英夫編; +森田 昌彦
朝倉書店, 1994-01 - 脳から心へ - 高次脳機能の解明に挑む
宮下保司・下條信輔編; +森田 昌彦
岩波書店, 1995-01 - Brain and Mind
M.Ito ed.; +森田 昌彦
Elsevier, 1997-01 - 脳と計算論
外山敬介・杉江昇編; +森田 昌彦
朝倉書店, 1997-01 - 脳科学大辞典
甘利俊一・外山敬介編; +森田 昌彦
朝倉書店, 2000-01 - 脳の高次機能
丹治順・吉澤修治編; +森田 昌彦
朝倉書店, 2001-01
- BASICでつくる脳の情報システム
- Conference, etc.
- Transfer of Multi-Attribute Stimulus-Response Mappings
Fujii Yumiko; Morita Masahiko; Morita Hiromi
APCV2017/2017-07-13--2017-07-17 - Direct Estimation of Wrist Joint Angular Velocities from Surface EMGs by Using an SDNN Function Approximator
Horie Kazumasa; Suemitsu Atsuo; Tanno Tomohiro; Morita...
23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP)/2016-10-16--2016-10-21 - Effects of separate presentation of visual attributes on stimulus-response mapping
Furutate Mizuki; Morita Hiromi; Morita Masahiko
APCV2015/2015-07-10--2015-07-12 - Integrated Representations of Shape,Color and Location in Stimulus-Response Mapping
Fujii Yumiko; Morita Masahiko; Morita Hiromi
APCV2015/2015-07-10--2015-07-12 - 軌道アトラクタを用いた視点に依存しない物体認識のモデル
小林遼太; 山根健; 森田昌彦
____123-124/2008-05 - 冗長次元を含む状態空間における選択的不感化ニューラルネットを用いた強化学習
新保智之; 山根健; 森田昌彦
__108_383_7-12/2009-01 - 観察角度に依存しない物体認識のニューラルネットモデル
小林遼太; 山根健; 森田昌彦
__5__145-146/2010-03 - 選択的不感化ニューラルネットを用いた関数近似器による強化学習
新保智之; 山根健; 田中文英; 森田昌彦
__5__147-148/2010-03 - 選択的不感化ニューラルネットを用いた表面筋電位信号からの手の動作推定
川田浩史; 山根健; 末光厚夫; 森田昌彦
__5__299-300/2010-03 - Discrimination of Hand Motion from Surface EMG Signals Using a Selective Desensitization Neural Network
川田浩史; 末光厚夫; 森田昌彦
__110_83_37-44/2010-06 - 選択的不感化ニューラルネットの2変数関数の近似能力
野中和明; 田中文英; 森田昌彦
__111_96_113-118/2011-06 - 選択的不感化ニューラルネットを用いた連続状態行動空間におけるQ学習
小林高彰; 澁谷長史; 田中文英; 森田昌彦
- Transfer of Multi-Attribute Stimulus-Response Mappings
- Intellectural property rights
- Classification estimating system and classification estimating program
森田 昌彦 - 関数近似装置、強化学習システム、関数近似システムおよび関数近似プログラム
森田 昌彦 - 動作識別装置および動作識別システム
森田昌彦; 川田浩史
- Classification estimating system and classification estimating program
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies X (Technical Writing Practice c) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies X (Technical Writing Practice c) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XII (Contributions for Academic Community) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XII (Contributions for Academic Community) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies VIII (Technical Writing Practice a) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies VIII (Technical Writing Practice a) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XIII (Activity Participation in Academic Social Action Program) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XIII (Activity Participation in Academic Social Action Program) University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2014-08 -- 2016-07 日本学術振興会 特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会書面審査委員 2000 -- 2001 JAPANESE NEURAL NETWORK SOCIETY 理事 2000 -- 2002 THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS. 情報・システムソサイエティ誌編集委員 2002 -- 2013-08 JAPANESE NEURAL NETWORK SOCIETY 論文委員 1995 -- 2014 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 生体・生理工学部会運営委員 1993 -- (current) THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS. 査読委員 2006-08 -- 2008-07 日本学術振興会 特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会書面審査委員 2010-12 -- 2012-11 日本学術振興会 科学研究費委員会専門委員 - University Management
2018-04 -- (current) 知能機能システム専攻PDCA委員会 委員長 2018-04 -- 2020-03 知能機能システム専攻 副専攻長 2018-04 -- 2020-03 システム情報系コンプライアンス推進委員会 委員 2016-04 -- 2018-03 システム情報工学研究科運営委員会 委員 2016-04 -- 2018-03 システム情報系運営委員会 委員 2016-04 -- 2018-03 知能機能システム専攻 専攻長 2016-04 -- 2018-03 知能機能工学域 域長 2013-11 -- (current) エンパワーメント情報学プログラム運営委員会 委員 2014-04 -- (current) エンパワーメント情報学プログラム学位審査委員会 委員長
(Last updated: 2025-01-07)